Mysterious journey

Chapter 1199 Suspicion 1

A few days later.

Garen washed the sweat off his body. He had just come back from the gym and was covered in stinky sweat. Standing in the bathroom, he recalled the events of the past few days and had a faint doubt in his heart.

Ye Shui is still under his supervision at the headquarters of the Infinite Department. The Infinite Department is also known as the Swordsmanship Department, and a small number of people in it are his former subordinates from a school department. Although his strength is not outstanding, he still has no problem taking care of Ye Shui.

That guy's soul power and strength had been temporarily disabled by his shock technique.

Come out of the bathroom.

He looked through a few extra documents on the table, which recorded what happened in the past few days.

Yuriwa has already gathered with the people sent and headed to the forest capital together. Looking for its mother light path. At the same time, it was also because he learned that his sister Yurijie was also found there.

‘Kong Xiaofei—Strength 6.2, Agility 6.2, Constitution 6.1, Intelligence 6.5. Potential 0%. Soul limit 55. ’

‘Potential – Void Stalker’

‘Soul Ring—Northern Halberdier Cold Flame True Water Evil Art (blue), Holy Phoenix Magic Book (black gold). Cold Prison Peacock Mother Soul Seed (white), unknown (transparent)’

'Unnamed Sword Skill +1 - Unnamed Realm, Effect: All sword skills +1 speed, strength, precision. produce unknown changes. ’

The new soul species has basically been integrated into the soul ring, and it has also had an impact on the soul limit, successfully improving the extreme physical fitness by five points.

"No wonder the Slaughterer is as physically strong as me. It's probably because the soul limit is so terrifying and the soul power is constantly nourished that he can improve so quickly. So, how many existences like him are there? Are there four cornerstones? Can everyone have such strong physical fitness?"

Garen couldn't tell. He casually looked through the documents on the table. Among them was the interrogation report of Ye Shui by the time travellers. It was encrypted and only he could understand it.

Picking up this document, it clearly records the relatively detailed upper-level situation of this world.

‘The King of Divine Patterns—Slayer, Poseidon, Sword Master. ’

These three are among the top three on the document. Among the four cornerstones, only the Slayer ranks among the top three in combat power in the world.

The document states that based on data calculations, in this world, even the four cornerstones must survive long enough to be nourished by soul power before their physical fitness can reach an extremely high level. On average, the physical fitness of a massacrer He should have reached the general level in the mother river system. He is in the middle of the five levels of warrior, team, general, legion, and devil.

But considering that it has a soul ring, it has extremely terrifying development potential. The overall rating is S.

Because of Poseidon's incomparable strength and body, he practiced Mirage Qigong, and his body hardness and strength reached incredible levels. However, the level of his soul power is not high, one is strong and the other is weak, so he is also rated S-level overall.

As for the Sword Master, he was a powerful genius who had only risen to power less than a year ago. He followed the Mother River System. His physical fitness was initially estimated to be at the level of a general. In a battle with the Slaughterer, his strength would be even stronger than the opponent's. The overall evaluation is S level.

In the document, it is said that these three people are the three strongest individual combatants in the world. They give advice and can choose to escape as soon as possible if encountering them. It belongs to the invincible level.

Next are the Black Federation’s military flag, battle flag, Vulture’s number one and number two, and others. The overall ranking is A grade.

"It's interesting." Garen has long been accustomed to being in a high position. No matter which world he has traveled through, he is very familiar with this high position and situation.

"If we judge based on this data file, the ones who can pose a threat to me should be the Slayer and Poseidon. So is the backstage of the White Crab Army Poseidon?" He touched his chin thoughtfully.

Putting down the document, he flipped through another supporting document.

This is a detailed investigation of the world's top military forces, including himself. All the skills and sword techniques used are recorded in extremely detailed records, and even some subtle habits that he himself did not notice were all recorded. is recorded above.

There are also Poseidon and Slaughterer, and the stunts they used are all recorded on it.

Garen flipped through it with gusto, Poseidon didn't look at it for now, mainly the Slaughterer. There was actually a record of one person defeating a 3,000-man mechanical army, which was very ferocious.

Three thousand people! Even if they stand side by side and don't resist and are killed, they will be killed until their arms become weak. But the massacre actually did it, and for this reason he was named the massacre by various governments and became a wanted criminal against humanity.

displayed on the information.

The Slaughterer has been injured and disappeared since he was encircled and suppressed by the Three Kingdoms last time, and there is no news yet.

Garen's mood after resting for so long has revived with the discovery of soul power and soul seeds. Since he has absorbed soul seeds, it means that even in this low-level world of martial arts, he has the possibility of progress, so he cannot neglect it. .

Clean up your mood.

He opened the drawer, and there was a white panel inside. There were a hundred names densely arranged on the panel. Some names had white lights on, while others were off.

But most of them are lit, with small numerical rankings on the front.

Garen's eyes went directly to the top thirty rankings. A name quickly landed on it.

He reached out and pressed the name.

"Two-tailed scorpion reports to you!" A woman's voice suddenly came from under the name.

"With manpower under number eighty, you are free to choose five people to form a team to investigate the whereabouts of dreamers and mind readers. Remember to be more secretive and try not to be discovered by agents from the other two countries. If it is unavoidable, try to delay it as much as possible. Discovered time.”

Garen instructed.

As a top Vulture executive, he has the right to mobilize any Vulture personnel below number 20 at any time. There are certain restrictions for those above number 20, and those below number 10 need to ask the No. 1 chief for instructions. But now that No. 1 and No. 2 are not here, naturally he has full power to make the decision.

"Understood. What are the execution time and final requirements?" the woman said decisively.

"Within one year, it is required to locate at least the approximate area. Of course, you can choose not to accept this task." Garen said in a low voice.

There was no reply immediately, but he pondered for a while. Then he spoke again.

"What's the mission reward?"

"Don't you always want to retire? I will ask No. 1 for instructions and give you approval as much as possible. Of course, it depends on your performance on this mission. Another 10 million working capital will be used as a mission reward. Is it enough?"

"That's enough! I'll take over the mission." The two-tailed scorpion said decisively. In fact, her external identity is just a housewife, but in fact she is a beautiful spy with excellent concealment and disguise skills. She has caused many major incidents in the world, but in the end she was not found to be responsible. He is also very powerful in terms of force. He has mechanized his right arm and has the title of Qilin Arm. In addition, he habitually smears his own secret poison on his right arm, so he is recognized as a two-tailed scorpion terror killer.

In terms of camouflage and assassination abilities, Garen's flattery cannot compare to her. No matter how strong his frontal strength is, after all, he has specialization in the art.

"Then I'll leave everything to you." Garen said formally. His voice was low and full of purpose.

Suddenly, the two-tailed scorpion's heart felt warm, and he felt moved to serve the country without giving up.

"I'll try!"

Communication is disconnected.

Garen closed the drawer quietly. The savior Yuriva is the key to the plot and cannot be moved. The Slayer is extremely powerful. Even if he went into battle in person, it would only be 50%. Moreover, the Slayer obviously had not used all his strength that day, and the outcome was unknown.

But the other two cornerstones who have always been low-key and mysterious should also have soul rings, so I can't blame myself.

Garen has basically judged that since the Slaughterer can split the soul crystal and soul seed so freely, it is obvious that his own soul power far exceeds the soul crystal. Even if he does not get the soul ring, he can at least make his soul power more powerful. With great supplementation, you might be able to enter a higher level soul seed stage.

"It's time to calm down. I've been playing for so long." The relaxation on Garen's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a touch of calmness and depression.

He thought for a while and directly passed a rough geographical range to the Two-tailed Scorpion. That was the only place mentioned in the original plot where mind readers lived. There are also some information about the mind reader's name, appearance, and other things that are passed to the two-tailed scorpion one by one.


Amidst the rushing sound of the stream, the black river slowly flows towards the dense forest in the distance along the river surrounded by trees.

The river water is not black, but the silt at the bottom of the river makes the river water appear black when viewed from above. The black surface reflects the surrounding trees. There are several big trees and even tree roots that go directly into the river, surrounded by some swaying water plants.

The sunset rays cast down and fall on the gray-yellow soil by the river.


A small tuft of green grass by the river was severely stepped on by black leather boots. Yuriva squatted down and took a sip of river water with both hands.

"Great!!" he shouted.

Two more people came over from behind. They were both wearing tight-fitting white leather jackets and were extremely conspicuous in the woods. Moreover, it is a combination of a man and a woman, only thirty years old.

"The water here is not polluted. It is absolutely pure mountain spring water. But drink less to avoid abdominal pain." The man wore a white metal sleeve on one ear and covered one eye with a black goggle. He was a one-eyed dragon.

"I was originally supposed to go to Posuoluo Island for vacation. If the emergency mobilization order hadn't been issued, I wouldn't have been willing to come over and take care of a rookie like you." The woman also squatted down and washed her hands with water.

"Thank you very much." Yuriva said with a smile, without anger. Now he is no longer the young boy he was before. His rich experience allows him to understand when and what kind of attitude is needed for whom.

Among the men and women in white, the man is an egret, while the woman is a bat. The common feature that both of them have strengthened is the eyes, but they have different divisions of labor.

"After a day's journey, how far is it before we reach our destination, the Forest City?" the egret asked in a low voice.

Bat glanced at his watch.

"It's about 6,400 kilometers. Even if we reach the speed limit, it will take at least three days to get there."

"Why don't we take a plane there?" Yuriwa asked.

"It's useless. The plane's route is too easy to find and your whereabouts will be easily exposed. Protecting your safety is the first priority now. This is the mission we have received. The second is to find Yuri Jie."

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