Mysterious journey

Chapter 1200 Suspicion 2

"Xiaojie." Yuriwa's expression dropped, but strangely he didn't look worried, but had a strange look on his face. After having an inexplicable relationship with that girl, she disappeared the next day. No clues were left, name, identity, background, address, nothing.

But Yuriwa always had an inexplicable feeling of familiarity, which made him feel indescribable.

"What's wrong with you?" The bat's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Nothing." Yuriva came back to his senses. Recalling the madness that night, he still felt slightly intoxicated.

The three of them continued on their way.

Riding their respective heavy motorcycles, several days passed quickly as they stopped and stopped.

The Forest City finally gradually appeared in front of them.

There are more and more vehicles on the roadside. Those who pass by each other and those who are overtaken by them become more and more dense. The roads become wider and wider. The trees on both sides become taller and straighter. They have changed from the original winding and medium-dwarf trees to Uncles who are getting taller and taller.

Standing in the woods, all you can see at a glance are tall trees as straight as bamboo stuck in the ground.

Forest City has a nice name, but it's actually just an ordinary town built in a sea of ​​trees. But it is a famous tourist attraction in Sri Lanka. So there are many tourists.

The three of them left their motorcycles in a car dealership, paid some money, and started walking around the streets of Forest City.

The street is spacious and bright, paved with white slates, and is flanked on both sides by small old black houses, which are open shops. There are rows of simple stalls outside the steps of the shops, selling all kinds of specialties. .

Bat took the lead and walked directly towards the vulture intelligence contact point here, followed by Egret. The core of his mission was to protect Yuriwa.

Yuriva looked around in a daze, not knowing what he was looking for.


Suddenly, a man in black clothes bumped into his shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Yuriva quickly came to his senses and looked at the other person covering his shoulders and frowning.

"You don't have eyes when you walk!" the man cursed in a low voice, but when he saw the egret approaching from the side, his expression suddenly changed slightly and he quickly left.

Yuriwa still wanted to apologize, but when he found that the other party had already walked away and disappeared into the crowd after a few moments, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He put his hand into his belt, and suddenly his expression changed slightly. He looked down and then his expression returned to normal. Just as the egret turned its head to stare at the man in black, he didn't notice anything strange about him.

"What's wrong? I'm distracted on the street."

"It's okay." Yuriva smiled and shook his head.

"That's good." The egret turned around and walked in front of him to clear the way. The crowd was getting thicker and tighter.

When the egret wasn't paying attention, its back was turned to him.

Yuriva lowered his head and took out a small piece of paper from his trouser pocket, unfolded it and saw a line of small words written on it.

‘Be careful of those around you. ’

He quickly put the note into his trouser pocket and looked around, but found no whereabouts of the man just now. The matter came to an end, but it gave Yuriva an extra thought.

After the Vulture people arranged accommodation at night, the three of them went to sleep separately, waiting for the intelligence personnel here to send back news about Yuri Jie and her mother's light path.

The intelligence personnel here also deliver messages to the equinox at fixed times.

Soon, intelligence personnel had specific information.

Someone found a clue near the Forest City.

The three of them rushed over.


In the dense forest, the gray-black ground was covered with a layer of white cloth, and there seemed to be a human body lying underneath. There was a stench all around, and it was unknown how long the body had been dead.

The fresh morning air was completely polluted by the stench of corpses.

Yuriwa, Bat, and Egret squatted down next to the corpse, untied the white cloth, and carefully inspected the condition of the corpse. There was a police cordon surrounding the area, and more than a dozen police officers were waiting for the results.

"He is a male, between thirty and forty-five years old, bald, wearing black clothes, without any identification on his body. The muscle fiber tissue shows that he exercised in a glasses factory, and it is not a simple strength training exercise, more like It's mixed martial arts in nature," Bat explained in a low voice, she is an expert in this field.

Egret listened carefully, but Yuriwa's pupils shrank slightly the first time he saw the corpse's face. The corpse was clearly that of the man in black who had stuffed the note to him when he first came here that day.

He recalled that this scene had happened before, and someone had also given him a note, telling him not to waste his efforts and to go back to gather quickly.

Go back to gather? What collection? Why do you say don't waste your efforts?

And now this person tells himself that someone around him has a problem. Be careful about the people around you. This sentence can have two meanings. One refers to the people around you, and the other refers to the people close to you.

I don’t know what the other person wants to say. Thinking of this, he involuntarily clenched the knife in his hand.

And now the other party is dead like this.

Yuriwa remembered clearly that this person was definitely the man in black who stuffed the note to him.

"I've found something!" Suddenly the bat next to him let out a soft cry. He used tweezers to take out a small electronic chip from under the skin of the man in black's arm. It was black and seemed to be made of some kind of alloy.

"Check it and analyze the structure. This standard chip belongs to one of the universal formats." Bat handed it to Egret, who was an expert in this area.

Bailu quickly took out a special watch-like instrument, wiped the chip clean and inserted it into it, and soon the information was available.

"This is a positioning tracking chip!" He was suddenly surprised.

"What position?"

Boom! !

Suddenly, the nearby police officers were swallowed up by the violent explosion flames, and small missiles flew from a distance, directly blowing up the police car that was caught off guard.

The reddish-golden fire ignited the nearby grass and trees, and the fire spread immediately, sending out billowing white smoke.

The three Yurivas were severely shaken by the explosion, and they all lay down on the ground to avoid the shock wave.

Some slower-moving police officers were directly blown away by the shock wave, and were thrown far away without knowing whether they were alive or dead.

Boom boom boom! ! !

In the continuous explosions, none of the missiles hit the location where the three of them were, and all the surrounding locations were hit. Apparently the attacker did it deliberately.

The police officers were so stunned that the whole venue was completely cleared.

In the fire, a three-meter-tall figure walked towards the three of them step by step, not afraid of the surrounding flames.

"It's you again!!" The moment Yuriwa saw the figure clearly, he couldn't help but look ferocious. "Where's Xiaojie!? What did you do to Xiaojie!?!!!"

he roared violently.

The figure stepped out of the firelight and gradually became clearer.

It was a three-meter-tall black robot with a triangular head and a strange pattern of a white crab engraved on its chest. The entire body was as thick and powerful as the stone pillars supporting the house. There are some dark lines on the skin all over the body, and you can tell at a glance that it is extremely heavy and hard.

There is a round launch port on each of its arms. White smoke is still slowly emitting at this moment, the edges are slightly red, and the temperature is terrifyingly high. It is obvious that he fired the missile burst just now.

"If you want to see your sister, then come with me. Savior." The robot made a low and rich voice.

"Don't listen to him!" the egret shouted. One hand suddenly unfolded and turned into an extremely sharp double-edged triangular knife, glowing with a bright red fire. "This guy is from the White Crab Army. They just attacked your friend Kyuubi and the others!"

"Hey." The robot's movements became faster in an instant. It aimed its arms downwards, fired, and fired missiles. He didn't react in a hurry until it was almost in front of the egret.

boom! ! !

The egret rolled awkwardly to another place, barely avoiding the attack just now. With a sharp kick of his legs, he ejected with a bang and rushed straight towards the robot from another angle.

The bat rolled to the side and opened its mouth to roar silently at the robot.

Waves of invisible sound wave interference suddenly caused the robot's body to sway slightly.

Both of them are top-ranked experts among the vultures, so naturally they will not be defeated so easily.

Yuriva quickly separated from the two of them, avoided the flames, drew out his long knife, and went around the robot's back. Regardless of whether what the robot says is true or false, defeat the opponent first.

The robot sneered.

"Even if the strongest of your vultures, the Sword Master, comes in person, I won't take it seriously, let alone you trash who are not even ranked in the top ten!"

boom! !

A clear shock wave erupted from his body out of thin air, spreading out fiercely to the surroundings, immediately knocking over the bat's sound wave and the egret's sprint, while Yuriva was slightly stronger, full of the special ability of a savior. When activated, the person's skin turns red, and his speed and explosive power are even higher.

"The wind ahead!"

Uh-huh! !

Silver light shone, and the distance between the robot and Yuriva shortened instantly.


red country

On a rural street in the suburbs of Aix, the headquarters of the Protestant Church.

Black cars drove slowly into this remote village.

These black cars slowly stopped in front of a small brown-red wooden house. A white street lamp stood in front of the wooden house, glowing with a faint white light in the night. Together with the white floor lamps embedded between the stone slabs on the ground nearby, It constitutes the only light source nearby.

A woman got out of the black car at the front.

"This is it." She wore a high ponytail, and her silver hair was blowing slightly to the left in the wind. She was tall and had wheat-colored skin. She was wearing a green tube top and denim shorts, giving people a toned and explosive look.

"As one of the four cornerstones, you actually try to live an ordinary life. How stupid." Another man, who was neither male nor female, wore heavy makeup and walked out of the car. He looked at Lan Huazhi and stared at the wooden house in front of him with disdain.

"Everyone else, get out of the car." The woman whispered.

Immediately, all the cars opened their doors, and waves of well-trained personnel in uniform black uniforms began to clear the onlookers near the venue. The security department's cordon was quickly put up, and the area of ​​several hundred meters nearby was completely enclosed into a restricted area.

"This is the Red Country. It will be solved in ten minutes." The woman strode towards the wooden house and kicked open the fence outside the wooden house.

If the information is correct, the mind reader at this moment should not be fully awakened yet. It's absolutely easy to catch someone.

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