Mysterious journey

Chapter 1201 Change 1

Bang, the door was kicked open violently.

Inside, a sleepy-eyed man in pajamas was holding a hammer and doing something unknown. Behind him was a seven or eight-year-old boy hiding.

"Who are you!?" Seeing uniformed officers in black uniforms rushing in, the man suddenly looked panicked.

"Take them away." The woman waved her hand, and several big men like wolves and tigers rushed out from behind and grabbed the men and boys.

Bang! !

Suddenly there was a gunshot, and the two people who rushed towards him fell to the ground, knocking the man slightly, and a bright spot of blood splattered on his head.

"There is a sniper! Hidden!" The woman was suddenly startled. She yelled and pulled out her gun and rolled over. Two bullet holes appeared at the same place where she was originally standing. It penetrated deeply into the wooden planks of the ground.

Bang bang bang! ! A burst of rapid gunshots was heard outside, and Vulture's men in black quickly counterattacked.

"Sure enough, I was expected by the adults!" The two-tailed scorpion shot the mind reader's right leg with a cold expression and scoffed.

There was a flash of blood.

"Stop now! Otherwise I will kill him!!" The two-tailed scorpion yelled decisively.

Suddenly, the gunshots outside and the screams of the men in black stopped quickly. Obviously the other party is also very nervous, fearing that she will defeat the enemy and directly kill the mind reader. Even if one of the four cornerstones dies, he can be resurrected within a year, but it would be very troublesome to know his whereabouts so easily.

The two-tailed scorpion slowly straightened up and looked at the trembling man and boy. His face was cold and he moved slowly against the wall. At the same time, he walked to the door and glanced outside.

There were more than ten people brought this time in the open space outside.

"Damn it!"

She couldn't help but curse.

This time they brought a total of more than twenty people, and most of them were killed in one go.

"Follow me!" She quickly walked to the mind reader, stretched out her hand and grabbed the mind reader's neck.


Suddenly, a chill came from his vest. The two-tailed scorpion didn't have time to think too much. He squatted down hard, gave up on blocking the mind reader, and fired a shot with his backhand.


A woman's muffled groan sounded from behind her at the same time. The two-tailed scorpion rolled over to escape the cold air. Looking back, she saw a dazzling silver dagger precisely piercing the spot where she had just stood.

"Let's go!" The woman's cold voice sounded, and the mind-reader picked up his son, his speed increased sharply, and he rushed out of the door.

Bang! !

The sniper rifle sounded again.

The two-tailed scorpion was just about to stand up and catch up when it suddenly turned sideways and its arm hurt. Almost got hit. A large piece of flesh was directly wiped off the right arm.

"Shit!! If the elites hadn't been scattered and searching everywhere!!" Her main elite force, the top experts, were scattered throughout the suburbs to search. If the manpower was concentrated, there would be no chance for the snipers to be so rampant.

Watching the mind reader escape, the two-tailed scorpion paused slightly with his right leg and stepped lightly on the ground.

Bang bang bang! !

She fired three shots in succession towards her right side in an instant, and all three shots hit the same hole. The bullet flew upward diagonally. Suddenly the sniper rifle went silent.

The feeling over the years told the two-tailed scorpion that the other party had been shot.

At this time, the mind reader had already run a long way away, turned a corner and disappeared around the corner. Before the subordinates who were hiding could react, they saw the two-tailed scorpion rushing out of the house.

"Chase! We can't let them run away!!" The two-tailed scorpion looked ferocious. This was the key to whether she could successfully retire! There is absolutely no room for error!

In the moment of fighting just now, he could feel that if she knew in advance that there was a sniper, even if the opponent was hiding and she was hiding, she could easily locate and kill the opponent with her modified sensing ability. What a pity it was too sudden!

A group of men in black immediately separated into several people to pursue the mind reader, leaving two people to deal with the body.


"Being rescued?"

Garen frowned and stood on the roof of the tall building. The cold night wind blew his hair slightly, giving him a relaxed and relaxed temperament, but at this moment, his mood was far from as relaxed and happy as he appeared.

"Someone is capable of taking someone away from you. Do you know who he is?" He grabbed the fence with his back to the roof of the building and leaned directly on it.

The two-tailed scorpion gritted his teeth over there.

"Don't worry, I've asked my brothers to hang them up, and I won't let any of them go. Bai Quan also came out with me this time."

"I'm assured of his tracking ability, but what's the opponent's strength?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Except for the sniper who is more experienced, the other woman has average skills. As long as she finds an opportunity to intercept them, the sniper will not have any chance to escape!!" The two-tailed scorpion felt that this was the first time in history that it was an absolute shame!

"With all due respect, sir, there must be some insiders in the team, otherwise I would be able to be located and ambushed in advance if I dispersed the team and searched everywhere! This is unrealistic!" the Two-tailed Scorpion said coldly.

"I apply for support from psychiatrist Lan Hai."

"Lan Hai?" Jia Long frowned slightly. Lan Hai ranks twenty-sixth among the vultures. He has almost no strong melee and long-range combat abilities, but his greatest weapon is not combat, but his mind and strategy. Calculate your enemies while strengthening your own side.

"Are you sure you don't need additional support?" he repeated.

"No need! As long as Lan Hai comes, there will be no problem! I was caught off guard this time, and the elite are not around, otherwise there would be no accident." The two-tailed scorpion said fiercely.

Her mission evaluation is related to whether she can retire this time. According to regulations, once she applies for the support of more than two ranking masters, the mission will no longer be an independent mission. Even if it is completed, the mission reward will be reduced by 80%.

"I'll give you five days." Garen said calmly.

"Five days. Understood! The mission must be completed!" The two-tailed scorpion agreed fiercely.

Garen disconnected the phone and looked at the night view of Suzuran City in the distance, feeling a little complicated.

"Inside? Haha. It seems that even the lighthouse of the time traveler organization has its own selfish motives."

The person who can find a mind reader who has not revealed his previous identity is almost unlikely to be anyone other than the time traveler.

They laid an ambush on the edge beforehand, probably waiting for the best opportunity. Once the mind reader awakens his ability, he will decisively copy the divine pattern. But he didn't expect Garen to directly send people to rob him openly.

"If there is another time traveler with the strength of the Nine-tailed Fox, it will indeed be more troublesome."

Garen thought for a moment.

He quickly went downstairs, returned to his office, opened the drawer, and looked at the rows of names with the white lights still on.

Among them, fifteen of the top twenty people have white lights on, which shows that they are all free.

Garen scanned a circle of names and quickly settled on one person's name.

Angelou the Butcher. Ranked eleven.

Those who rank in the top ten have absolute combat power that can guard a large province. They are very fierce. Galen estimates that even according to the danger rating standards given by Ye Shui, those in the top ten can all reach the A-level level. The difference is The difference lies in the difference between high and low in A level.

Such masters can have large or small tyrannical elite organizations under their command. There is also an unfilial influence throughout Sri Lanka.

But Butcher is an exception. He is the only master whose own strength reaches the top ten, but because he does not have enough power, he does not enter the top ten.

Eighty percent of his body has been transformed into mechanical devices, comparable to the Terminator in Earth movies. His character is bloodthirsty and violent, and he likes the most powerful defenses and armors. Even among the top ten in terms of defensive ability, only two people can compare with it.

Press the name lightly.

Garen calmed down his mood.

"Angelou. Is there a mission you can take on?"

"Is it number three?" A rough man's voice came from the other party. "If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. I'm going to go fishing soon." The fishing he was talking about was not really fishing, but an underground death fighting arena.

The butcher didn't have much respect for Garen. In his opinion, it was the greatest insult to him to have a mere brat under twenty climb on his head.

But after challenging Garen many times and being easily defeated, although he was still unconvinced, he could at least maintain his respect for Garen on the surface. After all, a leg was chopped off alive and had to be replaced with a prosthetic limb. Such a tragic failure would definitely make him unforgettable for the rest of his life.

"The Two-tailed Scorpion was blocked by someone when it captured an important person. The other party was very troublesome. They may be familiar with your abilities and the Two-tailed Scorpion's abilities. They even know us vultures very well. So this time Want to invite you"

"Stop talking nonsense, what's the reward!?" the butcher said impatiently.

Garen smiled slightly.

"The reward will definitely satisfy you." He paused deliberately, "Don't you want to acquire a hydropower station in Kesla? I can help you."

"." The butcher didn't speak immediately, but his breathing was obviously much heavier.

"Are you serious!?" His voice suddenly dropped.

The price of that hydropower station is second, mainly because the relationship behind it is complicated. It's related to the Butcher's former big enemy, and it's also related to the Butcher's revenge plan. So he couldn't help but not be tempted.

Because once Garen takes action, it means that as No. 3, he may help the butcher deal with that enemy. Such potential impact is not ordinary.

"Seriously." Garen said calmly, although doing so would cause him to suffer some loss of connections. But it doesn't matter, the enhancement of the soul ring is the core, everything else can be put aside.

If he hadn't been in control of the overall situation and couldn't be separated for the time being, he would have even planned to take action personally.

"Okay! I'll take over this task!" the butcher said decisively. Immediately start asking for specific goals, relevant information, and other information.

Even though he was a lone ranger, he still had his own network of contacts. Everything was quickly arranged, and Garen turned off the communication.

"The only thing to do now is to wait." He sat on the chair and curled the corners of his mouth slightly.

With the Butcher out and the two-tailed scorpion in tow, unless it was a master of the Nine-tailed Fox level, it was unlikely that anyone would be able to withstand it.

And the current whereabouts of the nine-tailed fox is under his control, and it is absolutely impossible to rush away.

The only thing I worry about is other time travellers. But how many other masters are there at the level of Nine-Tailed Fox?

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