Mysterious journey

Chapter 120 Fierce Battle 1

Inside the manor

Su Lin stood by the window of the room, folding his arms and looking out the window.

"Here they are. They didn't hide it at all!" There was excitement and solemnity in his eyes, but more importantly, there was expectation.

"Former four generals of Nantian Holy Fist Sect, let me see how strong you are."

As a warrior, he also has the yearning and pursuit of higher skills.


In the changing room

Garen had just put on half of the black tights, and suddenly his movements stopped.

"The enemies are here, do you still have time to hang out here?"

He tilted his head and said with a cold tone.

"You'd better care more about yourself and don't get killed by the four kings back then!" Eight-armed Dragon King Yoda sneered and walked out of the shadows. He carried eight densely packed black heavy snipers on his back, like a black fan-shaped peacock screen, and more like the wings on his back, giving him a cold and dangerous temperament.

"I hope your skills are as good as your mouth." Garen put on his clothes, turned around and walked out of the room.

"You too!" Yoda said no more, turned upside down and disappeared into the shadows instantly.

The door slowly closed behind Garen and he strode toward the corridor exit.


There are still hundreds of meters away from the outside of the manor.

Under the sun, the shade of the trees swayed, and a few leaves fell from time to time.

Suddenly, several black objects were thrown directly into the manor.

Bang bang!

After several gunshots, the black thing exploded and turned into several balls of fire.

At the same time, several muffled groans suddenly came from the holes in the manor wall. The secretly ambush guard fell to the ground, with blood holes appearing on his forehead.

Woo! ! !

The alarm sounded instantly.


The gate of the manor was blown open by a ball of fire. Red flames splashed onto the soldiers behind the door like liquid, instantly igniting upon contact.

A human-shaped torch screamed and struggled wildly, and soon fell to the ground, and the fire became more and more intense.

Three black shadows flashed in from outside the manor, like three black lines.


There was a faint gunshot, and several points of fire lit up on one of the black figures at the same time.

Several snipers high up in the manor fell down at the same time, lying on the barrels of their guns.

The machine gun bullets fired with bang bang bang, and after splashing a series of black soil on the ground behind the black shadow, it immediately became completely misfired.

Two groups of soldiers quickly ran out from both sides of the building facing the gate of the manor. Some soldiers rolled and made a series of difficult evasions. However, just as they were halfway through the action, a blood hole appeared on their foreheads and they fell to the ground.

Three black figures stood on the green lawn in the center of the manor, all wearing black cloaks. Even their faces were hidden under the cloaks, and nothing could be seen.

Behind them, dozens of quick-moving green-clad subordinates rushed in quickly, all carrying submachine guns and wearing green masks. As soon as these people entered the manor, they quickly exchanged fire with the internal guards.

"Follow the plan." The man in black cloak who was walking at the front said calmly, his voice hoarse.

"They are not together. They are in different locations. And they are far away from each other. They are protected by a large number of soldiers, maybe in disguise. What should we do?" Another black cloak whispered. His voice sounded low amid the gunshots and explosions, but the other two people obviously heard him clearly.

"Split the troops? Play a guessing game? Since they have this intention, let's separate too." The leader of the black shadow said calmly. "They want to use the number of soldiers to consume our strength. Maybe they have already planned to gather them all together now. We have to act fast. Otherwise, we will be in trouble when more guards surround us."

"It doesn't matter. The area of ​​this manor includes the entire lake. If they want to get closer, it will take at least a few minutes to get close to each other. That's enough." A cold female voice came from the last black figure.

"Do it. Find the target and send the signal!"

Before they finished speaking, the three of them flew in different directions. A black grenade happened to land on the original position of the three of them and exploded.


In a small stone house by the lake.

Su Lin's sisters, Arisi and Galen, were sitting at the coffee table leisurely drinking scented tea.

One end of the stone house is open, with stone steps leading down into the lake. The clear and transparent lake water ripples on the white stone steps, and some green water plants rush up from time to time.

The sun shines on the lake, and the reflected water light is printed on the faces of the two people, making the waves sparkling and a little dazzling.

"The afternoon is so leisurely." Arisi was half lying on the wicker chair, her hair spread on the white pillow above the chair, looking lazy and charming.

She stretched out her long white fingers to cover the water in her eyes.

"I really want to take a nap." She even lowered her voice slowly.

"No more than half an hour. If you really want to sleep, I can wake you up." Garen sat aside, holding a cup of red scented tea and drinking it slowly. "You can't stand it after just the first few days. I finally understand why you keep practicing until you can't even get started."

He glanced at the lazy Irisi. "If you don't have the most basic perseverance and persistence in practicing martial arts, it will be difficult for you to really get started."

"But I just want to sleep~~" Irisi has become familiar with her during this time. She is no longer the elegant lady she was when we first met her. Instead, she always looks lazy and charming. "Lack of sleep is a woman's natural enemy."

The girl turned sideways and curled up, suddenly staring at Garen with interest.

"By the way, Master Garen, have you found a girlfriend now?"

"I haven't had this idea yet." Garen shrugged, "Don't bring the topic to me."

"But I'm really tired," Irisi said coquettishly, "Maintenance, grooming, reading and studying, and handling work. There are so many things every day, and you must get enough rest to ensure the elasticity of your skin."

"But you're like this" Boom! ! Woo.

Before Garen could finish his words, he was interrupted by a roaring explosion, followed by the piercing sound of an alarm.

He looked in astonishment towards the direction of the manor buildings where the sound came from.

"Don't worry, they are probably conducting military exercises again." Irisi smiled easily, but her originally soft and lazy eyes suddenly became as sharp as knives.

She stood up, got off the lounge chair, and looked towards the manor. Then he secretly glanced at a small pattern on the right corner of the stone house, and the pattern automatically turned silently.

Finally came Ansara.

She combed her fingers through the long hair on the side of her face and tied it up gently. Although he was smiling, there was an icy chill deep in his eyes.

"Master Garen, let's go. For drills, we'd better go to a special soundproof room, otherwise the sound will be very noisy."

"I have no objection." Garen then stood up.


Suddenly there was a strange little sound outside the door.

The pattern on the wall slowly turned half a circle counterclockwise again.

Arisi immediately stopped taking steps.

So fast!

Her pupils shrank, and the movement of the pattern showed that the enemy had arrived outside the house, and Colonel Moon, who was responsible for protecting her, was already facing the opponent.

This also has another meaning: the enemy has completely blocked them here. Ask her not to go out and wait for the results.

The original plan was to head to a location to concentrate efforts once the sirens were heard. They are not far apart from each other and it only takes a few minutes to join them directly.

But now the opponent's speed is unexpectedly fast. It's actually already here.

"It's better to sit down and rest first. I suddenly felt a little tired again." Irisi sat down slowly with a smile.

Garen followed her and sat down, his eyes moving slightly, already knowing that something might be wrong.



Colonel Mu En slowly retracted the thorn chain in his hand.

The end of the spike chain was firmly stuck in the throat of a green masked man, with a little blood on it. The silver chain shook and quickly retracted into his hand, like a silver snake.

Putting away the thorn chain, he glanced around with cold eyes.

On the ground beside the surrounding lake, the corpses of more than a dozen mysterious soldiers dressed in green were already lying. Some of them were stabbed in the head, some in the throat, and some in the heart.

Blood flowed all over the ground, gradually turning part of the yellow river beach red.

"Sir." Several soldiers in yellow-brown uniforms trotted up to Mu En and stood at attention in salute. "All assault enemies have been cleared! Please give the next instructions!"

"Very good." Mu En glanced at the two of them, "How is the situation in the manor now?"

"Everything is going according to plan." The soldier replied immediately.

Just as Mu En opened her mouth to speak, her expression suddenly changed and her body rolled to the left.

Bang bang!

After two gunshots, the two soldiers fell to the ground clutching their hearts.

Mu En fired two shots with her backhand without even looking, and then rolled away, leaving the spot and turning over.

Unexpectedly, after the enemy dodged the bullet, he stayed behind him. Just when he turned over, the opponent also turned around again and stayed behind him.

Mu En snorted coldly and turned around again. The white pistol in his hand actually fired four shots in a row, sweeping in any direction where the opponent might be hiding.

At the same time, he stepped back, and two bullet holes suddenly appeared in front of his feet.

"And silenced guns? There's more than one person!"

He lifted his feet back, bringing up a large amount of river sand, and at the same time secretly threw a black grenade.

Mu En jumped forward and rolled over continuously.


There was a dull explosion behind him. A large amount of river sand was splashed up and scattered on him like rain.

Mu En stood up suddenly, and the silver chain in his hand suddenly shot forward.


The spikes of the chain were blocked and suddenly wrapped around a black pistol equipped with a silencer.

Standing in front of Mu En were two identical twin women, with delicate faces and green hair and eyes. The two were wearing tight-fitting green clothing that resembled military uniforms.

"You actually didn't die like this." One of the twins said harshly.

"It doesn't matter. It's good for me to take over. It just shows that I, Lord Salmon, am the number one figure in the Green Army!"

Beside Mu En, a tall man wearing a green cloak slowly walked out.

"Your Majesty, the King, will definitely take note of my bravery." The man who called himself Salmon looked expectant and yearning.

Mu En took two steps back and took back the chain with a shake of her hand.

He waved his hand with cold eyes.

Suddenly, a large group of guards in yellow-brown military uniforms came out from the surrounding woods in dense numbers, all holding guns. It looked like there were more than a hundred people in total.

These more than a hundred people formed a fan shape and surrounded the three people.

"Kill them all!" Mu En said coldly.

He stepped back suddenly and stood behind the group of guards.

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