Mysterious journey

Chapter 121 Fierce Battle 2

Manor Center

Ta-ta-ta-ta! ! !

Several machine guns fiercely sprayed terrifying bullets.

The piercing sound of gunfire made everyone in the manor have eardrums hurting.

The second floor of a two-story villa in the center.

In a large room with floor-to-ceiling windows, Sulin's father, Lieutenant General Krohn, was standing side by side in front of the window with a bald old man with a big blue beard. Quietly looking at the messy battlefield below the window.

Both of them were wearing black general uniforms, standing tall and straight, with their hands behind their backs. Behind him stood two handsome and calm secretarial officers.

"The situation is not good." Crohn whispered, glancing at the big blue bearded man next to him. "Descon, maybe we have to do it ourselves."

"If you and I, as the director, still need to do it ourselves, then they have already failed in their duties." The blue-bearded Descon remained calm. "Even if Ansara, one of the three most powerful killer organizations, dies because his skills are inferior to others, it can be regarded as saving money for the federation."

"Are you so confident in your subordinates? I heard that after I left, how many new people did you recruit?"

"It's not poaching, it's just recruiting. You also know that none of the people in our Secret Service were recruited by the country because of their excessive criminal records. Generally, no one who has the ability and has not committed any crime will come." Deskan explained, " This time the newcomer is a famous wanted criminal in the West Lucia Republic, just in time to see what his specific strength is. Ansaro is the leader of the entire Shiyan Continent

The strongest killer organization has actually had contact with us many times. It can definitely be used as a touchstone. "

"That's true." Crohn nodded, "But I'm still a little worried about my son and daughter. Although I arranged for someone to go there, whether it's too late is another matter." A trace of worry flashed across his face . "Ansara's speed is too fast."

"This is what they will have to face sooner or later. Children and grandchildren have their own experiences, and they cannot grow without going through hardships and setbacks. As parents, there is nothing to worry about." The bearded man pinched his beard and sighed.

"Your children are all doing their best, but it's a pity that Kang Nuo is still here." There was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"It was an accident that time. Don't think about it so much. That's what our line of work is like." Crohn quickly changed the subject. "By the way, the New Ocean Company recently claimed that it has successfully opened a sea route to the East. I don't know if it is true. Do you have any inside information?"

"Well, the Blue House of Parliament has always been in charge of the New West side. I am in the Red House and I can't intervene. However, I heard from Representative Tanarius that New West has indeed successfully opened up a relatively safe channel to Kulai. East."

"Tsk tsk. Oriental vases, spices, and works of art have always been the most expensive luxuries. Now that a stable channel has been opened, New Western Company has suddenly become a big fat piece of meat." Krohn sighed. "If we can establish trade relations with that huge ancient empire across the sea, it will be of great help to the development of the Federation!"

"Don't think so much, let's deal with the immediate situation first." The bearded Deskan whispered, slowly turned around and walked towards the door. "Go and have a look?"

"Of course I'll accompany you." Crohn smiled and followed.


Pah. Pah. Pah.

In another dark yellow study room in the manor.

Su Lin sat on the black leather chair inside the desk and turned around, spinning a silver pistol in his hand. The barrel of this pistol was very long and thick, and its surface was as smooth as new, with a silvery sheen. The butt of the gun is made of wood, with a standing and roaring brown bear carved on it, and the letters KZ on the side.

"This gun is very powerful!" Su Lin couldn't put it down while playing with the pistol.

The eight-armed dragon king Yoda sat on a wooden chair beside the desk, with his legs crossed and a long brass-mouthed pipe in his hand, puffing away at the smoke.

"As long as you like it, this is my specially made enhanced version of the Lancer Gurning pistol."

"The bullets used are Nudedara bullets with inscriptions added. They are quite powerful among the special bullets powered by purple gunpowder."

"Purple gunpowder? It's amazing. You can even get such contraband, and you still have the nerve to say you live in seclusion!" Su Lin looked at the Dragon King with contempt. "With purple gunpowder added, could this be the rumored witch hunting bullet?"

"You can say that, anyway, as far as I know, the bullets used by the church when hunting witches were just like this. It was just different between then and now. Maybe there will be some changes after too long." He took a deep puff on his cigarette. He closed his eyes with enjoyment on his face. "The effective range of this gun is 800 meters. You can use it according to your own estimation. Be careful when hitting people one-on-one and don't overlap. Otherwise, you will cry if you hit multiple people at once."

"Eight hundred meters!!" The gun in Sulin's hand almost fell to the carpet. "Do you think this is a sniper rifle?!"

"Nonsense! Some experts wear bulletproof suits and can't even be penetrated by sniper rifles. If I don't have any skills, how dare I call them the Eight-Armed Dragon King?!" Yoda said impatiently. "Just be careful with the recoil."

"I already have an ominous premonition," Su Lin murmured.

"The bullets are specially made and can only be fired five times. Don't waste it. This kind of gunpowder is hard to find. This is a powerful weapon against masters."

Su Lin weighed the heavy pistol, feeling a bit frightened.



A red firework suddenly exploded in the sky beside the lake.

A large number of federal soldiers in yellow military uniforms lay scattered on the river beach. The blood slowly flowed into the lake along with the corpses, and had dyed a large area of ​​water red.

The twins in green stood quietly on the river beach, with faint blood oozing from their arms, and their eyes were full of unwillingness.

The man who called himself Salmon stood panting in front of the two of them, staring intently at the federal officer Colonel Mu En not far away.

"Sure enough, it's you! Silver Snake Mu'en! You actually went to the Secret Service to become a minion of the federal department! I really didn't expect it!"

Colonel Mu En's body was covered in scars, as if they had been cut by a sharp blade similar to a dagger, and most of his yellow military uniform had been dyed red.

The battle was too fast, and the winner was decided in just ten seconds.

The two twins instantly took out two short guns, which were able to fire continuously like submachine guns, and each bullet was extremely accurate. Hundreds of elite soldiers were quickly harvested.

But it was not without gain. Their arms were also pierced by bullets and they could no longer use firearms.

As soon as Mu En and Salmen fought, they burst out with their strongest strength at the same time, wanting to defeat each other in the shortest possible time. Unfortunately, the two were originally about the same strength, but they lost their concentration due to the defeat of other soldiers around them. They missed a move and were directly injured.

"I didn't expect it to be you either." Mu En sneered, "Black Feather Sword Saben, it's a pity that you all have to die here today."

He had already heard the rapid footsteps, which were the guards coming to support the group.

The place has been surrounded by guards again.

"It's a pity for me too. If you had joined Ansaluo, you wouldn't have died here." Salmon suddenly shrank his eyes and laughed.

Mu En was slightly startled and was about to say something.

Suddenly he felt someone standing behind him. Then there was a pain in his chest, and he felt like he was flying sideways and falling heavily on the beach.

"How can it be!!"

He didn't understand, and when his body was spinning in the air, he saw a figure in a black cloak standing behind him.

He is a Secret Service colonel who can withstand firearms! To resist firearms, you rely on your strong and keen five senses. You can move your position before the enemy fires and pulls the trigger, and quickly deal with the opponent.

With such powerful and sensitive five senses, he actually discovered his opponent only after he was close at hand!


Mu En's body fell heavily on the river beach, and a large amount of blood quickly filled his chest. His eyes were wide open, as if he was still looking forward to death.

The man in black cloak stood there and slowly retracted his hand.

"Too slow you guys."

Salmon and the twins quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything more.

Soon, hurried footsteps approached quickly, and it turned out that they were not federal soldiers in yellow clothes, but groups of masked killers in green clothes.

The team was led by two middle-aged men and women with different temperaments. They wore uniforms that were different from those of ordinary killers, but were also green.

"Sir, we've solved it here." The middle-aged man said loudly after standing still. Then he glanced at Salmon and the other three in confusion. "Samen, why are you in such a mess?"

"I met the silver snake from before." Salmen replied helplessly, pointing to the corpse not far away. "He is now a colonel of the Federal Secret Service. If you hadn't arrived in time, we would have been in trouble!"

While the few people were talking, the black cloak was already striding towards the small stone house.

Only half a minute passed between when the killer attacked and when Mu En died in battle and the black cloak appeared. Everyone moved quickly and quickly, and it didn't take much time at all.


Inside the stone house

Arisi sat quietly on the recliner, her eyes scanning the patterns on the wall from time to time. Just as he sat down, gunshots were heard outside.

She was hesitating whether to wait for the colonel to return and leave together, or to leave immediately by herself.

Once the secret passage is opened and closed once, it will be automatically locked. This is designed to prevent enemy pursuit.

In just half a minute, the gunfire outside stopped.

Irisi knew that there were hundreds of soldiers ambushed outside. Although he could vaguely hear screams, the only guess that it could end so quickly was that the enemy had been annihilated! With Colonel Mu En and hundreds of soldiers, even Ansara wouldn't dare to confront him head-on with such a force, right?

She glanced at Garen next to her. He poured out another cup of scented tea and drank it slowly.

"What? The exercise is over?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Not that fast." Irisi smiled and opened his mouth to explain the truth clearly.


The door of the stone house was slowly opened.

A figure in a black cloak stood quietly at the door.

Arisi's pupils shrank instantly, and her whole body felt cold. Before she had time to think about it, she stepped on it with her right foot. A cabinet behind him suddenly popped open, revealing the entrance to the dark underground passage below.

"Let's go!!" Irisi shouted urgently, jumping back into the underground tunnel entrance. But there was no sound of Garen following behind.

"Sorry, this way is blocked."

She heard Garen's calm voice behind her.

Garen slowly stood up and faced the open door, blocking the closing underground passage.

"As expected, it's you. Heavenly General Gallon." Another person whispered.

Arisi's eyes were startled. "Brother Gallon." It only took her a moment to understand her brother Su Lin's intention.

The person slowly lifted up his cloak, revealing a face with pink eyes.

"Let me see, who is the real overlord between the generals of heaven and generals of kings!"

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