Mysterious journey

Chapter 1223 Ending 1

"Brother, are you here to save me? Qin is so happy." The voice was soft and warm, as if it penetrated directly from the air.

Yuriva was silent for a moment, somewhat speechless.


A big hand slapped him hard on the back of the shoulder.

"What's wrong? Standing here alone in a daze?"

The captain of the ship was also one of the infected people, or in other words, everyone who came here came with the determination to die. They were all Yuri's Kiss patients who were selected and found to be infected.

If this mission cannot be completed, then they will also die.

So there is no need to worry about anything like boosting morale, because everyone understands that if you don't fight, you will die.

The captain is a northerner, tall and strong, with a cheerful and outgoing personality, and he gets along well with Yuriva who is traveling on the boat.

"No. It's nothing." Yuriwa smiled, feeling a little depressed. Thinking of Yurijie or Zhijinqin's past, there was always an indescribable blockage in his heart.

"Don't worry! There are a large number of experts here this time. No matter how powerful she is, all the elites from the three major countries are here. There will definitely be no mistakes!" The captain was very confident.

"Maybe" Yuriva forced a smile.

"The Black Federation's strongest Thunder King has also taken action. The Red Country's Barren Bone Prince, as well as our Vulture No. 1, plus their respective elite guard masters, it is absolutely easy to deal with a White Crab. If it were not for the rush of time, I estimate that It would be simpler to sink a few long-range missiles directly." The captain said nonchalantly.

Yuriwa responded with a smile from the side. But my sister's voice just now kept coming back to my mind.

"Look! Someone is on the island!" Suddenly the captain pointed to the sea in the distance.

Yuriva followed his line of sight and saw a small group of people wearing invisibility suits sneaking up towards White Crab Island. This invisibility suit is not true invisibility, but an optical camouflage suit that changes color automatically. The luster color is constantly transformed as the environment moves, allowing the human body to blend into the environment.

From a distance, a small group of people could barely see anyone moving.

"Those are the people from the Special Operations Department of the Black Federation. They should have gone to test the water first. The radio notification has been sent for more than ten minutes, but there is no reply. Couldn't these White Crab Army have almost escaped? "A few more people came up behind the captain and sneered loudly. "Damn it, it made us come all the way here to locate it specifically. What kind of virus is this really so powerful?!"

"What do you think?"

"Yuriva, is it really your sister who created this thing?" Some people didn't believe it.

Yuriva could only remain silent and apologize with a wry smile.

Not only one of their ships, but many other fleets were waiting to hear the news that a small group of elite masters had entered the island.

There was still contact at first, but later, suddenly there were several screams on the radio, and everything became quiet.


"Still resisting!"

On another black ship, there was a tall man in a black military uniform with thick hair and an ugly face. As the supreme commander of the Black Federation's operation, the masters sent out actually lost more than ten people, but he couldn't even get an accurate shot. The information was not sent back.

"The fleet is ready, indiscriminate bombing for ten minutes!" He waved his hand, and the adjutant behind him quickly began to convey the instructions.

Bang! Bang bang bang bang! !

The continuous loud sound of shelling suddenly roared rhythmically. The shells landed on the tornado-shaped silver-white mountain, blasting holes of different sizes on its surface. Smoke and dust filled the air, and gravels were scattered. Coming down, high sand waves splashed everywhere around the White Crab Island, and the sea surface shook slightly. More than ten Black Federation warships fired a salvo and bombed the aircraft, and a large number of incendiary bombs were dropped. The area around White Crab Island quickly Then he completely fell into the sea of ​​fire.

"Thunder King, what are you doing!? We need the information inside. Who asked you to directly order indiscriminate bombing and use incendiary bombs?" Dissatisfied responses came from the other three forces in the wireless communication.

However, the Black Federation ignored them at all and continued bombing.

"Ignore them! Continue!" Thunder King is arrogant and never listens to other people's opinions. He thinks that his strength is far superior to others. Even if his strategy is wrong, he can correct it with his own strength.


"The pariah of the Black Federation!!" On another Red Nation fleet, a handsome man in a red coat flashed a sinister look in his eyes.

"Without understanding the general situation and disregarding the overall situation, sooner or later I will attack the federal headquarters." The man held a scarlet broad-bladed sword in one hand. The hilt was engraved with some delicate and complex patterns, which looked quite extraordinary. .

"His Royal Highness the Crown Prince will definitely be able to revitalize the domestic situation and re-establish the true centralization of monarchy." A man behind him, shrouded in black robes, complimented sharply.

"Go down and get ready to land on the island. Time is running out." The prince glanced coldly at the Black Federation fleet. "If we can get such virus information and put it into the Black Federation, I think my father will be very happy to see that nice scene."

"What if the Black Federation people still don't stop the bombardment?"

"Then kill them first."

The man in black robe suddenly laughed sharply.

The three forces were each the main body, and the Black Federation fleet had to stop bombarding. Vulture 1 led several vulture masters on foot and entered the island from the right side.

As for the Prince of the Red Kingdom, they entered the island from the left alone.

For the Black Federation, the King of Thunder personally led two big robot-like guys wearing silver and white armor, and walked onto the island from the front with heavy steps.

After the three forces arrived on the island as the main body, they were quickly followed by small groups of searching soldiers in order to quickly grasp the situation on the entire island.

Yuriwa also mixed in with the second wave of teams arriving on the island, quickly moving from the outside towards the inside.

He considers himself to be pretty good, but he hasn't reached the top level yet. He will let the strongest masters of the three major forces test the waters first.

And he still couldn't believe that Zhi Jinqin was the creator of all the scams, and there was still a trace of luck left deep in his heart.


On the surface of the sea, the sun just cast a hint of gold, reflecting a large golden light on the sea surface on the horizon.

A clear white line flew straight into the distance. It was a large and extremely fast ship. It seemed to be a military ship. There was a half-mark on the side that had not been completely covered by spray paint. It seemed that the cover-up procedure had not been carried out. After that, he was hurriedly pulled on the road.

Garen stood on the bow of the ship and looked at the endless sea in the distance.

"How long until we arrive?" he asked with a frown. It was night in that place before, but it was almost dawn here.

"There's still an hour left. We should be able to catch up, don't worry." The person driving the boat is a nine-tailed fox. She and Kong Xinxue came with Garen. She and Yuriva cooperated with Garen before. A ship with the fastest speed, ensuring that Galleons can board the ship as soon as they fly over. Don't waste any time.

Although the nine-tailed fox was operating the ship, his face was very pale, with almost no blood. There was still a trace of blood in the corners of his eyes, which was the blood that had just flowed out and had not been completely wiped off.

Blood flows from the corners of both eyes, which is the most striking feature of those infected with the Yuri's Kiss virus.

The rooms where they operate the ship are all isolated, and Garen cannot enter without violent destruction, in order to prevent Garen from being infected. Although it is just a delay, no matter how well we prepare for this airborne virus, it is impossible to completely isolate it, but it can delay it for a while.

There were also some infected crew members on the ship, and they all joined in with the determination to die.

Garen raised the newly acquired long sword of machine technology. The sword was covered with various fine mechanical gears. It looked like a layer of metal wrapping the complex components inside. It was very delicate, but it gave people an unsteady feeling. It seems that it can be broken with just a slight hit.

"Is this knife really strong and tough?" Garen asked casually.

Through the pager, the nine-tailed fox explained helplessly.

"This is the technology of a place I have experienced before. I guarantee you that it is definitely far ahead of the technology of this era. Using ordinary materials and substances to make hardness and indicators that far exceed the original materials is the characteristic of that place. Even if you have the power of Poseidon, this sword is enough!"

"I hope so." Garen said noncommittally.


white crab island

In the center, the entire island is surrounded by empty buildings and houses. Some are tall towers, some are circular research rooms, some are nourished by technology incubators, and there are some public leisure facilities. It seems that if there are not various With all kinds of signage and text nourishment, this place is less like a biochemical research base and more like an unknown style amusement park.

Yuriva followed this team all the way and didn't find any White Crab soldiers blocking them.

After their scattered team of more than ten people encountered several traps one after another, they were able to escape them without any danger.

"Hey, Team 2 successfully passed the third checkpoint and reached the predetermined location. Please give us the next step of instructions." The captain kept calling with the walkie-talkie.

However, the signal displayed on the screen of the walkie-talkie was not connected. It was obvious that there was some kind of large-scale shielding facility here.

"Damn it! I can't hear anything." He slapped the walkie-talkie hard several times, but it still had no effect, so he had to put it away.

"Your Excellency Yuriva, what do you think we should do now?" He looked at Yuriva who had the most say in the team. This time, the captain delegated the command to Yuriva alone. After losing the top command, At that time, everything was focused on his goals.

"Can you find other search teams that went to the island together?" Yuriwa also felt that something was wrong. There were at least 800 people on the island if not a thousand. It was impossible not to meet any of them. After all, this White Crab Island The area is only so large, so even if there are buildings blocking the view, you won't be able to hear even a single sound.

"Now that we are all here, there is no point in retreating." Yuriva said directly, "Keep moving forward."

"Okay." The captain is also a decisive person. Now that he has arrived at this place, he has put his own life and death in his mind.

The group of people continued to advance among the white buildings, and the surroundings were quiet. They did not hear any sound from other teams, even if it was just gunshots. Very strange.

They continued to advance for about a few kilometers, heading towards Tornado Mountain, and soon a very tall white icicle appeared in front of them, and a person seemed to be frozen inside the icicle.

The group already felt something was wrong. This island shouldn't be so big! The length and width are only a few thousand meters, how could it be possible that we have walked for so long and still not reach Tornado Mountain.

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