Mysterious journey

Chapter 1224 Ending 2

Yuriva raised his hand to signal everyone to stop. Looking at the icicle from a distance, I suddenly realized that it seemed to be just an illusion, and the icicle quickly disappeared.

Gradually, a layer of faint white fog began to cover the entire island, and he intuitively felt that something was wrong with this layer of fog.

"Why can't I see anything?" a soldier suddenly said.

"Me too."

"Captain! Ax!" someone shouted.

Yuriva turned around and was about to check what was going on, but found that all the voices behind him suddenly disappeared. The whole white mist was empty, there was nothing, no team, no soldiers, and the voices just now seemed to be just hallucinations.

"We have gathered." A familiar voice came from in front of him.

"Parrot!?" Yuriva saw the parrot again. She was wearing a white dress and slowly walked out of the white mist.

"This is an illusionary white mist that can confuse people's five senses and create random hallucinations." The parrot said calmly, "Come on, they have already started fighting. Follow me."

Yuriva watched her slowly turn around and walk towards the depths of the white mist. He hesitated for a moment and immediately followed her. In this case, all the soldiers around him disappeared at once. They either went far away or were definitely separated. When the radio was also unavailable, it might not be a bad idea to follow a parrot that had no ill intentions towards you.

He finally tried waving his hands around and calling his teammates' names several times, but there was no response. So I could only follow the parrot in front of me and move forward.


Underground White Crab Central Stone Pillar

In front of the huge silver-white metal funnel, a petite girl sat quietly on the big white bed, staring blankly into the distance. Her eyes had no pupils, as if she was looking at something, but more like she was absent-minded.

"Hahaha!! It seems that I was the first to find this place!" The Thunder King was wearing a blue metal tight-fitting combat uniform, holding a black metal rod in his hand, and a blue electric light flashed from the top of the rod from time to time.

He strode out of a cave entrance with his two assistants and adjutants. His eyes were immediately fixed on the petite naked girl sitting on the big bed. Although it was blocked by the white quilt, he could still tell that the person was Yurijie, also known as Zhijinqin, who was circulated on the wanted poster.

This has been evaluated as one of the four most dangerous cornerstones in history and possesses absolute immortality. This has been heard during the sharing of intelligence. This is one of the reasons why the Thunder King is so active and rushes over immediately even if he is not infected.

immortal! What a wonderful word. The moment he heard this word, he decided to make the method of immortality his greatest wish!

"Mind reader!" The Thunder King pressed a button on the right side of his thigh.

Click! hiss

Suddenly, pieces of metallic black modules automatically opened up behind him, like building blocks of pitch-black squares. More and more black squares poured out of the Thunder King's back. The surface of these squares had a metallic luster, but they actually appeared. When exposed to air, it rapidly expands and becomes larger.

In less than a few seconds, his body was covered with a thick layer of black squares. These large numbers of squares formed a black robot that was three times larger than his original size. There are densely packed honeycomb-shaped cannonball launch ports on his chest and shoulders. The worst thing is that the key part between the Thunder King's legs is actually embedded with a blue gem. The gem is slightly fluorescent and seems to be able to emit powerful laser beams at any time. .

"Hey! It seems that I caught the opportunity first!" The Thunder King was now more than four meters tall. He stepped out in one step, and the ground shook slightly. The black metal armor all over his body swayed like waves. They rubbed violently against each other, and large blue arcs appeared on the entire body surface.

"Die!!" He suddenly stepped on the ground, and the rocket thrusters mounted on his back by the two adjutants behind him erupted directly. In the blazing yellow flames, the Thunder King waved his fist with blue electric light and struck hard. He punched the little girl on the big bed.

"Each of these modules of mine can withstand heavy artillery bombardment for at least ten minutes. With so many modules combined, I am now invincible!!!" The Thunder King laughed wildly and punched the little girl on the side of the head.


A stream of plasma splashed directly onto his face outside the armor.

The Thunder King's expression changed instead.

The one he hit was not the little girl Zhi Jinqin at all! But it was an adjutant subordinate behind him!

"Sir." The adjutant opened his eyes wide, his face full of disbelief, and he was punched directly in the middle of his chest. He fell to the ground with a bang.

Not only him, but another adjutant was also lying on the ground, dead or alive, with obvious traces of being scorched by electric current on his body.

"This is hallucination!" Thunder King's face darkened. Only then did he realize that he had even attacked in the wrong direction. He turned around and saw that Zhijinqin was still behind him, still maintaining his original sluggish and absent-minded look.

"You guy!!!" A surge of incomparable anger surged from the depths of his heart. One of these two lieutenants is his nephew!

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, King Thunder, he accidentally killed his own nephew. News like this is really rare." A handsome pale man walked out from another place, with a man in black robe behind him who couldn't see clearly. face of a short man.

Unlike the King of Thunder and others who arrived here smoothly, these two people were covered in blood. It was obvious that they had gone through quite a lot of fighting to get here.

"Prince of the Red Kingdom?" Thunder King turned his head with a stern expression. "If you say one more thing, I will kill you!"

"Oh, I'm so scared~~~" The prince pretended to laugh. "Honorable Thunder King, you didn't even understand the basic abilities of a mind reader, so you brought in two subordinates who couldn't resist the heart ring. I really don't know if you are reckless and confident or arrogant."

Boom! ! !

The Thunder King punched with his right arm and punched out in the air. The huge twisted air wave directly made a clear and concave punch mark on the wall on the side of the prince's head.

A large amount of broken earth and gravel fell down, and the entire cave shook violently, almost as if it was about to collapse.

"It's really rough." The man in black robes behind the prince sneered, "But does the Thunder King think that the mind-reader, the most powerful existence among the four cornerstones, will be so easy to deal with? He still has the strength to punch his allies."

"The most important thing now is to deal with the mind readers first." Vulture No. 1 and others came out of another cave. He was holding a dark green gem-like device in his hand, which was constantly emitting circles of light green light. , to protect the dozen or so people behind him.

Vulture No. 1 was wearing a large windbreaker and a military cap, with a cold and deep face. His strength is actually inferior to that of the Crown Prince of the Red Kingdom and the King of Thunder. Originally, the Slan Kingdom was the weakest in terms of personal strength. With Garen, he became the strongest person on par with the Black Federation, but now The sword master defected and left, and the Slan Kingdom, which had lost its supreme military force, once again regained its original weak position.

"The trash of the Slan Kingdom." The Thunder King was not an ordinary bitch, and he attracted hatred whenever he opened his mouth.

A flash of anger flashed in Vulture One's eyes. But he still couldn't bear to argue with him, but the others behind him couldn't help it, and there was a burst of cynicism when they opened their mouths.

The Thunder King didn't bother to reply at all, he raised his fist and also hit this side. The sound suddenly stopped.

With a roar, there was also a fist mark half a meter deep on the ground beside everyone in Vulture No. 1.

More and more people came soon, but it seemed that there were far fewer people than those who set out.

Gradually, everyone formed a circle around the Zhijinqin and the big bed in the center. After various inspections, dangers such as bombs or various traps were ruled out.

The funnel-shaped silver-white metal directly attracts more attention from everyone.

Suddenly, on the metal surface, in the empty space above the big bed, a soft silver-white tentacle slowly extended out. As if the tentacle was not metal, it condensed into a liquid and formed a human lip.

"Welcome to my paradise." A strange overlapping voice slowly sounded. It was as if an old man and a crisp girl spoke at the same time.

"Hand over the information, mind reader. You have no chance." Vulture No. 1 spoke confidently on the surface, but there was a hint of vigilance deep in his eyes, ready to retreat and escape at any time.

"Let's play a game first." The voice ignored him at all. This made Vulture 1 a little embarrassed, but no one paid attention to his embarrassment at this time.

Everyone's attention fell on Zhijin Qin on the big bed.

This was the first time everyone saw her move after entering the cave.

Zhi Jinqin gently raised her left hand and opened her petite white palm.

She opened her lips and began to speak softly, but no sound came out.

Suddenly, the crowd let out a suppressed swallowing sound.

I saw that the entire palm of Zhi Jinqin's left hand actually melted like a candle, turning into drops of wax and falling on the ground beside the bed. The strange thing is that each drop of wax gradually expands and becomes larger.

"Kill her now!!" someone yelled. "She must be planning something! Shoot!"

Bang bang bang bang! !

Someone actually brought a heavy machine cannon in. Amidst the roar, the huge machine cannon fired directly at Zhijinqin.

But it was useless. A large number of bullets were blocked in a layer of air in front of Zhijin Qin, and fell to the ground with clanging sounds.


A circle of red flames surrounded her bed and burned on the ground. The flame was only half a meter high and nothing spontaneously ignited.

"An unclean world, a sinful world." The strange voice sounded again.

Zhi Jinqin's face in the flames was expressionless, but it gave people a strange feeling that she was smiling.

"Do it!!" Thunder King yelled. Feeling something was wrong, he bumped his fists against each other and smashed down hard.

Crack! !

A large amount of blue-purple current spread from the ground towards Zhijinqin. Directly fan out to cover the entire silver-white funnel metal.

The red prince raised the red rune sword upside down, turned into a leap with a few steps, turned over, and drew the sword!


"Ring of Annihilation!" The sword blade in the prince's hand turned into a red ring, and faint black lines appeared around the high-speed rotation. I don't know what formed it.

Vulture No. 1 took out a pistol with a thick barrel, the muzzle lit up with a faint white light, and solemnly aimed at Zhijin Qin.

At this moment, the wax liquid dripping from Zhijinqin grew rapidly and taller, forming a slightly black humanoid monster with a triangular head. The monster held two knives and its body was densely covered with hard metal scales.

Every drop of wax liquid turned into a monster, and immediately at least dozens or hundreds of monsters rushed towards the people around them.

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