Mysterious journey

Chapter 1229 Ending 4

White light bloomed from the sky above Bai Crab Island.

It was white light that ordinary people couldn't see, and it was a huge ripple caused by the fluctuation of soul power.

White Crab Island is the center of gravity, with a radius of dozens of nautical miles, and it is hazy, as if a large amount of white mist is floating and spreading again.

Click! !

The sky was clear, but suddenly there was a flash of lightning.

Poseidon slammed into the entire White Crab Island. At this moment, his huge momentum was blocked by a group of invisible resistance, blocking him outside the island.

Unable to move for hundreds of meters.

The huge power and the invisible barrier in front of Poseidon offset each other. Deadlocked,

Ouch! !

Poseidon roared crazily. The entire huge black tail kept swaying, and the large curls spread diagonally toward the sides and back.

A large number of warships were constantly shaken by the huge waves he pushed, and they could only move away quickly.

"Stupid." In the middle of White Crab Island, countless white mist dissipated, revealing a wide white open space. The ground of the open space split, revealing

A large, dark, round hole, and the sound came from inside the hole.

A huge monster nearly ten meters tall slowly rose from the cave.

The monster seems to be wearing a leather dress, all brown, but if you look closely, you can find that it is not actually wearing any clothes, but itself

The brown flesh that grows naturally on the body. Its head is triangular, as if wearing a hat, with three eyes and no mouth.

, the mouth grows on the abdomen, where the big mouth opens and closes, and the upper and lower mouths can be faintly seen from the outside as being covered with dense blisters.

Light yellow pus constantly squeezes out of the blisters.

"Why do you still maintain such a filthy world?" The monster flew up and looked directly at Poseidon, who was in a stalemate with the barrier.

"Filth?" Poseidon suddenly backed away, "In the eyes of a dirty person, the world they see is only filth. In the eyes of a kind person, they see only filth."

The world is kind. It's you who has the problem. "

His tail wagged.

"Fossil sand!"

Suddenly, as the voice fell, Poseidon Hunshe's muscles expanded crazily, and a red cross appeared on his back.

The lines extend directly to the front of his head and face.

The entire Poseidon suddenly expanded by at least twice its size from its originally huge size.

A large amount of seawater is squeezed and pushed to both sides. Just by twisting his body, he brought up huge white waves.

boom! ! !

Poseidon rushed toward the barrier fiercely and crazily. He opened his mouth fiercely and bit into the barrier with sharp teeth.

Click! With a crash, the entire barrier could not withstand the terrifying force and was bitten into pieces. The huge figure of Poseidon rose into the air and directly

Press down towards White Crab Island. His huge body is as huge as the entire White Crab Island, forming a black shadow to block the sun.

Up and down.

The triangular-headed monster raised its head. Compared to Poseidon's huge body, he was only as big as a sesame dot. Not impressive at all.

"The world is reborn due to destruction." He jumped up, and sharp spikes suddenly popped out of his arms, spinning at high speed, and turned into

A swirling gray shadow.


It suddenly paused, holding the spikes in both hands, and rushed towards the huge black shadow in the sky.

There is almost no sound.

The moment the monster soared into the sky and hit Poseidon's body, no sound was made. All sounds were obscured by the waves and Poseidon's roar.

Cover it and you can't hear anything else.


The sky and the earth suddenly exploded into a circle of black ripples, spreading wildly in all directions, and all the places where the ripples spread turned into a black and white world.

Wherever the black light passed, all the colors dimmed. The black light ball spread over several kilometers, wrapping all the surrounding warships once, and then violently

The ground shrinks.

Everything was calm again.

Ha ha ha ha! ! !

A burst of laughter sounded from the place where Poseidon and the monster met.

Boom boom boom! !

All the surrounding warships actually fired their guns. At the same time, all the guns were aimed at White Crab Island, but the strange thing was that their guns

The target he was aiming at was not a monster, but the most conspicuous and huge Poseidon.

Cannonballs exploded on Poseidon's back, turning into balls of red flames and black smoke rising.

The items that the time-travelers put on to prevent and control mind control were all collapsed and exploded one by one, except for a few with strong wills.

The time travellers, masters, and all other ordinary officers and soldiers on the surrounding ships were all controlled, and they regarded Poseidon as their biggest enemy.

, all fired.

Rounds of artillery fire continued one after another. The soldiers closed their eyes numbly, but they wildly controlled the muzzle to fire as if they had their eyes open.

Zheng! !

In an instant, a white line spread and shot from the place where the sea and the sky meet in the distance.

An old man with white beard and hair held a silver-white sword upside down and came from a distance to the sea. The seawater seemed to be just a shallow ditch under his feet.

, it didn’t even touch his ankle.

The white line cut by the sword blade struck the monster below Poseidon.


A white mark appeared directly on the monster's body.

"There is no nonsense. The old man is extremely fast. He can cover thousands of meters with just a few steps. He hits the monster like an arrow and the two fight directly.


Poseidon was pushed up in the air, opened his mouth and bit down again.

Boom! !

The sound of shattering started again, and the invisible barrier blocking him shattered again, and Poseidon's huge body crushed him down without any reservation.

A misty cloud of dust rose into the sky. Mud, trees, gravel, and large pieces of building debris were all under Poseidon.

Everything was destroyed by this crushing.


A warship on the surrounding sea began to explode and burst into flames, with red flames rising into the sky. The other warships also seemed to light whips

The first blast of the cannon was followed by explosions and fires.

No one paid attention to the flames of the explosion. In the firelight, the soldiers and non-commissioned officers controlled by the dream were still controlling the muzzle of the gun with their eyes closed.

Exploding Poseidon.

Some travelers simply jumped off the ship, or more put down the escape boats on the warships and fled far back.

The fighting situation here has exceeded anyone's expectations.

It's just a White Crab Island, and the headquarters of the White Crab Army can be so difficult to attack. Not only are the people who go in almost dead, but also the people outside.

People were also controlled inexplicably, and the muzzles were fired at their own people.

In the huge waves, several figures were thrown far high. White Crab Island was a mess, with a large number of debris mixed with unknown objects.

Xifei scattered out.

The dust and seawater splashed up so high that it was impossible to see what was inside.

Yuriva followed the sea water, holding two people in his hands, flying out of the sea on the waves, and climbed up from the side of a warship.


He coughed violently, bent over and spit out a large amount of sea water.

"Thank you for your hard work." The Vulture No. 1 and the Red Crown Prince who were rescued by him were dying, but they were still conscious.

The ship shook violently and was pushed away by the water and floated far away.

Roar! !

Poseidon's huge roar sounded again, causing large ripples to form in the surrounding sea water.

Yuriva had no expression on his face, jumped into the sea, and quickly picked up a figure, who turned out to be the parrot with him.


A fighter jet fell from the sky, and two missiles were released, sending out white exhaust gas and shooting towards the center of White Crab Island, hitting the monster below Poseidon.

on the object.

Yuriva raised his head and looked at the fighter.

"There are still people who are awake." He murmured softly.

He turned around and looked at the place where the battle was most intense, where waves tens of meters high were surging, constantly pushing everything away. Standing here

Nothing can be seen on such a warship.

Yuriwa looked at this horrifying scene like the end of the world.

"The mother virus is in the hands of Zhijin Qin, and it's in the hands of your sister." The Crown Prince of Hong Kingdom sneered, "What are you going to do?" He asked the rescuer

Yuriva, who killed himself, didn't seem to appreciate it.

"You're just here? No follow-up measures?" Yuriwa's voice reached the ears of the two people clearly through the waves.

"Poseidon is our greatest confidence. We originally thought we could solve it easily, but now it seems." Vulture No. 1 frowned and turned to Zhou

Looking around, under the surging waves, it was almost impossible to see several surrounding ships. I wonder how many ships sank under such violent impact.

, and there are still a few ships intact.

"Our final plan is that half an hour after our action fails, if we can't see the result, the outside world will directly use the final nuclear strategy

Weapons destroy everything here. "Vulture No. 1 followed, answering Yuriwa's question.

"It's useless." The prince of the Red Kingdom calmed down now. He had broken bones all over his body, his arms were gone, and his legs were twisted and broken.

The wounds on his body were soaked in sea water and turned white.

"Satellite positioning strategic weapons will also be affected by Zhijinqin."

"Then what should we do now?" Vulture No. 1 asked in a low voice. "What about the world?"

Yuriva was silent for a moment. The three of them on the violently shaking boat were speechless for a moment. They had worked so hard to this point, and it was considered a desperate situation.

All done. Everything that needs to be used is used.

"I'll go." Yuriwa showed no expression. He turned around and without waiting for a reply, he quickly jumped up and jumped into the sea.

"Forcing a young man like this, okay?" The red prince looked at Vulture No. 1 with a sneer.

"Forced?" No. 1's face turned pale, "No one forced him. Everything is doomed."

Ouch! ! !

Suddenly, Poseidon roared in pain, and his huge body was thrown up and landed on the nearby sea far away.


Countless waves were stirred up and flew up. The sea god was covered in blood and screamed in pain. His body was covered with tiny scars like spider webs.

, there is almost no intact part of the huge black body.

Dense yellow blisters even appeared in the large wounds.

"Retreat!!" Poseidon struggled for a final moment, then turned around and swung his tail towards the distance. There was a boom like thunder, and his huge body

He suddenly forgot about this place.

He actually withdrew like that! ?

Both Vulture No. 1 and the Red Crown Prince looked at the fleeing Poseidon in astonishment.

Another old man is missing and is obviously in danger.


A circle of black and white suddenly exploded in the sky. The black and white halo of light swept over everything thousands of meters around. It first expanded to a range of several thousand meters, and then

It quickly shrank again, and all retracted into the monster suspended above the White Crab Island.

It grew a long brown tail that swayed slowly like a lizard. It was as if all the center of gravity in the world was instantly focused on him.


"Look." The monster opened its mouth and made a sharp voice.

"A world like selfishness, hatred, anger, and pain should not exist."

He stretched out his hand, and the largest yellow blister slowly formed in his palm. The blister exploded with a crash, and a mass of black tree roots grew out of it.

The same round ball.

The ball slowly and automatically rotated, and the roots inside moved densely and intertwined, as if they were as sophisticated as metal instruments.


A beautiful sound like a harp slowly spread from the ball.

"The Last World" The monster's voice suddenly changed from sharp to an old man's voice.

"The final rage."

He held up the ball. As if holding it forward and handing it out.

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