Mysterious journey

Chapter 1230 Ending 4

laugh! !

A large number of black roots inside the ball suddenly shot out in all directions. With a loud bang, a mass of black roots exploded, seeming to grow along the surrounding air and spread to a great distance.

At this moment, a shadow rose into the sky directly below the monster. Hit the monster's back hard.

Bang! ! !

A cloud of yellow mist exploded in the air where the monster was.

"Wind from all directions!!" An almost crazy voice, mixed with coldness, anger, and ferocity, was accompanied by a silvery white light that shone in the yellow mist at the same time.

Clang, Clang, Clang! !

Four consecutive rays of silver-white light lit up, dispersing the yellow mist.

Yurivar was holding a long dagger hanging in the air, and a huge invisible force field supported him standing in the air.

Less than a few meters across from him, clear knife scars appeared on the monster's body. Yellow blood gushes from the wound.

"You!!" The monster staggered back, staring at Yuriva with disbelief in his eyes, "How could you be so strong!!??"

Yuriva raised his hand, and a bright, white tumor appeared on the back of his right hand.

"You're not Jean."

"Parasite. I should have thought of it. I should have thought of it! Hahaha!!" The monster laughed wildly, "Qin? How many years has that waste suppressed me? If I had known this, I shouldn't have given birth to you in the first place!!!" It ruins my life!"

"Why are you still talking about this? Father." There was an unprecedented coldness and calmness on Yuriva's face.

Circles of white air waves continued to spread under his body. It was too much power and vibration, and it was also the fundamental reason why he was suspended in mid-air.

"Yes, since everything has become a foregone conclusion, let me correct everything with my own hands!!!" The monster turned out to be not the original Zhijin Qin, but the source of all their tragedies, their father.


The two people suddenly disappeared from the same place, and when they reappeared, they were already close at hand.


The knife and the monster's arm collided with each other, and Yuriva's hands and feet were like lightning, heavy and powerful, but with a violent swiftness.

Every time the two of them collided in mid-air, it was like a bomb exploding, releasing circles of air bombs.

Anyone who is slightly closer can be deafened just by hearing the sound.

The strength of the two people comes from the same source, and they are only about half a catty apart. No one can do anything to anyone.

But the only thing that can really determine victory or defeat is skill.

"The wind in front, counterattack!" Yuriva held the knife in one hand and passed by the side of the monster. In the moment after the extremely high-speed exchange, the dagger lightning split several white lines backwards and spread to the monster's back.


Blood splattered.

The monster roared in pain. After all, he was just a researcher who studied technology all day long. In terms of pure killing skills, he was far inferior to Yuriwa's opponent who had been taught by Garen.

What's more, Yuriva's memory recovery over the years has combined Garen's skills with his own killing experience to create a new set of his own secret skills.

"No wind."

Yuriva held the blade with one hand, and white flames slowly burned all over his body, and he actually understood Garen's move.

This is the sublimation of the Sword Saint realm, and Gallon is forcibly improved with soul power.

At this moment, as the four cornerstones, he began to draw on the strength of the people around him.

On the ship, all the survivors who were still alive at this moment watched this unique and terrifying battle from a distance. This level has completely surpassed what humans can achieve.

Including the traveler, a gentle and quiet voice appeared in everyone's consciousness at the same time.

"Are you willing to lend me your power?" That was Yuriva's voice.

All information was exchanged from Yuriva in an instant, and his will, his wishes, and his desires all spread out and flowed into the hearts of these survivors.

Almost at the same time, more than 80% of people all chose yes.

At this moment, most of them have only one thought and one consensus.

Countless air currents naturally stopped next to Yuriva, surrounded him, and turned into a windless sphere.

He put one hand on the blade and held the knife high. A large amount of air flow gathered behind him and turned into a terrifying giant knife that was almost transparent.


All the air currents and all the air were attracted by the transparent giant knife at this moment and condensed together.

The monster was forced to retreat by the powerful airflow, with a trace of fear on its face.

“What kind of trick is this!!??”

He could feel that all of Yuriva's power was condensed to one point. Such skills and levels had surpassed the level of simply using the body to fight.

That sword contained enough power to destroy it.

It may seem small, but it contains almost all of Yuriwa’s spirit.

"No wind!"

Yuriva raised the blade high.

Uh-huh! ! !

No light could be seen, and the huge blade exploded out of thin air. Yuriwa's body was nowhere to be found, as if he had disappeared.

Everything returned to calm, leaving only the monster in mid-air. He was holding the black sphere and remained motionless.

A clear knife line extended from his head to his lower abdomen. It is blooming with a faint white light.

The center of his body was split directly by this knife and cut into two halves.

"I" the monster opened his mouth, but failed to say the last word.


He exploded and turned into yellow liquid that filled the sky and splashed in all directions.

But what no one expected was that inside the monster, there was a smaller monster. It was a twisted organism with the head of a little girl, but its lower body was filled with countless octopus-like tentacles.

Yuriva stood dozens of meters in the air behind the monster, tapping his toes, spreading out circles of white ripples. Knock away the splashing yellow liquid.

He looked calmly at the little girl's biological body that appeared inside the monster.

"elder brother."

The little girl monster slowly turned around and looked at Yuriva calmly. One of her tentacles clung to the black sphere, hanging beside her.

"Finally I see you in person. With this gesture."

The dagger in Yuriva's hand slowly lowered. His hair was blown by the wind, covering his eyes. He lowered his head.

"Why on earth did it come to this point?"

"Why?" Zhi Jinqin also had a trace of doubt on his face, "I don't know either, but even brother, do you want to stop me?"

There was innocence in her eyes, "Let's eat the whole world together, wouldn't we? Let everything belong to us only."

"Does this make sense?" Yuriva looked at his sister, with a flash of pain in his eyes.

"Meaning?" Zhi Jinqin smiled. "This dirty world brings us nothing but harm. Sometimes I always feel like I am a messenger destined to be sent down by God to recreate a new world. Everything goes so smoothly and is unstoppable. .This is the general trend!”

All her tentacles spread out one after another, forming a round wheel that slowly rotated behind it.

An inexplicable force field surrounded her body, and for a moment it seemed like a mythical demon had come to the world.

"General trend?" Yuriva looked at her sister who had become a little strange.

"Come on. Brother, together we can re-create a new world." Zhi Jinqin stretched out a tentacle toward her brother from a distance, opening it like an arm.

"I have an immortal body, an eternal body. Since I can't die or change myself, I can only change the entire world."

Zhi Jinqin smiled slightly.

Yuriva looked at the tentacle stretched out in front of him.

"We will be the Adam and Eve of the new world, the origin of all Eden." Zhi Jinqin's face was flushed with excitement. It's as if I can already see the distant future.

"I" Yuriva stretched out his hand. "reject!"

With a snap, he slapped the tentacles in front of him away.

The smile on Zhi Jinqin's face solidified.


White Crab Island is in sight.

Garen stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the large island that had been reduced to ruins, with a large number of wreckage fragments of warships and aircraft floating around.

"Where is Poseidon? Where is the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms?"

"It seems that the entire army has been destroyed." The nine-tailed fox walked to him, his face a little frozen. No one would have expected that Zhijinqin from White Crab Island would be so powerful. The Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, a large number of top masters, and Poseidon Yuriva. In this situation, once a savior like Yuriva can draw on the power of everyone, his strength will be terrifying.

"Is this the end of the world?" Kong Xinxue walked behind the two of them, also looking at the White Crab Island in the distance.

"Contact Poseidon." Garen said calmly. The energy mark restored the scale of the previous battle that occurred here in almost a few seconds. Such a scale and such a level. It was beyond his expectation.

Kong Xinxue and Nine-tailed Fox quickly used the communicator to contact Poseidon.

"Sorry, the old man has already dived back to the bottom of the sea." Poseidon's voice came from the communicator and was automatically translated into a common language. "The opponent is invincible, and the human race in this world may be doomed." There was a sense of helplessness and exhaustion in Poseidon's voice.

"Such a level" Garen pressed his hands on the fence. "It has indeed reached the peak of what this world can accommodate."

"The old man has already informed the commissioner of the special team, and the situation will soon be reported to the Lighthouse Supreme Member Council. Perhaps only the suppressors can solve everything here." Poseidon said in a low voice.

"Suppressor." The nine-tailed fox covered his mouth and whispered.

"Now the Dreamer is becoming one with the Savior." Poseidon quickly explained, "Once successful, this planet will be finished."

"I'm not someone who is used to putting my hope in others." Garen interrupted, "You can't do it. It doesn't mean that I can't do it."

"You have no reason to take risks," Poseidon advised. "I know that you killed the Slaughterer, and you are probably much stronger than me, but this time the opponent is different. We time travelers don't need to take risks. As long as we wait for the Suppressor to come down, everything will naturally stabilize."

"My apprentice is there." Garen raised the long knife. "I have always been the only one who can personally execute my people. That was the case before, and it is the same now."

He held the long knife and jumped lightly, jumping towards the sea in the distance ahead.


The moment it was about to hit the sea water, Galleon disappeared without a trace.

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