Mysterious journey

Chapter 1236 Lighthouse 2

"Hey, is this different from what we agreed before we came here?" the nine-tailed fox said dissatisfied, "I know you want to use Garen's strength, status and treatment to increase your worth, but you also need some integrity in life, right?"

"Shame? You actually said that I have no shame?!" Ye Shui yelled, "Do you know who was busy taking care of you when you suddenly fell into a coma and suffered sequelae? Do you know who was behind you? I will help you stabilize the rear when you go to White Crab Island and fight for your life. Do you know who secretly placed the monitoring equipment at the risk of being discovered?"

Before Ye Shui could finish his words, the nine-tailed fox covered his mouth without changing his expression and could only moan.

"Are you bored? You've been arguing all day over little things! Do you know how to understand other people's feelings? We argued the day before yesterday and we'll argue today too! Don't forget that I still have the nude photos of you two in my hands!" Kong Xinxue Being knocked down by Ye Shui, the nine-tailed fox also rushed over to help. The three of them struggled into a ball, making a mess that made people's heads big.


Garen's voice rose slightly.

call.! ! !

A strong wind and a large amount of rain flooded the three people.

The three of them instantly turned into drowned rats, and a large amount of galleons of saliva poured over their heads and faces.


The nine-tailed fox wiped the saliva from his face and combed his wet and sticky hair back with both hands.

"Are you comfortable now?"

"I knew it! Bah, bah, bah!" Kong Xinxue turned over from the ground, with Galleon's saliva all over her body.

Speaking of which, since Garen's physical strength became so strong, his saliva secretion has also been fully strengthened. Just a little bit of saliva can drown someone.

This is not the first time the three of them have encountered this situation.

"Hey, hey, luckily I was prepared!" Ye Shui got up from the ground. The tight black clothes he was wearing seemed to be waterproof, and a lot of saliva dripped down his body. Be spotless again. But she obviously ignored the fact that the water on her face and hair was still dripping.

The three of them sat down in front of Garen again, with straight postures, but they looked much more embarrassed with the smell of saliva steaming from everywhere.

"This time we come here, bring an extra night water, and go to the lighthouse together, okay?" the nine-tailed fox asked formally. After all, going to the lighthouse this time, it was obvious that Ye Shui and the others wanted to take advantage of the situation, so they had to ask for their opinions.

"It doesn't matter. Let's get down to business."

"I got the news that the restraining order should have been opened in the lighthouse earlier, but there are big differences on how to treat you." The nine-tailed fox whispered.

"Disagreement? What do you mean?" Garen was stunned.

"Your strength has reached the level of a suppressor, and you are the strength of our human race, so the three major racial forces in the lighthouse are also negotiating on how to place you." The nine-tailed fox replied.

"There are three major races in the lighthouse. Of course, these are the three main ones. There are naturally many other traverser races, but their strength is negligible compared to these three."

"Which are the top three?"

Kong Xinxue took over the words.

"The first is the multi-armed race. All races with three arms and more are classified as multi-armed. The second is the multi-eyed race. Similarly, any race with three eyes or more are classified as multi-armed. The Eye Clan. Then there is our human race. Anyone with a humanoid form can be classified as a human race. However, if we carefully and strictly divide it, our human race is mainly composed of three parts: earth humans, fish humans, and wing humans. As a new person, you For a master at the suppressor level of humans on Earth, we must first discuss and discuss the actual status and attitude treatment given to you, and then the attitude, status, and response within the human race. It has been many years since there has been a master at the suppressor level."

"Many years? How many years?" Garen was not interested in these power struggles, but instead focused on these other aspects.

"About two or three thousand years. The lighthouse has not been formed for a long time, only tens of thousands of years. So far, there are only three suppressors, three from the highest member association. The Evil Shadow King, the Enhanced Superman, and Yuqing metropolitan."

"Where are the other three?"

"The remaining three are not very powerful in combat, but they have a great role and influence in other aspects, such as Jules, the World Tree and the Tree of Wisdom. He can give you almost all the answers to any knowledge you want. That's a living thing. A super old guy who is thousands of years old. He may take the initiative to give lectures when he feels like it, and occasionally sleeps and takes a nap for five or six years."

Kong Xinxue explained.

"The lighthouse is divided into wind tower, water tower and spiritual tower. We belong to the water tower area. Because the characteristic of our race is water, more than fifty percent of the body is made of water."

"Then the rest are similar? Fifty percent of the body is wind? Or spirit?" Garen continued to ask.

"Yes, the three major tower areas each serve as the living area of ​​the three major forces, but a powerful being like you usually has to be sealed before he can come out to see others." The nine-tailed fox replied with a smile.

"I understand." Garen nodded in understanding. He had already felt the inconvenience caused by the large gap in levels. Speaking with a slightly stronger accent may blow people away, which is helpless.

"So, when the three of you came together, the restraining order was activated?" Garen asked casually.

"Yes, after such a long time, it's time to turn it on. No matter which force you belong to, at least your strength will be an overall enhancement for the entire group of time travellers. This is a good thing, so they will never neglect you and will spend The price is to win you over." The nine-tailed fox replied with a smile, "Just don't be surprised when the time comes."

"When are you leaving?" Garen took out the liaison device. I don't know what it was made of, but its quality was extremely strong. It survived all kinds of battles without any malfunction. It's really rare.

"Any time." The nine-tailed fox stood up.

"Then now." Garen stood up, and the other two followed suit.

The nine-tailed fox nodded, took out his communicator, and gently threw it in front of him.

"Open the teleporter," she whispered. "Maximum scale."

"The maximum scale requires the highest level contribution points. Are you sure you want to open it?" A pleasant female voice came from the contact.

"Sure." The nine-tailed fox replied affirmatively.


The speed was very fast, and in just a moment, a white beam line was projected directly from below the liaison device.

The white beam of light slowly opened from both sides, like a rolling shutter door, opening into an arched white light door.

"You can go in." The nine-tailed fox nodded towards Garen. After she finished speaking, she took a step towards the light door.

With a scoff, the nine-tailed fox disappeared instantly as soon as it touched the light door.

Kong Xinxue also took a step forward, and the moment she touched the light door, she also disappeared at the same time.

Ye Shui looked at Garen.

Garen smiled slightly and walked to the front of the light door.

It is finally time to truly leave this world and come into contact with the larger dimension of the universe.

He was slightly excited. This time he was no longer just following the crowd and trying his luck to explore the world and the universe, but he could choose his own direction as much as possible.

"Then I go first?" He looked at Ye Shui, who nodded.

Garen stopped talking nonsense and took a step forward. Just when he was about to come into contact with the white light, he suddenly felt Ye Shui's hand holding his arm.

laugh! !

There was a bright white light in front of my eyes, and I couldn't see anything clearly for a while.


In the dark and boundless starry sky of the universe, a large rotating galaxy is flowing slowly. A large number of countless planets are just the most insignificant piece of river sand in the galaxy.

These hundreds of billions of planets eventually formed the entire vast and beautiful blue galaxy.

The galaxy rotates slowly, like the most beautiful whirlpool of water, with a tall white lighthouse standing in the center.

The cylindrical white lighthouse stands right in the center of the galaxy, and the top of the lighthouse is emitting three dazzling golden light beams, penetrating the entire galaxy and shining into the dark and boundless outer universe.

The three light beams seem to be stationary, but if someone can measure the speed of the light beams extremely accurately, they will be able to find that they are moving slowly all the time.

It's just that in such a distant galactic distance, countless light-years away, the speed of the light beam will appear to be extremely slow.

The white lighthouse is divided into a total of five floors. The uppermost floor is the control floor, which controls the operation of the entire lighthouse. Below is the two-story hall, the Supreme Hall and the Observation Hall.

Below is the main living area, a circular square and a two-story library area.

At this time, in the largest teleportation link point in the review area at the edge of the circular square, Garen and Night Sailor suddenly appeared in the connection point holding hands, and a faint halo of white light slowly spread around them.

The white color in Garen's eyes slowly dissipated, and he quickly regained his vision. What came into view was a dozen smiling humans wearing white robes greeting him.

"Welcome to the lighthouse, my dear fellow racer!" the white-haired man in the lead said loudly, spreading his arms. "Sword Master Garen, we have heard about your power at the headquarters and are ready to welcome you to truly join us at any time."

He came over and held out his hand.

Garen also extended his hand, and the two shook hands gently.

“I’m also excited to actually be here at the Lighthouse.”

Garen looked around. He was standing in a cylindrical white pavilion, surrounded by rows of increasingly larger white stone pillars. From far to near, these stone pillars surrounded each other. The pavilion obviously provides teleportation for travelers of different sizes.

Above the head is the vast blue starry sky, and under the feet is the white jade-colored hard stone ground.

"My name is Pella, the general person in charge of the human race here. Regarding your matter, our boss Yuqing Sect Master has already sent word in advance that he must entertain you well and meet you in person as soon as he comes back. Now his old man is in his native world. We are dealing with major affairs of the school and cannot be separated for the time being." Pella explained, without leaving any trace, she glanced at Ye Shui, Nine-tailed Fox and Kong Xinxue who were standing next to Garen.

All beautiful women. He suddenly knew what was going on.

As the headquarters of the time traveler, the lighthouse naturally has interests. Where there are intelligent creatures, there will be conflicts of interest. It cannot be so pure, and the division of interests is naturally closely related to strength.

"How about I take you to the arranged resting place first, and then show you around?" Pella said with a smile. The other people behind him also had friendly smiles on their faces, not perfunctory, but smiles from the bottom of their hearts. It was obvious that Garen's arrival could bring real benefits to them.

"No need, we will show Garen around." Before Garen could answer, Kong Xinxue took the initiative to step forward and said. She was not a fool. She saw Pera, a person that most people would never see even once. The guy actually came out to personally guide them with a smile on his face. Naturally, they immediately understood that Garen's strength and status might be higher than they thought.

She is not a fool. If she shows a little more intimacy with Garen now and uses some influence, her life will be much better in the future in a place like the Lighthouse where strength is judged. .

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