Mysterious journey

Chapter 1237 The True Source of the Mother River 1

"That's fine." Pera glanced at Garen in understanding. "Kakaqiu'er."

A tall blonde woman with a charming appearance and wearing a tight black silk miniskirt suddenly walked out from behind him.

"Notify the image of Lord Sword Master to all departments and release access rights."


The blond woman nodded in agreement.

"Then let's go eat now, shall we?"

Pella looked at Garen with a smile.

"No need, I only have two wishes." Garen raised two fingers.

"The first is to ask about the situation of the earth before we traveled through it. Is there any way to know the specific state of the earth?

Second, it is about the record viewing of the true source of the mother river. My contribution must be enough. "

"These two questions." Pera smiled, "Let's talk about it while walking."

He and more than a dozen people gathered the four Gallons in the middle, and everyone slowly walked towards the inside of the lighthouse, following the starry sky.

This is a long strip of Cambridge in the open air in the starry sky, like a sharp sword blade, protruding straight from the side of the lighthouse, with all the densely packed transmission link points on it. This is directly connected to the circular square area on the third floor.

Garen was surrounded by people walking in the middle, and occasionally he could see the white light sent back by new people behind him.

Perak was introducing him to the basic situation distribution here.

"There are not many people living in the lighthouse headquarters here. They only account for one percent of the travelers. Most of them are just management personnel. Most of the others would rather live in some peaceful plot world. You also understand, In many worlds, apart from where the plot takes place, other places are actually very safe and the coverage is not that wide.”

"That's understandable." Garen nodded, "So how are these worlds mainly classified?"

"Classification? No, that shouldn't be said. Every world is a universe, which contains many, many planets and worlds. We have no way of exploring and clearing out the complete virtuality and reality of a universe. The only thing we can do is actually contact time travel and rebirth. Companions in various cosmic worlds unite together to form a common interest group that serves the entire group. At the same time, resource exchange is optimized."

Pella replied with a smile, "For example, in some worlds, dark gold is worthless and is everywhere. You can just grab a lot of it. But in some worlds, dark gold has unimaginable terrifying magic power. That's The top-level resources that everyone dreams of. Therefore, we use world transfer to reasonably allocate resources, so that we can better promote everyone's development and achieve greater influence in various worlds."

"I understand what you mean." Garen nodded, "What about the Earth? Since we have so many earth travelers, even if our hometowns are all parallel space earths in different dimensions, then someone must have explored this situation. Right? What's the result?"

Pella frowned slightly when she mentioned this matter.

"We have been working hard in this regard, but so far, it seems that the earth is so far away from us that we have not even touched the possible edges. As a result, we have discovered more similar planets in many universes, which is an additional Bonus, some planets are very unique, you can also travel there if you have the opportunity in the future."

"In other words, there are no clues on Earth yet?" Garen said directly.

"You can say that." Pella exhaled and said. "In this regard, there are indeed many companions who really want to go back and are looking for a way to return, but now it seems that there is no hope. Not only us humans on Earth, but also many people from the other two races are the same, and no one has discovered it. The way back.”

Yihang Rui walked into the entrance of the circular square at this time.

Standing on a parallelogram-shaped silver suspended platform, the platform was made of metal and silently carried more than ten people through a purple arch tunnel.


Some rainbow-like air currents gradually appeared in the surroundings, and strands of air flew around the crowd.

"This is the Rainbow Elf, which we discovered on a special cosmic planet. It is a kind of microorganism that can purify the air. At the same time, it can continuously spread a benign magnetic field that is beneficial to us humans. It can also be used as an embellishment of the urban landscape." Pera introduced .

"very beautiful."

Garen looked up at these translucent colored elves in the tunnel, which were like flowing water. They seemed to have no entity, presenting a faint sense of illusion.

Garen stretched out his hand and lightly scratched the rainbow elf beside him, without touching the entity.

Pella smiled upon seeing this.

"Speaking of this type of amplified creature, the true source of the mother river, one of your goals this time, has recorded a kind of existence that is more advanced than the rainbow elves. It seems to be a pure energy body. We named it an elemental body. Perhaps You learn something when you watch the record."

"I hope so." Garen nodded with a smile.

"The True Source of the Mother River system is the middle-ranked part of all top records with the lowest viewing qualifications. Do you know anything about the viewing qualifications?" Kakaqiu'er beside Pella asked in a low voice.

"Kakaqiu'er's other identity is to manage the service staff of the Supreme Hall. She is better at this than me." Pella introduced with a smile.

Garen also landed on this blonde beauty with black stockings.

"Watching qualifications?"

"Do you need qualifications to see something?" Kong Xinxue asked confused.

"Is it because the amount of information is too large and complicated that ordinary people cannot accept the impact of the amount of information in an instant?" the nine-tailed fox guessed, obviously more knowledgeable.

"This is one aspect." Kakaqiu'er nodded, "The main problem is that the true source of the mother river emits powerful radiation all the time. We only have one thing that can filter this special radiation. , and form a protective shield for people to watch directly. Otherwise, once you cannot protect yourself, no matter how powerful you are in your body, you may be summoned by your soul in an instant, and be directly pulled into the true source of the mother river."

"Soul Summoning?!" Ye Shui slightly exclaimed. She was also a master of the Mother River system, so she naturally knew how evil this thing was. "The mother river is the source of all life. Her soul call is irresistible to anyone with a soul! Isn't this seeking death? No wonder it's so expensive!"

Garen also knew about this soul call.

This is equivalent to the mother river being a huge anode magnet, and the soul of the object being summoned by the soul is a small, very weak cathode magnet. Looking at the true source of the mother river may be about the distance between the two magnets. So close that you can feel the pull of each other.

He had heard Hesas mention this move before. It was the top killing move of a true spirit being named Gu Yinduo. He once destroyed two legions of void creatures and three demon king-level masters. Invincible!

The status of this soul summoning move in ancient Yinduo civilization is simply equivalent to the super strategic weapon of nuclear bombs and hydrogen bombs in earth civilization. It is a top-notch killer.

"The lighthouse actually has the material resources to resist the summons of the soul? It's really unexpected!" Garen sighed sincerely.

"This is also a blessing from the intersection of resources from many worlds." Pella explained, "There is a world that is purely a soul world, and it is rich in this kind of material that is specially designed for soul traction. We also spent a lot of effort to get it. A little, only enough to watch one person at a time. And it can only be watched for ten minutes. Otherwise, even if this material is weakened and blocked, the power will make the creatures lose their minds and actively participate in it. "

The group of people happened to enter an extremely huge white square. The square was surrounded by circles. The top of the head was not the white zenith as imagined, but the blue sky of white clouds, plus a small golden sun hanging quietly. It was simply... It's like entering another real world.

"Here we reach the initial square. Walk forward from here. There is a large piece of land below. The area is almost as big as half the planet you just came over. It is just a completely flat area. The entire circular square It refers to this entire continent." Pella smiled and said, "Welcome to the third floor of the lighthouse."

He snapped his fingers, and the silver platform holding everyone accelerated instantly, quickly crossing the small square and arriving at the edge of the square.

There is a hanging cliff at the edge of the entire square. It is directly at a very high altitude. Looking down, below is a large rugged mountainous terrain, lush green forests, ribbon-like silver rivers, and from time to time. A flock of geese flew by below. This is a completely different living world.

Garen walked to the edge and looked down. They were at a very high altitude at this time, at least several thousand meters in height. The bottom layer below was as delicate as a simulated sand table.

He looked towards the distance to the right, where there was a large white area, which seemed to be a lot of buildings.

"Over there is the commercial area of ​​the square. There are a lot of messy things sold there. Except for the fact that time travelers are not allowed to kill each other, fighting in any sense is allowed here, as long as no one is killed." Pera stood next to Garen and explained. .

Nine-tailed fox Kong Xinxue and others intercepted Kakaqiu'er who wanted to follow Garen and stood on the other side. They asked randomly to find something to say, obviously not wanting her to get too close to Garen.

Garen had no time to pay attention to their little thoughts at the moment. He carefully looked at the white business area in the distance.

"Then I want to see the true source of the mother river, where should I go?" The business district can be seen or not. Apart from the identity of the traveler, the people here did not allow him to find a common sense of belonging. As for the weird ability systems, these have been severely suppressed in the public universe here. Although it is not as perverted as the four cornerstone worlds, it is still very disgusting compared to the general world.

Garen's current strength level has barely returned to the planet level, which can affect the planet's balance level. It is stronger than the four cornerstone worlds, but much weaker than the mecha world.

"The true source of the mother river is one of the records of the thirteen major sources. You need to go to the Supreme Hall, which is not on this floor. After we take you to your residence first, you can go to the Supreme Hall at any time, either by teleportation or flying by yourself. .”

Pella answered.

The group of people was directly supported by the silver platform, flew out of the square, and flew towards the high speed below. Along the way, Galen kept asking about various situations here. He probably had a certain understanding of the distribution layout of the entire lighthouse. This place is no longer like that. Instead of a friendly atmosphere of mutual help, it is filled with exchanges of interests and entanglements. No wonder Kong Xinxue and Jiuweihu are unwilling to come back to settle here. No wonder so many people are willing to hide in different worlds and live their own lives. .

Along the way, he and Pella chatted about some major events on Earth when they traveled through time, and Garen confirmed that the other person was not from his own Earth at all. It seems that neither the Nine-tailed Fox nor Kong Xinxue came from the earth he traveled through, but more like some parallel spaces where history has branched off.

This made him even less interested.

After flying to a silver palace-like place in the mountains, Pella gave Garen a key, and the entire area covering hundreds of square kilometers became Garen's territory.

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