Mysterious journey

Chapter 124 Peak 1


This time it was Charlotte who fired the shot.

A ball of sparks opened a small crater on the ground next to Yoda, and a large amount of rubble exploded, forcing Yoda to turn over and avoid the rubble.

Charlotte was holding a purple-red pistol in her hand, but it was one size larger than an ordinary pistol, and there was a trace of smoke coming out of the muzzle.

Missing a shot, she instantly retracted her pistol and left her original position in a flash.

There were two gunshots, and two small craters suddenly appeared where she had just left.

Sweat slowly dripped from Yoda's forehead, but he did not dare to wipe it away.

He knew some information about Charlotte, one of the former Four Kings, whose greatest characteristics were her strong intuition and agility. Her flexible, boneless body can perform many incredible attacks and evasive moves.

But that's not the most troublesome part.

The most troublesome thing is Charlotte's secret weapon, the ten-finger flying needle.

This is a hidden weapon technique that uses fine needles as hidden weapons, and a layer of complex toxins are applied on the needles in an ingenious way.

As long as it is scratched a little, it will definitely lead to death from the poison, and even Charlotte herself has no antidote.

Moreover, this kind of flying needle has a special structure and makes no sound after being shot.

"It seems that we are really in trouble this time." Yoda murmured in a low voice, tightening the thread on his hand, and the muzzles of the eight sniper rifles moved slightly. At the same time, there was a slight clicking sound, as if something was being adjusted.

This is the true secret that Dragon King Yoda has never revealed, the true secret that no living person has ever been able to see. But now he wasn't going to hide it anymore.

At the same time, Charlotte, who was on the edge of the roof, suddenly felt a numbness in her scalp. Without any time to think, she leaned back and fell directly downstairs.

Bang! !


Garen stopped immediately and looked far away in the direction of the sound coming from inside the manor.

The gunfire over the manor has gradually become sparse, and it is obvious that the fierce battle has almost come to an end.

The dull sound of gunfire this time was completely different from before, giving people a strange dull feeling.

Garen glanced around, and saw that the ground was full of craters and bloodstains, the bodies of soldiers and killers were scattered in all directions, and some buildings were already burning. The fire burned the wood inside, making constant crackling sounds.

The entire manor, which had a beautiful environment, completely turned into a dead zone. The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder and blood.

Garen stepped over the two corpses that were fighting to death and frowned slightly.

Even though he had been fighting for a long time and his hands were stained with blood, he still felt a faint sense of unreality when he saw this tragic small battlefield.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary young man and an office worker. After arriving in this world, he began to pursue martial arts, but he unknowingly reached this point.

He is a powerful fighter born from his natural talents, and he is already at the pinnacle of martial arts in this world. From an ordinary person to a fighter who can kill no more than a raise of his hands, this huge span was something he never expected at first.

Walking in the increasingly quiet manor, there were only occasional gunshots in the distance.

Garen suddenly saw a corpse whose waist was shot by a machine gun. This was a young male soldier. His eyes were open, as if he hadn't yet figured out what was going on.

This machine gun is a position-type heavy machine gun. Garen glanced at the crater on the ground and made a rough estimate.

"If five heavy machine guns hit me in the same direction, the impact will probably be able to block my progress. This is the power of thermal weapons."

He sighed and ran quickly towards the lawn in the center of the manor. That was the agreed final gathering place, and Arisi, Dragon King Sulin and others would all go here to gather.

Because the most powerful forces such as the director of the Secret Service and Su Lin's father are concentrated here.

Not long after running, I picked up a few green killers who were still alive on the road. Soon we arrived at the central lawn.

A large area of ​​​​the lawn looked like it had been shoveled away by a shovel. The green grass was completely turned into black mud, and the ground was full of traces of explosion residue.

Garen walked to the edge of the plowed turf, squatted down and turned over it.

"What a fierce fight!"

He murmured quietly.

"A master from the previous generation who is at least fifty or sixty years old can still have such a powerful explosive power." He is also a fighter himself, so he can naturally see some traces of fighting from these remaining traces. "Compared to the king general just now, he is completely different!"


Suddenly there was the sound of something slapping in the distance.

Garen didn't hesitate, got up and rushed in that direction. There was a lonely little church with a silver cross on top of its white spire.

The main door of the church opened with a bang. Garen suddenly stopped and his expression changed.

The vaulted hall of the church was in a state of disarray.

Sulin's father, Lieutenant General Krohn, and another bearded bald man were half lying in the corners on both sides. The two men were covered in blood, and the ground was littered with human body parts and internal organs.

The red carpet became increasingly bloody and dark red.

In addition to Crohn, there were also Irisi and several guards with fearful expressions on their faces. They were protecting the two generals. Their hands were trembling slightly as they held the guns. His eyes were fixed on a figure in a black cloak squatting half-crouched in the center of the red carpet.

"Is someone coming again?"

The black cloak stood up, his voice hoarse. A few drops of blood slowly dripped from the edge of the black leather boots under his feet, and he was obviously injured.

Garen narrowed his eyes and was about to speak when suddenly a wall not far from the church suddenly opened up on the ground and three people came out. It was Su Lin, Dragon King Yoda and the colonel.

"Ansara!" As soon as Dragon King Yoda came out, he saw the black cloak standing in the center. Then he looked at the situation around him, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Yoda, long time no see." Ansara looked at the Dragon King, without any fluctuation in his voice. "It's a pity that you finally stood opposite me."

"You should have killed me after all these years." The Dragon King calmed his expression and replied coldly. "Too bad you didn't."

"Where's Charlotte?" Ansara suddenly asked.

"I was injured and ran away. I won't come to support you again in a short time." Yoda pulled his hand, and eight heavy snipers instantly formed a fan shape, aiming at Ansara's body and all surrounding areas.

"At this point in the fight, the outcome has actually been decided." Ansaro looked away and landed on Lieutenant General Krohn who was leaning against the wall. "Hand it over, Lieutenant General Krohn."

"I didn't expect that your spear skills are as terrifying as your martial arts. You are worthy of being the leader of the strongest killer organization." Crohn sneered, "You can take the things, but not here. In another place farther away."

"My martial arts has reached the point where there is no increase or decrease." Ansaro said calmly, "There are no martial artists in the world who can beat me. Even Palosha has only stopped at my level."

He said calmly, with a domineering tone in his voice.

"I have reached the realm of transcendence and sainthood, but unfortunately, I still cannot resist the erosion of time." He raised his head high and finally lifted the black cloak covering his head.

This is a thin old man with a white beard. His hair is completely white, his eyebrows are also white, and the weirdest thing is that his eyes are also white!

The skin on his face was as wrinkled as the bark of an old tree. It was obvious that he had lost his age, and he was at least seventy or eighty years old.

"The Golden Sword Seat, the key that can unlock a higher level of martial arts in the legend, is my only hope now." Ansha Luo looked at Crohn calmly, "I am nearly eighty years old. I no longer have time to find myself. path of."

"Why are you talking so much?" Garen interrupted him directly and took a step forward, "Winning or losing, let's talk about it later!"

Before he finished speaking, he rushed over quickly and stomped on the ground with a stamp.

The whole church roared, and the huge sound seemed to collapse the church in an instant.

Everyone's eardrums roared, and there was a fine buzzing sound, which was caused by temporary deafness.

Then he saw Garen rushing forward with a lunge, and the sound of wind carried by him faintly sounded like the roar of an elephant. The handle slashed down from top to bottom, and the faint sound of an elephant shaking its trunk could be heard in the air.

As soon as he entered Galen, he felt an upright and powerful invisible aura faintly suppressing the entire church. On this Ansha Luo, there was a phantom of a male lion slowly crouching. It is a spiritual shadow created by powerful aura. When Ansha Luo does not burst out, ordinary martial artists cannot see the situation.

But as soon as Garen entered the door, he felt that this man's spirit was almost the same as his own, and he could still maintain such a strong physique when he was nearly eighty years old.

This spirit is much stronger than Andrela's, and can already be compared with him now.

"Junior! Do you think you can take advantage of my injury?" Ansara sneered and turned around, "The newly entered fighter level is trying to challenge the seniors. They don't know whether to live or die!"

He put his hands lightly and landed on the side of Garen's sword. Give it a tap.


Garen looked shocked. The sword in his hand contained most of his strength, but it was deflected by the other party with just a tap.


A crater appeared in front of Ansara's toes, but he easily dodged it by a hair's breadth.

The nearly eighty-year-old man stretched out his palm. The speed was neither fast nor slow, but it was impossible to avoid. He swung away the shot of Garen's other hand and patted him lightly on the chest.

"Lock!" he shouted.

Garen's body felt as if struck by thunder, and he instantly froze on the spot.

He felt as if his chest suddenly became stiff and completely uncontrollable, as if his flesh and blood body suddenly turned into a cold and hard stone.

"Young man, martial arts cannot be won by strength alone."

Ansara took a step back, his face calm.

"I'll tell you after you win!!" Garen laughed ferociously, and his body suddenly expanded, growing from 1.7 meters to 1.9 meters in an instant.

shoot! tread! Dump! !

Three shapes in one!

Garen shot out with his right elbow and stepped on it. The whole ground shook slightly again. The elbow actually transformed into an arc in the middle, and suddenly changed from a shooting shape to a throwing shape.

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