Mysterious journey

Chapter 125 Peak 2

This elbow strike combines the explosive power of the shooting form and the stepping form, plus the huge attack range and rotational force of the throwing form. The power was so strong that Garen struck with all his strength.

Even an armored tank would be smashed in an instant.

The strong wind blew Ansara's beard slightly, but his expression remained unchanged. He stretched out his palms again, seemingly slowly but actually very quickly, under Garen's elbow.

Bang bang! Two crisp sounds. It seemed like the knuckles of his fingers flicked twice under Garen's elbow.

The originally violent and powerful elbow strike was instantly lifted up, deviated from its original trajectory, and passed over Ansara's head.


Another slap hit Garen on the chest.

Garen took two steps back, looking strange. He looked at Ansara's techniques and suddenly remembered the countless special schools on Earth in his previous life.

"Are you doing soft fisting?"

"Soft fist? You can say that." Ansara nodded lightly, "This word sums it up well. Being able to step into the ranks of fighters at such a young age must not be an accident."

He stood with his hands behind his back.

"This is my self-created spirit ring fist. It is most suitable for dealing with hard Qigong masters like you who only know brute force."

Garen reached out and touched his chest. The stiffness he had just used to expand his body using explosive hard qigong and relieve it now reappeared.

His chest felt cold and hard, and he seemed to have lost consciousness again.

"It seems I can't deal with you without using my real skills."

Garen took a deep breath and his body suddenly shook. It actually expanded again.

It jumped from 1.9 meters to 2.45 meters!

He was two heads taller than Ansara, and the two stood face to face, as distinct as adults and children.

"The peak of hard qigong" An Shaluo's expression changed slightly. "You." Before he could finish his words, he saw Garen's hand grabbing at him fiercely. Like a cattail leaf fan pressing down on the top, it almost blocks the light in the entire sky. He quickly raised his hand.

Bang! ! !

This muffled sound made everyone in the church feel dizzy.

Su Lin stood with her sister and father, and everyone gathered together, protected by soldiers, colonels, and several officers.

At this time, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Garen suddenly grow into twice its original size in a terrifying manner.

"So strong!!" Irisi covered her mouth and shouted softly. She had no idea that Garen, who originally looked just a little stronger, would suddenly grow into such a terrifying figure. He grabbed the skinny old man like an eagle catching a chicken. This visual contrast is too strong.

Arisi could already picture Garen slapping the old man to pieces with his palm.

"The peak of hard qigong?" Crohn and his old partner Big Beard exchanged glances, and both saw a hint of shock in the other's eyes. They had also learned some traditional martial arts, but they had no idea that there was such a terrifying effect of hard qigong in martial arts. Just looking at that figure, you can imagine how powerful Garen's palm is at this moment.

"It seems that traditional martial arts have been underestimated before. In close combat, this kind of martial arts is as effective as top spear skills!" A thought flashed in Crohn's mind.

Su Lin stayed beside his sister and felt a strong shock when he saw this scene. Although he had heard the rumors about Garen, he was not as shocked as seeing it with his own eyes.

But this was not the key to keeping him stunned.

The key is that Ansha Luo actually blocked this palm with both hands raised!

After a huge muffled sound, Ansara's feet sank into the concrete floor, almost to his knees.

Moo! ! Roar! !

The sounds of elephants and lions roared together, and the ferocious roar vibrated.

As a warrior, Su Lin could naturally clearly see that Garen and Ansha Luo were competing with each other, and their auras were like a giant elephant and a giant lion that were entangled and colliding fiercely.

With a snap, the two immediately separated.

Ansara stood up and jumped backwards for a few steps to stabilize himself. When he looked at Garen again, he looked a little surprised.

"What kind of hard qigong are you doing! I have seen all the top hard qigongs, except yours!!"

"Baiyun Gate, Giant Elephant's Secret Martial Arts!" Garen also felt uncomfortable. Just when he hit the opponent's arms, the terrifying repulsive force that instantly caused the opponent to burst out made him feel a little weak now. feeling of fatigue.

Fighters and top boxing masters all possess the necessary abilities for close combat and counterattack. It was obvious that the opponent's counterattack was much higher than his.

clang! !

Suddenly a bell rang outside the church.

Ansara's face darkened.

"Bring the things! Otherwise, you will die!" He suddenly looked at Crohn who was guarding him. The terrifying aura in his body swelled up instantly, surpassing Galleons in an instant and pressing hard on everyone in Crohn.

Crohn's face was gloomy, and he glanced at the whole place and could tell that the situation was not good. Without any hesitation, he directly named a place. "Ansara, with your martial arts, there is no need to fight life and death every day. Why not join our Secret Service? The Federation will soon reorganize special experts. By then, I will be the first minister of the Secret Service. If you join, I will I can promise you to become deputy minister!"

Ansara looked at him disdainfully, like a tiger looking at a pig. Then he ignored the furious Crohn.

"Time is running out, it seems we must fight quickly!" His eyes fell on Garen blocking the door, and there was another Yoda aura hidden in the dark. Yoda had been waiting for the opportunity, holding the gun but not firing it, which gave him a stronger containment and threat than actually shooting.

"I didn't expect to meet the rumored pinnacle of hard qigong here! It's a pity that I don't have time." An Shaluo looked at Garen, with a flash of appreciation in his eyes. "Get out of the way, young man, I don't want to kill you!"

Garen now felt the feeling of the pink-eyed general just now. The opponent's aura was like an ocean, waves surrounding his own aura. He could only tighten around his body, gather his energy, and always pay attention to Ansara's every move. It feels like a flying insect stuck in a spider web.

He already felt something was wrong.

The Giant Elephant Secret Martial Arts is a top-notch hard qigong that has been mutated into a top-notch hard qigong after one level of skin hardening, one level of stabilization of qi and blood, and superposition and strengthening. Now the opponent doesn't even notice it.

"You are worthy of being a top martial artist of the older generation. But let me get out of the way, your skills are not enough!"

He originally wanted to see what higher-level martial arts was. Now that it's in front of us, we naturally refuse to escape. Besides, he heard that Ansara was also related to the Immortal Palace, so there was no way he would give up this opportunity.

Ansara narrowed his eyes. A hint of danger slowly spread from his body.

clang! !

Another bell rang outside.

An Shaluo's face was shocked, and at this moment, a thunderous gunshot rang out.

It's Yoda!

Eight sniper rifles fired at the same time, locking in any direction Ansha Luo could avoid.

Ansha Luo suddenly dwarfed, his whole body doubled in size, and turned into a dwarf. With a muffled groan, he was obviously injured.

"Looking for death!!" With a roar, Ansha Luo raised his hand, and actually fired a purple pistol in his hand instantly.


Yoda, who was in the darkness in the distance, groaned in pain, and a large bloody hole was left in his right shoulder.

At this moment, Garen stepped down and spun his arms.

A series of swings! !

"First Dragon Gate!"

At the same time, Ansara let out a low roar, and his whole body actually expanded several times. With a fierce look on his face, he pointed a finger and stabbed Garen's swinging arm.

He actually wanted to fight head-on!

At this moment there was another gunshot.

Yoda struggled and actually fired again.

Ansara had no time to react, and at the moment when he was fighting with Garen, he couldn't dodge in time. In the blink of an eye, his body expanded twice again! ! He actually turned into a strong man with muscles all over his body! Only slightly smaller than Jia Lung, he is also at the pinnacle of hard qigong! !

Bang! !

Garen only felt a pain in his arm, and then he saw Ansara, with murderous intent on his face, sneaking in and lightly pressing his palm on his chest. The last shot just now had no effect on him.

"Second Dragon Gate!"

boom! ! !

Ansara hit Garen on the chest with a palm, then spun around and went behind Garen.

"Third Dragon Gate!!"

A backhand palm, bang! ! Hit Galleon's heart right in the heart.

The three palms seemed dull, but the continuous blows on Garen's body did not cause any movement.

It was just that outsiders couldn't see it, but Garen felt as if his whole body was frozen by something, and he couldn't move at all. The blood and Qi in his blood vessels seemed to be blocked by something, making it extremely difficult to flow.

My heart was beating violently, and every time it beat, my whole body seemed to be vibrating. I had intense shortness of breath, palpitations, and waves of dizziness in my head. A large number of negative states came to me at once. My heart felt like it was about to explode.

He staggered and almost lost his balance.

"The last palm! The fourth dragon gate!" Ansara raised his cold right palm and struck it hard on Garen's forehead. However, Garen stumbled and dodged awkwardly.

boom! !

There was another gunshot.

Ansara's expression changed slightly, he immediately retracted his hand and took a step forward.

A large amount of cement slag suddenly spattered from the ground behind him, and he slapped it with one hand, turning it into a large hidden weapon and shrouding the eight-armed Dragon King Yoda in the shadow.

Yoda had no time to dodge, so he could only block himself with his gun, causing several bloody holes to appear on his body in an instant. Fortunately, they all avoided the critical point.

"Seven Dragon Gate! Ansara, you have finally... mastered it!!" He stared at Ansara who ran out of the church several times with bloodshot eyes. Unable to bear it any longer, he covered his mouth with his hand, and large mouthfuls of blood spilled out from between his fingers.

Garen rolled to the ground in embarrassment and tried to turn over, but he couldn't use any strength at all.

"If I meet this person alone, I will die!" At this time, he could still calmly judge the strength of the other person and himself.

Finally, he half-knelt on the ground with support, and his eyes followed Ansara through the door.

"Is this the strength of a true peak warrior? You can still be so powerful at the age of nearly eighty!!" He originally thought that he had reached the pinnacle of a warrior, but he didn't expect to see Ansara who was so much stronger than himself. Strong.

When he and the Dragon King arrived, Ansha Luo first defeated the two Secret Service generals, massacred a large number of the besiegers, and was obviously injured. Afterwards, he fought with him head-on with several moves, but the Dragon King found an opportunity and shot him twice.

In this way, he was able to explode in the end and almost killed himself. And it seemed like he had to leave in a hurry, otherwise if he stayed here, everyone might die!

Ansara didn't even use all his strength in the end. The injuries sustained were minor at best.

Garen felt inexplicable for a moment.

An Shaluo is obviously a peak hard qigong fighter like him, and his skills are even much deeper than his!

"If he had broken out earlier and we had competed at peak condition, I would have been killed instantly." Garen felt bitter in his heart, but more excited!

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