Mysterious journey

Chapter 1241 Reincarnation 1

"Where do I go from here?"

Garen endured the severe pain in his head, walked towards the door a little top-heavy step by step, and gently tapped a button.

That's the button that alerts people outside that he's finished watching.

There was no sound, and soon there were subtle footsteps outside.


The door opened.

"Your Excellency? Are you okay?" A young silver-haired woman in a white robe looked at Garen in shock. The moment she opened the door, she was a little frightened by Garen's appearance, and blood flowed from her nostrils and spread everywhere. Yes, it looks miserable.

"It's okay. You'll be fine after some rest." Garen waved his hand.

What he is most concerned about now is what is flowing out of the moving black hole in his brain.

Instinctively, he felt that these black hole auras were not harmful to him.

The woman quickly stepped forward to support Garen, and her hands released several light blue ripples, covering Garen's body.

Suddenly, a cool and comfortable feeling surged from Garen's heart. But what happened was that the woman's complexion instantly turned pale.

"I'm sorry. My ability can only barely heal you." She whispered.

"Thank you, I'm much better." Garen forced a smile. This was obviously a treatment method, but he knew that his body, with his strong physique, would not be affected by external forces unless he recovered by himself. body, the price that needs to be paid is simply not something that ordinary creatures can afford.

After leaving the room, Garen went to the side of the Supreme Hall with the support of the woman, found a chair and sat down to catch his breath.

This time Galleon was completely consumed from the inside out, and the energy mark collapsed, so that he could only rely on the instinct of his brain to process and memorize the countless data.

He had encountered such situations before in the mecha world, but they were not as troublesome as this time.

Especially the mysterious black hole. Although he had only viewed the record of the message once, Garen felt as if something had penetrated into his brain.

He quietly closed his eyes and leaned on the chair. He faintly heard someone calling his name softly in his ears, but he was too tired to pay attention to it and fell asleep. The Supreme Hall has the confinement of the entire lighthouse, and any living thing No force is allowed here. So he can also take a good rest in peace of mind.

As his consciousness gradually blurred, Garen vaguely felt as if he was wrapped in an infinite aura of darkness, as if something was holding him up and moving him in a certain direction.

He himself belongs to the Ancient Yinduo Demon King and possesses the terrifying power of the four soul rings. Controlling dreams at this level is almost a natural ability. There is basically no phenomenon of dreams being controlled by external forces. But now this is happening abnormally.

After concentrating for a moment, Garen suddenly woke up, and his consciousness in the dreamland completely woke up.

The surrounding black fog dissipated instantly, revealing the misty scene outside.

What surprised Garen was that the outside world was not an endless black realm of dreams, but large expanses of green water from the rushing mother river.

The roaring rumbling sound kept vibrating in his ears.

He found that he was rushing towards the upper reaches of the mother river. The surrounding countless spirit rivers are getting thicker and greener.

"Come on. Embrace all the darkness and turn it into the energy of the universe." A misty voice sounded like a summons and groaning from the front.

Garen suddenly saw a familiar black hole quickly appearing in front of him.

"Black hole!?"

He was shocked.

What exactly is going on! ? How could I suddenly be so close to the black hole from a dream? What the hell is this thing!

Garen was slightly reluctant to give up as a new student. Faced with something he didn't understand at all, he was unwilling to risk it all in person. It wouldn't be too late to wait until next time when he was prepared and had all the information.

"Back off!" he ordered sternly. As a demon king, dreams should be completely under your control.


With a loud noise, the surrounding river momentum suddenly stopped, and the huge power of the Demon King emitted, and began to control the dream and transfer it to his own control.

Garen felt that his position began to gradually move backwards, starting to move away from the mysterious and strange black hole.

But just then! An extremely huge force burst out from the black hole.

"Darkness. Darkest darkness."

It seemed as if countless people were praising and singing hymns, and countless thread-like power spread out and wrapped around Garen. Pulling him crazily towards the pitch-black hole.

"Is this!!?" Garen's heart tightened, and his soul ring violently rotated, trying to regain control.

But it was to no avail. The terrifying power of the black holes was like countless giant tentacles of an octopus, or more like countless invisible hairs, wrapping around him crazily. The huge power transmitted was like a giant compared to Garen's own power. Babies are not comparable at all.

"Damn it!"

Gallon until everything was out of control. If the power of this black hole is really the source of the mother river, it is naturally impossible for him to compete with the power of an ant, even though it is only a small recorded image.

"Wake up!!" He mobilized all his strength to try to wake himself up from the dream immediately, but unfortunately, this time the instigation seemed to further stimulate the pulling power of the black hole, and an even greater pulling force came from countless tentacles. It permeated the air.

Although Garen wanted to explore the mystery of the source of this mother river, he never thought that he would be dragged into it in such a forced way.

The black hole instantly enlarged, getting bigger and bigger, and then suddenly occupied all the fields of vision in front of it.

Garen suddenly felt as if he had been plunged into black ink. He couldn't see anything around him. Only the thick, oily dark liquid was slowly turning, and his body was slowly turning like a whirlpool in the water.

With this slow rotation, some subtle information gradually penetrated into Garen's mind.

He vaguely understood what this place was.

"A high-dimensional universe? A higher-dimensional space-time that exists on the mother river or even countless dimensional universes?" Galen identified the content of the information. It was some kind of clearly arranged record information, as if someone had specially compiled it. , forming a form of storage similar to ancient pronunciation and multi-text pronunciation. Obviously it was also the content that was processed by a later power.

But then, Garen began to feel that his power was constantly collapsing, like a star collapsing.

All power, including soul power, began to shrink towards the depths of his soul.

The surrounding darkness is getting denser and stronger, making it increasingly difficult to move. The pulling force made no more unnecessary movements after pulling in Galleon, and completely disappeared.

"High-dimensional space and time will inevitably require huge low-dimensional power as the basis for evolutionary improvement. At my level, I don't know if it is enough." After Garen understood that this process was a qualitative change in the evolution of his own dimension, he no longer worried about other problems. Now he What I was worried about instead was whether my soul power was enough to cope with entering the higher dimension this time.

Just like the characters in the painting want to break through the frame and enter the three-dimensional space, the price they need to pay is absolutely incomparable to ordinary levels.

Now that he was pulled in and forcibly started this dimension improvement, Garen no longer hesitated. Since there was no room for retreat, he could only move forward.

Judging from the ancient information left behind in the dark space, this information seems to be the remnants of many tyrannical beings who tried to forcibly enhance the dimension but failed. Some of them are legion-level, some are ordinary people who have obtained powerful treasures, and some are also demon-level beings. By chance, they encountered the existence that saw the black hole, and then under irresistible circumstances, they were pulled in and forcibly entered the dimension. evolution. If the evolution is successful, it can travel into a new high-dimensional universe. If it fails, it will be turned into a new cosmic fertilizer and nourish all things.

Garen stirred up the soul ring, bursting out extremely huge soul power. This soul power was the extremely huge strength of the mid-level demon king. It could even resist the pull of the black hole for a moment, but only for a moment.

Perhaps the true spirit level can completely escape the pull of this force, but now Garen has no room to resist.

In the darkness, the power of the vortex became weaker and weaker, and Garen almost fell into a sluggish state. Judging from the information memory left in the space, it was almost impossible to fall into a sluggish state and then rely on his own power to move. Once it was completely Stagnant, what awaits Galleon will be completely exhausted, decayed and dead by the huge flow of time in an instant.

The rotation of the vortex can largely offset the most rapid flow of time here as the source of the mother river. Once it stops, that huge amount of time can erase tens of thousands of galleons in just one or two hours.

Along the way, traveling through numerous worlds, Garen has never been afraid of facing death, and he has also reached a point of life and death before his eyes.

I was inexplicably pulled into this black hole. If I couldn't move forward, I could only wait for death. The only thing I could do was to fight with all my strength.

Garen has made up his mind deep in his soul, and he will never hesitate when he needs to fight for his life.

The four soul rings began to rotate crazily, and the terrifying huge soul power combined with his violent physical strength began to self-destruct in a destructive manner.

Self-exploding soul power can produce huge agitation, but it will cause permanent irreversible damage to the soul ring. However, if the soul ring is gone, it can be devoured and absorbed again, but if it is gone, there is only one life.

Garen had just summoned up all his strength and suddenly moved towards his back, ready to release.

Suddenly, the talent attribute column below his vision burst out with a dazzling red light.

Endless red light instantly penetrated his eyeballs, penetrated his body, and even penetrated the darkness, like a lightbulb suddenly lighting up in the night.

Magnificent and crystal clear.

The red crystal-like light froze all Galleons in an instant, like a bug in amber. He was completely unable to move, and even the soul ring power in his body that was about to explode was instantly solidified.

"Is this!?" Garen was shocked. He had been investigating the origin of his talent for a long time, but no matter how much he investigated, he could not find the specific source. This extremely abnormal talent seemed to have happened once. A powerful ability obtained by extremely accidental luck.

But deep down in his heart, he didn't believe that such a complex superpower could be activated naturally just by relying on a single potion mutation.

It can modularize all the skills and abilities of all things in the world, and summarize them all in it, so that it will never be chaotic and develop in a bad direction. Every ability is in order, and it also solidifies its own body so that it will not be reduced due to reduced exercise. And degrade.

Even if Garen came to the lighthouse, he had never seen such a strange and powerful talent.

Solidifying everything and storing everything can be said to be the highest conceptual power.

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