Mysterious journey

Chapter 1242 Reincarnation 2

As long as an ordinary person has the ability to solidify, he exercises for two hours today and his strength is adaptively improved. Even if he does not exercise for a year, the improved strength will last forever. In other words, even if he exercises normally Or, as long as you persist in exercising every day, sooner or later your body's strength will reach the upper limit that the universe can tolerate. After that, your solidification ability will keep it at its peak and never degrade.

This is the terrifying part of the innate ability. The more Garen understands its power, the more he is afraid of it. Later, we tried to reduce our reliance on talents as much as possible. The reason is that it is simply impossible to figure out its specific source.

And now it seems that there are finally clues to the origin of this ability.

"Absolutely." Garen was wrapped in red light and began to move forward quickly.

"It definitely comes from high-dimensional time and space, otherwise it would be impossible to shake the black hole so easily!"

Garen had a guess in his mind.

The sudden burst of innate abilities prevented him from self-destructing his soul ring, and also temporarily eliminated the threat and danger posed to him by the black hole. But the situation is still not optimistic.

As the force of the advance became stronger and faster, Garen felt as if he was advancing deep into the earth, deep into the layers of soil and rocks. The resistance was getting bigger and bigger, and the red light began to shake, as if it was beyond its capabilities.

Garen became nervous again. Once the red light disappeared, he would not even have room to struggle, and he would be instantly digested into cosmic fertilizer by the terrifying time flow around him.

Fortunately, there seems to be a glimmer of light at last in the darkness.

A faint white light gradually appeared at the front, and the red light became dimmer and fainter. As it became weaker and weaker, it suddenly rushed forward carrying Galleons.

boom! !

Suddenly a huge whip as red as blood whipped over.

As he got closer to Garen, he saw clearly that it was not a whip, but a huge river made of magma. Countless creatures were tumbling and wailing in the river, some were humanoid, some were non-human, they were all naked, and they were hurt by the river. Corroded to the point where the whole body was rotten and blackened.

The crimson river exuded a terrifying attraction when it approached Galleon, but the red light suddenly accelerated and rushed past. Leave the river far behind.

Soon, another huge white-gold disk followed, circling and flying over Garonne's head. The white-gold disk also exuded a majestic and terrifying attraction. There were countless solemn castles, flying behemoths, and large films inside. Mighty armies and choirs sang praises.

The red light carried Garen and accelerated again, rushing over with all his strength.

The white color in front of him was getting closer and closer, and Garen could even see that the white color seemed to be a thick light film like plastic.

"Ladiya Ladiya." Soon, another galaxy-like vortex slowly approached on the left, and a subtle and sharp chanting sound came out, exuding an even more terrifying attraction, trying to absorb the red light. Long pulled him over, but was immediately accelerated by the red light for the last time, leaving him severely behind.

At this moment, the red light has also weakened greatly, and there is only a very thin layer.

Garen was always worried that it might not be able to hold on and explode.

It was only at this moment that he noticed that his body had been completely dissolved at some point, leaving only a complete soul. The four soul rings were slowly rotating, overlapping each other, emitting bright colorless fluorescence. .

And compared to before, his soul ring was faintly condensed. It seemed that after going through the process just now, the structure of the soul ring was more stable, and the original weak foundation of the middle demon king was completely solved.

Soon, as he got closer and closer to the white light film, Garen felt that his soul ring began to shrink rapidly, getting smaller and smaller, becoming more and more compact, and it was a full circle of laughter compared to the previous size.

A large amount of soul power is condensed and compressed and used to increase density.

Finally, the red light took him and hit him hard towards the white film.

Boom! !

A sound of thunder seemed to ring in my ears.

There were countless white lights in front of him, and he couldn't see anything. Garen completely lost all means of perception.

The white light faded rapidly in front of his eyes, and Garen felt as if he had broken through a layer of membrane. He rushed directly into a new, more viscous and powerful time and space.

The flow of time here is hundreds of times faster than in the original world. He could clearly feel that time was rapidly wearing away at his soul. The red light at this moment had completely lost its role in protecting him, so much so that he himself could sense the flow of time in the outside world.

"Is this the high-dimensional universe?" With a hint of curiosity and inexplicable awe, Garen opened his senses and looked outside.

In the endless black space, what appeared in front of Garen's eyes was a group of colorful things floating in the dark space, like seaweed.

There is light moving in some places on this mass, it is pitch black in some places, blue in some places, and eye-catching red in some places, but most places are still yellow earth and blue sea water.

This seems to be a sand table projection of a huge world.

Garen found many small disk-like pieces on it. Each of these small pieces rotated slightly, like gears in a machine, precise, complex and heavy. They vary in size, light and dark.

Surrounding the disk are a large number of tattered colorful substances like silk wadding, some of which are even fluttering.

At this moment, he was using the last remaining inertia of the red light to move at high speed, flying towards this seaweed-like world.

This mass of matter itself seemed to have a strong attraction. As he got closer, the pulling force of this world-like substance became stronger and stronger.

laugh! !

Garen instantly lost consciousness, and his eyes suddenly fell into complete darkness. It was as if his speed had accelerated to the extreme in an instant, and he had entered a state similar to jumping and teleporting. He suddenly entered an unpredictable situation.



"Is the Sword Master still resting?" In the Supreme Hall, a tall man in white robe slowly walked out of the teleportation point and asked the woman in white robe who was accompanying him.

"Yes, Your Excellency, Sect Master." The woman quickly replied respectfully, and stepped aside, revealing Garen's body behind her, which was sitting quietly against the wall with her eyes closed.

Garen still looked like he was asleep, his eyes were closed, his face was rosy, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

The face of the man in white robe was shrouded in clear light. He looked at Garen and suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and let out a light sigh.


He strode forward.

"Your Excellency Garen." He reached out and pressed Garen's shoulder decisively.


In an instant, Garen's entire body collapsed like wind and sand, turning into countless sand and scattering all over the ground.

The woman was stunned, and so was the man in white robe.

He took back his hand and was silent for a moment. Then he said slowly.

"Lord Garen, I can't feel where his soul is. His body has completely withered and turned into sand, and all life energy has been completely removed."

The woman covered her mouth, showing disbelief.

"How is that possible!? He. He just saw the true source of the mother river once!"

"Although I don't want to believe it, it is the truth." The man sighed softly. "Garen has fallen. Inform the lighthouse control to lower the flag to half-mast."

He looked regretful.

"What a pity for a talented master. This may be an accident. Perhaps Garen was too confident about the call of the true source."



It's still dark and I can't see anything clearly.

When Garen woke up from his coma, he didn't know how long he had been unconscious. He felt that his soul ring seemed to have slight cracks, but fortunately, this time it was much better than before, and there was no major loss.

The feedback from the surrounding soul power shows that he seems to have stabilized. The rules of space and time in the surrounding universe are extremely stable, to an outrageous level. If the rules of the four cornerstone worlds are already very abnormal, then here The rules are ten times more solid.

He couldn't see anything around him, but Garen could feel that he seemed to be inside an oval-shaped space. This space was very small, just enough for him to be alone. But the trouble was, there was a small ball of flesh shrinking next to him. The whirring thing, I don’t know what it is, is also moving slightly with his movement.

This little thing obviously occupied Galleon's activity space.

Garen felt that he seemed to have an entity. He tried to reach out his hand. Since it was completely dark, he could not see his hands, but he could feel that his hands could move slowly.

"Probably reincarnated again" he came to a conclusion. Judging from the sense of touch, it seems that his hands are not human palms at all, but like those of birds, with three fingers in the front and one finger in the back. The fingertips are sharp but a little soft. It is obvious that they are not fully pregnant yet.

In the darkness, Garen stretched out his paws and pushed the little meat ball next to him into the corner. He occupied a large space and began to carefully explore his current body shape with his little paws.

He touched his legs, which seemed to have the same posture as his hands. The muscle lines were still quite obvious, but there were no human toes, but the same four toes, with sharp but soft ends.

Touching his back again, he felt like something was moving on his back.

When he touched it with his paws, he felt that there seemed to be two fan-like things curled up and close to his back. The feeling of his paws was almost the same as touching his ribs on his back.

In addition, Garen felt that his neck seemed a bit too long.

The entire neck accounts for a full third of the total body length. There is something moving behind the butt.

This gave him a chill.

"Could it be a deformity!?"

No, it won't happen. He immediately denied himself. With the state of his four soul rings, even if this is a high-dimensional universe, isn't the lump of flesh on the side the best contrast? That little guy obviously only has the soul level of one soul species. In other words, even if the difference in quality is not taken into account, his soul power is nearly twenty times that of the little thing next to him, not to mention that his soul ring has a qualitative change in soul power that is hugely different from that of ordinary soul types. Even if a ray of soul power is compared, the quality is vastly different.

Garen's heart felt a little cold. He tried to release his soul power to explore the situation outside this space, but the oval-shaped hard wall was very strong and his soul power could not penetrate at all. After trying several times, he gave up.

Moreover, he also discovered that the release and use of soul power would become extremely difficult once it was separated from his body. .

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