Mysterious journey

Chapter 1243 Clan 1

"This time and space." Garen tried many times and completely gave up the idea of ​​exploring the soul power.

He also discovered that there was something like an umbilical cord in his belly that was connected to the inner wall of the eggshell, and tiny streams of inexplicable soft liquid were being fed into his body from the umbilical cord.

"Is this nutrients?" He pulled on the umbilical cord, which was very tough.

Obviously he is in an eggshell embryo. Such eggshell embryos often only appear in special creatures.

Garen searched the memory knowledge in his brain for a long time, and in an instant he listed dozens of possible similar racial creatures, but further confirmation was needed.

Time passes slowly.

The outside of the eggshell gradually heated up, and some uncomfortable heat was transferred from the outside world, as if someone was baking it with fire.

Garen slowly began to feel hot, but the heat became more and more severe, and he was unable to bear it. The mass of flesh on the side began to make a subtle whining sound. It was a hissing sound like sand, very pitiful.


Suddenly there was a faint sound of wind, and the temperature of the eggshell dropped instantly.

Garen moved his body inside the eggshell, changed his position, and kicked the mass of flesh on the side away. Enjoy the rapidly dropping temperature.

"Esgula Mildi." Suddenly a loud, heavy and huge voice rang out from outside the eggshell.

Garen was slightly startled. This was the first time he heard an obvious biological voice outside. This rhythmic sound was obviously some unknown language.


Soon he saw something was wrong.

The umbilical cord on his belly began to glow, emitting a faint white light, like a lamp, not only illuminating the scene inside the eggshell, but also illuminating his weak body at this time.


Everything is white, whether it is the inner wall of the eggshell or my body at this moment, it is completely white.

By the light, Garen raised his paw and saw a lizard-like claw with no sign of human beings at all. The skin of the beast's claws is covered with light, tiny scales, which vaguely reflect white light like a mirror, making it extremely beautiful.

"This body looks very weak." Garen thought to himself. He glanced at the attribute bar below his vision. There was nothing there yet. He didn't know when the attributes would be restored. The origin of the talent's abilities must have come from this. There is no doubt about this of the world. If you want to find out its origin, you can only have the chance after you are hatched.

Garen tried the strength of this body, but was shocked to find that the strength of the body was far beyond his imagination.

"It seems that my soul is too strong. It is estimated that ordinary human bodies cannot accommodate it without modification, so I can only enter the body of such a powerful creature." Galen speculated.

Just as he was making various speculations in his mind, a large amount of soft and warm liquid suddenly surged from the umbilical cord on his belly. The liquid seemed to contain some kind of special, unpredictable flow of information. The flow of information is like a trickling stream, with large streams of liquid constantly pouring into his mind, and then deeply engraved into the air around the soul ring like a carving, turning into many patterns like tidbits.

Garen's powerful soul power system quickly rotated, and countless soul powers were consumed. He quickly found the language and text system in these information flows and reasonably divided them into the language area of ​​​​the brain.

Only ten minutes had passed when this work was completed.

Garen glanced sideways at the other piece of flesh next to him, and found that it was also receiving this kind of umbilical cord information flow. Obviously, this was not a patent for him alone.

"It is said that some powerful creatures have a certain innate inheritance before they are born. Is this the so-called innate inheritance?" Garon speculated in his mind. He was confident that his soul was powerful to a certain extent, and the automatically selected body race was by no means weak. Race. It is not surprising that there is an innate inheritance.

After the language system transmitted from the umbilical cord was completed, he began to use it as a tool to view other information.

This investigation immediately made him fully understand what he was now.

'I am a member of the great colorful dragon clan. I was born extremely noble. I am at the top of countless food chains and am the strongest predator. Our dragon clan is born noble. When we reach adulthood, we will become powerful level five creatures with powerful physical combat abilities. Ability, an innate spell with huge lethality.'

An unknown voice vibrated deep in Garen's heart, using the language he had just learned, repeatedly telling various stories about the power, glory, and glory of the Dragon Clan.

This voice was repeated over and over again, which made Garen bored. However, the ball of flesh next to him listened with gusto and remained motionless. The soul seed emitted a faint fluctuation, showing that it was very serious at the moment.

"Dragon clan?" Garen quickly read from the message the species he belonged to, the white dragon.

The voice was still reading and chanting according to the information flow step by step. Before the third step, Garen had already read all the content transmitted by the information flow.

He also understood his current identity.

A white dragon!

To be precise, it was a young dragon from the White Dragon Clan.

"Interesting!" Garen was reincarnated into a non-human race for the first time. The information transmitted obviously had obvious personal emotional characteristics. It was obviously the content of the previous generation of Bailong who had modified it and incorporated his own emotions. At first, it was for the Dragon Clan. The positioning explanation of the lofty status of oneself, followed by some basic common sense of life, and then regardless of whether the young dragon can tolerate it or not, a large amount of extremely complex knowledge, customs, taboos, etc. all poured in. This information is obviously ready to be stored. In the back of the young dragon's mind, it will slowly open up when it gets older. This is normal baby dragon growth.

But it was obvious that Garen was not in this normal category. He finished reading the information in just a few clicks. Compared with the information coming from the black hole, this flow of information was simply the difference between a mosquito and the sun. It's not even enough to fill the gap between your teeth.

But soon the flow of information also came to a halt.

Apparently the legacy is over.

It became quiet again outside, and time passed slowly. Garen became bored again, and the inheritance made him basically understand where he was.

The Prime Material Plane.

This is how the space he is called is called in the inherited memory.

This place is very big, so big that the fastest elder of their White Dragon has been flying at a speed of 300 kilometers per second for nineteen years and still cannot see the edge of the plane. Various races live here, and humans are the most numerous. , is also the race that occupies the largest area. They are powerful and greedy, like weeds that cannot be burned away by wildfire. Once a group dies, another group will grow in the blink of an eye. There are countless strong people.

Since the disappearance of Dragon Island 200,000 years ago, the Dragon Clan has completely fallen into a state of decline. Although the inherited memories repeatedly praise the greatness and glory of the Dragon Clan, Garen is also sensitive to the hatred for humans and dwarves, especially the human race. , they hunted dragons and retained their bodies using special craftsmanship, making them themselves or even giving them to dwarves to make various powerful equipment.

They are more disgusting and greedy existences than hell demons and abyss demons.

These detailed and boring contents were quickly passed by Garen, and they were nothing more than training and instilling hatred and disgust in the young dragons towards humans.

Garon's main concern is the environment here.

Obviously the environment of this world is similar to many Western myths he has seen before on Earth.

What shocked him the most was that there was a god here!

Some gods send gospels and miracles, and a large number of believers establish organizations and countries. Some gods penetrate into daily life, such as the god of poetry, the god of wealth, the god of springs, the god of forests, etc. All kinds of gods are powerful and bright. Under their command are not just ordinary powerful high-level warriors, There is also a demigod who ignites the divine fire, and the Holy Spirit with a pure and flawless soul. Various religions densely occupy and divide 90% of the entire main material plane.

"What kind of existence does the god here have?" Garen continued to analyze the inheritance data in the eggshell.

There are no firearms here, at least no powerful weapons like nuclear bombs and missiles, because the gunpowder here is extremely unstable! And its power is far inferior to that of a technological world like Earth.

The more powerful one here is the mage.

There are two moons in the sky. One is Mills, the god of mages, the founder of the magic network, and the god of magic. The purple moon does not represent the planet, but the core of the magic network.

The other moon is black and can only be seen by the Necrolich and believers who master the shadow energy. That is the black moon, representing another magic network - the shadow magic network. Derived from the Dark Goddess Shar, it was created to fight against Mills.

These two magic networks are the main power transmission system in this world, or this plane.

Garen has a little difficulty understanding the concept of planes here.

The planets he was familiar with, the galaxies and nebulae, had no specific form here. They were replaced by planes, various large and small planes that were constantly changing in life and death.

A plane is a sphere like a planet that is constantly rotating. This is only understood as a whole in the inherited knowledge. The rest is knowledge of hell, of the abyss, of the human world.

Among them, they have the most knowledge about the human world and hell.

Some reason is because humans are their biggest enemies, and hell is an evil plane adjacent to the main material plane. The former White Dragon clan would organize young dragons to enter hell for trials every once in a while. Hunting hellish creatures as a rite of passage.

But it seems different now

Garen saw the end of the inheritance message.

The dragon clan has inevitably declined. Although they are still at the top of the food chain, they no longer dare to live alone as they did before, because once they are alone, they are likely to be attacked by countless greedy dragon-slaying humans. Their bodies, their treasures, and all their possessions will be eaten away by these greedy maggots.

Even for such an evil human race, some dragons actually joined them. This is simply unforgivable! ! !

The anger in the inherited information is like a virus, and almost even Garen will be infected by it and develop hatred for the humans of this world. Simply, his soul ring instantly exploded with a ball of soul power, which offset this huge negative emotion.

He continued to read.

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