Mysterious journey

Chapter 1244 Clan 2

‘Those betrayers, those fallen ones who have abandoned revenge and race, will sooner or later be refined into soul basins by the great dragon god Tiamat and burned in the abyss forever! ’

This is the cry of hatred deeply engraved in the memory of the White Dragon inheritance.

"Okay. Obviously, Bailong's ancestors were massacred by humans." Garen saw this and basically finished reading all the content.

Putting aside the subjective emotional part, he got a lot of information about the world.

Priests, mages, warlocks, and many other derived professions combined with spellcasting abilities are the components of advanced combat power in this world. Their cavalry, swordsmen, assassins, thieves and other professions form an extremely complete social system of various armed forces. .

Compared with the powerful human race and the equally strong dwarf elves, the current dragon clan has disappeared, and the White Dragon clan is located in the north of the plane. It has established a nest on the icebergs of the deep and cold northern plateau, and this nest has only been established now. In less than a hundred years, the White Dragon Clan would move every once in a while to other areas to avoid humans who might find them.

The powerful evil dragon god Tiamat did not protect her people. The white dragons kept migrating again and again. However, as more and more of the main material plane were occupied by humans, the territory they could hide in became increasingly large. The less, as the evil chromatic dragon clan, unlike the metal dragons, the White Dragon clan can already predict that sooner or later, they will fight against the human race.

No. Maybe it wasn't war at all, but massacre.

Many members of White Dragon have been weakened so much that they cannot even leave this plane. A large part of the white dragons are even slightly stronger than the big white lizards. Except for the giant dragon body with a powerful hand-to-hand combat ability, the rest may really be just more powerful beasts.

Decline in intelligence results from lack of food.

After learning this, Garen couldn't help but be speechless.

"This great dragon clan, even if the white dragon is the weakest dragon clan among the colored dragons, it is strange that it can be so bad."

Time passed slowly as he boringly studied inheritance information.

The dragon egg seemed to be gradually becoming more fragile as time went by, and a lot of inexplicable energy in the eggshell was continuously transported along the umbilical cord to the bodies of Garen and the mass of flesh beside it.

Garen could feel his body getting stronger and stronger, and his scales and nails getting harder and harder.


Suddenly one day, when Garen accidentally scratched the eggshell, the inner wall of the eggshell broke by itself.

He glanced to the side, and saw that the ball of flesh had grown into the shape of a small baby dragon, and it was beating the inner wall of the eggshell hard with its four little claws. Then he ate the broken eggshells in big mouthfuls, while his lizard-like face showed an intoxicated expression.

Garen looked a little disgusted when he looked at the fallen eggshells, which were still covered with light white mucus. Suddenly I lost my appetite.

He smashed more eggshells several times and crawled out.

It's white outside. The first thing you see is a piece of white and bluish ice. He was inside a huge arched cave.

There was nothing around, just some soft gray fur matting under the white dome.

Garen crawled out of his body and heard the chewing sound of eggshells that were densely packed behind him.

He looked back.

There were actually four white dragon eggs in the nest paved with gray fur. Among them, the one he crawled out and another one. Both eggs were broken. The white baby dragon that climbed out plus him were enough. There are four heads. An egg comes out with two ends.

Garen carefully observed the baby dragon. It looked no different from a small lizard with wings, that is, it was slightly larger. Almost the size of a human head. The tall dragon egg in the wine barrel is completely gray in color, and it is just right for two young dragons to emerge from it.

He glanced at the little dragon that had one of his eggs. The scales on his body were like mirrors, reflecting the surrounding ice and the inner wall of the cave.


Garen's brother called to him several times in an unknown language, but Garen actually understood it!

"Still not eating? This is very good and nutritious for us!" This is how this sentence is translated.

Garen was speechless and opened his mouth to speak, but found that a breath of breath came out naturally.


White air spurted out from his mouth and hit the ground in front of him. Immediately, another layer of white frost condensed on the ground, and new white frost condensed on the original ice surface.

"You can eat, I'm not hungry." Garen then spoke and answered in the language of his inherited memory.

He occupies the most nutrients in the eggshell, and he feels a little guilty, so he won't compete with his brother for such scraps.

The brother looked at the frost on the ground with envy. This was a sign of overnutrition. Only with sufficient nutrition can he have enough energy to support the cold breath.

Garen looked at the other two young dragons. There was no wisdom or rationality in their eyes at all. They were just fighting with each other to eat the eggshell fragments crazily. They were obviously species with low intelligence.

Due to the lack of nutrition and lack of food in the Bailong clan, many such multiple births occur, because such multiple births from one egg can bring about deformed white dragons that are weaker and more adaptable to the environment.

These deformed white dragons do not have developed brains that consume the most energy, and their bodies are more than half weaker, but they are more able to adapt to less and less food and a single food source. They can survive better in harsh environments.

Reducing body size also results in less consumption.

These deformed white dragons no longer even have the right to fly, and their wings have also degenerated. They are no different from some hybrid earth dragons, so many white dragons directly call these deformities earth dragons.

"The other two are earth dragons, what a pity." Garen's brother sighed, "Why aren't they like us?"

"I don't know." Garen shook his head, "Maybe it's due to congenital defects." They all have inherited memories, can speak from birth, and know many things, but their minds are not fully mature yet.


Immediately afterwards, the other two eggs seemed to be disturbed by them, and were smashed open from the inside. Little baby dragons came out one after another.

Three of them have intelligent eyes, and the remaining one is unfortunately an earth dragon.

"There are four brothers and sisters in total." The largest young dragon spoke.

"They are too!" Garen's brother pointed at the other three earth dragons and shouted.

"No, no! They are degraded waste!" The largest baby dragon is even bigger than Gallon, as high as two stacked basketballs. Compared with the weak bodies of the Gallon brothers, it is almost as tall as two of them. times volume.

"They are not trash!" Brother Garen was unconvinced.

The two young dragons on the side also stood in two camps, and began to quarrel for the first time since birth.

Garen ignored the quarrel among these little kids, walked alone to one side, and sat down on the warm ice.

The ice was warm, or maybe it was the first time he felt that way. The body temperature of white dragons is much lower than that of ordinary creatures. They feel that the most suitable temperature is below freezing point, because the blood of white dragons has never been higher than zero.

Garen now feels a little troubled.

He discovered a very serious problem.

"My soul power can't leave my body!" Garen felt the seriousness of the problem. Soul power cannot leave the body, but soul seeds cannot, because soul power is many times thinner than soul seeds, and even this thin energy cannot leave the body, let alone high-density soul seeds and even higher-density soul rings.

"This means that in just a few years, my soul will be completely integrated with this body! If this body dies, then I will die, my soul will collapse, and even the chance of reincarnation will disappear completely."

Gallon got the results quickly.

"Is this the trouble with high-dimensional space and time?" He began to analyze and think about where the problem was. The greatest reliance of the Ancient Yinduo Demon Kings is that they can be constantly reincarnated. They do not have the natural talent of time travellers, and their souls will suffer huge losses once they travel through time. However, they can strengthen their souls through practice, solidify their souls, and achieve the goal of traveling through time and space. Reduce damage by magnitude.

Ordinary creatures do not touch the soul level, and there is nothing you can do against them, because the soul rings of demon kings are separated from their bodies. Death of the body will only lose a part of the soul power, and then they can quickly reincarnate and come back again.

But now, Garen faintly feels that the loss of his reincarnation ability is probably related to the failure of the mother river. Maybe it has something to do with the rules of this universe.

He quickly glanced at the attributes below his field of vision. Fortunately, the talent reappeared. After finding out a little bit about the origin of this ability, he was ready to use it again.

Talents can freely increase their physical qualities in all aspects during the development process.

Now that he is reborn as a white dragon, his foundation is extremely strong. If he adds attribute points on this basis, his future development will be absolutely unimaginable.

"Don't worry for the time being. With the protection of the White Dragon Clan, there shouldn't be any problems in the early stages."

Garen suppressed the doubts in his heart. Even a demon king needs time to grow after reincarnation. Now that his soul power cannot leave his body, he has lost the way to directly use his soul power to fight to influence the outside world. This means that now he can only rely on this weak body to fight.

The body of the newly born white baby dragon is about the size of a basketball, and it is chubby and crawls around with its belly puffed out. At this level, even two ordinary human soldiers could be stabbed to death with a few shots. I heard that the powerful dragon clan in the legend has the defense power of at least a second-level warrior even when the baby dragon is born. It can hunt leopards as soon as it is born, and its speed is astonishing.

But the Bailong clan eventually declined.

Garen sighed, the only thing he could rely on now was this small body. The soul power cannot penetrate the body, and its only function is to be converted and used to strengthen the body.

Originally, his mid-level demon king-level soul power could directly enter the dream world and manipulate creatures at will. According to the inherited memory, even if the time and space rules here are very advanced and the creatures are born with strong souls, creatures below level four cannot still do so. Avoid being manipulated by him at will. but now.

Soon, a huge white dragon flapped its wings slowly outside the cave and flew in.

A snake-like neck, bat-like fleshy wings, a body as huge as a lizard, and a white cold air slowly spreading from the mouth.

This huge creature is nearly three meters tall, almost as big as an elephant.

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