Mysterious journey

Chapter 1245 Threat 1

Although the scale of three meters is not in Garen's eyes, it is different here. This is a high-dimensional universe. It is restricted to abnormal rules. Any member of the White Dragon Clan can have a huge body of more than three meters tall. So those How powerful will higher levels of existence be?

You must know that the stronger the rules, the more energy it will take to maintain the extremely rigorous internal structure of the body if you want to develop such a large body.

"Children. I am your mother Gogo Rella. It's time to come out and receive the baptism of God." The elephant-like white dragon fell down on the ice, walked a few steps forward with heavy steps, and leaned down. Big waves of cold air spurted out from below.

However, the cold air blowing on Garen and other young dragons was not cold, but warm.

As soon as they saw this white dragon, all the young dragons, including Garen, naturally showed admiration from deep in their hearts.

"Gogo Rilla." Garen remembered this name. If nothing else happened, this white dragon would become his protector and relative for many years to come.

"Recently, several alien souls have fallen into our area. Accepting the baptism of the Dragon God can identify the identities of these alien creatures. Pastor Pasola has requested the coming of the divine voice, so all of you dragons must be baptized. Although I don’t think anyone can break through our clan’s warning barrier and invade silently. But the process still needs to be done.”

Gogo Rilla, the white dragon's mother, explained in a low voice.

"Alien soul?" Garen was slightly startled. He is a typical alien soul. The soul ring and body have not yet been completely integrated. The soul ring is his true soul as a demon king. It can be seen from the contents of the inherited memory. Once the problem is discovered by the gods here, then...

The gods here can destroy and create planes at will, and are extremely powerful beings. You must know that some planes are much larger than planets, even the size of a galaxy.

He already knew that the things that he encountered when traveling through this time and space that were attracting and wanting to devour him were probably the powerful gods and kingdoms in the outer realm!

That kind of power is so huge that even those with natural abilities can only forcefully rush out and escape.

He compared the power of his soul ring. The power of a god was almost comparable to that of a tributary of the mother river. Even a tributary of the mother river was far beyond what ordinary true spirits could compare to.

"This world is too dangerous!!" His heart suddenly became full of vigilance. In the inherited memory, the mages and arcane masters of this high-dimensional world often summoned strange and powerful creatures from different time and space universes through different dimensions, so as to enslave or kill them as materials.

This kind of horrific behavior is no different from the sorcerers in their heyday, and it's even more tyrannical.

In other words, the world he came to now was probably the most glorious civilization comparable to the ancient warlocks, and this civilization might even be more powerful than the warlocks.

Garen became increasingly wary.

He didn't know if he would be discovered during the baptism of divine magic, but once he was discovered, with his current strength, even if he returned to the Demon King level, he wouldn't think so in the face of so many mages and gods in this world who are eyeing the souls of other worlds. He can escape.

This place is different from other places, and the research on the soul here is far from comparable to other worlds.

"Now we're in trouble." Garen's heart sank as he watched the white dragon's huge vertical pupils staring at the young dragons.

"We must find a way!" This thought quickly started to spin in Garen's mind. He didn't know what kind of divine baptism it was, but once the gods discovered the problem, the consequences were beyond his ability to bear.

"This is not the world I have experienced before. This is a place that can truly threaten my soul!" Garen's heart began to work at full strength, and various coping methods passed through his mind one by one. The soul rings violently collided, and the friction came out. A large number of colorless sparks burst out mixed with the soul power.

But without understanding the specific nature of the magic, he couldn't deal with it.

"Let's go, children." White Dragon Fruit Gorilla said in a low voice. She took the three earth dragons among the young dragons and held them in her mouth. The other young dragons flapped and vibrated their fleshy wings and flew up unsteadily.

No matter how degenerated a dragon is, as long as it is not an earth dragon, it can still fly.

Galleons are no exception. He also flapped his wings unsteadily and flew up. A group of small baby dragons followed the white dragon and flew out of the cave.


A gust of cold wind blew against my face and body.

Garen blinked slightly and looked outside, the outside world was vast. Countless gray and white ice fields spread to the horizon before your eyes.

Clouds accumulated in the gray sky, and below were white dragons flapping their huge wings, flying around the snow-capped mountains where he was.

Garen flew some distance away with Gogorela, and almost all the young dragons were mesmerized by this magnificent scenery. He was the only one who looked back at the nest he flew out of.

The sharp white snow peak is already some distance away. Surrounding the sharp sword-like peak are at least dozens of white dragons flying densely. These adult white dragons range from big to small, but the shortest one is six meters long and three meters high. . The stronger ones are seven or eight meters long.


The roar of the white dragon is very strange. It is long and long, as if it does not need to take a breath, and it can roar for twenty or thirty seconds in one breath. Strong and powerful.

Garen no longer had soul power to sense and detect, so he could only rely on visual observation to observe these huge beasts.

A question suddenly occurred to him.

There is an insurmountable gap between the high-dimensional universe and the low-dimensional universe, just like the gap between characters in comics and characters in reality is completely incomparable. But the red light of his natural ability can directly bring him from a low dimension to a high dimension. With such an ability, he couldn't imagine any existence that could do this. This is no longer just about controlling the rules of time and space, but it is about directly promoting the essence of a life to a level that transcends the entire low-dimensional world. This method is much more terrifying than letting an ordinary person directly become a god.

But after some simulation in Garen's mind, he came up with an even more absurd guess.

Based on the formation of the mother river and the origin of the black hole, he simulated a possibility.

"Could it be that I am a creature from a high-dimensional universe, and the red light only takes me into a lower dimension to experience time travel, so the creatures there cannot kill me, and I can continue to be reincarnated without any damage after death, and now I enter another A high-dimensional universe naturally loses this ability."

The more Garen thought about it, the more he realized that this guess was very likely.

"If I am a creature of the high-dimensional universe, then this can explain why I have not met anyone in the same world at the lighthouse. At the same time, many unexplainable things can also be fulfilled. And the red light obviously only brings me It's just crossing the barrier, it has no other effect. I rely entirely on my own adaptation to the rules of this universe."

"We're here. Get ready to land." The voice of White Dragon Guo Guorila brought him back to reality.

A group of white dragons have flown to a huge circular white flat land. This is the top of a mountain peak, but it seems that someone used a knife to cut out such a huge platform from the top of the mountain peak.

There is a sharp black metal needle standing in the middle of the circular platform, which looks like a corona timer.

More than ten white dragons had already descended to the platform with their children. Gogo Rilla, Garen and other young dragons followed suit and found a place to squat. After that, many white dragons flapped their wings and landed one after another. Stand or squat quietly and land on the disc.

Garen's mind became more and more certain of his guess about his origin. But the crisis at hand does not matter whether he is a high-dimensional creature or not, because no matter what his origin is, he still has only one identity in this world-an alien soul.

As more and more white dragons landed, Goguorilla placed the bitten earth dragon child on the disc and waited quietly.

"Don't move around or get too close to other white dragons, they will kill you," she warned.

Garen then remembered that even if the White Dragon clan lived together in groups for the pressure of survival, they could not hide their cruel and selfish nature. After all, they were evil colored dragons, and they were extremely vigilant against everything.


By this time, almost all the white dragons had arrived, and there were more than twenty adult heads and hundreds of young dragons densely packed on the disk. All adult dragons have their necks drooped, leaning on the ground. Let out a gentle dragon roar.

A huge white dragon over ten meters in size slowly descended, landed on the edge of the long needle in the center of the disk, and stood silently in the center.

It held a white staff in one of its paws that was higher than his head, and placed it gently on the ground, standing on its two hind legs like a human.

"May the great Tiamat bless us." This white dragon was obviously not too young. He raised his white staff, and a white light mist lit up on the top of the staff. There was a faint whistling sound of wind and snow inside, It seems like countless white snowflakes are spinning in the light mist.

A text-like symbol appeared above the light mist, suspended in a slowly glowing white fluorescence. From a distance, the symbol looked like a flying dragon with five heads. Just outline it with extremely simple lines.


A shimmering ripple like a heartbeat spread from the symbol, instantly filling the entire white disk area.

Garen's heart suddenly rose to his throat. He felt a strong coercion instantly fall from the sky above his head, as if there was some extremely terrifying and huge creature watching here. Like a giant looking at ants on the ground.

But he could clearly feel that there was no energy passing through their bodies. Old Bailong's actions just now were just calling for God's attention.

"It's dangerous!" Garen's heart went crazy.

He seemed to have an illusion, as if all the secrets deep in his heart were being peered into by that great being.

This feeling made him very uncomfortable, as if he had been stripped naked in public, stood naked on the stage, and had countless spotlights focused on his little brother.

Although this metaphor is absurd, it is extremely appropriate to show what Garen is feeling right now.

"No!! No!! Roar!!"

At this moment, a huge sound vibrated, and a guy who was obviously a baby dragon flew up, fluttering its wings and shooting towards the distance. There was a strong fluctuation of soul power on his body.

Garen was shocked, that level of soul power fluctuation was a void creature! ! They actually came to this world too! ? How can it be! ?

Although he couldn't penetrate the body with his soul power, he could feel the void creature level inside the parasitized young dragon.

"At least it's a three-spirit ring!" He quickly located the strength level of the escaping void creature. He had an intuition that it was very likely that this guy followed the hole he knocked into and entered the universe.

Suddenly, the old white dragon staff in the center moved, and a white beam shot out from the symbol, accurately hitting the fleeing void creature.


With a subtle sound like flames burning meat, the parasitic white dragon of the void creature was instantly bound by the white light, tied like a rope, and was thrown directly in mid-air.

With a sneer, it was pierced into the sharp metal needle in the center of the disk, creating an incomparable skewer.

Roar! !

"No!! How could I die here!?"

The void creature roared loudly in Void Language, but to no avail. The metal needle penetrated his chest, and blood continued to flow down the needle. At the same time, the extremely majestic gaze above his head also showed satisfaction.

Garen was horrified as he listened to the void creatures roaring and struggling, getting weaker and weaker. The soul rings on the void creatures exploded one by one, but all the huge power generated was suppressed by the gaze above him, like It is as light and effortless as a human holding a feather.

Three soul rings! ! !

If he could use it, he would be a terrifying existence not much different from him. Even in the ancient Yinduo civilization, he would be considered a middle-level demon king! A tyrannical existence that can rule several planets and civilizations is actually here, being skewered like a hunted prey.

"The next family." A huge voice sounded in dragon language.

Only then did Garon realize that it was obvious that the void creature was discovered just now and was found to be abnormal by one-on-one testing.

He walked around and looked out from the gap on the side of Gogo Rila's body. He saw a white stone door with a round arch standing on the other corner of the disk. A white dragon was leading a young dragon through this stone door. , obviously it is a tool for detecting souls from other worlds.

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