Mysterious journey

Chapter 1246 Threat 2

"If that thing can detect void creatures, it will probably detect me! What should I do?!" Garen's heart began to feel numb. As a demon king based on soul rings, a void creature with three soul rings is vulnerable to that power, so naturally he can't either! Even if you resist, it is just equivalent to considering how strong titanium alloy is with cheese and eggs. It has no meaning at all!

The white dragon family on the disk began to pass through the white gate one by one with their young dragons. Garen and other dragons lined up at the back, but they also watched the queue in front getting smaller and smaller. Gradually the disk rotated, and the white door was getting closer and closer to him.


An adult white dragon guarding the white gate said calmly, glancing at the seven or eight white dragon families behind.

"Speed ​​up." He urged impatiently.

A family of white dragons followed and walked towards the white gate.


Suddenly, a shadow flew out from the family and fled into the distance. Even a soul practitioner like Garen could clearly feel the burst of soul power.

This is also a void creature with three soul rings. He instantly exploded his three soul rings at the same time, erupting with extremely terrifying power. This also made his speed instantly surpass that of an adult white dragon, reaching a speed that is beyond the reach of all living creatures. the point.

"Stupid." The old dragon holding the staff just raised his eyes, motionless, and just watched the young dragon escape.


The symbol on the top of his staff emitted white light again, binding the flying void creature exactly like last time, pulling it back instantly, and with a sneer, it was also inserted into the black needle on the disk.

"Under the eyes of the great Tiamat, all disguises and lurking will be exposed." The old dragon said loudly in dragon language that was almost like singing.

The white dragons lowered their heads devoutly to show respect. Although it is impossible for selfish dragons like them to truly believe in Tiamat, at least showing superficial respect is just a piece of cake for any white dragon. After all, the only one who is really willing to maintain them now is Tiamat.

The team moved on.

Garen watched the white door getting closer and closer, his heart rising in his throat.

"What to do!?" His mind was running at an unprecedented speed, trying to find a way to deal with the situation at hand.

One by one, Bailong families walked into the white stone door, then came out from the other side, waiting quietly at the other end of the disk.

"It's your turn, hurry up." The white dragon guarding the gate glanced coldly at Gogo Rella.

"Yes, respected Dragon Guard." Gogo Rilla answered respectfully. She was the first to walk into the white door, and then stepped out from the other end. The young dragons behind her jumped in one by one.

Garen gritted his teeth and jumped in.

laugh! !

A white beam of light suddenly brightened.

With a rumble, the entire disk vibrated slightly. Garen only felt a white light in front of his eyes.

"It's over!" His mind went cold. The soul rings all over his body were beating like crazy. His dignity as a demon king and a strong man did not allow him to be killed without any resistance!

"I want to run!" He suddenly heard the roar of the old dragon, and his eyes suddenly dimmed.

The white light passed far away in front of him more than ten meters in front, and landed on a young white dragon that was secretly jumping off the disk.

With a sneer, white flames ignited, and the entire young dragon roared crazily. In just a blink of an eye, it was burned to white ash, blown by the wind, mixed with the wind and snow, and disappeared.

Garen was covered in cold sweat. He was standing in the middle of the white stone door.

"What are you doing here, get out!" The dragon guard guarding the gate gave him a tail, whipping Garen forward and almost rolling him out.

He is not angry but happy.

He's actually fine! ! ! ?

"It really works!" Garen breathed a sigh of relief. He glanced at the soul ring deep in his soul.

But in the end, he will completely become a native creature of this universe.

In order to escape the crisis just now, he simply completely combined the soul ring with this physical body. This combination is equivalent to the demon king completely giving up the ability to reincarnate and rebirth, and firmly fixing himself in a biological body.

When the creature dies and the demon king dies, the demon kings no longer have the right to travel around the world at will.

This method is not used by all demon kings, but is a unique confinement rule that Garen learned from the original Shadow Dragon. Use this kind of imprisonment to in turn imprison yourself and merge into this body.

This also made him confused.

The rules of Shadow Dragon actually work, so can other high-end comprehension rules also work?

Garen passed the crisis, glanced at the dragon guard who slapped his tail, silently crawled to Gogo Rila's side, and began to try to imitate other things he had understood.

But unfortunately, there are many other things in body simulation training, but except for the secret martial arts of a few disciples, the rest need to be modified because of different rules.

"But this means that everything I learned can be used and has meaning. It just needs some modifications." After the crisis in Garon's heart passed, he became clearer and clearer.

"Then it is very possible that this is a high-dimensional universe, so it can accommodate all the rules of the low-dimensional universe, but because the rules here may be more comprehensive, more numerous and higher, things in the low-dimensional universe may be incomplete. In this way, it means that the knowledge I have accumulated is not useless, I just need to improve it according to the rules here!"

Garen felt relieved.

He originally guessed that the gap between the high-dimensional and low-dimensional universes might be one dimension, but now it seems that it may not be that high, maybe only half of one dimension.

The gods of this world represent the highest power. They may be able to use higher dimensions to enslave alien creatures, but they cannot adjust the time and space of other worlds at will. It seems that there are gods in the inherited memory who can travel through time and space in other worlds.

"Such a connection is a bit like higher space-time, but stronger than the higher universe." Garen relaxed and began to think and analyze randomly.

Anyway, he was almost caught and skewered as a heretic. He didn't want to have such an experience again. It would be better if he died in a frontal battle on the battlefield, but what he was afraid of was that he would die without the ability to resist, and it would still be unknown. white.

"Okay, all family testing has been completed. You can go back." Old Long standing in the middle ordered.

Then the white dragons breathed a sigh of relief, flapped their wings and flew back towards the nest with their little ones.

Gogo Rilla did the same. She bit the three little earth dragons again, followed by Garen and other five young dragons. But instead of flying back to the original nest, she flew away from the snow peak and towards another piece of white in the distance. The mountains flew away.

"Mother, where are we going?" a young dragon asked with a milky voice. It was the baby dragon that was the boldest and the strongest when he was born. This guy wanted to fight as soon as he was born and had an active personality.

"Go to our original home. This is Elder Peak, not our own home." Gogo Rilla replied gently. She held three small earth dragons in her mouth, and because her teeth were clenched, her speech was a bit unclear.

"What about our father?" asked the other baby dragon.

"I don't know. We Bailong have too many fathers. I didn't find out who my father was at the beginning. Ravido broke up with me only last year. Maybe you should call him father." Guo Guorila hesitated.

Garen rolled his eyes.

The marriage relationship between white dragons is not an ordinary mixed one. Because fertility is too low, a female white dragon may mate with more than ten male dragons at the same time until she becomes pregnant. Therefore, these white dragons generally do not know who their father is.

"Can I nurse?" a young dragon asked loudly.

"Go back and eat." Guo Guorila roared. "Flying now."

She flies very slowly because she has to take care of her baby dragons.

But soon she let out a groan, and a young dragon, regardless of her consent, pounced on her belly and took a bite out of her vagina.

Bailong actually needs to feed.

Garen felt like he had refreshed his worldview again.

A group of young dragons immediately began to fight for the ownership of the chickens. There were only three chickens and they had to take turns to eat.

Garen rolled his eyes on the side and asked him to fight for sex with a bunch of brats, so let's forget it. Although the baby dragon can drink its mother's milk in the inherited memory, the young dragon can also choose to eat meat directly.

The continuous white snow peaks are slowly moving and passing below. No other birds dare to intrude here. This is the territory of the dragon. The power of the dragon is enough to scare any creature below the fourth level into shit, even if the will is slightly weaker. Yes, he will be frightened to the point of degradation and downgrade.

Therefore, even a huge number of social creatures do not dare to invade the dragon's residence.

After the crisis passed, Garen began to consider using his talents to quickly improve his abilities. The world was too dangerous.

He just used the rules of confinement to integrate himself into this body, but his soul is too powerful than his body. If such an anomaly encounters a master of the soul at close range, not to mention gods, it is some necromancers of the human race, involving souls A high-level mage who studies may find something is wrong with him or her.

The old dragon clearly relied entirely on the staff in his hand to release his magic. The reason why the gods did not notice his abnormality was probably because it was just a rough alarm device.

Garen suspected that the scanning was probably an intimidation mechanism. It looked like the will of the gods was watching here, but in reality the gods had so much leisure. The baptism of a small White Dragon clan would personally watch it. Tiama Although Te is not loved by many good dragons, he is still respected by many dragon clans and has a wide range of followers. The White Dragon clan has countless branches in the main plane and countless planes, and it is impossible to attract the attention of the gods.

"The incompatibility of the soul being far more powerful than the body must be resolved as soon as possible! After all, this place is a time bomb with obvious hidden dangers! It may be discovered at any time!" Garon's heart quickly raised, this place is not like other places, here there are too many masters who are good at studying the soul. Too much. There are even soul gods!

Once discovered, as an alien soul, he may face a situation worse than death, and even being broken down into experimental materials is considered light.

Moreover, white dragons have to receive a baptism from God when they reach adulthood, and they may still face such troubles at that time. What if the gods really glance over at me occasionally?

This time it was luck, but next time it may not be the case.

Garen quickly made up his mind.

In the inherited memory, the custom of the White Dragon Clan is to receive Tiamat's new life baptism when they are ten years old. This kind of adult baptism is likely to involve the soul, and the chance of being discovered will be much greater then!

If this incoordination problem is not solved, it will be discovered sooner or later!

"This problem must be solved within ten years!".

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