Mysterious journey

Chapter 1247 Trouble 1

The lair is located on a snowy peak far, far away from Elder Peak.

The snow peak is not high, at most only half of the Elder Peak. It is mostly surrounded by large green woods. Occasionally, you can see some big yellow trees. There are large groups of earth dragons wandering nearby. Some of these earth dragons are descended from white dragons. Some are deformed, and some are hybrids of earth dragons and other creatures, with more or less dragon blood.

Gogo Rila took Garen and other young dragons to live here. She threw the three-headed earth dragon off the top of the mountain and left it to fend for itself.

The remaining five little guys were taken into the dragon's lair by her and settled down surrounded by countless ice.

The dragon's lair is like a honeycomb, with many huge cavities, each of which is large enough for a young dragon to live quietly inside, which is equivalent to a single room.

The life in the dragon's lair is dull and boring. Every ten days, Goguorilla will hunt back a prey from outside. Sometimes it is a giant creature that is enough for everyone to eat for several days, and sometimes it is many small animals. Sometimes there are even some earth dragon beasts with distant blood relations.

There is no fire. The way to eat Bailong is to freeze the meat with cold air, and then chew it like eating biscuits. It is crunchy and a little fishy, ​​but very fresh. Except for the first few days of sucking milk, the young dragons have been eating this stuff.

Gallon soon fell in love with this way of eating.

He lives in a small cavity on the left side. What he has to do every day is to eat and sleep. After sleeping, he gets up to move his body, and then continues to eat.

The other young dragons were different from him, each rolling and fighting together.

Not a romp, but a real brawl. The white dragon's mother, Gogo Rilla, ignored the fights between the young dragons, because in her opinion, they were practicing how to hunt prey. The inherited memory has made it very clear.

As for Garen, the only one who didn't participate in the fight, they thought he was unsociable, and no dragons were willing to come into contact with him.

Time passed like this day by day, and Garen continued to look for things and treasures that could improve his physical fitness. The physical quality of the white dragon in this world is too strong.

As a young dragon, his physical fitness improved by an average of ten points in less than two months!

In terms of strength, agility, and physique, the average has steadily increased, from just over a point to an average of over ten points, which is simply terrifying.

This is because Garen has never used his soul power to nourish his body because he found a better way to use it.



"Sa Yi, you lose! You must give me today's meat!" In the dragon's lair, the two young dragons panted and let go of each other. There were scars and bruises all over their bodies, obviously the result of the beating just now.

Two young dragons were watching the battle, and the white dragon Guo Guorila went out to hunt again. When the young dragons were still growing, they needed a lot of meat. She had to hunt continuously to meet the needs of the five young dragons.

"Okay, okay, I'll let you go today, if it weren't for my bad condition!" Sa Yi is the biggest young dragon, but unexpectedly, he can't beat Sa Er in a fight. As for Sa San Sa Four, and Garen who was named Sawu. Except for Garen who had never fought him, the others could not beat him.

"You're in bad shape again. How many times have you been in bad shape? Haha." Sa Er laughed, staring at Sa San Sa Si standing on the other side with his blue eyes, and the little guys on both sides were frightened. Shrink back.

Sa Er smiled with satisfaction, obviously very satisfied with his intimidation effect. He has initially established leadership among his brothers and sisters.

"After the baptism of the newborn, we will live alone. Our mother will no longer take care of us. Then we will have to hunt alone. I propose that we five brothers and sisters should live together until we reach adulthood."

He said loudly, "When we are weak, we must live in groups! This is the knowledge engraved in our blood!"

"I agree." Sa San was the first to agree. He was already frightened by Sa Er. It was okay that everyone's physical fitness was about the same, but Sa Er's muscles were too strong and his explosive power was too strong. One-on-one, even It was as big as a head and was overturned. This only adds to their fear of Satan.

"I think we should conquer those earth dragon beasts." Sa Yi suggested.

"We can't defeat them." Sa'er shook his head, "I secretly tried it the day before yesterday, and the weakest little earth dragon is stronger than me."

They were just young dragons now, and the largest Sa Yi was no more than a large wolfdog, and it was impossible to defeat those powerful earth dragons.

But Goguo Rilla didn't care about anything except giving them food. The emotions in Bailong's family were very indifferent. After a little time, they would drive out all the others except themselves. , as a competitor.

White dragons are all selfish, and Gogoruela is especially outstanding in this regard. Now she is even more exhausted by the heavy burden of raising five young dragons. The senses for these guys who only get something for nothing are getting worse and worse.

Such situations are not rare. The fertility of white dragons is not weak. They can give birth to another child every ten years, which is a considerable number. Therefore, many young dragons are likely to be driven out of the dragon's lair to survive alone.

Because there may be such danger, Sa Yilong also began to carefully consider his future life.

But they are just two months old. No matter how much knowledge they inherit, their minds are still immature.

The four little dragons gathered together and began to chatter about their future arrangements.

Garen squatted at the door of his small cave, looking down at his brothers and sisters from above. He has been observing these young dragons for many days, and the average physical fitness is estimated to be around ten points. Sa Yi is the strongest, reaching twelve points, while Sa Er is the fastest, reaching thirteen points.

That's about it. The dragons in this world are still very powerful. They are still in their ordinary infancy, and they are already more than ten times as powerful as ordinary humans.

However, Gallon still uses the basic human standard unit data from other previous worlds. It’s unclear what the human qualities of this world are.

He lay down at the door of the hollow, opened his mouth and yawned.

He looked at his physical condition at the moment.

‘Sawu—strength 13, agility 13, constitution 11, intelligence 17. Potential 0%. Soul limit 170’

Sa Wu was a name randomly chosen by Gogo Rella. The White Dragon Clan had become increasingly decadent and declining. If it weren't for the threat of survival, it is estimated that even an organizational system like the clan would not have emerged.

It doesn't matter to Garen. Anyway, his purpose in coming to this world is not other than to investigate the root cause of the mother river's failure. At the same time, if he can find a better way to change his cultivation, he will decisively change his cultivation. And this world is obviously new and full of vitality for him.

Although dangerous, there are also benefits.

"This is the result of my two months of training." Garen shook his head speechlessly, "It's just a little stronger than them. It seems that human training methods are not very effective for dragons."

He has been training according to the method of practicing secret martial arts for the past two months, but perhaps because of the incomplete rules, the effect of the training is not great, it is only slightly stronger than the traditional training methods of these young dragons.

"But it's better than nothing, let's look at the talent."

Garen focused his attention on the soul power he had accumulated now. Four soul rings, to be precise, three complete soul rings and one half soul ring, produced two months of soul power, all of which he accumulated. Not all of them are used directly on your body.

Because he discovered that after coming to this world, his natural abilities seemed to have changed slightly, and he could now absorb his own soul power to strengthen his body.

"When did this phenomenon begin?" Garen recalled. It seemed to have happened after he completely fused his soul ring with his body.

"Now that I can absorb soul power, let's take a look at the conversion efficiency of my soul power into potential points."

While Garen was lying on his stomach and watching the four little dragons discussing things below, he slowly began to mobilize all his accumulated soul power and moved towards the location of his innate abilities.

The location of the innate ability is at his eyes, or the position of his eyes that he feels.

A large amount of soul power quickly poured into his eyes.

Garen stared at his potential without blinking.


Sure enough, the potential points immediately began to rise rapidly, 20P\u00110\u00150%

The numbers jump quickly. .

The soul power consumption is also very large.

After ten minutes, all the accumulated soul power entered the superpower position and was converted into potential points.

"521%. Not bad." Garen looked at his data. Five attribute points can be used. It’s only been two months, which is pretty good.

"Although the stronger the physical body, the more difficult it will be to improve in the future, but at least you can get through the weak childhood stage quickly."

Garen glanced at the young dragon below and added the five attributes evenly to strength and speed without hesitation. Gogo Rilla has become increasingly impatient with raising them. They may be driven out of the dragon's lair at any time to live independently. They may not survive the baptism of rebirth and will be eaten by other dangerous creatures. Priority must be given to ensuring one's ability to survive at this moment.

Hunting is the only way to ensure its own development and growth.

After adding it, Garen looked at the attributes.

‘Sawu—strength 16, agility 15, constitution 11, intelligence 17. Potential 21%. Soul limit 170’


Garen waved his claws and made a sharp whistling sound.

The rules of this world are extremely abnormal. This kind of physical fitness is not generally strong in other worlds, but it is suppressed to a ridiculous degree here. Even the air knife can't hit it.

Garen helplessly continued to lie down, waiting for Gogo to bring back food.

The sky gradually got darker, and soon it was night. it's dark.

The dragon's cave was empty, with only a few scattered pieces of gemstone equipment collected by Bai Long slowly glowing faintly.

Garen had heard Guo Guorila's introduction that the luminous equipment was solidified with the level 0 magic light spell. The magic spell was a type of spell. He was very curious and wanted to understand this power system, but obviously Bailong There is little attention to this aspect. Dragons are naturally immune to all spells below level 4, so except for level 5 archmages, other low-level mages cannot even break through their defenses.

So it's not worth paying attention to at all.

Even the current dragon scales of the young dragons are immune to first-level spells.

"Why hasn't mother come back yet?" Low Sa asked at first. "Usually she would have been back by this time."

"Perhaps he was tripped up by something." Sa Er guessed.

"There are no creatures around that can threaten my mother." Sa Si is not very talkative, but he seems to have good intellectual analysis skills.

"Wait, maybe we'll come back later." Sa Yi suggested.

Several young dragons could only continue to wait.

The family relationships of the white dragons in inherited memories give them a serious sense of insecurity.

Time passed quickly, and several young dragons took a nap and soon woke up again. I found that it was already dawn.

But the female dragon still didn't come back.

"Mother hasn't come back yet." Sa Er was a little depressed.

"Maybe there was too much food hunted this time, and she might be thinking of ways to bring it back." Sa San whispered.

"That's right, it was like this last time." Sa Yi regained his confidence. "Sa Er, let's play wrestling!"

Sa'er readily agreed, and the two young dragons began to fight happily again.

Sa Si, who was relatively intelligent, was a little worried. He stood aside and looked outside the cave from time to time, hoping to see his mother's huge figure.

Garen was still lying at the entrance of his cave. He had already discovered that something was wrong. Gogo Rila had probably abandoned them.

This is not uncommon among the chromatic dragons. White dragons are the weakest among the chromatic dragons, but their fertility is the strongest. Coupled with their extremely selfish nature, many mothers of white dragons abandon their children at the dragon egg stage. Although it is rare for them to be abandoned after they have hatched, it is not uncommon.


He sighed.

From the gradually decreasing amount of treasure in the dragon's lair every day, he vaguely realized that Guo Guorila had obviously long ago planned to gradually transfer the treasures in the dragon's lair. Now she might really be planning to give up on them completely. Head young dragon.

Compared to the outside drakes and other dangerous beasts, as well as humans, young dragons are fragile and dangerous. Especially humans, once discovered by them, it is considered good to be captured and made into contract beasts, and more will be killed and broken down into various materials to make magic items.

Because except for special groups, humans rarely domesticate colored dragons, especially the most selfish white dragons.

But fortunately, this place is not far from the White Dragon Clan. They are still under the protection of the White Dragon Clan. The danger should not be very great, and they can survive hunting by themselves.

"Wait a little longer." Sa Yi's voice came from below.

Garen stood up and returned to his hollow to rest.

In the blink of an eye, two more days passed, and Gogo Rilla still didn't come back.

Now even Sa San, who believed in his mother the most, was shaken.

"We were abandoned." Sa Si had almost confirmed this guess.

The other three little dragons were silent.


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