Mysterious journey

Chapter 1254 Monitor 2

When a group of dragons crossed the human camp below from above, there were people below who raised their heads and looked around, but did not show panic. They were obviously used to it.

The hunting time limit for the young dragons is one month. Apparently many young dragons have passed by here these days.

Continuing to fly forward, a large white snow peak soon appeared in the distance. Above was the white snow, and below was a large green and yellow mountain. The entire snow peak was extremely pure, giving people a simple and clean taste.

At this time, the sun gradually emerged from the east, illuminating most of the sky, and the halo of the purple moon was gradually covered up.

Leona and her group of young dragons formed a square formation and flew straight towards the snowy peak. The early morning sunlight reflected on them, giving them a faint golden-red sheen.

A group of giant geese passed below them at high speed. These geese were second-level creatures. They seemed to feel the breath of the young dragons, and they immediately accelerated their speed and fled quickly.

In the wild, except for earth dragons, dragon beasts, and a few high-level creatures, most other creatures are no match for the young dragons.

"This is the hunting area. It's already the Fire Sun Mountain Range. Everyone, be careful. It's not just us. There may be high-level monsters coming to hunt nearby." Polly warned loudly.

Garen flew in the middle of the team, lowered his head and looked down, and could see in the distance among some woods, there were scattered little people moving slowly, as if they were staggering.

As a flying creature, Bailong naturally has very strong eyesight. He quickly contracted his pupils and stared down. He suddenly discovered that these scattered black dots in the darkness of the forest were actually human beings walking slowly.

They wore tattered clothes, had dull faces, and dark purple skin. They obviously did not look like living people, and they all had one thing in common.

That is their abdomen, all the organs are clearly exposed, and people can see the black intestines and other internal organs coiled inside, wrapped in a transparent film.

"That's a walking corpse, a monster naturally produced by the poisonous gas and the power of death here." Polly leaned closer to explain in a low voice.

"Walking zombie?" Garen glanced at him. This guy seemed to want to get close to him.

"Yes, you can't kill them all. They die quickly and live again. There are too many corpses in this sea of ​​trees, which are preserved and fossilized by the poisonous mist. They don't rot at all." Polly nodded. After speaking, he turned back and looked at Leona. "It seems you don't like Leona?" he asked in a small voice.

"Why should I like her?" Garen asked. This kid is quite smart, but now he can see that he doesn't like Leona. Didn't he show it clearly enough?

Polly suddenly felt very good. Pat Garen on the shoulder.

"If you need any help, you can come to me. Or Sast."

"Just don't bother me." Garen replied casually.

Polly's next words were immediately stuck in his mouth, and his face started to turn red again.

Garen didn't care whether he had any face or not.

The adult dragons of the White Dragon Clan are all selfish. It won't be long before the young dragons will be kicked out of the nest and become independent. They are relatively indifferent to emotions and value strength. Adult white dragons cannot interfere with the affairs of the young dragon breeding center. All that is needed is for them to be eliminated naturally.

So it didn't matter to him whether he dealt with Polly or not.

"Okay. Okay." Polly swallowed hard, "The snow peak ahead is the hunting area. Sast and you will attack in a while. Is that okay? Leona and I will attack from a distance."

"Okay." Garen said, no problem. He needed to observe the ice lizard first anyway.

A group of young dragons quickly flew into the Xuefeng Mountains, where densely packed powerful auras of various sizes continued to spread, some rising into the sky, extremely arrogant.

Looking from a distance, you can easily see more than a dozen ice monitor lizards of different sizes walking around in the ice and snow. This creature has very low intelligence, but possesses strong physical and mental strength, and its flesh also has a strong effect on increasing fertility.

The Ice Monitor has four thick legs and is gray-black all over, but is covered with a layer of snow powder and white ash. It looks like an enlarged version of a four-legged snake, dragging a long tail.

The only difference between them and the four-legged snakes is that there is a dark blue indentation between their foreheads and eyebrows.

The smallest of these ice monitor lizards are as tall as an adult, and the body length of five to six meters to seven to eight meters is normal. The largest one, even Gallon, saw at a glance a super monitor lizard that was fifteen meters long. This monitor lizard was dark green and covered with rough scales. Its head was surrounded by a circle of black-green fins. The arrogant and domineering atmosphere is what they release.

The baby dragon's eyesight is far greater than that of the ice giant lizard, so they can see each other, but the other party cannot see them.

"The ice monitor's vision is only more than ten meters, and it's still very blurry. They detect enemies through smell. So be careful." Polly had prepared all the information.

"I'll go up and test it first!" Without waiting for his instructions, Sast rushed down and aimed at the smallest monitor lizard.

As soon as it approached the range of less than twenty meters, the monitor lizard was prepared. It flicked its gray-black tail hard and hit Sast.

Sast did not flinch. He also used strength as his strength, and without any dodge, he lowered his head and slammed into it.


A piece of snow powder was flying everywhere on the snow, and Sast actually resisted the giant lizard's tail flick.

This is a small monitor lizard that is only five meters long and as tall as a person, but it is still a big guy for young dragons. Although the ice monitor lizard is not very intelligent, it is really big, compared to Even some dragon clans are not willing to give in too much.

Sast tested the opponent's upper limit of strength, and immediately relaxed, and started to struggle with the giant lizard. His claws were trying hard to grab the monitor lizard's neck, but the monitor lizard's tongue was tightly wrapped around his neck, preventing it from moving forward at all.

The two rolled around in the snow.

Leona and Polly couldn't help but hide their faces and remain speechless.

"I don't know where I have forgotten everything I learned in the combat class." Polly said helplessly.

Garen stood aside and watched for a while. Sast seemed to be in no danger. This little monitor lizard was obviously hunting alone, so it was not in great danger. The strength is about the same as that of Sast, both around nineteen points.

"Gallen, come up and help!" Polly shouted.

Garen had no choice but to go up and aim at the vital part of the giant lizard's neck, with a sudden claw.


The giant lizard's neck bone was broken with precision, without wasting even a trace of extra strength. He was killed directly by Garen.

With the same strength, the difference in combat effectiveness between a trained person and an untrained person is actually very large.

Garen and Sast are both level four drakes, and both possess the same abilities as drakes, but Garen is much better than Sast.

Polly and Leona also felt that Garen's claw was very beautiful. But I couldn't see anything specific. I just thought that with Sast entangled with the giant lizard, Garen could resolve the battle at once. They can certainly do it by themselves, but they don’t think it’s that powerful.

After finishing off a giant lizard, Sast emerged from under the giant lizard's belly panting.

"Why didn't you come earlier? It scared me to death. This guy's tongue is harder than the elder's dragon thorn. That's me. If I were another dragon, I would be entangled to death by him immediately!!" Sast said. After just a few words, I started to brag again.

Garen shrugged, too lazy to say more.

"Okay, don't delay, dig out the eyes and crystal cores quickly. The smell of blood will quickly attract other creatures." Polly looked knowledgeable. As a veteran student of the breeding center, he had naturally hunted more than once.

The four-headed dragon dug something and left quickly. Not long after, he heard a strange croaking sound behind him, as if some kind of weird creature had discovered the body.

Leona put the eyeballs and crystal cores in a small oval jar she brought.

"This is a preservation pot that can guarantee that it will not deteriorate in a short period of time. It can maintain its freshness for two months. It is just right for the task."

Next, they encountered another monitor lizard. This one was bigger than the one before, but not much bigger. Still haven't broken through level four.

Compared with the giant lizard just now, this one was obviously much more alert. When they met directly, it released the ice armor and covered itself. A large piece of white translucent armor suddenly formed, protecting the front half of its body, leaving only the rear half unprotected. However, the giant lizard turned very quickly, and it was obviously unlikely that it would give Garen and other dragons a chance to attack its tail.

Without saying a word, Sast rushed forward and continued to resist. Since he had agreed, Garen also rushed forward.

This time, the giant lizard was much more powerful than the previous one, and the two dragons were hit hard by the giant lizard.

Garen moved out of the way, but Sast could not completely dodge and was rubbed against his wings, causing a gash between his scales.

"Carry it together." Garen said loudly. He did not show his power of 21 points, but only showed the power of 19 points, which is the same level as Sast. So as not to attract attention.


The two dragons had just made an appointment when the giant lizard retracted its tail and threw it out again.

Amidst the muffled whistling of the wind, the tail fanned out a clear twisting airflow and drew it towards the two dragons.

Sast thrust forward with all his strength, and Garen also carried forward with two claws.


Blocked firmly!

The power of the two dragons was greater than that of the giant lizard. The giant lizard roared, lowered its head and opened its mouth. A red tongue tied Suster, and for the third time it swung its tail towards Garen.

"Dragon Fire Technique!"

At this moment, Leona shouted loudly from behind.

A dragon-shaped flame burst out from her claws, followed by countless red sparks flying down, and quickly hit the tail of the giant lizard.

Apparently Leona didn't know when she and Polly got behind the giant lizard.

This is what they call tactics.

The giant lizard's ice armor can only protect the upper body, but cannot protect the back half. It is much easier to use a powerful one to attract attention, and then the other dragons attack from behind.


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