Mysterious journey

Chapter 1255 Hunting 1

The red dragon fire technique hit the rear half of the giant lizard hard. The surrounding ice and snow ground melted, and the water vapor evaporated, turning into clouds of white mist that filled the surrounding area.

Garen and Sast quickly retreated, and immediately heard a painful roar. The giant lizard in front of them finally broke out into a crazy struggle. It unleashed all its strength and rolled on the snow.

But Dragon Fire is a level 5 spell, and it is not so easy to extinguish. It clings to the back half of the monitor lizard's tail like a tarsal maggot, burning continuously, and you can faintly smell the scent of meat wafting in the air. .

Garen and Sast quickly took a few steps back.

Gradually, I watched the giant lizard continue to struggle slower and slower, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, its whole body was burnt black, and its original appearance was almost unrecognizable.

"Tsk, tsk, it's so powerful! This is a level five spell!" Sast admired and slowly moved forward, wanting to see what it would look like after being burned.

"Don't burn out the crystal core and eyeballs." He was a little worried.

"I can't save the eyeball." Polly replied helplessly. "Fortunately, the crystal core is unlikely to be burned so easily. The crystal core is the hardest part of the monster's body and will not be broken so easily."

Garen also walked over and immediately felt a large stream of hot air coming towards him, which was a bit scorching. However, the dragon fire technique was also extinguished when the giant lizard died.

He casually rummaged through the monitor lizard's body and quickly found the almost burned crystal core between the forehead and eyebrows of the monitor lizard.

"It's such a high temperature." The temperature on his own body was always around ten degrees below zero. Just like this, when he touched the crystal core, there was a faint puff of white air coming out.

"How about the crystal core? Galleon?" Leona and Polly, who were coming from behind, asked loudly.

"Yeah, how about the crystal core? This giant lizard is so fierce, so the crystal core must be better."

They came closer and saw Garen standing alone in front of the giant lizard in a daze.

"Garen?" Leona stretched out her paw and waved it in front of him.

"Um, it's okay, I was just dazed for a moment." Garen came back to his senses. A heartfelt smile appeared on his face.

"In a daze? Can you be in a daze while picking trophies?" Leona couldn't understand.

But when she saw the crystal core in Garen's hand, the round light blue crystal had been smoked and turned black, her attention was immediately diverted.

"Haha, I got another one, and it is indeed much bigger than the previous one."

The three young dragons got together and started to get happy.

After Gallon gave them the crystal core, he walked to the side alone and continued to think, as if he had encountered some problem.

The problem he just discovered was indeed an unexpected surprise.

The crystal core from the giant lizard could actually bring him a hint of potential.

It's not soul power, but potential. Just like when he was in the totem world, the giant lizard's crystal core obviously also has the effect of increasing potential.

In just a short period of time after absorbing it, his potential value increased by 1%. If he completely absorbs the crystal cores, it is estimated that as long as there are three more crystal cores of this level, he will be able to gain a few more attribute points.

"It's such an unexpected surprise. I originally thought I could only save a little bit of time, but now it seems I can still take this path."

But it's normal when you think about it. After all, the rules of this world are far more comprehensive and complete than all the worlds I've experienced before. It's normal to have a totem world.

"The crystal core and eyeballs are the two most important parts of the monitor lizard. If I were to separate the crystal core alone, I guess they wouldn't agree. The best way is to go it alone." Garen had an idea. He himself is not very clear about his current position, but a level four monitor lizard should be fine.

In the Rihuo Mountains, there are as many level 4 monitor lizards as there are ants in an ant nest. They are everywhere. As long as you don't go to the densest places, you generally won't encounter level 5 monitor lizards or level 6 elder monitor lizards.

After a group of young dragons collected their things, they continued to find a level 4 monitor lizard, besieged it in the same way, and easily killed another one.

Because only Polly's dragon fire spell can quickly kill the giant lizard, and Leona's solidification spell is not lethal, but therapeutic, the team can only stop here for the time being. After all, the dragon fire spell is used three times a day. You have to leave one behind to be on guard at all times.

The Rihuo Mountain Range is a huge and long mountain range that looks like a centipede. They are located at the tail of the centipede. The further they go, the easier it is to encounter more monitor lizards. The ice monitor lizards can become the hunting team of the White Dragon Clan. If you take the form seriously, you will naturally be strong. The lowest level is the fourth-level monitor lizard. It is said that there are beings with higher intelligence among the elder monitor lizards. The strength of these beings is unclear. Higher intelligence means that they can improve themselves by finding various ways of practice. .

A group of young dragons finished their work and carefully began to search for a place where they could hide their camp.

In order to hunt, they have entered the mountains quite deeply. It will probably take more time to leave at this time. It is better to find a good cave to rest temporarily. This time the task of the young dragons is that each young dragon must You need to hunt down the cores or eyeballs of five level four monitor lizards, or the cores of two level five monitor lizards.

Now they got the crystal cores and eyeballs of three level four monitor lizards as soon as they came in, and immediately completed the task of a young dragon.

And luckily, they didn't encounter any interference from other monitor lizards while hunting.

After digging a hole in the corner of a random place, the four young dragons quickly got in, and then sealed the entrance of the hole to avoid leaking their breath and attracting high-level monitor lizards. You must know that they hunt monitor lizards, and when they encounter monitor lizards, They also hunt.

In the cave, Garen sat alone in a place, quietly eating the cooked meat of the monitor lizard. This was the relatively good chest muscle that they had just randomly cut off. All were saved as food reserves.

"The location here is good. It is under a snow cliff. It is relatively hidden and downwind. It can be used as our temporary base." Polly is relatively experienced.

The mutual body temperature of the young dragons stabilized the temperature of the entire cave at more than ten degrees below zero.

Leona kept counting the crystal cores and eyeballs she got, and she didn't mind being dirty, looking like a miser.

Sast, on the other hand, kept recalling the battle situation during the day, and combined with the weak electricity of the giant lizard that his instructor had mentioned before, he seemed even more confident.

It was already night outside, with wind and snow blowing, and violent whistling sounds could be heard from the ventilation holes of the cave.

"I'm going out." Garen stood up and walked out of the cave.

"Garen, where are you going so late?" Leona asked quickly. During the day, Garen's performance was quite satisfactory, not as good as she imagined. Instead, the dragon fire technique in Polly's hands showed great power, one giant lizard at a time, and there was no resistance at all. This focused her main attention on Polly.

"I'm walking around, don't worry, you guys have some rest first, I can't sleep and just walk around."

Garen answered casually.

"It's very dangerous at night." Polly said kindly.

"It's okay." Garen said, already pushing away the camouflaged snow wall and getting out of the snow hole. He quickly sealed the snow wall blocking the door again.

At night, the natural purple moon hazyly casts a purple halo through the wind and snow.

Large snowflakes as big as fingernails were blown down diagonally by the wind, and when they fell on Garen's face, you could clearly feel the subtle impact.

He looked around and saw that he was standing at the bottom of a cliff. Everything in front of him was white. He could only see a distance of more than ten meters. Even further away, the halo of the purple moon fell, plus the white Dragons are born with dark vision and can only see black.

He had only stood at the entrance of the cave for half a minute when he already felt his legs sagging a little, being partially buried by the falling snowflakes.

"This kind of weather is most beneficial to monitor lizards. No wonder they live and settle here for many years. It's fine when there's no wind and snow during the day, but now it's time for them to be active at night."

Garen raised his legs and walked forward lightly. Following the direction in his memory, he walked towards the parallel area of ​​this area of ​​​​the Sunfire Mountain Range.

In such heavy snow, no matter what traces and corpses are left behind by the battle, they will be quickly buried by the snow and wind.

Galleon didn't dare to fly at all. In such weather where it was unclear where the direction was, he would lose his sense of direction when flying. It would be the same everywhere in the front, back, left, and right, in case he crashed into a group of monitor lizards.

He could only move forward one step deeper and one shallower. Aiming in one direction, he didn't dare to change it randomly, otherwise he might get lost and not be able to go back.

Soon, a large figure appeared in the whistling wind and snow.

A monitor lizard!

Garen immediately concentrated, held his breath, and stepped lightly.

He has never tried to challenge a level four monitor lizard. It’s time to give it a try.

The giant lizard obviously found him before him, and its entire body was covered with ice armor in advance. This is a level 4 talent spell with very good defense.

Puff puff!

The giant lizard rushed towards Garen as if it was joyful.

Their most common attack methods are tail flicking, head butting, and biting. Coupled with extremely thick leather armor and innate spells, just three moves left many intermediate creatures helpless.

Garen stared at the monitor lizard carefully. The hunting cooperation during the day had allowed him to fully understand the data of the fourth-level monitor lizard.

"The speed is around fourteen and you can dodge easily. The strength should be between nineteen and twenty-five."

He watched as the giant lizard rushed straight towards him. Even the force of this impact could not stop it.

He flapped his wings quickly and dodged to the right.

But immediately the giant lizard's tail came towards him, and this guy's usual consecutive moves came again.

Garen was short in stature, but as nimble as a human being, he could easily avoid the fiercely whipping tail.

This giant lizard was almost seven meters long, and its strength was not weak. From the sound of wind whistling in front of him, Garen estimated that the opponent's strength should be more than 22 points.

"It's a pity that the speed is too weak." After dodging the tail, Garen rushed forward, just in the blind spot where the giant lizard had no time to turn around, and hit the giant lizard's butt with a claw.

The power of his claws is similar to that of a giant lizard, but his speed is much faster. The speed of the monitor lizard may exceed that of an average baby dragon, so there is no way to avoid it.

This claw galleon pierced the giant lizard's ass hard.

An earth-shaking roar of violent pain exploded.

Garen felt his ears suddenly ringing, and he pulled out his claws with all his strength.

At this time, the tail whipped back and was whipping towards him.

It would really be a joke if Gallon could still be hit by this simple attack method.

He flapped his wings slightly and flew up, easily dodging the tail again. At his level, opponents who are not strong enough in melee combat will not be able to defeat Garen head-on unless the attribute gap between the two sides is too great.

Compared with the monitor lizard's seven or eight meters in length, Garen's body has only grown to over one meter as a young dragon. He cannot withstand a few blows, so he must be extra careful.

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