Mysterious journey

Chapter 1266 Youth 2

Kubuso was lying on the ring, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. In the chaos just now, he was hit in the face by Garon's claw and his face was broken. At this moment, Lehman was holding him up to resist him.

"You have to be careful with Garen, Kubuso is very vindictive." He looked at Garen and whispered.

"You should be more worried about him." Garen said nonchalantly. What he is more happy about now is not this, but the unexpected discovery he made when he was attacked by level five poisonous fog just now.

His soul and body unexpectedly resolved their previous state of disharmony for no apparent reason. Now, even if the Necromancer and Soul Masters stand in front of him, they can't find anything strange about his soul and body.

The poisonous mist itself carries soul temptation and corrosive damage.

However, it mainly focuses on soul attacks, and Galleon happens to have very high soul strength, so what he is least afraid of is this kind of attack targeting the soul. Therefore, the soul damage power of this fifth-level spell is not as high as the pure corrosion damage.

In addition, Garen's physique has actually reached the upper-middle level among young dragons. After being weakened by magic resistance by one level, he is therefore immune to most spell damage and corrosion. The remaining damage was negligible to him.

Only then can he suddenly break out at the end and save Leona.

"Garen!" Turning around, Garen was greeted with a warm hug from Leona. "You are so awesome!!"

Leona's entire dragon hung on Garen.

White Dragon City respects strength. As long as they show strong enough strength, they can gain respect and attention.

Now that the problem of body and soul coordination has been solved, it doesn't matter if you keep a low profile. The most important thing is to get attention, get more resources, and get the fastest growth.

Garen finally took the opportunity to explode and used all his strength to let the instructor realize his current strength.

If nothing else goes wrong, the current instructor should be on his way to the elder's residence and discover the real top seedling. This is a good sign that affects the future hopes of the entire White Dragon clan, and he will also receive a major reward for this.

"Garen, you guys are so scary." Polly and Sast came on stage, as well as brothers and sisters Sa Si, Sa, Sa, Er and Three who came after hearing the news, all surrounding Garon.

"I almost thought you were killed!" Sast gasped, patting his chest.

"Lao Wu is the strongest!"

"Yes, Galen is the strongest." Sa San Sa Si and others were extremely confident in Galen.

"It's better not to confront the instructor in the future." However, Sa Er still felt a little guilty. He recalled that Garen was so bold just now that he dared to challenge an adult white dragon. If he was in the wild, he would not be able to deal with it if he was eaten by it. .

Garen's last move frightened him so much that he was sweating wildly. Ice slag was still falling off his body, all condensed from the sweat just now.

"I'll see who dares to bully me in class from now on!" Sa San said proudly with a sour face.

Garen was surrounded in the middle, but he was recalling how he solved this coordination problem. But no matter how he recalled it, the only possible clue was the encounter in the abyss.

All his soul rings exploded, and finally miraculously returned to normal.

There is no doubt that the powerful being at the bottom of that abyss saved him.

"I have to find an opportunity to go back and take a look." Garen doesn't like to owe others favors, let alone such a life-saving favor. He must find an opportunity to repay it. Although he is still very weak now, as the Demon King, he The growth rate is much faster than that of ordinary creatures, and there will always be opportunities in the future.


The instructor flapped his wings and glided around half a circle from the side of Elder Peak, then flew into a dark cave. An old white dragon lying at the entrance of the cave opened his eyes and glanced at him. He didn't move, as if he was asleep. .

Following the cave, the instructor flew several hundred meters and soon entered a large hemispherical cave with a deep blue cold pool in the center.

There was an old white dragon that was twice the size of the instructor coiled in the water. This old white dragon was reading a large human book with relish. There are huge reading glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"What's the matter again?" it asked casually without raising its head. It seemed that he was aware of the instructor's arrival.

"I found another good candidate. I think he can enter the special training camp." Instructor Long whispered respectfully.

"What kind of good seedling?" Old Long yawned, "Metal combat or magic?"

"Hand-to-hand combat." The instructor quickly replied. "The fighting talent is very powerful." He quickly added for fear that the old dragon would not take him seriously.

Sure enough, when Lao Long heard that it was a hand-to-hand fight, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"You have to know that our White Dragon clan only has three places in the special training camp, and only magic geniuses can get the attention of these old guys. Forget it. What level is Longwei?"

he asked again casually.

"Um, first level. Just getting started." The instructor hesitated.

"The first-level Longwei, who has just started, is actually worth spending one of your recommended quotas?" Old Long finally raised his head and looked at the instructor Long across the pool, "Are you sure you are not joking?"

"No, it's not a joke." Instructor Long nodded solemnly, "He is less than one year old, but his physical fitness is as good as that of a young dragon! Very good!"

"No matter how strong our physical fitness is, even though we are physically powerful as dragons, there is an upper limit." The old dragon sighed, "And arcana can exhaust the mysteries of time and space, which is endless. You have to understand this."

"However, if there is a monthly supply of ice stalagmites in the special training camp, he will definitely become an extremely powerful warrior earlier!" The instructor was unwilling to give in.

"Go back. The only way a warrior can lead to immortality is the might of the dragon. He is not good at the might of the dragon. At least he can't see the excellence yet. It's still too small. Let's see after some time." Old Long waved his hand, and suddenly A huge force instantly enveloped the instructor. This was the hand of the mage, and he was instantly sent out of the cave hundreds of meters away like a small snake.

Falling outside the cave, the instructor was still a little unwilling. He finally found another good seedling who could reverse his embarrassing situation. Unexpectedly, the great elder did not approve of it.

"We can only observe it one more time." He fluttered his wings and turned around to fly away.


Deep in the Huori Mountains

In a deep and dark cave at the foot of the snow peak.

"Beisining was destroyed and he couldn't even escape the soul mark."

An old voice came from the depths of the cave.

The densely packed knight armors on both sides of the cave lit up with green flames in their eyes. For a moment, the dark passage inside the cave was illuminated into a light green.

"Only by completely destroying all the marks in an instant, or in a closed and isolated space, can he be unable to escape the soul mark." A knight's armor with faint silver lines on his body responded in a low voice.

"Is there such a thing nearby?" the old voice asked.

"Not found." The silver-patterned knight replied in a low voice.

"It seems that it is because of the mutated soul. A mutated soul residing in the body of the white baby dragon may be a bait."

"Bailongshan will not enmity with us for no reason, maybe it's just a misunderstanding. I heard that a little Bailong clan has recently moved near here. Maybe it's their handiwork."

"Want to crusade?" Another Silver Pattern Knight also spoke.

"There must be an ancient dragon in the clan. The master is still injured and cannot take action. We cannot kill the ancient dragon." The previous silver pattern knight objected.

"But Besning can't die in vain." The old voice continued. "The clue should be in that mutated soul. Use the Horcrux to monitor that soul at all times. Once he leaves the White Dragon's protection, take action."

"Understood." The two silver knights responded in unison.


Life at the Elder Peak Young Dragon Breeding Center is boring.

At least it's boring for Garen. Training, practice, training and practice every day, repeated over and over again, all taught some basic skills, which are of some value to ordinary young dragons, but meaningless to him who is proficient in fighting.

So he started sleeping in class.

Strangely enough, the instructor turned a blind eye to him and seemed to be particularly lenient. And the other young dragons didn't dare to say more about society. After all, Garen's strength far exceeded them.

But Garen said he was sleeping, but in fact he was slowly exercising Long Wei.

Dragon power is actually an application of spiritual power, so even the ancient dragons who specialize in arcane arts, if they don't practice dragon power, still have unparalleled dragon power. This is the reason.

Garen's soul power is naturally extremely powerful, but mental power is different from the consciousness of the mecha world. He has not yet fully understood the relationship between mental power and soul power.

His physical fitness is naturally increasing, and with the ball core contributed by the Pain Knight, he can earn a full five points of attributes every month.

In the blink of an eye, a peaceful year passed.

Garen is also over one year old and graduated early from the baby dragon breeding center. He did not participate in the second hunt. According to the instructor, if he was allowed to participate in the baby dragon hunt now, it would be bullying the dragon. That's the real injustice.

Therefore, Garen joined the youth class without any hesitation.

There are many young dragon classes, but there is only one youth class, with only more than forty young dragons in it. There is a big age gap among them, some are in their forties and some are in their teens, but the one like Garen who is only one year old is still the first one.

Even Lehman, who is known as the future White Dragon King, is not qualified to enter the youth class so early.

But Garen didn't care about this. The reason why he agreed to leave the leisurely young dragon class and join the youth class was to have the opportunity to hunt again and obtain more crystal nuclei to accelerate his growth.

The youth class can already participate in the human mage summoning system of the Dilada Empire.

According to the Dragon Clan Oath at the end of the first year of the year 445, young dragons can sign support contracts with mages. After paying a certain reward as the summoning price, young dragons can be summoned from a distance to participate in the battle.

This is one of the contents of the agreement signed by the elders and the king of the Dilada Empire.

And he wanted to get in touch with the human society of this world as soon as possible, which was why Garen did not object to joining the youth class in advance.

The coach has seen Garen's sophisticated fighting skills. Only a battlefield like Young Dragon can accelerate Garen's growth.

He had already patted his chest in front of the elders for this.

It is extremely rare in history for a young dragon to join the youth class. .

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