Mysterious journey

Chapter 1267 Summoning 1

Kevin Rosser is an ordinary mage noble. His family, which was originally in decline, has regained a glimmer of hope because of his mage qualifications.

But all this changed completely when he struggled to revitalize the family.

He was actually selected in a mage selection to become one of the people who could sign oaths with various dragons.

This is a supreme honor. In the entire Dilada Empire, only mages who have reached level five are qualified to be called archmages and have the same status as nobles. The fourth-level mage belongs to a position that is neither up nor down.

Kevin originally thought that he was already in his thirties and that his potential as a mage had been used up, and there was no possibility of him going any further. However, he never expected that he would have such good luck.

"Maybe it can bring a new turn for the daughter and the family." With this thought in his mind, he went to the empire testing site.

Inside the round test point building, he realized that he was not one of the rare ones selected.

There are more than ten mages in their town alone among the people chosen for the oath, including even third-level and second-level mages. God knows how the second-level mage got in. You must know that Dragon Clan Covenant requires huge rewards to support a summons.

"It's your turn." Kevin was pushed by the people in line behind him. He came to his senses, walked forward, and signed his name on the text above.

"If you are selected by the dragons, this badge will directly become your summoning prop. It is the communication coordinate. You must keep it." The official in charge of the affairs whispered. He is also a fifth-level archmage, with a hint of condescending reserve. , said lightly.

"I understand, sir." Kevin quickly took the badge and left the team. He looked back at the people lining up behind him, and there were seven or eight more people in line. I was a little confused.

After walking out of the testing point, he looked back uneasily and looked behind him. The testing point was as white and round as bread. There were mages coming from a distance outside. They got off the carriage and walked inside.

And these mages all have one thing in common, that is, they are rich.

Kevin felt a little depressed. When he just received the news of being selected, he thought he was lucky, but he didn't expect so many people to be selected.

"Master Kevin."

A clear voice came from beside me.

Kevin heard the sound and looked over. It was a young lady with green skin. He recognized it. She was Serena, the only druid nearby in the town.

"Tree Skin Technique? Master Serena, what trouble have you encountered?" He asked in surprise. Only when preparing for battle would he apply Tree Skin Technique to himself. This thing is a fifth-level spell that lasts a long time. Enough to last a day.

"No, I just encountered a wild boar." Selina didn't say much. The druids were all neutral and indifferent. They rarely talk about their private affairs to outsiders.

"It's you." She glanced at the badge on Kevin's hand. "I'll give you a piece of advice. If it were me, I would never accept this badge. Once the dragons are summoned, you will know what will happen next."

Serena and Kevin have a good relationship, and they often have dealings in pharmaceuticals and medicinal materials. For her to say this, it is quite interesting.

"What do you mean?" Kevin was not a fool and immediately connected with the recent series of actions of the empire.

"The high-level officials of the empire have signed dragon oaths with a total of thirteen clans including Red Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, and Green Dragon. This year, hundreds of adult dragons and hundreds of young dragons have entered the empire to sign oaths. All of this Why?"

Serena said lightly and looked at the badge in Kevin's hand. "Don't make the people around you sad."

After saying that, she slowly left along the khaki street, heading towards her residence, and ignored Kevin.

Kevin stood in front of his carriage and was in a daze for a moment. He was not a fifth-level professional like Serena. Any professional at the archmage level, a druid can also be called an archdruid. The fourth level is completely two qualitative changes, and the channels for obtaining information are also different. And obviously, Serena's warning was obviously well-intentioned.

"Master?" The coachman asked in a low voice from the side, "Do you want to leave?"

Kevin looked down at the badge in his hand.

"Kevin?" A beautiful female mage saw him from a distance and shouted softly. "You can actually get the badge? Tsk, tsk, anyone can get the badge now."

Next to the female mage was an old man wearing a great mage robe. He was about fifty years old and looked strong. He just glanced at Kevin lightly.

"We haven't seen each other for more than ten years, but you're still standing still, Kevin."

"Arch Mage Sandra, Alice." Kevin forced a smile. Respond politely.

"The gray robes of the Gray Shadow Council are really casual. Such an important emblem is worn casually." Alice said bitterly. "What's the point of giving a low-level mage badge to a low-level mage who has no hope of promotion? One summons can consume all his wealth?"

The other mages around him all looked over here, as well as some passers-by on the roadside. For a moment, Kevin felt that everyone around him seemed to be watching him. Everyone's gazes were like sharp thorns that stung their skin.

"What did you say to me back then?" Alice was not ready to let him go. "Sooner or later, I will stand in front of you as the Archmage! Make you regret it!" She learned an impassioned expression He said loudly. Then he looked at Kevin, who was now lowering his head, with a pointed look.

"What now? Now I don't regret it at all."

"Can I leave?" Kevin's heart felt sad. He had impulsively made the bold statement at the time, believing that man could conquer nature and would be able to overcome the innate limitations of qualifications and become a fifth-level mage. As a result, more than ten years later, he was still the At level four, there is still no hope of breakthrough.

Level 5, this is the level that countless professionals envy. Those who can reach this level are all those who have found a specialization that belongs to their own unique skills.

The fifth-level archmage is much stronger than the average mage. The key lies in an instant spell skill.

Being able to specialize in instant casting techniques for a level zero or above spell will consume twice the daily spell slots, but in combat, such skills are enough to allow mages to gain an absolute advantage in the battle without having to chant when facing the enemy.

This is a qualitative change.

"Go ahead, go ahead, it's the same thing every time, it's boring." Alice obviously meant to embarrass him. In fact, even if the mages are not as hypocritical and polite as the nobles, they will not go so far in public. Alice did this because the conflict between the two went too far.

When she abandoned Kevin and found her current archmage partner, she once planned to give Kevin a large amount of compensation because of guilt, but Kevin kicked her out of the house in public and threw away all the compensation. At that time, she even impulsively swore loudly that there was One day she will definitely break through the Archmage and stand in front of her, making him and her regret it.

But more than ten years have passed, and their daughters have grown up to be more than ten years old. Kevin is still at level four. Like most other low-level mages, he will almost never see the opportunity to break through at level five.

If one out of a hundred mages could break through level five, it was already a very high ratio. This is as cruel as the threshold from apprentice to official mage.

Kevin got on the carriage, and even the coachman felt a fever on his face. He slapped the horse's butt hard and left the scene quickly.

The houses and shops on both sides passed by one after another, and there were many more outsiders on the surrounding roads, but Kevin didn't have the slightest intention to observe these.

He was holding a fire in his heart and wanted to vent it, but he didn't know how.

He didn't dare to take action. The archmage Alice found had his own mage tower. Even among the archmages, there were high and low levels. The archmage who could get the support of the nobles to build his own mage tower would be ranked among the top five. The middle level is also different.

A fifth-level mage within the range of the mage tower is enough to confront a sixth-level professional head-on.

Therefore, the old man named Archmage Sandra was not someone he could compete with or disobey.

Now he just wants to go home and watch his daughter. As long as his daughter can have a better development and future, everything will not matter.

Now his daughter is everything to him.

He pinned all his hopes on Maria.

The town was not big. The carriage left the town and bypassed the Church of the Lord of the Forest. It was his family's residence, a pretty good small manor.

A large windmill stands between several thin fields, and inside is a small black stone house with its own front garden. Looking from a distance, you can see someone taking care of flowers and plants in the garden.

Kevin looked at the figure in the garden in the distance, which was a young and graceful teenage girl. He is also wearing a mage's robe, but it is a special white robe with a crescent moon symbol on the chest.

The crescent moon represents the elite organization under the Gray Shadow Council - the Moon Scar Watch. Everyone selected into the Moon Mark Watchers is an absolute genius and an elite who will have the opportunity to directly enter the Archmage level in the future.

The Gray Shadow Council is a huge mage organization across the Dilada Empire. If the Snow City in the Dilada Empire is the highest gathering place for court mages, then the Gray Shadow Council is the entire area, including the five major empires. A behemoth of an alliance that includes all mages. He represents the glory and ultimate of the Northland Battle Mage. It is simply not comparable to a snow city. In the entire Northland, he is undoubtedly the strongest being and has the highest dominance.

Whenever he sees the crescent moon symbol on his daughter's body, Kevin feels deeply relieved. He can't do it, but his daughter will definitely be able to go up.

The carriage followed the field path and arrived in front of his house.

Kevin got out of the car and told the driver to put the carriage away, while he strode towards his daughter.

"Maria," he called loudly before he even came near. "Aren't you in Kosoya? Why don't you come back to see me when you have time?"

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