Mysterious journey

Chapter 1273 Talent 1

Above the white snow-capped mountains, Garen was flying at high speed towards the outskirts of the snow-capped mountains. He was recalling the instinct and feeling he had when he was flying randomly. Trying to find that paradise-like place again.

The two Pain Knights were chasing after him, and they were completely angered by him. They tried many times to separate and encircle Garen, driving Garen in one direction, but Garen completely ignored them. His speed was no slower than theirs, and he flew directly according to his own ideas.

During the flight, he faintly discovered that some of the giant lizard elders who occasionally passed by on the ground actually respected the Pain Knight very much. It seemed that they were in the same group. He simply did not dare to continue flying deeper, and instead directly Toward a relatively peripheral place.

It was getting late, and night was falling. The three of them were still flying at high speed in the sky. The mountains below seemed endless, and they didn't know where they had flown to.

And slowly, Garen suddenly felt that large snowflakes began to fill the mountains, and the snowflakes were blown everywhere by the strong wind.

A blizzard like a tornado gradually began to take shape.

Garen plunged into the blizzard that had not yet fully formed, and suddenly felt a familiar feeling rushing towards him.

"This is it!" He felt slightly happy. The last time he was chased by the pain knight for several days, he was not familiar with this kind of snowstorm that lasted for several days.

He was able to fight a protracted battle with the Pain Knight last time. This time, his speed was more than twice as fast, and naturally it was even easier. However, Garen was not willing to get rid of the Pain Knight behind him casually. He would even slow down and hang him occasionally. Two people, lest they lose their way in pursuit.

"Damn it! Where else does this guy want to run!? It's a snowstorm here! He will be carried away to a place that is not worthy of any direction!" The pain knight holding the knight's gun couldn't help but curse.

"I feel like he is dragging us." The pain knight holding the sword calmed down and said in a low voice, "Find a way to inform the Lord, maybe he is planning to lure us to the powerful existence behind him. Last time, wasn't he? Is that what you did?"

"Be careful."

"When necessary, I will use the one given by the Lord. Don't worry."


Garenon felt familiar as he flew over. It was the same for him last time. He couldn't see anything in front of his eyes, only patches of endless white wind and snow. If it weren't for the downward gravity pulling his body, Garenon himself would probably be facing upwards. It's hard to tell whether it's going downward or forward.

But he knew the feeling.

"It's really wonderful." Garen's soul ring felt a vibration that he had never noticed before, a subtle vibration that seemed like the surrounding space and time were trembling.

He tried his best to speed up and fly forward, fighting against the force of the blizzard at the same time, while paying attention to the two pain knights hanging behind him.

Before I knew it, two days had passed.

Garen actually didn't know how long he had been flying. He just estimated that it was about two days and two nights, but the wind and snow seemed to have no end at all, and they were still blowing hard.

At present, he just felt that he seemed to be getting closer and closer to the eye of the storm.

Finally, the force of the pulling wind and snow became stronger and stronger, and Garen flew in the direction with the greatest strength.

laugh! !

Suddenly, his eyes suddenly became clear.

Once again, he emerged from the blizzard.

What appeared in front of him was a pure and silent blue lake. The mirror-like lake water reflected the shadow of the snow-capped mountains opposite. The sky was blue, as if it was not in the Rihuo Mountains at all.

The air is terrifyingly pure, so pure that even bacteria can't survive.

Garen once again felt the strangeness everywhere.

He looked back and saw a huge blizzard tornado that was coming from the sky, and two figures of the Pain Knights stumbled out of it, but they didn't seem to be tired at all, and they immediately returned to normal as soon as they came out.

"The undead are the undead, and they are indeed tireless." Garen sneered. He turned his head and ignored the two of them, and flew directly towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

He began to look for the crack he had visited last time.

Soon, he found the gap on the side of the snow-capped mountain that he had discovered when he flew here last time, and crawled in along the gap.

"It's very dangerous here!" The pain knight holding the knight's gun flew to the gap where Garen entered and whispered.

"We have lost contact with the Lord. Apparently he used this move to kill one of our companions last time." The rapier knight said solemnly, "Should we pursue him or not?"

"Can you catch up?" Knight Spear asked. "I think he seems to be hanging us in a hurry."

"How about we start setting up here? If the Lord comes up, he will definitely be able to solve the problem."

"No, it is unwise to do this before knowing the details of the opponent. It will bring huge trouble to the Lord."

"As long as we don't follow them, they will have no choice but to defeat us." The rapier knight saw clearly.

"Well said."

Both of them were experienced warriors in life. Although becoming undead will damage part of their souls and sanity, they still have high vigilance and quality.

They did not follow Garen into the crack, but began to fly around slowly to observe the place.


Garen flew straight down the crack.

He ignored whether the two guys behind him were following him, but flew downwards with curiosity and awe.

The cracks are getting bigger and darker, as if there is no bottom at all.

Soon, the crack turned into an abyss, and the black abyss swallowed up all living and dead things that flew in like endless darkness.

Garen didn't take it seriously at all and shot straight towards the bottom.

He didn't know how long he flew. There seemed to be no sense of time here. He finally vaguely saw a little white light at the bottom of the abyss.

"This is it!" He felt happy and accelerated towards the white light.

Countless human faces and black smoke finally appeared again, flying around him. Some made breathing sounds, and seemed to be chuckling, or more like howling.

Garen ignored it. Although the black smoke was scary, it could not harm living creatures at all, and he was not afraid.

He flew directly towards the light source, and soon, the transparent ball of the light source appeared in front of him again.

"Thank you for saving your life last time! Come back this time to thank me!" Garen hung in mid-air and said loudly in dragon language.

The sound was transmitted far away towards the ball, shaking the faces of the people around and sending black smoke flying around like frightened fish.

There was no answer in the light source, and there was silence, as if there was no living thing.

Garen did not rush, but waited patiently.

About ten minutes passed.

There was finally movement below.

The light ball naturally became slightly translucent, revealing a woman wearing a black waist silk skirt.

Her eyes were wide open, but gave the impression of being unfocused.

"What are you doing back here?" The woman didn't move her lips, but her low and hoarse voice reached Garon's ears through some special means. It's also Dragon Language, but it seems to be Ancient Dragon Language with some older pronunciation rules.

"I saved you last time, but I may not be in such a good mood this time." The woman's voice sounded like a man's. It was completely inconsistent with her beautiful and perfect image.

"I came here this time, of course, to confirm who the being who saved me last time was like. My name is Garen, and I come from the White Dragon Clan. I will look for opportunities to repay this kindness in the future!"

Garen said solemnly.

"I don't need your repayment," the woman's voice replied. "There's nothing you can do to repay me."

"Whether you accept it or not is your business, and whether I repay you or not is also my business!" Garen said flatly. "I just want to do what I should do!"

What he said was a bit decisive. The woman seemed to be a little interested. She glanced at him with her dull eyes. Through a distance of hundreds of meters, her eyes were like searchlights, instantly bursting out invisible but as if they were extremely dazzling. The bright light made Garen's eyes red and almost shed tears. It was like being hit by a laser.

"Interesting." The woman said with a smile in her deep voice. "Little guy from other planes. There is something special about your soul."

Garen was shocked, but he immediately calmed down. Since the last explosion of his soul ring was easily repaired by the other party, it was normal for him to be able to see through this.

"Special?" He lowered his head to avoid the other person's gaze and said sincerely. "I also know that my soul is special, but I never knew what was special about it."

"Angelo Byron, the God of Potions once created multi-dimensional potions and released 16.54 million potions. I didn't expect to see one of the successful products here." The woman's deep voice conveyed. The content shocked Garen.

"God of Potions!?" He said in shock.

"Your situation is a bit interesting. It has special research value." There was a faint smile on the woman's calm and perfect face.

"You mean, my soul is special because of the multi-dimensional medicine created by the God of Medicine?!" This is Garen's first time, the first time he has encountered someone who can see his soul. The deepest secret source.

If the other party didn't lie to him, then looking at it this way, the woman in front of him might have a terrifyingly high level of existence.

In an instant, he thought of a lot, but in an instant, he suppressed all distracting thoughts. Facing such a great existence, all his thoughts may be under surveillance, and any disrespectful thoughts will be like those under a microscope. Bacterial plaque generally has no place to hide.

"Your soul has reached a certain level through self-training and qualitative transformation. I am very interested in these qualitative changes in your process, which may have a positive effect on my practice." The woman's strange male voice continued. .

"What do you mean?" Garen's heart trembled.

"I can make a deal with you." The woman replied in a low voice.


"You have two choices." The woman said softly, "First, cooperate with me to complete the experiment until I understand the nature of your mutated soul. As a reward, I will pay you the soul-enhancing treasure you want, and you Compared to the one on my body now, it will be more than ten times more effective."

"More than ten times." Garen knew that she was talking about the Pain Knight Core that he picked up last time. That core gave him twice as much potential as before.

If there is another treasure that is ten times more

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