Mysterious journey

Chapter 1274 Talent 2

Now the core of the pain knight was wrapped in a plant leaf and hung on his hind leg. He is increasing his soul power anytime and anywhere.

If it is more than ten times, then he may have more than thirty potential points in a month, which can greatly shorten his growth rate!

It only takes a few years or at most ten years! He may be able to completely restore his peak strength and achieve true planet-destroying level combat power! !

This is an unimaginable temptation. It saves him the possibility of searching for resources and experiencing danger everywhere in the future. He only needs to cooperate with the other party honestly to conduct experiments.

"The second is that you cooperate with me to complete the experiment, and I will give you soul adjustments. Give you another ability similar to your current ability, which is equally powerful."

The woman explained calmly.

"Which one do you choose?"

There was silence in the abyss. Some subtle things silently penetrated into Garen's consciousness, tempting him and shaking him. These things seemed to emanate from the woman's body, colorless, odorless, and shapeless, like insects.

Garen didn't answer for a while. The woman seemed to have no sense of time at all. She maintained her appearance of waiting for an answer without any change.

For beings like them, perhaps the unit of time is calculated in years, and a year may be just a nap for them.

"I" Garen finally spoke. It took more than half an hour before he spoke.

"I don't want anything." He said this with difficulty. I also felt a little regretful in my heart. Whether it was the first condition or the second condition, it was an unparalleled temptation for him. That kind of temptation is like suddenly putting a bowl of fragrant food in front of you when you are hungry, and suddenly putting a glass of drinkable water in front of you when you are thirsty.

"As a reward for saving my life last time, I want nothing and am willing to cooperate with your experiment unconditionally!"

Garen suppressed the temptation and hesitation in his heart, and suddenly felt that his soul ring seemed to become purer. He resisted the temptation in his heart and made a decision straight along his true heart. rather than being moved by external objects. This is also an exercise for him.

"You don't want anything?" The woman was slightly surprised.

She paused, then showed a hint of understanding in her eyes.

"I understand." She seemed to see the subtle changes in Garen's soul, and her face finally had a real expression for the first time.

"It's not bad that you can resist temptation and make choices for the beliefs in your heart. Now that you have decided, then, on this day every year, you come over once and cooperate with me to complete an experiment. Is that okay?"

Garen nodded.

"I see!"

"You have to understand that your choice is yours to decide. I will not pay you any compensation." The woman repeated.

"I understand." Garen nodded again to confirm.

The woman looked at him quietly for a while, and suddenly the surface of the light film shook slightly.

Countless faces of black smoke quickly gathered together, fused and landed on Garen's neck, and actually condensed into a slender and exquisite black gemstone necklace.

"This is your certificate to enter here. You don't have to go through so much trouble next time. No creature can come in here without my permission." The woman said calmly.

"I understand." Garen lowered his head and touched the necklace. It was cold and had an indescribable clear feeling, as if he were touching a pool of clear water. This feeling was very strange. He was obviously touching a physical object. .

"My name is Garen. You"

"You can call me An." The woman closed her eyes, and the light film became blurry again, making it difficult to see what was inside.

"An?" Garen repeated.

An didn't make any more noise, obviously she didn't want to talk to him anymore.

Garen thought for a moment, then flew out of the abyss and towards the outside of the crack.

To his surprise, after the black gem necklace was on his body, the black smoke with human faces no longer dared to fly around him. Instead, they all fled away with fear on their faces.

Ann told him the most important news. If she hadn't lied to him, then Garen knew that his innate ability was probably one of the tens of millions of potions created by the potion god named Angelu, and it was just an unexpected success.

Garon believed that Ann had no need to deceive him, so her words were more than half credible.

He was thinking while flying towards the outside world.

If the mutation of his soul is really the mutation of the medicine spread from this world, then it means that the gods of this world have a way to communicate with the world where his original earth is.

When he thought of this, his heart felt a little hot. How many years had passed? Returning to the earth, returning to the life before he traveled through time, was still the dream he had hidden deep in his heart. He wandered outside again and again. As he traveled through time, the fatigue in his heart became heavier and heavier.

He has always wanted to go back and have a look, but he has never found any information about the world when he came.

Flying out of the crack, Garen immediately saw the two pain knights floating in the air outside, waiting for him.

"You finally came out. I thought you were dead inside." The knight sneered with such pain from the knight's gun.

"I originally thought I could capture you instantly, but I almost capsized the boat. This time I'll see how you run." The other party's tone showed a sure-footed attitude.

Garen sensed that behind him, there was no movement at all. It was obvious that he planned not to interfere at all. The last time he helped him, he was in a good mood.

He couldn't expect An to help him again.

Two seventh-level pain knights tutted. This kind of existence is considered a high-level undead creature even among undead creatures, second only to the strongest ninth-level terror knight. A top-level creature among knights, in human society, a seventh-level being can serve as the lord of a large city in some remote countries and be awarded the title of earl!

But here, in the Northland, an empire with highly developed military power like the Dirada Empire, two such beings suddenly appeared out of the wild. He couldn't help but thank his luck for being so good.

"However, although An won't help me, I have to make an appointment with him to complete the experiment. If my life is in danger, won't her experiment not be completed? So..." Garen was determined, although he was a little shameless. , but for the sake of victory, this shamelessness can be ignored directly.

He chuckled inwardly. He looked at the two seventh-level knights maliciously. Just use them to test Ann's attitude towards experiments.

"You guys." Garen stretched out his dragon claw. "Let's go together."

He made a look of contempt.

But obviously as he expected, neither of the two pain knights were easily angered, but actually got in together.

Two rays of black light suddenly shot straight over, and red runes flashed on the knight's gun and rapier at the same time. The light of the runes was like a flame, exploding, and instantly enveloped all three of them, including Garen, and disappeared instantly. In mid-air.

"The final battle to the death!!" Two Pain Knights and Garen appeared in a small red space at the same time, as if they were in a spherical space.

The two knights shouted and rushed towards Garen at the same time. In such a small place, Garen had no way to dodge, and there seemed to be a rule that prohibited him from dodge. The only thing he could do was to confront him head-on and confront him head-on!

The two knights actually simply created a rule space that was completely beneficial to them. The rules of this space were based on the real world, but were higher than reality. This was the first time Galleon had seen this kind of power.

But in a head-on confrontation, he is never afraid of anyone! Just look at his current limit.

Garen violently mobilized his whole body and was about to exert his strength when suddenly a heartbreaking pain exploded in his waist! This pain came so suddenly that he was caught off guard, and the strength he had just mustered was suddenly deflated. At this moment of slowdown, he could only watch the weapons of the two pain knights getting closer and closer to him. .

The strong sense of crisis instantly made the scales on his body almost stand up.

Longwei! !

boom! !

Garen suddenly condensed the third-level dragon power into a beam, and instead of rushing towards the weapon in front of him, it exploded directly in his chest.

Bang! !

His body was immediately moved back a small distance by the force of the explosion, just in time to avoid the heavy blows of the two weapons.

Avoiding the crisis, Garen's whole body's power flowed, and the entire dragon curled up together, like a white ball tightening.


He suddenly ejected and opened his whole body, thrust his dragon claw forward, and used the ice pressure knife and shock techniques at the same time. The wings on his back vibrated at high speed, and the 47 points of agility instantly exploded to the extreme, and the whole body's strength was concentrated on the two points on the dragon's claws.

This is the truly invincible, peerless dragon claw hand! ! ! Specialize in two points on the upper body!

For some reason, Garen suddenly thought of this line that he had heard in a movie before. His current posture can be said to be an extremely authentic dragon grip, right?

As soon as this weird idea came to mind, the mighty gesture that had originally exploded suddenly felt a little wretched.

His two claws were grabbing straight at two points on the chest of the Painful Knight, the Knight Spear in front of him.

"Shameless!!" What he didn't expect was that the Cavalry Spear Pain Knight was actually a woman. Seeing his posture, I couldn't bear the shame and anger, and immediately burst into laughter. His strength had already exploded to the extreme, but this time with added anger, he even used all his strength.

In the red space, dragon claws, knight spears, and a black thin sword smashed together.

The extremely hard dragon claw immediately exploded with a crack and turned into countless fragments flying. The knight's gun and rapier also showed tiny cracks at the same time, and they were also cracked by the collision.

The whole bodies of the three were shaken at the same time, and the huge reaction force was fed back to the three of them. The armors of the two seventh-level knights suddenly rippled with large black oil-like ripples. They took two steps back before buffering 47 Galleons of strength plus a huge amount of energy. The impact brought by the high speed.

Garen was in a terrible situation. The instant explosion not only shattered his claws on the ground, but also almost cut off his two forelimbs. In other words, his constitution was as high as 40 points, and his amazing unloading skills prevented him from being completely destroyed. The claws were cut off, but even that was very miserable.

White dragon blood was scattered everywhere, and his entire dragon was hit by the backlash against the inner wall of the red sphere space.

After all, he was only at the sixth level. Facing two seventh-level creatures, his combat power was already astonishing if he was not killed instantly.

At this moment, what he didn't expect was that the two pain knights on the opposite side saw that he had almost lost the ability to resist, but they did not come over immediately to continue the pursuit. Instead, they stood there and each took out a small yellow stick from the gap in their arm armor. The scroll, that scroll was tied with red silk thread, pulled out the thread, and the two were about to unfold the scroll.


Suddenly there was a huge earthquake, and the entire red space trembled and collapsed.

The space fragmented, revealing the pure snow-capped mountains and lake environment outside.

An's voice came from nowhere, and an invisible force instantly spanned thousands of meters and fell directly on the two knights.


The bodies of the two knights instantly ignited with terrifying black flames. The flames did not have high temperatures, but they released an extremely desperate and shrill aura.

"Spare your life!!!" the pain knight holding the rapier howled loudly.


A burst of black light flashed, Garen's eyes were dazzled, and the two burning pain knights disappeared in an instant, as if they had never appeared.

He stared at the sky in front of him in astonishment.

"Is this the end?"

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