Mysterious journey

Chapter 1275 Accident 1

"Still not leaving?" An's voice rang directly in Garen's mind.

Garen was speechless and floated in mid-air, looking at the crack with a bit of pity. He was still waiting for An to look down on the core of the two pain knights and throw them away, so he happened to pick them up and take them away.

It would be a shame if this core was wasted.

But obviously, An didn't intend to throw the things out.

Garen shamelessly waited for a while, but finally found that there was no hope and left sadly.

Before leaving and flying into the blizzard, he looked back at the snow peaks.

He didn't know An's identity clearly, but he was definitely a being far beyond his level, especially the powerful ability that seemed to turn back time when he saw it for the first time. Even in the mecha world with the loosest rules, Garen I have never seen such a terrifying ability.

Things that have been destroyed can actually be restored to their original state in an instant. This can be called a miracle.

With his last doubt, Garen threw himself into the white snowstorm that stretched from sky to earth.

This time was different from before. The necklace around his neck disappeared in a flash, as if it had never appeared before. Just for a moment, Garen realized that he had suddenly appeared at the entrance to the Sunfire Mountain Range, right in front of him. Ahead is the huge and continuous Sunfire Mountains.

The sky was dark, and the purple sickle moon shed silvery moonlight.

Garen found that the blizzard that he had clearly felt a second ago was nowhere to be seen in all directions at this moment.

"It appears and disappears with the blizzard. It's really mysterious. Maybe it's a demiplane independent of the main plane?"

He didn't think too much about it, and it didn't make sense for him to think about it so much now.

Turning towards the direction of the White Dragon Clan, Garen accelerated and flew away.


Deep in the Sunfire Mountains

Inside the cave, a group of light green flames burst into flames.

"It's like this again. Even the projection scroll can't be unfolded." An old voice came from the depths of the cave.

"We have lost three knights. Such losses have not occurred even in the past thousand years." The Silver Pattern Knight replied in a low voice.

He and another silver-patterned knight knelt on one knee in front of the green flames.

"This time, I made enough preparations, but I didn't even have time to open the scroll and my positioning mark disappeared." The old voice was confused, "There should be a demiplane nearby. The only way is to leave the main plane. Only in this way can it be possible to isolate the coordinates I created."

"Teacher, do you want to negotiate with the White Dragon Clan?" A pleasant female voice came from the darkness on the other side.

"What's the use of looking for them? The being behind the mutated soul, even Bailongshan is not willing to provoke. It can instantly destroy two seventh-level beings, at least level nine." The old voice answered.

"What do you mean?" The female voice was confused.

"Wait a moment, something will happen to that little clan soon. They will have no time to take care of themselves, and that's when we take action. Snow City's actions are already very fast."

"I understand." The female voice seemed to have remembered something, and it suddenly became clear and fell silent.


In the blink of an eye, four months have passed.

After Garen returned to the clan, he has been lurking. On the one hand, he was waiting for the other side to summon him to get the magic core. On the other hand, it was also because he met two Pain Knights the last time he came out. It was obvious that there was a lot of secret behind them. A strong force is a powerful group. Now he can't afford to offend such a force, so he simply stays in the Elder Peak to practice cultivation.

The other young dragons in the youth class have been summoned many times to participate in the battle. There are only a few dragons that have not been summoned. Garen is one of them. He even wondered if the summoner over there died accidentally. In which corner of the battlefield?

Since there has been no movement, he has started to wander around the entire White Dragon clan.

Since his reincarnation, because of his special soul, the attention of the gods, and the residence of the old white dragon envoy, Garen did not dare to wander around wantonly. But now he feels that the disharmony between his soul and body has been resolved.

Then I started to understand the surrounding situation with confidence and boldness.

Every morning when he went out, he began to fly slowly around this residential area and around the Elder Peak, bypassing some places guarded by dragon guards and some private lands that exuded obvious dragon power.

It took Garen four full days to visit the entire Elder Peak, the residence of the White Dragon Clan.

The Elder Peak is not just a main peak, with the main peak as the center, there are thirty-two subsidiary peaks around it, all of which are inhabited by the dragons with the strongest status and strength among the white dragons.

On the outside is the weaker Bailong family. The outermost layer is a large area of ​​forest and breeding land. In the forest are humans from the Dilada Empire, as well as the vassal race Razer. There are also a small number of kobolds living there. They can also speak dragon language. They have moved here less than a year ago. The kobolds' unique sacrificial scrolls are a popular hard currency for humans here. Relying on the wild protection of the White Dragon Clan, The small market that humans opened here before is getting bigger and bigger, and the things that can be purchased are becoming more and more abundant. Naturally, prices are becoming more and more reasonable.

Occasionally, creatures of other races would come to trade with special products.

The breeding areas breed dragon-like groups such as Earth Dragon Beasts. They are the main cannon fodder when going on the battlefield. Sometimes they are also sold to other humans as mounts and pets. There are also materials that mages need to make dragon skin scrolls. , also comes from here. The so-called dragon skin scrolls and dragon blood ink do not really refer to things from the orthodox dragons, but products from this type of dragon-like creatures.

In this regard, the White Dragon Clan seems to have reached a long-term trading agreement with the nobles of the Dilada Empire.

Garen vaguely discovered that there were more and more humans in the clan, and the Elder Peak also issued a rule not to conflict with humans without permission. After strictly punishing a few adult white dragons, most of the white dragons were willing to abide by the agreement. . After all, humans can not only bring them conflicts, but also bring them all kinds of food, resources, and their favorite shiny things.

Because of the cooperation with the Dilada Empire, the White Dragon Clan has been able to have great guarantees in their diet in the past year. They only need to use some things that they don't care much about, such as some dragon scales that they have shed, too The dragon claws that have grown so long that they have to be cut short, as well as some collections that were of little use and have long been tired of looking at, can lead a beautiful life for a long time without going out to hunt hard or risking one's life. .

After walking around the entire Elder Peak, Garen returned to the cave on the mountainside where he lived, already vaguely understanding the plans of the humans here.

This is to keep the White Dragon Clan in captivity and make it inseparable from humans, thereby becoming an alliance or even a vassal!

But it's none of his business. Maybe this is better. Compared with the previous wandering life, such a life is a win-win situation.

Returning to the cave, he continued to accumulate potential points. In the blink of an eye, more than three months later, a new day came.

July 16th.

A new batch of baby dragons were born in the clan and joined the breeding class. A new round of soul review was held on the Elder Peak. This is a big deal, and this time the soul inspection ceremony is still presided over by the great elder.

Garen did not go to see it, but stayed alone in his cave to rest. After he discovered the role of Longwei in the last battle with the Pain Knight, he began to pay more attention to it this time.

However, something seemed to have happened during the soul examination ceremony. Sasan Sasi and others who went to watch came back in a hurry.

"Something big happened!!"

Sa San said loudly, shouting urgently at Garen.

"Something big has happened in the clan. Galen, you still have time to stay here, go and have a look!"

"What's the big deal?" Garen opened his eyes and looked at the anxious Sasan Sasi in front of him.

"What on earth is going on? Isn't it a giant soul review?"

"It's just a soul examination. Something happened to Polly's grandfather!"

"Not only them, but something happened to Leona's grandfather too! The third elder colluded with humans to rebel!"

"They imprisoned the great elder and accused him of treason!"

The two young dragons kept talking to each other, eager to tell everything that had happened. As he spoke, Lagaron ran over.

"Polly and Leona are being quarantined and reviewed now! Sast tried to save them but was taken away by his elders. We have no choice but to come back and find a solution for you!"

"Gallon, you have many options, think of how to help them!"

Although the current young dragon is selfish by nature, after being together for so long, he still has some feelings for Polyleona and the others. They are considered friends, so they rushed back to report the news in such a hurry.

Garen was pulled out of the cave by two young dragons and flew straight towards the Elder Peak.

In the seven months since he came back, he had gained another thirty-five potential points. These thirty-five points, a total of thirty points, were all added to the three attributes of strength, agility, and constitution, which made his attributes reach reached an unprecedented state. Only five points are left to enhance the dragon's power.

Strength and agility have reached 57 points, and constitution has also reached 50 points.

Garen's body looks no different from an ordinary young dragon, and is about the same size as a horse. The actual hand-to-hand combat ability has reached the point where all adult white dragons are top-notch.

His strong physique gives him stronger immunity to spells and stronger defense.

With the two young dragons in tow, Garen headed straight for the sun-corona-like censorship board on the side of Elder Peak.

Looking from a distance there, through the white mist, one can see many white dragons and humans gathering together.

The corona was in a mess, and the sharp long needles had been broken, obviously after a struggle.

Polly had been controlled by the two young dragons. He was pressed to the ground and unable to move. He could only roar in pain.

The entire scene is divided into three groups. Human beings wearing gorgeous gold and silver clothing are one group, and a powerful aura is constantly surging among them. There are two warriors wearing golden armor who have provoked Garen's idea. The weapons they carry It releases an extremely terrifying sense of threat, and seems to be the legendary dragon-slaying weapon stained with dragon blood.

You don't need to look to know that the strength of these two warriors is absolutely terrifying.

On the other hand, the White Dragon side is divided into two groups: one more and one less.

In many respects, the third elder was holding a scepter with a smile on his face, and beside him were two white dragon guards wearing silver heavy armor. He was saying something to the small group of white dragons. Behind him was a large group of strong adult white dragons, flying around in the air, constantly making low roars in protest.

Most of these few white dragons are adult white dragons, and each of them shows disdain, irritability, and anger.

"It is impossible for the second elder to betray the enemy!"

"Your evidence cannot simply conclude the second elder!"

"This is a conspiracy!"

"Third Elder, do you want the great Tiamat to see clearly the disgusting nature of your soul?!" One of the most powerful adult white dragons among the few white dragons came out and said loudly.

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