Mysterious journey

Chapter 1277 Contract 1

What happened at the ceremony greatly stimulated Polly and Leona. From that day on, they practiced Dragon Power extremely hard, and at the same time, they often asked Garen for advice on various issues.

Garen also taught them without reservation. His knowledge was so rich that the two little guys had the illusion that he was an experienced old dragon.

None of the problems they encountered seemed to be able to stump Garen.

Time passed so slowly for more than a month.

The third elder stabilized the overall situation, imprisoned the first elder and the second elder, and at the same time announced the formal alliance with the Dilada Empire. The princes and princesses of the empire would come to the clan to select partners for the eternal life contract.

The eternal life contract is different from the ordinary soul contract. It is a contract signed at the cost of linking lives. It is a powerful agreement that every living thing can only sign once in a lifetime.

He has no other role, his only purpose is to share life.

In other words, all the lives of the dragons and humans who signed the eternal contract will be regarded as unified, and then divided into two parts equally. This is undoubtedly extremely unfair to the dragon clan whose lifespan far exceeds that of humans.

Because in this way, the lifespan of the dragons will be reduced to at least half. Compared with the lifespan of the human race, it is often not even a fraction of that of the dragons.

Even the worst dragons can live at least a thousand years.

This rule has made many white dragons dissatisfied. As a superior dragon clan, no dragon is willing to sign a contract unless it is a special sixth-level professional or above.

However, the Dilada Empire took the initiative to explain that only potential princes and princesses can sign immortality contracts with them. With potential geniuses and noble status, it will not be difficult for them to become level six professionals in the future.

There are actually many princes and princesses in the Dilada Empire, at least hundreds of them. The geniuses selected from these people are not bad, but because there are too many people, even if they have noble status, they are actually not in the country. Very valued.

And if they can find a powerful white dragon to sign a contract, their status will be greatly consolidated.

So this activity soon started in the clan, but it was limited to adult white dragons, because that is the powerful confidence and strength that can be formed the fastest now. Human beings do not have time to wait for decades for young dragons to mature. As for the young dragon, that is even more impossible.

So this change has little impact on Gallon.

He was still cultivating quietly in his cave, and Long Wei finally reached level five in terms of his potential point improvement. To his surprise, after all his hard work and all the investment in potential points, and the last ten potential points he accumulated, he only reached level five.

Longwei after level five seems to need some special environmental stimulation to improve, and it seems to be a qualitative change. Like all other professions, level six seems to be a watershed.

Another thing that changed was that his physical attributes finally showed an increase in the demand for potential points.

In the past, each additional attribute only required one potential point, but now it has jumped to three points. It seems that his body has reached a qualitative change, and the previous potential points no longer have such a big effect.

After all, Galleon's current average attribute has exceeded fifty points. It belongs to the standard seventh-level biological category.

The normal level of an adult white dragon is between thirty and forty, but he is now far beyond the normal level.

According to Garen's secret observation, among the entire White Dragon Clan, perhaps only the strongest warrior Suifang and his five-headed ice dragon guards have stronger qualities than him. He can hardly see how powerful Suofos is, but at least it is As a warrior who has reached the ninth level, he dares to confront the third elder who is almost a tenth level being. It is impossible without confidence.

If the elders and the scepter of God are the highest combat power of the entire clan, then Suo Phosphorus and his Ice Dragon Guard are the strongest pillars and confidence of the entire clan. All military power is in the hands of Suo Phosphorus, and all dragons Health care, including the training of youth classes, etc., are all arranged by Sulfur Phosphorus.

Not long after he was practicing meditation in the cave, Garen received an invitation. An invitation from the third elder.

The third elder's grandson gave him face last time and spared Polly and Leona, but this time he wanted to pay a return visit anyway as a token of his gratitude.

After all, this is a political struggle, the most cruel one. The reason why he was able to avoid eradicating the roots was largely because he did not want to damage his feelings for the clan.

After tidying up, he brought a few small gifts, which were ice giant lizard crystal cores that Garen had returned from hunting. He had not completely absorbed them, so he kept a few as backup. It comes in handy now.

Now is the perfect time to give it away as a small gift.

Garen went straight out of the cave and flew towards the highest point of the Elder Peak with the Dragon Guards coming.

I don't know when a white ice palace was being built there, and many human dwarf craftsmen were working hard on it. There are white dragons flying around for protection anytime and anywhere.

These people were not surprised to see Garen and the other two dragons flying up. They had obviously been here for a while and were used to it.

Flying along the back side of the palace, he soon landed at the entrance of a large cave where many ice stalagmites were condensed. The sharp ice stalagmites wrapped the cave door, and all the bamboo shoots were like dangerous spikes, aiming at the entrance of the cave. , for every creature that enters, it seems to be a kind of deterrent with a sharp sword hanging over its head.

"Please come in, the elder is waiting for you inside." Long Wei whispered to Garen.

Garen nodded, folded his wings, and strode towards the cave.

Boom, boom, boom.

His heavy footsteps trampled on the cave floor without leaving any traces. The ground here had been trampled countless times by the white dragons, and it was solid to an extremely terrifying level.

There were two dragon guards guarding every few hundred meters on both sides. Seeing Garen coming in, these dragon guards woke up from their sleep. They just glanced at him lightly and then continued to recover. They were obviously here. Rest while keeping safe as a guard.

The powerful dragon power that rises and falls continues to permeate the entire cave.

The five-headed dragon guards that Garen encountered along the way were all at least level six, which made him frightened. Obviously, the strength of the third elder's subordinates had not weakened because of the weakening of the other two elders.

The white and light blue cave stretched for several kilometers, and Garen saw the third elder talking to a human in a patio cave.

The sunlight from the patio shone down, forming a beam of light that fell right on the old dragon scales of the third elder, adding a bit of white halo to him, which seemed to make him look younger.

The man standing in front of him and talking to him was about 1.8 meters tall, which was considered average among ordinary humans. However, he was wearing a golden cloak, dark gold full-body armor underneath, and an inlaid inlay on his waist. A powerful sword of colorless crystal. The most conspicuous thing is that he wears a round crown inlaid with golden gems on his head.

As soon as Garen walked in, the eyes of the man and the third elder moved over at the same time and fell on Garen.


It was as if two hot laser beams landed on his skin in succession. Garen felt his whole body shake violently, and his ears could no longer hear any sound at all. They were filled with a buzzing sound like the buzzing sound after thunder. Minor internal injuries actually appeared inside the body in an instant.

The dragon power in his whole body was quickly released, covering his body in a defensive force field. The dragon power was raised from level three to level four, which barely offset the terrifying power brought by the two eyes.

He felt awe in his heart. It was obvious that he had come in at the wrong time. The third elder and the king were obviously putting pressure on each other to show off their strength as a basis for negotiation. As soon as he came in, the terrifying power of two ninth-level powerhouses fell on him instantly. This was the main reason why he almost vomited blood.

"Is it Gallon?" The third elder took the lead in withdrawing the pressure.

The other man also smiled slightly and withdrew his pressure, as if he suddenly transformed from a prehistoric beast back into an ordinary middle-aged man.

He has a small black beard on his chin and short black hair that is crisp and clean. His face looks cold and serious. Even when he smiles, he gives people a majestic and unapproachable sense of superiority.

"Then, King Thunder, how about we conclude the deal we discussed?" The third elder looked at the king.

"Are you talking about the little white dragon in front of you?" the king asked slightly playfully.

"Of course." The third elder said with a hint of pride, "Garen is the most talented white dragon in our clan and will definitely meet your requirements."

"Request?" Garen narrowed his eyes, vaguely feeling that the two of them seemed to be discussing something related to him. "Excuse me, elder, why did you call me here?"

Thinking of the eternal life contract that had been widely circulated recently, he felt a little bad.

"I need to observe for a while." The king replied in a low voice. "You know, my choice also includes the Black Dragon and the Red Dragon."

"Your Majesty Gus, if you choose Gallon, you will never be disappointed. I believe that even among other dragon clans, there may not be many talents who can compete with Gallon."

"But you also need to know that the black dragon is naturally immune to all spells below level seven, and its hand-to-hand combat is twice as strong as that of a young white dragon of the same age. The purple dragon's magical ability as an adult is equivalent to a level seven archmage. This is all important to me. Better choice," Gus said with a smile.

"But can other dragon clan agree to sign an eternal life contract with you?" The third elder smiled.

Indeed, both of them understood that if the White Dragon Clan had not been forced to the point where it was almost at the end of its rope, it would not have chosen to become a vassal of the Dilada Empire and sign an eternal contract with a short-lived human species.

Just because of this, their White Dragon clan will become a shame to Bailong Mountain and a shame to the entire Dragon Clan. They will surrender and give up their nobility and pride as immortals. He will also be despised by all other dragons in the future.

Such a price is not heavy.

That's why the Great Elder and the Second Elder had always been opposed, but they didn't expect that the Third Elder secretly colluded with the top human beings and immediately imprisoned the two under house arrest. If it weren't for the fact that the two were too powerful and had loyal tribesmen, the third elder would have killed them long ago.

The king smiled and shook his head and looked at Garen.

"There's no rush for the moment." To sign the eternal life contract, he has to find one who is useful to him. After all, this is a life and death situation. Once the white dragon here is weak and is killed, won't he also have to be killed instantly?

"Then you should think more about it. As a peak person, your lifespan is at least three hundred years. And the more talented dragons have a longer lifespan, it will definitely be of great benefit to you." The third elder continued to promote.

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