Mysterious journey

Chapter 1278 Contract 2

"I'll think about it." Gus nodded slightly, and suddenly, he disappeared instantly.

The body that contained huge power fluctuations just now was actually just a projection!

Garen's heart was slightly shaken, and he already understood what the two were talking about him.

A hint of dissatisfaction suddenly appeared in his heart, although he was not very repelled by being able to sign an eternal life contract with a peak powerhouse. However, as long as he doesn't reject it, he will reach the top sooner or later, and he doesn't care about this eternal contract to help him improve.

What's more, this contract actually involves giving half of one's lifespan to another person for no reason!

He felt faintly unhappy at the Third Elder's self-assertion.

"Garen, come here." The voice of the third elder came. Garen raised his head and saw the elder looking at him with gentle eyes.

He raised his legs and walked slowly to the elder, standing where the man was standing just now.

"What are your instructions when summoned by the elder?" he asked respectfully.

The third elder looked at Garen up and down, his powerful sight seemed to be able to see through Garen.

"You must have heard what I just said?"

Garen hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

"Yes, is it about the eternal life contract?"

"As long as you understand." The third elder turned around and pulled out a black book from the huge bookshelf behind him. For a human, the book is about the size of a bathtub when opened. But for the Dragon Clan it is a small book.

He opened the book and the pages flipped, automatically jumping to a page in the middle.

"King Gus is the most powerful being in the Dilada Empire. He is the King of Thunder. He masters the power of thunder and is a demigod. He has great ambitions, so he hopes to find a dragon to sign an eternal life contract with him and transform himself into a demigod. His lifespan is extended to the limit. And all dragon clans are within his choice. Among our clan, I recommend you."

Garen remained silent.

"You have to understand that the Thunder King is the real top existence. Some people speculate that his strength has reached the pinnacle of the material world, reaching the theoretical fifteenth level. Once he chooses you, then your worth, your strength They will all receive explosive improvements." The third elder said seductively.

"Level 15?" Garen was slightly startled, "Isn't it said that level 9 is the pinnacle?"

"Level 9 is the pinnacle of the profession. There is no way out after that. Only by blazing your own path can you continue to move forward. Theoretically, as long as you break through level 15 and reach level 16, you can become a demigod. King Gus has already done that. It's the last step, but his lifespan is already short." The third elder smiled.

"Then what is the difference between a ninth-level professional and a being beyond the ninth level?" Garen did not answer whether he was willing, but asked about other things.

"The difference?" The third elder thought for a while and answered seriously. "The difference is not big. The ninth-level division is for spells. In fact, the gap between the corresponding levels is very large, and the ninth-level professional is already the apex of creatures. After the level is increased, the maximum power is the ninth-level spell. levels, but there are big differences in usage restrictions, endurance, quantity, type, enhancement, etc."

He turned over a page of the book and continued.

"Just like a level nine person who can only use one level nine spell and has to chant it, and a person who can have five level nine spell slots a day and can cast it instantly, who do you think is stronger and who is weaker?"

"I understand." Garen roughly understood the division and continued to remain silent.

"So, what is your wish regarding the eternal life contract?" the third elder asked warmly.

Garen frowned and replied carefully and calmly.

"If the King of Thunder is willing, I naturally have no objection. Good opportunities like this are hard to find." He couldn't have any objection. Obviously, this plan was worked hard by the third elder. If he doesn't appreciate it, he doesn't know how to appreciate it. Facing a terrifying existence comparable to Level 10, he didn't even have the confidence to escape his soul.

This is not a level at all.

After the sixth level, each level is a huge difference. That's equivalent to the difference in spell power.

"That's good." The third elder smiled. The faint hint of threat also faded away. "Practice well and I will inform you once there is news about this matter."

"Thank you, elder." Garen lowered his head. The third elder is an old dragon who has lived for at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years. His rich experience is definitely not something he can easily deceive. So you must not show any reluctance.

"Well, you go back first. I will summon you if something happens. Also remember to be prepared. The border war will begin soon, and you will also be summoned. Be ready for battle at any time in the past ten years."


Garen put down his gift, turned around and politely excused himself, then went down and walked out of the cave.

"By the way. If you really don't like what happened to those two little guys from Polly, I will ask Poirot to pay attention to it," the elder said casually.

"Thank you, elder!" Garen turned around and saluted again, finally getting a satisfactory answer.

Obviously, the third elder said this to him face to face. With his status and status paying attention to such a trivial matter, he naturally told Garen clearly that he was selling his face. Let him know gratitude.

Otherwise, as an elder, he would not pay attention to these trivial matters.

Exiting the Elder's Cave, Garen walked through the corridor guarded by the Dragon Guards and found that the guards were only at the seventh level. Adult white dragons were generally at the sixth level. The seventh-level white dragons here were obviously carefully cultivated and enhanced.

After he left the cave, he fluttered his wings and flew down from the entrance of the cave, swooping down along the outside of the snow peak.

The middle level of this snowy peak was the training center for young dragons that he had attended. When he just flew here, he heard a sneer.

"Hit him! Beat him! As long as he doesn't die, I'll take care of everything!" It was Bai Luo's voice.

Garen followed the sound and looked there, and immediately saw at the mouth of the canyon where the young dragon fighting training class was held. Several young dragons were surrounding a young dragon, punching and kicking them, and whipping them with their tails from time to time. Show mercy.

Bai Luo stood outside, shouting and cursing loudly.

Garen frowned slightly, and looked carefully at the bullied baby dragon, and it turned out to be Polly.

The sound of banging and kicking kept coming, and the young dragons all laughed and beat Polly hard.

Garen dived straight down.


He landed hard behind a group of baby dragons. The heavy fall to the ground caused the snowflakes on the ground to fly in all directions.

The movement immediately aroused the thoughts of Bai Luo and other young dragons.

"Is it Garen?" he said with a smile. Seeing that Garen was obviously more than a head taller than him, he felt a little guilty, but he immediately thought that he had signed an eternal life contract with the prince. He was now a white dragon, his identity was different, and he suddenly felt confident.

"What? You suddenly want to come back to the Young Dragon Class to see everyone?" He asked, having nothing to say.

"What are you doing?" Garen said coldly, "What I said last time have turned a deaf ear to you?" He had just been suppressed by the third elder, and now he didn't like Bai Luo no matter what.

"Nothing? Hehe, just giving some advice on Polly's fighting skills." Bai Luo glanced at him sideways. "Garen, you have nothing to do here. I have already given Leona to you, so don't be dissatisfied."

"Not satisfied?" Garen chuckled. "For the elder's sake, I'll give you three seconds to leave."

Bai Luo was stunned, as if he thought he had heard wrongly. How dare Garen say such a thing to him?

"What did you just say? Three seconds?"


"Garen, don't think I'm afraid of you?"

Bai Luo's face suddenly darkened. Several strong young dragons surrounded Garen at his signal. The dragon guards patrolling around also noticed something was wrong and flew down here. Obviously they are paying attention to protecting Bai Luo's safety at all times. It seems that the third elder really favors this Bai Luo.


However, none of this is enough to make Garen feel afraid. As someone who can potentially sign a contract with the Thunder King, even the third elder must consider his attitude towards the elders if the contract succeeds in the future. By then, he will become a key entity that can influence the Thunder King's attitude.

Bailuo didn't know this. He was sure that he had signed an eternal life contract with Prince Dilada. Garen would never dare to do anything to him!

Besides, there are so many protectors around, so what if Garleon can fight again?

"Gallen, leave me alone!" Polly yelled stubbornly after being beaten. "Who wants you to take care of me!!? Go alone! Go!!" One of his eyes was almost swollen and he couldn't open it. Looking at Garen, there was a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

Bang bang!

Two patrolling adult white dragons fell behind Garen and surrounded him.

"Garen, don't get excited, Bai Luo is the elder's dearest grandson after all." A white dragon said in a low voice.

Garen looked back at the two white dragons. Then he looked at Polly, who was covered in wounds and almost crippled, and a trace of impatience flashed in his eyes.

"I advise you to stay out of things here."

The threatening words immediately made the two adult white dragons a little angry. I didn't expect that this famous genius white dragon would be so crazy!

No matter how talented he is, he is only a young dragon, but he actually dares to say threatening words to an adult white dragon. This is simply ignorant!

The movement here also attracted the attention of other young dragons who were in class inside. Some young dragons ran out one after another, and an instructor came out among them. It was the instructor who had taught Garen. When he saw this situation, he was about to stop, but it was too late.

"Garen, I gave you face last time." Bai Luo said coldly, "I heard that you have three brothers and sisters, right? It seems that I have to take good care of them."

"Three." Garen said the last word.

The whole place fell silent.

The two white dragons tensed up and stared at Garen, and the two sixth-level dragons' power instantly pressed on Garen.

Garen looked around.

Boom! ! !

He violently exploded a large group of snowflakes, and the entire dragon's body grew several meters in length. The muscles all over his body surged and condensed like water. The sixth-level dragon's power couldn't be suppressed at all! Garen's entire body size actually seemed to have doubled in size in an instant.

The two adult white dragons pounced forward, trying to pin down Garen, but as soon as they made contact, Garen rudely knocked them away.

Bang! Bang! In two blows, the two adult white dragons were knocked away by him like trash and smashed against the ice wall.


Garen grabbed the frightened Bailuo with one claw, pinched his neck, and hung him in mid-air.

After his whole body swelled, he was almost as big as an adult white dragon, and his scales glowed with a cold and pale luster.


A blazing ray shot out from the hand of an adult white dragon guard from the side. It was obvious that another dragon guard had taken action.

"Put him down! Galleon!".

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