Mysterious journey

Chapter 1279 Dungeon 1

The ray used by the Dragon Guard released an astonishing high temperature, rapidly melting the ice and snow several meters nearby. However, when the ray fell on Garen's waist, it seemed to be silent and was silently absorbed by the white scales.

hiss! !

All the baby dragons and onlookers gasped.

This is level seven immunity! !

The dragon guard directly used a seventh-level spell—heat ray, which is a seventh-level spell deduced from the fourth-level intense heat radiation. Although it was originally a fourth-level spell, after the strengthened structure was modified, the magic net was released. Power, that is a real seventh-level flame ray! !

But he was actually directly immune to Garen? !

At this age, he is actually immune to level seven spells! ! ? ?


None of the dragons knew how to evaluate Garen's talent.

Especially the instructor who recommended him at the beginning was speechless for a long time with his mouth wide open. He was not only shocked but also shocked. He didn't know what language to express at this moment. His only thought was that he was going to be prosperous!

The two adult white dragons that had been whipped away slowly got up. Seeing this scene, they suddenly broke out in cold sweat and did not dare to go forward.

Looking at Garen's current size, the terrifying power of the impact just now has simply surpassed that of ordinary white dragons, and is beyond what they can contend with.

The red ray slowly dimmed, leaving only a faint scorch on Garen's dragon scales, and the rest had no effect.

Long Wei, who was releasing the scroll, looked embarrassed. He stared blankly at Garen as he pinched Shiro's neck and grabbed him. He didn't know how to react for a moment. Although this spell is not his strongest, the power of other spells is not much stronger. Since this spell has no harm to Garen, even if other spells can hurt Garen, it is extremely limited.

"It's really irritating." Garen lifted Xiao Bailuo in front of him, lowered his head and looked down at him.

"Kill me if you can!!" Bai Luo's face turned blue, half angry and half frightened. He was angry because he had lost face and humiliated himself, but he was scared because he didn't expect Garen to be so fierce.

"Kill you?" Garon's ferocious dragon mouth curved slightly, revealing its white fangs.

The level 5 dragon power in him burst out in full force, offsetting most of the weakening effects of the dragon power on him, and his attribute values ​​only dropped a little on average.

But even so, such an age is an insurmountable barrier for all the surrounding dragons.

"Of course I won't kill you." Garen grinned, "But I can make you feel the pain."

He stretched out his other paw and grabbed one of Bai Luo's arms, with a ferocious smile on his face.


Tear! !

ah! ! !

Amidst the violent tearing sounds, Bai Luo screamed and watched helplessly as his right arm was torn off alive. The skin, flesh and fascia were cut off, and a large amount of white dragon blood spilled out.

When the surrounding dragons saw this scene, they felt a deep chill rush from their tailbones to the top of their heads. Garen actually dared to tear off one of the elder's grandson's arms! ?

This is simply too cruel! ! It’s unimaginable! audacious in the extreme! !


Suddenly there was a fierce dragon roar in the distance.

It's the third elder!

The huge white body quickly glided towards here. Pressed down with the unparalleled dragon power, all the dragon power was instantly concentrated on Garen.

Garen turned around, threw Poirot away, and let him roll around on the ground for several times without moving. He obviously fainted from pain.

He looked head-on at the flying third elder.

"Do you have any orders? Elder?" His expression remained unchanged. He could still be so calm after breaking into such a big deal. This immediately made the surrounding dragons secretly admire him.

The third elder held the scepter of God in his hand and released a white light that directly enveloped the unconscious Bai Luo.

Then he looked at Garen. Surprisingly, he just frowned slightly and glanced at Polly, who was almost crippled, and the other dragons surrounding Garen.

He was silent and didn't speak. Scanning the other dragons around him over and over again, an adult white dragon came to him and explained the situation in a low voice.

For more than ten minutes, the third elder did not speak, and the atmosphere was somewhat oppressive.

His last gaze was finally fixed on Garen. Pulling the corner of his mouth, the third elder actually forced out a gentle smile naturally.

"It seems that I didn't have time to explain it as quickly as possible. Regarding my promise, it remains unchanged. But Garen, you have gone too far, right?"

"Elder, I was also furious for a moment and couldn't help being impulsive." Garen suddenly understood and knew that the elder had made a choice between Bai Luo and him. He immediately pretended to be helpless, even a little aggrieved.

He could feel the eyes of the third elder scanning his body continuously, and he was obviously very satisfied with the potential he had shown.

"Yes, Bai Luo has hardly suffered any setbacks since he was a child. It is also a good thing for you to let him know what it means to be strong. It may also have a good influence on his future development."

The elder nodded casually.

"Okay, let's stop this matter. Galen, I will contact you as soon as possible about your matter. You can wait for news at any time. Don't worry, your chances are very good!"

At the end of his speech, he looked at Garen's body as if he were looking at a peerless treasure, and the more he looked at it, the more satisfied he became.

"Thank you, elder!" Garen quickly replied respectfully.

The other dragons looked at the conversation between the two as if they were aliens. They couldn't understand what happened between Garen and the elder. The elder actually ignored his own grandson being severely injured and directly favored Garen! ?

Polly shrank back, and he, who knew the character of the third elder best, was even more stunned. With the extremely selfish and indifferent character of the third elder, he would treat Jia Lung so leniently for challenging his majestic face. This was simply worse than Bailong Mountain's sudden change. It’s incredible that Chengheilong Mountain will come again! !

But the fact was happening right in front of him, so he couldn't help but not believe it.

But what all the dragons didn't expect was that although Garen was relieved, he was also secretly wary of the selfishness of the third elder.

Bailong's truly selfish and indifferent nature is clearly reflected in the third elder. Even his own grandson is just a bargaining chip that can be discarded at any time, let alone outsiders.

In advance, he had prepared to fully demonstrate his strength in the clan. He was an elite among the adult white dragons. With his age and talent, as long as he showed it, a mere Bai Luo would be able to do so in a clan where the strong were respected. , even if he killed Poirot, no one would dare to say a word.

But how much the third elder values ​​family ties is a bit risky.

So Garen did not do anything, but just tore off one of Shiro's arms, because the magic can reattach the broken limbs intact in a short time, so it only looks cruel and serious, but in fact it is With the help of the elders, Bai Luo's injury was not serious.

This was also a small move by him to test the third elder.

The result, however, made him feel a little chilled. This third elder is indeed a ruthless character!

"Then, the matter here ends here." The third elder's scepter released white light and pulled up Bai Luo from the ground. Looking around for the last time, his eyes fell on the adult dragon guard holding a seventh-level scroll.

"You, come with me."

The white dragon trembled all over and quickly bowed his head respectfully.


"Don't let me down, Garen." The third elder glanced at Garen one last time, then turned and flew away.

Garen watched them leave.

Standing quietly, his body shrank back to its original form. He looked just like an ordinary young dragon, but no one could have imagined that he was the one who unleashed such a fierce gesture just now.

He waited until the third elder waited for the dragon to disappear completely, then turned around and walked to Polly.

"Are you okay?"

He reached out to help him up.

"It's okay." Polly struggled to stand on his own, but he still couldn't stand upright. "You shouldn't care about me. Even though the third elder is still smiling, he must already be holding a grudge. No matter what you are doing now, let him suppress his anger temporarily, but if anything goes wrong in the slightest, you will suffer the biggest consequences from him. revenge."

"Since I did this, I naturally know the consequences of doing this. Don't worry." Garen knew what he was doing. "I'll take you back to the cave first."


"After all, we were just friends, why are we talking about this?"

Ignoring the gazes of other dragons around him, Garen grabbed Polly and vibrated his wings, flying towards the snowy peaks in the distance.



"it hurts!!"

In a small cave, Sastre was carefully applying medicine to Polly. Leona had just rushed over next to her. She brought the medicine from home.

The poor little girl was looking at Polly cautiously and worriedly.

Garen sat on the side and looked at Polly who was lying on the ground with a groan on his face.

"What are your plans now?"

"Plan? What other plans can there be?" Polly's life seemed to have matured a lot after going through this period of time. "It's impossible for us to leave here. The third elder will never let us leave, so we can only live in Xuefeng. In this way, we have no chance to escape from his control."

"I miss Grandpa." Leona couldn't help but start crying again. Her delicate and narrow longan had been a little swollen recently, and she obviously cried less every day. The dragon scales on her body, which used to be clean and beautiful every day, now look a little dirty. Apparently there is no one to clean them for her.


Sast punched the cave wall.

"Wait until I grow up! Wait until I grow up! I must make that old guy look good!!" He gritted his teeth.

Garen looked helplessly at the three young dragons.

"To be honest, you really cannot do without Xuefeng and the supervision of the elders. If this continues, even if you become adults, it will be meaningless. If you don't leave Xuefeng to experience, you will never be able to grow to the ninth level like the elders. .”

"Level 9. Haha, originally ordinary dragons like us didn't have to study for seven or eight thousand years. If we want to enter level nine, we don't have to think about it. And there are only a handful of dragons who can live for seven or eight thousand years. They are all dragons. At least he is a little famous person." Polly was very realistic and calm. He glanced at Garen and said, "If it were you, maybe it would be okay. We are not geniuses. If we can't break through the seventh level when we are five hundred years old and cannot get a life extension, then we will never have any hope of reaching the ninth level."

"Maybe there is a way to get us out of the elder's control." Garen whispered.

"What can we do?!" Polly was stunned and stared at Garen.

Suster and Leona were also shocked and looked at him quickly. Now they were completely at a loss and could not see any hope.

"Eternal life contract."

Garen said calmly.

"You mean to sign an eternal life contract with the princes and princesses of the Dilada Empire?" Polly reacted instantly.

"With the identity protection of the Contractor Royal Family, you are no longer pure members of the White Dragon Clan. You still have half of the Royal Family of the Dilada Empire. Even the Third Elder does not dare to blatantly suppress your growth." Garen simply said road.

"But... this is half a lifespan!" Sast hesitated.

"You think about it for yourselves. There is only one way. Only by borrowing the strength of the Dilada Empire, you think it is possible to get normal room for growth." Garen stood up, "I'm leaving first. If you have any questions, you can directly contact Sa Si. They informed me. I may have to leave for a while, so be careful during this time."


"Well, I've been summoned to fight." Garen sensed the summoner's request in his mind. According to the contract, as long as the other party's compensation is sufficient, he cannot refuse this request.

With a thought in his heart, Garen flew out of the cave. Suddenly, a translucent ripple opened in the air outside the cave. Garen's slender body rushed straight into the ripples and disappeared.

Calling for battle for the first time, I hope that Kevin won't disappoint me.

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