Mysterious journey

Chapter 1283 Survival 1

The information he received from An was so detailed that it was beyond his expectation.

A lot of the content above, even the inherited memories of the dragon clan, would not be so detailed. Garen hoped to bring back something good the next time he went there.

Heaven, main plane, abyss.

The names of these three places flashed through his mind. This is the most fundamental core of this universe.

He didn't know how big the main material plane was. It seemed to be a huge sphere. He recalled the scene he saw when he just came through. There were light yellow and tan planes everywhere, and there were many things like cotton wool. No. Know what it is, attached to a sphere on the Prime Material Plane.

"It's a pity that this book is not about plane geography." He shook his head and closed the book completely.

The most fundamental purpose of his coming here is to find the root cause of the drying up of the mother river, but now he has no clue at all.

Instead, he saw the absolute strength and terror of the strong men here. The rules and restrictions here can at least suppress the strength by several levels.

His peak power in the mecha world is the planet level that can destroy planets. But here, the planet level is directly suppressed to a terrifying level. Judging from the power recorded in the book, it is estimated to be equivalent to this Demigod level. Even if he regains all the weird abilities at his peak, he probably won't be able to destroy the planet, and the plane will be about the same.

Garen was squatting in the cave. The small scope of the White Dragon Clan could no longer limit his vision, but instead projected the realization to other distant places.

After reviewing his current situation, Garen was extremely satisfied with the progress of his physical growth.

Although the improvement of attributes has reached the point where three potential points are needed to improve one point, it has reached a terrifying level of close to sixty points. Such a body is the highest level even for an adult dragon, almost close to the peak of a white dragon.

The most powerful warrior of the White Dragon Clan, the adult Dragon Sulfate, is probably only at this level if other power assistance is not included, but his other aspects far exceed his own. Causing the physical body to far exceed this level.

The dragon power of Sulfur Phosphorus is definitely level nine, there is no doubt about this.

Garen thought about King Gus again. He did not want to conclude an eternal life contract with King Gus in vain. It is hard to say whether this kind of relationship without trust will be good or bad in the future.

"Garon Garon!!" Suddenly Sa Si's voice came from outside.

"What's up?"

Jia Long stood up and looked at Sa Si running in in a hurry.

"Leona, Leona and the others have concluded an eternal life contract with the Royal Family of Dilada!!" Sa Si said loudly with a hasty look on his face, "Go and have a look! Many dragons have already gone." He didn't know Garen. After discussing with Leona and the others, I came here feeling shocked and incomprehensible.

You must know that the eternal life contract means giving half of your lifespan to mortals!

Just like a normal person who can live to be eighty years old, if he is asked to give half of his lifespan to another dead person, he can only live to be forty years old and will die in his prime. This approach will undoubtedly be difficult for any white dragon. It's a big deal.


Garen was not surprised, he just didn't expect those guys to be so fast.

He followed Sa Si out of the cave, crossed a short snow peak, and saw more than ten white dragons landing on a snowy plain below, including adult white dragons, young dragons, and even more young dragons. and some young men dressed in royal attire.

Garen and Sarah fell down and saw Leona and Polly standing among them. There was determination in the eyes of both dragons, obviously they had thought it over thoroughly beforehand.

Seeing Garen arriving at this time, the two dragons nodded slightly towards him and continued to stand beside the two young men. The two young men were a boy and a girl respectively. They had finely carved looks, pink and cute faces, but The guards around him are just ordinary elites with the third-level mark, and they are obviously not the most valued among the royal family.

Several adult white dragons did not open their mouths, and there were faint sound wave vibrations in the air. They were obviously using a spell similar to ventriloquism to communicate with Polly and Leona.

Garen recognized that one of the adult dragons was Leona's father. This was a cowardly white dragon. When his daughter was bullied, he huddled among the dragons and did not dare to come out. Now facing his determined daughter, he still It can only look sad.

Leona's sister Mesa was also there, but she just stood aside and said nothing. The expression is downcast.

On Polly's side was his uncle, an ordinary white dragon with a cold expression.

"It seems that everything you said has been confirmed?"


Polly nodded.

"So be it." His uncle said nonchalantly. When Polly was bullied, he did not help. The dragons who really cared about Polly and Leona were actually under house arrest like the Great Elder and others.

The rest are parts that have little to do with them and have very weak emotions.

Garen stood watching for a while and did not squeeze in to say hello to the two. This was their own decision. The third elder could only rely on this method to temporarily resist.

"Let's go back." Garen shook his head, knowing that the overall situation was decided, and Leona and Polly might leave here soon. I don’t know how long it will be before we meet again. They are definitely going to live in the Dilada Empire with the contractors. For them, this place is just a sad place. Maybe one day they will be strong enough to come back, avenge their elders and rescue them from house arrest. But that day was too long.

"But...!?" Sa Si wanted to say something else, but found that Garen had already turned around and flew away.

Garen wasn't worried that something would happen to these two little guys, and the third elder didn't think much of how much trouble these two little guys could make. Not just any dragon can reach level nine. What's more, it's a useless dragon whose lifespan has been halved.

Sure enough, not long after returning to the cave, Garen heard the news that Polly and Leona had left with the Dilada Empire team. There were only five white dragons in the entire white dragon clan who had signed the eternal life contract, and two of them were them.

Without two acquaintances, life in Garon became even more dull.

Sa Si Sa San Sa Er could not see any shadows all day long. He was either going to participate in hunting activities or playing around with the baby dragons. He soon left the sadness of separation behind him. After all, he was only a few years old child.

Garon sat down in the cave to cultivate.

He has extremely rich experience in martial arts, but he has never been able to fully utilize it. In addition, he also has the understanding of different rules in several worlds. After traveling through so many worlds continuously, he has a vague understanding of the rules of the world that belongs to him.

Gradually some of the limitations and unknowns were clarified, and he gradually began to recall all the systems he had been exposed to so far.

The secret martial arts system, the light of the totem, the power of wizards and vampires, the Holy Phoenix Scripture, as well as the most powerful mecha world consciousness system and energy mechanic system.

"Although this world is extremely repressive, it is very inclusive and comprehensive. All these systems can be used, but they will be suppressed several levels below their original power. In this way, the only one that can be useful is the secret weapon system. and the energy mechanic system.”

"Consciousness requires various technologies such as mechas, but this is not possible. Many materials here are different from those over there, and materials science needs to be re-established. It is very troublesome and takes too long. The light of the totem is mainly the power of evolution and degeneration. Looking for The most powerful part of the biological gene fragments, but this system is a knowledge system. In this world, it is very likely to be leaked and eaten through. If you can't use it, don't use it. Then the remaining power of wizards and vampires mainly refers to dream travel. I wasn’t very clear about the methods of the world dimension at the beginning, but I just felt that it was very broad, and I might try to use it now.”

Garen sorted out all the powers he had seen and listed them one by one to see which ones would be helpful to him now.

Now that the physical body has reached a certain level of qualitative change, if it needs to be improved, it will take a lot of time. It is estimated that it will not be able to significantly improve its strength in a short period of time. So we can only consider other ways.

"The energy master's consciousness also needs to be retrained. There is no rush for the time being, but my understanding of the essence of void confinement can be opened with the power of dreams first to see if it can be fully used here."

Void creatures and warlocks are each masters of dream control. Garen had never understood this before, but now that his soul ring has reached the level of a true middle-level demon king, he has vaguely felt that the concept of dreams transcends the nature of time and space, and is just a very special A strange and mysterious existence.

Although the restrictions here are too great, even weaker soul power cannot penetrate the body. The concept of comprehending the essence of void confinement may not be able to directly affect external objects, but it may be different if it is in a dream.

After pondering for a moment, Garen looked at his accumulated potential points.

‘Sawu—strength 57, agility 57, constitution 50, intelligence 19. Potential 723%. Soul limit 170,

Level 5 Dragon Power. Level 1 arcane basics. ’

The intelligence has improved a bit during this period, but there are still seven potential points left. Dragon Power has reached level five. The basic arcane magic is still only level one because it has not been used. Garen has no interest in adding it for the time being. It takes too long to take shape.

"Seven points of attributes should be enough. If you want to regain your peak strength as soon as possible, you can try it." Garen recalled the wizard's practice method. Slowly lying on the ground, Longan closed tightly, and slowly fell into sleep.

If void creatures are born with the ability to control dreams, then warlocks and wizards acquire this ability through acquired practice and research.

Garen's soul belongs to the Demon King, so naturally he can control dreams as easily as breathing and drinking water.

But in just a minute, he quickly fell asleep.

Since coming to this world, this is the first time he has truly entered a dream. Before, he was just resting.

After his brain was in a trance for a while, Garen suddenly found himself floating over a desolate land. He was no longer the body of a white dragon, but the human body with the face of Garen.

There are gray clouds above the head, and there is nothing. Below is the gray-brown barren land. Centipede-like scars are scattered on the ground. No trees or life can be seen. There was only dead silence.

"It's really weird. How could I dream of a place like this?" Garen muttered and began to look for inconsistencies in the dream.

Dreams are divided into many layers. The first layer of dreams is just a retrospective and illusion influenced by biological instinctive memory, but this layer of dreams hides something special.

When an organism is in a dreaming state, it can receive far more comprehensive and clear information about various abilities than when it is awake, and it can discover another world that ordinary organisms cannot detect under normal conditions.

The world of dark energy and dark matter is only a part of it. In this state, living things can contact the inaccessible existence in the haze. Different mysterious signals are sensed.

And these signals will turn into stimuli one by one and be reflected in dreams. Because the brain cannot predict it, it will turn into illogical places in dreams.

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