Mysterious journey

Chapter 1284 Survival and Death 2

Dreams can reflect all the stimulation of living organisms. Both mentally and physically. This is a special state in which biological induction is amplified countless times.

Therefore, dreams often reflect reality. For example, if your stomach is pressed and you feel uncomfortable, you may dream of someone kicking your belly. If you want to pee, you will dream about looking for the toilet, etc. This is the stimulation of the body that will be reflected in the dream.

If there is a big dream stimulus, there will naturally be a tiny one.

Garen quickly discovered what was wrong with this dream.

He stretched out his finger and tapped it in the air.

"Why are there confetti flying so high in the sky?" A bit of white confetti fell gently on his finger from above.

He smiled softly, and the confetti suddenly enlarged infinitely and turned into endless white, wrapping his entire body.

The surroundings turned into endless white, a pure white space. Directly opposite Gallon, stood a white swan dressed in gentleman's clothing. It stood upright like a man, wearing a black top hat, motionless like a sculpture, and was constantly blown by the wind from nowhere. with its white feathers.

Garen frowned slightly.

He has been to this level before, and he has been here in the mecha world.

"This should be on the second floor." He murmured.

Mr. White Swan didn't move, as if he hadn't seen him at all.

Garen walked towards him. He circled around the sculpturally motionless white swan.

One of his purposes in entering the dreamland was to try to see if the imprisoned essence could be used. The second thing is to see how the dream world in this world is different from before.

But now it seems that the dreams of this world are not much different from other worlds.


Suddenly a sound of rolling wheels came from not far away.

Garen looked back and saw a brown snail shell over one meter high slowly rolling towards him.

The snail shell rolled to a stop in front of him, and a human man's miserable face slowly emerged from the opening.

"It's been a long time since I've seen my new companions."

When the man opened his mouth, he actually spoke the language of void.

Garen raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you?"

"I am Kuntuo, the Thirteenth Demon General of His Majesty the Demon King of Gaindo." The man whispered. "It seems that you have also discovered the world here."

"What do you mean?" Garen hesitated slightly and frowned.

"This is the second level. There will be many gaps in time, space and dimensions of consciousness. It won't be very quiet. We need a safer place." The snail man said in a low voice.

"Follow me." Garen turned to look at the swan gentleman behind him, stretched out his hand to lift his hat, and his whole body suddenly shrank and slipped under the hat.

The snail man also shrank and quickly got in. The hat was grabbed by the Swan Gentleman again, put it back on his head, and then returned to its original posture without moving.

The third level of dreams.

Surrounded by countless viscous liquid-like colored lights flowing.

Garen and Snail Man are floating in the middle.

"Okay, there will definitely be no interference here. This is a gap I created temporarily. Let's talk, since I accidentally entered here, other beings must have discovered this place, right?"

He didn't expect that when he entered the dreamland for the first time, he would encounter a being from the same mother river system, and he was also a general-level being.

Faintly, he felt a strong atmosphere of conspiracy.

The snail man squirmed and straightened his posture, facing Garen head-on.

"Dear Lord Demon King, you are right, we have indeed discovered this world for a long, long time."

"How long has it been since you discovered this place?" Garen frowned.

"Yes." Snail Man's miserable expression became more and more serious. "Because the mother river is drying up, we are looking for the reason everywhere. By chance, a demon king came to this world and survived unexpectedly. We found that time here is actually chaotic."

"What does "chaos" mean?" Garen felt something was wrong, because he had just received the news that the mother river was drying up.

"It means that the two demon generals we lined up in succession came down safely, only to find that there was a seven hundred years difference between the two demon generals!"

"Seven hundred years? You mean, the two people who came in together actually arrived at completely different times?" Garen understood this time.

"That's right, the time we enter this world is not fixed. I don't know if it's our problem or the world itself. We have no way of knowing. Can you tell me when you came in?" The snail man asked sincerely. With galleons.

"Me?" He couldn't tell himself. If the time would change indefinitely, then God knows what time it was when he came here.

"First tell me about the situation when you came." He didn't trust this snail man.

"As ordered." The snail man began to slowly describe a series of situations before he shuttled in.

The more Garen listened, the more dumbfounded he became. He had already expected that the time flow velocity changes he encountered when entering the black hole might be abnormal, but he did not expect that it would be abnormal to this extent! !

The mother river is about to completely dry up, and all its branches have rapidly shrunk. A large number of void creatures and powerful warlocks have nothing to rely on and cannot see the way forward. The true spirits finally came forward and joined forces with the void demon lords to lift the oath of the mother river, eliminate the hostile camp, and work together to find the root cause of the mother river's depletion.

Garen carefully inquired about some of the situations he knew and the current situation of existence. After corresponding, he suddenly discovered that more than two hundred years had passed since he left.

In other words, he spent more than two hundred years in the process of traveling into this world!

"The mother river is getting more and more withered, and a large number of tyrannical beings are ready to enter this world. But so far, there are only a few dozen who can gain a foothold here." The snail man said in a low voice, "The gods of this world I also found something was wrong and started to carry out extensive screening.”

"Why? Why do you want to enter this world in such a big way?" Garen wondered, "Did you discover something?"

"The source of the mother river is directly connected to this world." The snail man smiled bitterly, "All true spirits and Void Lords carefully observed that if our world is positive, then this world is negative, and if we are negative, then they It is righteousness. Our two endless dimensions are like the two ends of an hourglass. If there is more sand on one side, there will be less sand on the other side."

"In other words, the root cause of our mother river drying up is the absorption of this world?" Garen was surprised.

"The specific time was more than 90,000 years ago. I don't know what happened at that time, which caused the mother river to slowly dry up. Until we found out, most of the hourglass had leaked to this side. We guessed that maybe it was because of this other world. draw."

Garen suddenly recalled something he had mentioned when he saw history. More than 90,000 years ago, three supreme gods suddenly emerged in this world. They were the three strongest men who suddenly appeared without any warning.

If it looks like this

"The Supreme Demon Lord of Nothingness once said that this is a battle of life and death. There is no compromise. We have no choice." The snail man showed sadness.

"The battle of life and death." Garen's heart felt a little heavy. This is not like the previous battle where he could cross immediately after death. This is a real battle of life and death.

"Only if enough powerful people die here and are plundered and absorbed by us again and turned into nutrients can the hourglass be turned upside down. Only then can the mother river be rejuvenated."

"No wonder. No wonder those gods did not hesitate at all and did not take action directly. All souls from other worlds are not spared." Garen recalled the scene when he was almost killed in the first place.

He had never expected that void creatures and warlocks would actually unite. But it also truly proves that the entire mother river is now facing a moment of life and death.

"Then why did you come to me?!" Garen's eyes suddenly turned sharp as he looked at the snail man. In the third level of dreams, communication can only rely on the nature of the soul. There is no concealment, no lies and deception, because all existences below the level of the devil can only communicate through the core subconscious mind. The subconscious mind cannot deceive.

"It seems that you have established a foothold here. I hope you can cause as much killing as possible. The more creatures here die in our hands, the more likely we will be to save the mother river."

The snail man said in a low voice.

"Also, is it convenient for me to reveal your location?"

"Can you still contact other beings?" Garen raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. I gave up all my abilities and power and only lived in the dream. My only role was as a communication messenger, conveying news." Snail Man explained.

"How many beings came in last time, and what were their compositions?" Garen pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice.

"The median demon king is fifteen, the lower demon king is twenty-one, there are more than seven thousand demon generals, and a large number of unconscious void creatures cooperate, and the level is at least team level. The number is at least tens of millions." The snail man replied in a low voice, "But the scattered arrival There are not many different planes in this world. Although the unconscious void creatures are powerful, they have no intelligence and are only put in as a cover. In the main material plane, I know only two people who survived, and you are the third. The rest All in different planes.”

"What's stopping us?" Garen's heart skipped a beat when he heard that there was only so much left to survive out of such a huge number. These are fifteen intermediate demon kings, which means there are fifteen existences at the same level as him.

"It's God. All Gods!"

Garen was silent, and he remembered the existences he had seen during the ceremony that were also detected. Maybe they came down by force like this.

There is a period of growth when the demon kings come to regret. Although it is short, it is the best period of weakness. Once discovered by the gods, there is only one way to die.

What about Ann? Garen suddenly thought of An. She knew that she was a soul from another world, so why did she want to save him? .

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