Mysterious journey

Chapter 1285 Testing and Patrol 1

The white stairs and the tall, sharp church exude soft white light. From a distance, it seems to be just an ordinary church. Apart from being a little more gorgeous, there is nothing special about it. However, when compared with the surrounding things, this church becomes clear. The horror of the church.

Next to it, a huge white airship carrying at least several hundred people flew slowly towards the church. The huge airship, which was more than a thousand meters long, slowly penetrated through a small hole above the church like a small fish, and then disappeared.

Looking from a distance, you can still vaguely see a few dots like dust in the sun coming out of the church door. They are actually priests wearing white robes!

The stairs were densely packed with small gray dots. They were slowly squirming like a tide, moving upward.

Wearing gray robes, these prayers slowly but surely climbed toward the cathedral that was glowing with divine light on the top of the mountain.

There were bits of blood scattered everywhere on the stairs, but they were immediately absorbed into the jade-white material, disappeared, and returned to their original white and flawless texture.

From time to time, white angels holding long swords flashed out on both sides of the stairs. The white-winged angels were on the left and the black-winged angels were on the right, respectively maintaining the order of the crowd.

"This is the central empire of the main plane. This is the Phila Church, known as the Temple of Light and Fire. It is tens of thousands of meters high and stands in the middle of the entire empire like a huge mountain."

In the distance, a huge white airship flew slowly towards the Phila Church.

A group of passengers on the airship who seemed to be here for the first time were gathering together, listening to the tour guide introducing the situation here.

"Surrounding the Phila Church are dozens of cities, towns and villages of various sizes. When these groups are gathered together, they form a large safe area protected by the Church of Light and Fire. Because it is said that the Phila Church was once built in a In the huge crater, so this place is also called Meteor City." The tour guide has five white arms like tentacles, which are soft as noodles and are constantly waving. The rest of the appearance and facial features are completely the same as those of ordinary humans, except for this arm.

"Praise Gloria, is this really a church?!" A mermaid lady whose lower body was immersed in a mist covered her mouth and exclaimed.

"It's bigger than ordinary mountains. It's so majestic!!"

"The power of Phila of light and fire is infinite, and miracles like this are just one of them." A tourist naturally sighed, "I came here once thirty years ago, also for tourism. At that time, there were a large number of temples The Sky Knights are patrolling around, but now we don’t even want the Sky Knights anymore.”

"No one dares to challenge the divine power of Phila. Light and fire burn and illuminate even in the endless abyss." A pious traveler said in a low voice.

"Even the Sky Knights, who are one step further than the strongest Golden Knights, and the strongest legion composed entirely of Holy Spirits, are just a handful of garlands surrounding the divine power of Fila." the tour guide praised.

"Praise Fila." Everyone immediately lowered their heads and pressed their hearts with their right hands to show respect. Calling the god's name will attract the attention of the god, and no one dares to treat it lightly.

"Such a great church is really magical." Suddenly a plain female voice came from behind everyone, "It's a pity that such a great miracle will be completely destroyed today."

"You!!" The tour guide, a group of tourists, and other travelers and crew around them all stared at the woman who spoke in shock. In a place shrouded in Fila's divine power, someone dared to say such a thing! ! She doesn't want her life! ? ? No, this is not just a matter of life. Speaking profane language in such a sacred area will cause even the soul to be burned by the holy fire for thousands of years! !

"Arrest this lunatic!" a priest on the airship shouted.

"Go! Left and right together!" The church soldiers stationed around him reacted, quickly trotted out, drew their swords and rushed towards the woman.

The person who spoke was a woman in a black dress. She had a delicate face and delicate skin, and she looked like an ordinary lady.

But the most eye-catching thing was the little boy she was holding with her left hand. The boy put one finger into his mouth and sucked hard. Both of them were dressed as nobles and looked like ordinary ladies and gentlemen going out for fun. child.

The woman smiled softly, and a circle of black aura suddenly spread around her, drawing in the nearest warriors instantly.

"They are blasphemers!!" The surrounding church warriors pounced on the two of them fiercely. They shouted Fila's name, and their bodies were ignited with white flames. They rushed towards the two people from all directions.

The woman's brilliant blond hair fluttered in the wind, and she suddenly smiled.

"Agale. Go ahead. Destroy everything you see."

She gently let go of the little boy she was holding in her hands and pushed him forward.

"Can you eat them all? Mom?" The little boy took two steps and looked back with an innocent smile.

"Of course." The woman grinned. Her original cherry mouth seemed to be torn apart, with the corners of her mouth split all the way to her ears. Scarlet tongues popped out of her blood-red lips.

Suddenly, the little boy jumped forward.

Ouch! ! !

His entire body burst through his clothes in an instant, and black skin protruded from the inside. His entire body expanded rapidly like air. Getting bigger and wider! !

In just a blink of an eye, the whole little boy flew out completely and turned into a terrifying giant with thousands of arms in mid-air.

Roar! !

He roared wildly, and the giant was several times taller than the entire Phila Church. The skin all over his body was dark and pale, and the most conspicuous thing was his abdomen, where there was a huge black door, which was engraved with countless densely packed symbols and patterns.

If someone can recognize the meaning of these words, they can know the true identity and origin of this monster.

On the airship, all the surrounding living creatures exploded in this loud roar, and the explosion turned into countless blood mist and slowly dissipated in the air. Something like a transparent thread flew out from the place where all the living creatures died, and got into the mouth of the only woman who was still standing.

She smiled faintly again.

"Thousand-armed giant Agale, completely release all your powers."

Roar! ! !

Agale waved thousands of arms and grabbed the top of the Phila Church.

Immediately, the entire church reacted instantly.

Countless white lights shone, flames rose, and the church shook violently. Countless people sang and praised at the same time, buzzing like bees throughout the surrounding world.

"Eternal Phila! You are the judge of life and death, you are the radiator of light and warmth, you are the lord of justice and burning!!."

The hymn sounded, and countless praises turned into more white petals falling from the sky, slowly falling on the Thousand-Armed Giant.

What's even more strange is that the worshipers on the stairs did not move at all. They were protected in the white light. Although they were panicked, they sang harder and sang in a low voice with great piety. There was no intention of running away or panicking.

Ouch! !

Agalie roared wildly, and a thousand arms exerted force at the same time. His two feet crushed thousands of prayers to death.

But countless more white petals flew down, and black-winged angels and white-winged angels flashed beside him, attacking and slashing at him desperately.

But it was no use, neither petals nor slashes could hurt the Thousand-Armed Giant at all. The angels were even contaminated by the blackness on the giant's body, and they fell like dumplings one after another.

"Burning is eternity." Suddenly, a man in white robes with three eyes rose into the sky from the church. He said only one sentence.

There was a boom.

The countless clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and the golden sun instantly became countless times brighter. A large amount of golden light fell from the sky, instantly weaving into a golden figure and rushing into the man's body.

His whole body burst into flames, and countless golden flames shot up all over his body.

"It's you waiting again, humble alien creature!!" He didn't see him open his mouth, but the infinite and majestic voice directly shook the surrounding heaven and earth.

"Eat! Eat!!" Agale didn't understand what he meant at all. It was one of the most powerful creatures in the Mother River, with a nearly infinite stomach, and was the guardian of the dimensional gate. There is nothing in this world that cannot be eaten!

When he saw the golden flames, he showed an even more greedy look. He grabbed the black door on his abdomen with both arms and pulled it open fiercely.


The door was violently opened.


Countless black magma-like things spurted out from the door, overwhelmingly rushing towards the church and the golden flaming figure.

The black magma actually instantly suppressed Fila's projected incarnation and surrounded it with golden flames.

Amidst the buzzing sound, countless monsters of all kinds poured out of the door like a flood. There were black monsters with humanoid shapes but no faces, huge aliens like octopuses, grotesque deformed creatures that looked like monsters, and raging flames composed of pure elements. Life, water life, earth element. A huge ghost with only a head and no body, hundreds of thousands of monsters of various terrifying shapes rushed out in an instant. They exploded in mid-air, scattered around the entire Phila Church like raindrops, and fell to the ground.

The massacre began.

The number of angels also poured out of the church in large numbers at the same time, but it was far from being comparable to the speed of the black door.

A large number of monsters and angels were fighting each other. These angels were the most loyal and powerful heroic spirits who became the most loyal and powerful heroes through the roar of elite mortal warriors. Their originally immortal bodies actually showed symptoms of pain, weakness and weakness under the attacks of these monsters. Their vitality no longer maintains an eternal state, but is quickly consumed by monsters.

A large number of praying people were also massacred by the monsters. Some of them rose up to resist, but the number was too small and it was of no avail.

"Heavenly Fire."

Suddenly, a golden knight legion galloped from the sky in the distance. They rode white unicorns. Behind each member was a burning shadow, an illusory figure burning with white flames.

All the knights roared at the same time, and golden flames burst out from their bodies. All the illusory figures behind them suddenly boiled, converging into a huge golden humanoid in the air. The humanoid had no face, and its face was just a white vortex that kept spinning. It had two wings on its back, one black and one white. It was only slightly smaller than the Thousand-Armed Giant. It flew out at once and punched the Thousand-Armed Giant hard.

Boom! !

The fist was blocked by an arm of the Thousand-Armed Giant. The two behemoths shook violently at the same time.

At this moment, Agalie made a jaw-dropping move.

Amid everyone's angry roars, he lowered his head and bit down hard on the top of the Phila Church - the statue of Phila!

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