Mysterious journey

Chapter 1321 Layout 1


Garen suddenly grabbed a piece of white spider silk and pulled hard.

The extremely slender spider silk is actually much tougher than steel wire, and even such a violent pull could not completely break it.

Garen quickly spread along this spider thread, and the entire dragon body flowed along like liquid.

Soon, he saw a large circular hole suspended in the white space, which led to a room that looked like a noble study.

A young man covered in blood was lying on the ground with a pale face. It looked like he had lost too much blood. There was an unparalleled and huge resentment rising from his body, and the resentment was about to condense into a substantial black energy.

"I, Andrew Goldera, hereby swear that even if I sacrifice my soul, I will never let your Malone family get Goldera!!!"

The resentment that filled the young noble's body had reached an extremely terrifying level. Garen didn't know what hatred brought him to this point, but it didn't stop him from answering the call.

If such a soul could be transformed into an undead, it might be a good help to him.

This guy's strength itself is around level seven, and he is a standard silver pattern knight. He has been poisoned by some irreversible poison, and his body is no longer good, but his soul is still at level seven.

Garen shook his body and flowed in from the round hole.

His body slowly took shape in the study, and the white-gold liquid quickly condensed into a ferocious white dragon body that was as tall as a person.

"I heard your call and your demands from the Fortress of Revenge. I followed the ancient contract and fulfilled your wishes. In return, your soul will belong to me forever."

Garen chanted loudly according to the standard contract formation.

The young nobleman in front of him finally showed a trace of pain and the pleasure of being repaid for his hatred.

"Kill everyone! This is my only wish."

Garen leaned down and stared into the other person's eyes.

"Follow your wish."

He just finished speaking.

A blood-red three-dimensional rune suddenly appeared between a person and a dragon. The rune was like a token, rotating several times. It exploded instantly and dissipated into blood-colored light spots.

Garen flapped his wings and took out a soul crystal, letting the young man's soul float out of his body and turn into a white smoke that penetrated the crystal.

Only then did he glance around.

Although the surrounding study room was furnished by nobles, it was dilapidated and very old. There were obviously not many books on the bookshelf, and a thick layer of dust accumulated on the desk.

"Poor little guy." Garen glanced at the young man. If the seventh-level soul transforms into the abyss, and at the same time adds this huge resentment, maybe after transforming into an undead, his strength can reach the eighth level. Entering the eighth level at such a young age means your future is limitless.

"Just think of it as helping you."

"Damn it! Who stole my chess pieces!!" Suddenly, an angry roar came from the round hole behind him.

Obviously other abyssal beings also want to capture this soul.

"Go back!" Garen flapped his wings impatiently, and the terrifying power of level 12 slammed into the round hole, suppressing the wave of power that was about to burst out.

The Level 10 existence over there suddenly stopped and did not dare to talk nonsense. But he is definitely full of resentment. A twelfth-level existence actually came to compete with his tenth-level one for a seventh-level soul. This is simply shameless! ?

Garen doesn't care about that.

He flapped his wings and flew.

boom! !

The ceiling above his head was smashed through by him, and a dark ice barrier formed by frost mixed with negative energy floated around him. This barrier blocked all dust and dirt.

Gallon thrust his head upwards, passed through the first floor with a bang, and rushed out of the two floors. Finally, the surroundings suddenly became clear.

He suddenly rushed from a small space into a vast area.

Surrounded by endless vast forests, he was at the top of an ancient blue-grey castle. The top of the castle was broken by him, and it was slowly tilting down from the left.

Waves of frightened human screams could be heard all around the castle below.

"It's a giant dragon!! It's the evil white dragon clan!!"

"No! That's not an ordinary white dragon, that's an abyss white dragon!!"

There was an old mage in the castle who looked up at Garen in despair.

The soldiers gathered one after another, longbows and giant crossbows were set up one after another, and giant arrows with a special enchanted luster were placed one after another.

Several silver-patterned knights were wearing silver armor, surrounded by a tall knight in platinum-gold armor who was galloping from a distance on a horse.

"You actually dare to destroy the Grand Duke's Castle of Goldera. Even the Dragon Clan will make you pay with your life!!" the leading Platinum Knight roared. The giant sword on his back slowly shone with a faint golden light, and he pulled it out and held it in his hand, as if a god had descended into the world.

Garen was flying in the air at the top of the castle, looking down below, as if watching countless little ants gathering and provoking him with various weapons.

"The grand duke of a small, remote country?" He immediately identified the specific situation here.

The summoner's wish is to kill everyone, and the scope should be within the territory.

"Let's deal with it quickly." Garen now belongs to a truly powerful being in the abyss. With a level 12 combat power, he can be considered a monster anywhere.

"How to solve it?" Garen was a little worried. All his combat power was focused on hand-to-hand combat, and he was not very good at such large-scale destruction.

But the contract still had to be fulfilled, otherwise he would not be able to get the summoner's soul with great potential.

After thinking for a moment, Garen suddenly felt that his wings were touched several times by many furry things.

He looked down and saw that those giant crossbows and bows had shot out large pieces of sharp arrows and crossbow bolts, hitting his wings. The feeling just now was a little itchy, which was caused by these things.

"How about this."

With a thought in his mind, his hind legs slowly fell off, automatically transforming into a tall man with a strong body and long dark blue hair.

"I am willing to serve you." The man had no face, and his whole body was filled with a huge dark blue cold air.

"Leave it to you. Destroy the entire territory." Garen said lightly.

The man nodded and flew up into the sky gently.

laugh! !

Suddenly he released a huge deep blue light, and his entire body turned into a huge ball of blue light, releasing astonishing blue light in all directions.

Garen looked up at this guy and didn't know what he was going to do, but he was the result of his own generous resources. He possessed the peak power of the Northern Halberdier's Cold Flame True Water Evil Art, and his strength was the same as his own level 12 combat power. It's just a little weaker than that, equivalent to an eleventh level existence.

With such strength, it should be easy to destroy the grand duchy of a remote country.

Looking at the huge explosion of deep blue light above his head, Garen watched quietly to see what this guy was going to do.

Tsk tsk tsk.

From the huge ball of light, countless ferocious blue ice halberds of different shapes suddenly shot out.

Each of these halberds built blocks at a high speed, shot out like cannonballs, and hit the ground hard.

The area that was hit directly exploded into huge hemispherical blue bubbles. All places shrouded by the halo of bubbles are condensed with thick ice.

"Can you manipulate the celestial phenomena?" Garen remembered that after the Northern Halberdier Hanyan Zhenshui Xie Gong was completed, he had a supernatural ability, which was the manipulation of celestial phenomena.

He looked at the sky. Large swaths of black clouds were covered with it. The temperature dropped sharply from more than 20 degrees, and light blue snowflakes fell one after another.

There was a violent roar from the little people and horses below.

When snowflakes fell on them, they immediately felt a strong chill coming from their hearts.

The halberds in the light ball are still bursting out, and dozens of halberds are flying out every second, turning an area of ​​forest into a world of ice and snow.

"Goldera!" Suddenly a golden figure flew up from below, roaring the name of the territory, and rushed straight into the chest of Garen, who was hovering at the top of the castle.

The golden sword he held tightly in his hand pierced Garen's heart like golden lightning.

"Stupid." Garen didn't move, just letting him stab him with his sword, piercing the dragon scales at his heart.

clang! !

Amidst the huge and dull impact, the figure was shaken all over, and was shaken by the huge reaction force. Blood stains appeared all over the body on the spot. All the skin was exploded, and a large amount of blood spattered out, and it fell down.

But there wasn't even a trace left on Garen's dragon scales.

"A mere eighth-level knight." Garen's expression remained unchanged. With his current physique, even if his internal organs were severely injured, he could recover on his own in a very short time.

A physical constitution of 180 points gives him absolutely unparalleled terrifying recovery and defense power.

Even Gu Long's body is far inferior to what he is now. Perhaps only the legendary three-headed Golden Dragon King could compare with his physical strength.

This golden figure was obviously the lord here. He was seriously injured after a failed attack. Suddenly, the little morale that the entire castle had just gathered completely collapsed.

Large groups of soldiers fled in all directions and dispersed.

"It's just massacre." Garen had no interest in such boring things. He flew toward the bottom of the castle in boredom, where there was a plane passage leading to the abyss.

"It seems like we can just leave such boring things to them in the future." Garen felt that he should use all three of his incarnations.

A large amount of blue cold air covered them, and wherever they went, the movements of all the fleeing soldiers gradually slowed down, and then their whole bodies were covered with a light blue.

Soon their blood was frozen, and each of them maintained their original movements and stayed in place.

The blue cold air seemed to be alive, and there was a strange low whistle in the cold wind. Within a few minutes, the entire castle was completely frozen into an ice sculpture by the huge cold air.

In the castle, Garen's huge dragon body slowly landed in front of the round hole. He turned around and breathed out a breath of dragon breath.


The huge dragon's breath was like a cloud of white smoke, instantly rushing out of the study and turning into countless white stars scattered, adding to the freezing chill of the entire castle. At the same time, he also brought with him, Garen's own abyss mark.

This is a sign that this place is his handiwork and territory. Since he is the Dragon of Disaster, An, Garen might as well do something like the Dragon of Disaster.

After doing all this, Garen turned around, got into the round hole, and quickly disappeared.

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