Mysterious journey

Chapter 1322 Layout 2

Death sighs, some places call it the winter sigh, and the name of the snake-backed white dragon soon spread in a remote small country in the southwest.

The reputation surrounding the Death White Dragon's Winter's Sigh spread so quickly that the Central Empire Mages Guild officially issued a statement citing the cause. The deputy commander of the revenge fortress, the snake-backed white dragon Garon, is positioned as the dragon of natural disaster level disaster.

Able to freeze the entire duchy covering tens of thousands of square kilometers within half an hour, Garen's power has reached a large-scale strategic level.

The Central Mages Guild contacted the Snow City in the North and confirmed that this Galleon was the white dragon Galleon they had expelled.

This disaster caused a total of more than 16,000 deaths and more than 200,000 injuries, so it was defined as the "Deep Blue Freeze" event.

The calamity of Garonne's Winter Sigh was completely established. Included in the official list of Disaster Dragons.


snow city

The Winged King stood on the observation deck at the top of the tall mage tower, looking at the panoramic view of the entire snowy city in the distance. Snowflakes slowly fell, passing by his beard and hair.

He was dressed in white robes, and behind him stood a young man in a black cloak.

At noon, the chime of the giant clock slowly came from a distance. Several huge airships slowly floated up from the snowy city, turned around and flew towards the distance.

"It actually survived the bloody battle," the Winged King sighed.

"Yes, teacher, the so-called General Guild has officially defined Deep Blue Sigh as the Dragon of Disaster. You might have been criticized for letting him enter the bloody battle." The young man was a little worried.

"It's just a so-called general guild." Flying Wing King didn't care. "Submit under the gods and stay away from the true path of arcane magic. Don't worry, I have my own opinion on this matter."

"Then Wei Duo will leave first." The young man bowed his head and said respectfully.

"Go ahead and everything will go as planned."


After waiting for the young man to leave, the Flying Wing King retracted his gaze to the distance, stretched out his right hand, and a transparent crystal ball slowly appeared in his palm.

"It seems that I saw you right." He sighed softly, turned around and walked into the mage tower slowly, looking like an ordinary and frail old man.


Several years passed in a flash.

Garen has participated in five bloody battles in the abyss, and each time he killed and gained a large number of souls.

The only regret is that his potential points have been completely used up, and he can only rely on various magic cores and high-energy-concentrating compounds to replenish them, but this is not very efficient. In the past five years, plus the amount of energy he will produce every month Soul power is converted into potential points.

Almost got another 1100 potential points.

The 9-hedron has also increased to the point where it is almost red to black, and seems to be close to saturation. Garen does not know what reaction it will have next.

His current focus is to complete the remaining two attributes. The first thing to complete is agility. His intelligence is somewhat lacking, but it does not interfere with his overall strength improvement.

His agility was raised to the limit of 180, while his intelligence only reached 90 points due to insufficient potential points.

So far, Garen's total strength has almost reached the limit of the mid-level demon king, and has completely restored its original peak strength. Except for the Void Original Code, which is still stuck at 70%, there is almost no room for improvement.

He has been reincarnated so many times, and all his accumulation has been almost completely transformed into strength, which is reflected in this world.

The increase in agility to the limit of 180 does not bring a real increase in speed to Garen. The speed limit in this world is 100 points. At 100 points, Garen naturally gains a special ability - Flash. This ability does not consume any magic, mental or soul power, but simply consumes physical energy, just like running at full strength. It is just a physical movement, but it reaches the point of traveling through space in a short distance.

This ability naturally evolved from the simple increase in speed, and Garen also discovered a faint natural weird symbol emerging on his scales.

Obviously this is something naturally derived after reaching the limit of plane rules.

Every time he flashes, he can cross a distance of 100 meters, which is the maximum level after reaching 180 points of agility.

After reaching level ten, the core of all existence is to form a special spell or special ability that is completely unique to you.

Just like the Winged King, his core ability is related to his nickname.

There is also Ms. Revenge. Her core power is revenge. As long as she is identified as the object of hatred, she will be affected by the mark of revenge. Once she appears in front of her, no matter how she disguises herself, it will have no effect. At the same time, if the opponent is lower than her level , then it will be weakened by the pressure of the mark, and all attributes and levels will be reduced by one. very horrible.

And some powerful people above level ten also have their own nicknames. For example, Storm Judge, Ode of the Earth, Glory of God, etc.

These nicknames are actually the core manifestation of their own unique strength.

Many powers are derived from strengthening the original spells and abilities, and Garen also plans to strengthen them in this regard.

His ability talent now includes Flash, Poison Eyes.

Especially the Poison Eye, when it is released after being charged, its power can almost threaten a level 13 existence, which is very terrifying.

When Gallon was trying to communicate with another deputy commander, this move almost peeled off a layer of skin on the other person's body. If the other person hadn't moved fast enough and peeled off his skin instantly, he would have been seriously injured by the shot.

But it also reflects the terrifying power of Garen's move.

With a near-perfect terrifying body, coupled with the special talents of flash and poisonous eyes, Garen's strength has directly caught up with the revenge lady, and truly fits the position of the third in command of the revenge fortress.


"This year's Styx Wind is about to begin again." Garen was entrenched in his residence in the fortress, eyes half-open and half-closed.

In the large white cold space, there was nothing around, no furnishings, only a huge knight in dark blue armor half-kneeling in front of Garen.

The knight's whole body was covered in thick and ferocious armor, with sharp and ferocious barbs everywhere on his shoulders, head, elbows and other joints. A twisted dragon-shaped pattern slowly glowed with light blue light on its chest, looming.

"Yes, Master, it's time to collect soul cocoons again. Maybe we can also bring some demon seeds with excellent qualifications." The knight replied in a low voice.

"Andrew." Garron's eyes fell on the knight, "In just five years, your strength has been raised from level seven to level nine. Even I have to do something for your talent. Praise. But.”

He changed the subject.

"You have been stuck at this level for two years now. Not only has your strength not improved, it has even regressed."

"I'm ashamed of myself." Andrew's head dropped further.

"Back then, I satisfied your hatred and completely destroyed the Goldela family. This cut off all your bonds, but because of this, you lost the opportunity to realize more positive things." Garen said lightly.

"My subordinates don't understand." Andrew's face under the helmet frowned slightly.

"You will understand sooner or later," Garen said meaningfully. "Now, I have a new task for you."

He looked at this capable person that he had become over the past few years, and felt a little relieved. With the several great people he had trained in the past few years, he had also been able to free up a lot of time for his own cultivation.

Andrew is one, and there are two blasphemous knights who were captured at the beginning. Among them, the female knight Rena has been promoted to level seven. She has reached this point from the original low level, which is also a very powerful talent. And that Irene is only level six. , despite the large supply of resources, it was not possible to improve faster, and the qualifications were indeed worse.

Garen and the three of them all signed the highest level of Styx Oath, and he was not worried about their betrayal at all.

Of the three generals, only Andrew is good at it. The rest just use their brains to deal with trivial matters. Andrew can be reused.

So this time Gallon had to leave to deal with an important matter, so he planned to hand over the task of recruiting soldiers to Andrew. Among the three major troop sources, Garen has successively recruited more than ten generals in the past few years, all of whom are above level seven and below level nine. There is no stronger being.

But a lot of cannon fodder was found, and a large number of fourth- and fifth-level demons and mercenaries were captured. There are tens of thousands. There is no shortage of these Galleons.

"In addition, you can also recommend candidates from among your subordinates. Those with outstanding military achievements can be recruited." Garen gave some instructions. "It may take some time for me to come back after I go out this time."

"My subordinate understands."

"If something happens that you can't handle, you can go to Sean."

Sean is the leader of the Elephant Demon troops in the fortress, commanding the powerful Elephant Demon elite troops. This is also the most intimidating team in the entire fortress.

After being defeated by Garen with his strength, he tried to regain his place in the following years, but it failed every time. In the end, he was convinced and became good friends with Garen. Although it does not have great power, it is under the direct control of Ms. Revenge and is not under the jurisdiction of the two deputy commanders.


Andrew took his orders honestly.

Only then did Garen feel relieved and let him back down.

Andrew really followed him sincerely and had no objections. As for the other two female knights, they resisted at first, but then they let it be. Garen didn't force them very much, so they just accepted it. .

Garen's real purpose in arranging various affairs this time is to further enhance his strength.

The physical body has almost reached its limit. To go up further, it is necessary to increase the level of the soul ring and raise the limit of the soul. However, the soul power required for this is very huge. He is now at the limit of the middle-level demon king. To enter the upper level, all he needs is time, hard work and a lot of effort. Enlightenment.

There are still forty years left before the big plan is launched. Forty years is simply not enough time to reach a high position, so the only way is to find other ways. It is only possible to hunt a large number of high-quality souls, absorb them after processing, and condense them into soul seeds.

This kind of high-quality soul does not necessarily need to be of high grade. Some great scholars and artists with special insights also have the potential to be absorbed.

And many high-level experts may have many repeated insights, but they may not be able to gather soul seeds for Gallon.

And just when he was feeling a little distressed, the Dragon of Disaster sent an invitation.

Within a certain level of the Abyss, a massive raid is held. Led by Gerdemus, one of the Three Monarchs, they plundered the positive energy plane - the Light Realm.

That is where the people of light live.

These neckless guys have always hated evil. As one of the main thugs summoned by various positive energy camp mages, they have great malice towards the evil colored dragons.

Originally, the Disaster Dragon's main purpose was to spread fear in order to gain greater power and faith, but this time, they went with the purpose of revenge.

A certain clan leader of the people of light is planning a major operation against the evil dragon of disaster. It unites many races from the light world, as well as some races from the heavenly world, and the light elves under the command of Mother Nature.

Before that, they had killed a level 13 disaster dragon named Storm Warlock. He unexpectedly obtained a divine stone.

And Gerdemus, one of the three monarchs, went for this sacred stone.

Garen still has the Temple Pearl he got in his hand, and he has never been willing to eat it. He has realized the divinity in it for a long time but has no clue. If there is a divine stone, with the help of the divine power inside, he may be able to truly understand the divinity in it. sex.

He secretly felt that his divine understanding might be beneficial to both the Void Codex and the Soul Limit. .

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