Mysterious journey

Chapter 1339 Confidence 1

When the Temple Pearl entered the mouth, it was like a hot glass ball. It was bitten into pieces by Garen, and a large amount of viscous liquid burst out with a click.

An oily liquid with a fishy smell was constantly flowing in Galen's mouth. He didn't taste it carefully, but just gulped it down and swallowed it completely.

In his spiritual soul space, a dark ring slowly formed in the dark shadow. The ring slowly rotated and flew towards the core structure of Garonne's overall soul ring.

Different from the previous soul ring, this soul ring still has a trace of violent black energy lingering inside it, which is the special divinity contained in it. Garen could only barely tell that this trace of divinity was of undead nature.

If you want to completely absorb this spirit ring, you must overcome this divine influence.

At this time, divinity is actually equivalent to the function of the will in the soul ring, and it must be eliminated before it can be fully absorbed.

Garen once again ejected a large amount of colorless threads from the core structure, trying to tightly wrap the black soul ring again.

However, a large amount of corrosive gas was released from the soul ring, directly corroding and breaking the flying threads.

"It won't work at all." Garen frowned. If this continues, he will only be consuming the Temple Pearl and his own soul ring soul power in vain, which makes no sense.

He thought for a moment and took out the semi-artifact in his hand, the Skull of Despair.

This white, human skull-like skull opened and closed its jaw and started to move spontaneously. The black holes in his eyes burned with a faint blue light.

A tiny trace of the power of the artifact turned into a thin white thread, penetrated through Garen's claws, rushed into his soul space, and headed straight towards the soul ring of the Temple Pearl.

Different from Garen's previous thread, this thread easily rushed into the soul ring of the Temple Pearl. The divinity in the soul ring and the divinity of the artifact slowly came into contact, and seemed to have reached a certain degree of union.

"It seems that this method worked." Garen was slightly relieved when he saw that the method he had decided to deal with the Temple Pearl was effective.

He began to carefully control the threads of the artifact, and carefully pulled out the divinity in the soul ring of the Temple Pearl.

This is a water grinding skill, and every time the silk thread is pulled less than a little distance, it automatically breaks. But Garen was not impatient at all, he pulled slowly and persistently.

‘The analysis of the operation trajectory of the seventh-level arcane magic is completed’

A subtle prompt came from the conscious brain.

Most of the resources and calculations of Garen's consciousness brain are used to calculate and analyze divinity, while the remaining part is used to analyze the method of improving his next-level arcana. This kind of improvement does not simply rely on the magic network to improve. Instead, it is magic-free magic network built with ancient knowledge.

The advantage of this is that you can mobilize elemental power at will, without being restricted by the upper limit of the magic net. However, the disadvantage is that the release of a spell takes a long and slow time, which is far less fast than the magic net spell.

He is now a sixth-level mage. After the completion of the mage tower, his mage level has been rising rapidly almost every day.

Various spell models and various mental power structures are just child's play for Garen. For power, the control of any kind of power or energy is his basic instinct as a secret warrior and the ancient Yinduo Demon King.

As for the total amount of knowledge and spiritual power, with a large amount of soul power nourishment, mainly coupled with the improvement of potential points, his speed is almost several times that of the average demon king and countless times that of the average genius mage.

"Has the seventh-level arcana been constructed?" Garen was slightly surprised. The time was earlier than he thought.

His eyes fell on his attribute status bar, and his eyes stayed on the arcane level. There was no control bottleneck, no understanding of the difficulties, and he knew how to improve in the next step.

This kind of training is extremely simple for him with potential points.

It only takes a little potential point to shorten the accumulation time, that's all.

After keeping his gaze for a few seconds, the arcane level changed data in a flash.

The level 6 arcane spell is directly upgraded to level 7. Only five potential points were spent in the middle.

"Construct an eight-level analysis." Garon issued the task. Let the conscious brain continue to work.

He himself continued to close his eyes and grind the beads of the temple into water.

"You can leave this kind of thing to me."

Suddenly thoughts slowly came from his hind legs. He is an evil soldier. He also practices secret martial arts, and he is also the most qualified candidate to replace Garen for this job.

"Okay, come on." Garen's body gave up his consciousness, and the evil soldiers took over everything.

In fact, they are all one and the same, just different aspects of the same person. It’s equivalent to multitasking, and it’s not as difficult as multitasking.

"Shuimin Kung Fu takes about ten days. I may not be able to help you within these ten days." The evil soldier said a word and began to take over directly.

"I will be responsible for the training of dragon power in the body." The thought came from the magic book incarnated by the tail. He is the incarnation of the holy phoenix magic book. Like the evil soldier, he has the nature of being one with Garen.

"Then I will be responsible for practicing arcane magic and speeding up research. With the Mage Tower, I may be able to quickly understand the relationship between the space-time plane and the elements, and then break through faster. As for Seven Lives, you will participate in the bloody battle Come on, use your maximum power to rob us of potential points and soul power as much as possible. I will leave the Skull of Despair to you." Garen's body ordered.

"No problem." Qi Ming walked out slowly, and Garen's wings disappeared naturally.

As someone who has the strongest survivability but is not very flexible, fighting is indeed the best thing for him.

Several incarnations and the main body each have their own tasks.

After arranging the identity image of Qi Ming so that everyone else knew that he was his incarnation, Garen moved his body and came to the plane research room on the lower level of the top floor.

Plane Research Laboratory.

After the division of labor and cooperation, the consumption of potential points also showed a large decrease in growth rate.

Qi Ming quickly took the semi-artifact and went hunting. Garen waited for a while and saw that the decline of potential points slowly slowed down.

Apparently, Qi Ming started killing very efficiently outside. Moreover, he was killing while absorbing the potential aura after the transformation of the semi-artifact.

The research of Longwei and Arcana requires the consumption of potential points.

Gallon simulated and calculated the approximate time and progress, and actually hung Long Wei's progress on the status bar.

'Level 8 Dragon Power: Level 9 is being upgraded.' The magic book formed by the tail has left the mage tower, and is going directly to other places to find the rare environment needed to improve Dragon Power. Level 9 Dragon Power is a hurdle and requires extremely harsh special environmental conditions. , as an ice dragon, the magic book must at least find a place with extremely cold temperatures.

Withdrawing his energy, Garen focused his attention on what was in front of him.

There are dozens of plane research rooms specially used to summon, bind and imprison special creatures in other plane interfaces or dimensions. There are a large number of runes and symbols engraved on the walls and the ground, and they are also inlaid with various space power binding gems.

The consumption of just one floor alone accounts for half of the entire Winter Tower expenditure. very horrible.

Garen walked to the corner to summon the magic circle. He was surrounded by a dark and empty dimensional prison, and not a single creature was caught.

"Study the influence and changes of various forces from different planes on living things, at the same time materialize various forces, and master the common laws of transformation and evolution. This is the most critical threshold to enter the ninth level of arcane magic. I specialize in the necromancy system. It’s time to put the selection of my ninth-level core spells on the agenda.”

Every tenth-level powerhouse needs to choose his own core abilities, and the same goes for arcanists. When Garen enters the ninth level, he also has to consider what his core spells are. He is relatively late, and there are many mages. At level 5 or 6, one or a category of spells has already begun to be strengthened in a targeted manner. Galleons are only improved so fast because of the potential points that there is no time and energy to think about these.

He casually took out a spell book from the space equipment, which recorded all the basic spell models he had mastered. Any derivative spells and variations were evolved from the basic spells. So the selection of the core also comes from this point.

Within the basic spell model, there are not many ninth-level spells, but they represent different research directions.

The banshee's howl for purely offensive purposes, the energy-absorbing technique for negative status, or the offensive rot sac ending technique for biochemical research, and the defensive life hiding technique for biochemical research, etc.

There are also the natural disasters that control the summoning of undead, and the soul-binding technique that plays with the soul.

Among these spells, Garen currently has no shortage of subordinates, and what he wants is the type that can actually improve his own strength.

The core ability he originally selected was his poisonous eye. As for the improvement of arcane skills, he also wanted to combine it with his poisonous eye to improve and strengthen this ability.

As for the ninth-level spell in the basic model, the only one that can be integrated with his poisonous eye is energy absorption.

Energy Absorption is a ninth-level spell that extremely weakens the opponent. It can reduce the hit enemy by two levels to four levels.

Of course, the premise is that the opponent's magic resistance is not immune.

Once this terrifying ninth-level spell takes effect, even enemies above level ten will be weakened by at least two levels as long as they are not immune. superb.

However, as a mage, this type of spell must at least penetrate countless protective force field spells before it can fall on the opponent.

Therefore, the real effect is of little use unless it is faced with an object without protective spells.

But if you can fuse it with your own poisonous eye, you may be able to use the penetrating and corrosive power of the poisonous eye as the premise, and then exert the effect of energy absorption after penetration. In this way, even if you face an opponent whose poisonous eyes are powerless, the energy-absorbing spell can weaken the opponent to the maximum extent.

Garen thought about it in his mind and simulated the possible success rate of this analysis.

When the arcanist reaches level nine, he can turn a core spell of his choice into a symbol and condense it on his body or an item. Of course this requires a lot of patience and mental cohesion. There is also a thorough understanding of how terrifying this spell is.

"Analyze the energy-absorbing technique and determine the completion time." Garen issued the task.

The remaining consciousness, brain resources and computing power are still barely enough to calculate a task. Although the speed will be slower, it is still several times faster than the average mage.

‘The task is established and analysis begins. Level 9 Energy Absorption Technique’

After receiving the feedback, Garen pressed a button on the wall to summon the binding circle.


A transparent protective barrier was immediately erected on a magic circle in the corner.

‘Summon choice, celestial creature. ’

‘Summoning selection, level five. Summoned randomly. ’

The control tone of the mage tower sounded slowly.

Garen moved his claws, gently injecting a strong and powerful spiritual power, directly mobilizing the huge reserve of positive energy pool at the top of the mage tower.

The magic circle was like a prison, and the ground inside suddenly bloomed with a faint white light.


A gray-feathered angel covered in white armor appeared in the magic circle. This angel was not a pure human, but had the appearance of an eagle on its head, and its neck and upper body were covered with dense gray feathers.

"Peng Yu Angel?"

Garen narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately recognized what species the summoned guy was.

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