Mysterious journey

Chapter 1340 Confidence 2

The Pengyu Angel is the most famous summoned creature in the heavens, not only because of his strength and kind personality, but also mainly because he is very close to upright mages. One of the most famous low-level spells is the Pengyu Angel Eyes. Developed in collaboration with this creature.

"Damn abyss breath! I was fooled!!"

This penguin angel became violent as soon as it was summoned. Although the abyss breath here was isolated by the magic circle, it could still be detected by his sharp senses.

This guy was holding a silver-white chain flail in his hand, and the wings on his back fluttered a few times, staring fiercely at the white dragon who was good at the magic circle.

"Evil White Dragon!"

Garen ignored what he said. He wanted to thoroughly study the energy absorption technique. The main difficulty was to figure out what the so-called level was for living beings, and what kind of existence was used as a symbol and division.

Lowering the enemy's level for 24 hours is the first stage of the energy-absorbing spell's effect. The second stage requires another physical toughness test after 24 hours. At this time, the energy-absorbing spell will also cause an erosion. If it cannot withstand it, then the opponent will The level will be permanently reduced by one level.

This is the most terrifying thing.

What goes best with the energy-absorbing technique is the powerful pursuit ability, leaving the opponent no time to stop and recuperate.

In this way, even if the opponent does not die, he will still have to shed a layer of skin, which is very disgusting.

Looking at the peng-feathered angel in the magic circle who was not afraid of him, Garen rubbed his paws.

"Then, let's do the dissection first." He felt a little nostalgic for himself in the totem world. This feeling was a bit similar to that of the past.

With a trace of nostalgia, he walked slowly towards the magic circle.


Time passes little by little.

In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed and the situation has changed a lot.

There are more and more cracks in the void, and even ordinary people in the main plane are aware of their existence and the existence of void creatures.

The church of the gods could not hide it and simply announced it, trying to get everyone to participate in the action of capturing the void creatures.

Some violent void creatures went on a killing spree, slaughtering ordinary people and bringing great fear to them.

Killing will give each other strength. This is true whether it is void creatures or the people of this world. This is a struggle between two big worlds, and there is no compromise.

After some ordinary warriors were lucky enough to kill a void creature, they suddenly found that their physical strength and physical fitness had rapidly improved. Immediately overjoyed.

It doesn’t matter if such an example occurs once, but when it occurs again and again, the sensation caused will suddenly become huge.

A large number of spontaneous operations to encircle and suppress void creatures were also launched.

The two sides are fighting each other. There is no right or wrong, only the desire and greed for power.

With more than ten years of killing and fighting, some powerful beings with powerful forces and abilities have gradually gained a reputation in the battle.

Among the gods, after the death of the first median god, more than ten gods fell one after another. Like meteors in the sky, these gods were quickly replaced by the tyrannical and terrifying void existence.

Among the void creatures that can break into this world and still live quite well, there are three representative ones.

The Eye of Slaughter is a terrifying demon lord-level creature that has clones all over the major planes and has been constantly being surrounded and suppressed. After devouring four gods one after another, his strength expanded to an almost uncontrollable level. After the final battle with Mother Nature who took action personally, he narrowly escaped death and was severely injured by the later Fila. After that, he disappeared, but he also fought extremely hard. Horrible record.

Mother Nature was severely wounded and fell into a deep sleep. This is simply a lose-lose situation! !

This greatly shocked all the gods in this world, and they became more nervous and cautious when facing void creatures.

Twisted Demon Lord.

After leading her pets to make a big fuss in Falling Star City, she destroyed the statue of Fila and still managed to escape unscathed. After that, he devoured all the lives of the entire empire in the east. He had multiple demon lords under his command. As the nominal leader of the Mother River Alliance, he directly occupied the entire empire and repelled the divine wars of the gods many times. Legion. They are still fighting fiercely.

This throne is paved with countless achievements of corpses and souls.

There is also the last lost true spirit, this tyrannical true spirit among ancient warlocks. His body spans several planes, and he has multiple powerful true spirits under his command. His strength is at least at the level of powerful divine power. After a lightning raid on a huge mountain range in the south, it took over as territory. The organization is called the Void Temple. The composition of the members is very complex, but the overall strength is much stronger than the Mother River Alliance. It's just that the order is chaotic and there are no restraints. The true spirits are fighting on their own everywhere and are unscrupulous.

These three strong men are the pillars of terror that have emerged rapidly from the war in more than ten years. They have opened a large number of void cracks, introduced nearly infinite void creatures, and fought with the native world's indigenous people.

There are countless tyrannical beings accumulated in the void for countless years, and the power accumulated through killing can no longer be reached after reaching the peak of the mortal world. What is needed is more various insights and breakthroughs in bottlenecks.

Therefore, in terms of high-level power, the main plane of the local world and the upper plane Tianjie Mountain have gradually fallen into decline.

The territory gradually fell step by step. The divine forces led by Fila retreated step by step.

The situation was extremely bad for a while.

For more than ten years, Garen stayed in the Fortress of Revenge, slowly but surely improving his accumulation.

His poisonous eye has been successfully integrated with the energy-absorbing technique, and its power has been increased by one level, reaching level fourteen.

In his research on the power of planes, Garen also successfully extracted a drop of substantial power of purgatory, making great progress in transforming biology.

His body was completely restored to health, and Fila's curse was completely removed. The soul ring in the Temple Pearl has also been completely integrated into his structure. Jean Garen's seventh spirit ring successfully turned orange. After entering the second stage of the seven-color stage, as long as you enter one more level, you can be promoted to the level of the upper demon king.

After the arcane magic reached level nine, Garen used his potential points to accumulate a large amount of knowledge and skills in a very short period of time, and made great progress in time, space and planes.

And his dragon power has also reached the tenth level faster with the practice of the magic book, the tenth level of dragon power, the ninth level of arcane magic, as well as its own powerful poisonous eyes and terrifying physical fitness.

Without the limitations of time and space spells, Garen's overall strength has now successfully reached level fourteen.

It just didn't show up inside the Fortress of Revenge. All these years, Qi Ming was active outside, using the semi-artifact Skull of Despair to absorb potential points everywhere.

A large number of these potential points are used to improve arcane research and dragon power.

Generally speaking, without the help of potential points, even if a high-level demon king wants to improve dragon power, arcane magic, and physical fitness to this level, it will take at least hundreds or thousands of years, but Garen does not need to. This is his advantage.

So until now, no one knows that Garen has actually successfully entered the level of the pinnacle of the mortal world.

Except for him, the rest of the world is still standing still. It has only been a mere dozen years. It is almost impossible to make significant progress in such a short period of time.

Only Andrew barely managed to reach the eleventh level, and it was obvious that he was unable to continue.

Garen threw the other semi-artifact he got from the deal to him. That semi-artifact was basically used for attack, and Garen was not interested. His most powerful thing is his body, and he doesn't need the help of artifacts at all.

After entering the fourteenth comprehensive evaluation level, Garen also began to prepare for the improvement of the Void Original Code.

But at this time, the smooth sailing life finally encountered some surprises.


"There are rumors that there are void creatures under my command?" Garen narrowed his eyes and looked at his team below with a hint of amusement.

Andrew, an eleventh-level death knight, has recently been transformed into an undead. This guy's pursuit of power has reached a perverted level. On his back was the semi-artifact Sword of Nuhas, a powerful giant sword with the power to shock the soul. This was also a gift given to Garen by the Blackfish King as a trade.

The general promoted in the White Feather Army, Mond, has no surname. Maybe he has other identities, but Garen doesn't care. This man whose face can't be seen clearly in a black robe all day long is so mysterious that it is a bit scary.

He is now the captain of the White Feather Force.

Then there are the president and vice-president of the small association Winter Claws. This association was established by the two frost giant leaders who came to the fortress. With the support of Garen, these two level 12 frost giants quickly attracted a large number of high-end employees, including the enemy Baator Balrog. Army and Abyss Demon. These members of existence all have one thing in common, that is, they like to kill and are homicidal.

Finally, there are the leaders of the three organizations of Bailong Mountain, the Ghost Woman Tribe, and the Corpse Ghost Party. They are all powerful beings between the eleventh and fourteenth levels.

This is half of the forces of the Revenge Fortress that Garon is now in charge of.

No one except Garen knew that among the group of masters and strong men in front of them, the hag tribe, the zombie party, and a frost giant were actually parasites of void creatures.

As a fourteenth-level being, Garen has always shown himself to be level twelve. Although he has the help of the mage tower, his arcane level is not high and he has never shown powerful spell power, and he is gradually being recognized by people. Forget.

The Tower of Winter looks more like a decorative building than a towering mage tower.

"As the leader, I naturally know best whether there are void creatures under my command," Garen said lightly. "This kind of rumor is obviously someone who wants to cause trouble for me in the current environment where void creatures are regarded as the enemy."

"However, there are rumors among humans that there is an extremely powerful void existence hiding in the mage tower that leads you. Someone saw her flying into it and disappearing."

The envoy from Bailong Mountain looked evil. Bailong Mountain caused a lot of casualties due to the Void Crack. The two elders sent at the same time were actually assassinated, and even their souls were sacrificed. Tiamat was furious and issued an oracle, asking Jia to Long cooperated with the full investigation, but Garen actually refused.

In this way, anyone could see that there was something wrong with Garen. Anyone who dared not reject the oracle of a dragon god would probably be punished by the god in minutes if it were a white dragon, but Anjan Tiamat, who was behind Garon, did not dare to charge head-on into the fortress.

Ms. Revenge is sitting there, and high-level beings actually know about her relationship with An.

Almost everyone thought that Garen relied on An to gain such confidence, but no one knew that what he really relied on was the lying demon hidden in his mage tower.

This guy's current strength is completely invisible. Demigod? Or a lower god? Garen couldn't hold it back, he only knew that as long as the Lord of Lies was still around, he could borrow his strength for a day.

With such a relationship, he has the confidence to face any hostile force.

Moreover, it seems that the Lord of Lies plans to use him as a cover to develop in the abyss for a long time.

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