Mysterious journey

Chapter 135 New Juluo 2

The smile on Celine's face faltered.

"My Sea King Fist is a famous top sect in history! The secret martial arts are powerful for an era, and almost no one can surpass them! With your talent, if you get the secret martial arts, you may even reach unprecedented levels. Even the likes of Ansara can't. I am pursuing the ultimate realm of breakthrough!! I have the top secret martial arts method that can allow you to reach the peak of hard qigong and continue to practice! You have to think about it?!"

"Needless to say, it's impossible for me to switch to them." Garen flatly refused.

"Well, you are still young now, and you still have a chance to regret it." Celine lowered her voice with some regret.

"Let's put this topic aside for now. Can I ask, when do you plan to leave?" Su Lin said in a low voice.

Celine immediately whistled and her eyes drifted upward.

As soon as Su Lin saw it, he knew that this guy was here. I plan to use this place as a refuge.

"Celine." Garen said in a deep voice. "As the inheritor of the Sea King Fist, in addition to the secret martial arts of the Sea King Fist, you should also know many low-level secret martial arts of other schools, right?"

"Low-level secret weapons? I know a lot. Why do you ask this?" Celine lowered her head and asked in confusion.

"Don't you think you should pay some compensation for staying with us and treating us as free bodyguards?" Garen winked at Sulin. The latter understood immediately.

"Yes, yes, we didn't agree to let you stay here. You will only cause us trouble if you stay here." Su Lin nodded repeatedly.

"If you don't want to be thrown out by us when you run into trouble, you have to give us something to satisfy us, right?" Garen sneered.

"You want a low-level secret weapon?" Xilin asked doubtfully, "What do you use a low-level secret weapon for? It's useless?"

"I wouldn't object if you could come up with a slightly more advanced secret weapon, but would you like that kind of thing?" Garen shrugged.

"Okay." Xilin thought for a moment and agreed readily. "What type of secret weapons do you want, and what type? I, the Sea King Fist, have quite a rich collection of secret weapons, please tell me."

"But let me remind you first that once the secret martial arts is chosen, it usually takes a very long time to practice, and it is impossible to practice it easily. After the age of twenty-five, the speed of practice slows down significantly, and progress will be extremely difficult. Therefore, The first step must be taken well. It is best to have a higher level of secret martial arts, the better. And the highest secret martial arts here is the basic secret martial arts of the Sea King Fist," she added.

"The highest secret weapon? Is there a stronger secret weapon than Lord Andrela?" Irisi asked curiously.

"Of course." Celine showed a hint of pride on her face. "Besides, I can only give Su Lin and Garen one set each, and the secret weapon of my Sea King Fist didn't fall from the sky for nothing."

"Well, I want a secret weapon that allows me to practice hidden weapons!" Su Lin said immediately.

"I want a secret weapon with palm skills." Garen continued.

"Hidden weapons, palm skills? No problem." Celine nodded in agreement, "But have you thought about it? This is your reward for protecting me and Iludas. Don't regret it!"

"Of course." Su Lin replied immediately.

Garen also nodded.

"The level is too low."

Celine nodded with satisfaction.

"Don't worry, I will give you the first level first, and then I will give you the second level after you have completed your cultivation, and so on."

"Okay! Hurry up, the stabbing team will set off this afternoon." Su Lin urged.

"Why are you panicking? They can't even touch Ansara. That guy is not that cunning. I know a little bit about him and the specific situation, so I can't be wrong." Celine curled her lips, "I'll give it to you first. Choose the secret weapon, okay, now let’s talk about the type of secret weapon you want and what path to take?”

half an hour later

Garen and Sulin returned to their rooms and began to pack their things, preparing to leave with the team in the afternoon.

Both of them got two thin pieces of paper in their hands. It is densely filled with information about their respective secret martial arts.

Garen sat on the bed in the bedroom, half-lying down, looking up at the first page of the paper in his hand. The first line of words above clearly wrote Miwu's name.

‘The Secret of Ruby’

This is a complete set of secret martial arts, including specific fighting techniques of palm techniques, as well as practice methods and steps for special secret martial arts effects.

Just like the giant elephant secret martial arts includes Baiyun fighting skills and explosive boxing skills. It's a whole set.

Gallon turned to the last note.

'Ruby Palm, reaching the peak of Dacheng, can make both palms hot and scorching. With the palm technique, it can easily ignite any flammable object. The heat of the palm can produce strong penetrating power, causing the enemy's own blood and internal organs to heat up, destroying them. Balance of hot and cold. Kill invisible. ’

The essence of this article is the red jade palm, which is shaped like the fire jade snake among the highly venomous snakes. The fighting skills are divided into three snake shapes: wrapping, biting, and coiling.

The three techniques correspond to evasive steps, offensive techniques, and defensive postures.

Garen glanced at the light red skill bar at the bottom of his field of vision.

One item of the Ruby Palm has been created unconsciously.

‘Ruby Palm: Uninitiated (three levels in total) Practice conditions: Strength 0.7. Agility 1. Constitution 1.5. Intelligence 0.9. The conditions have been met. Do you want to practice? ’

"It seems that the most important thing for Ruby Palm is physical fitness. It actually requires a 1.5 to be qualified to practice. In other words, basically only people who are either extremely talented or have already taken training are qualified to practice." Added Long was thoughtful.

After looking at the symbol on the back of the ruby ​​palm asking whether to practice, Garen's eyes fell on the 'yes' above and stayed there for three seconds.

With a hiss, the symbol disappeared.

The information on Ruby Palm on the paper in front of him seemed to be scanned, and the memory was quickly scanned into Garen's brain, and he quickly understood it thoroughly, as if he had been pondering it for a long, long time.

"Then, let's start with the introductory breathing method!"

Any secret martial arts requires breathing methods, specific postures, and even syllables to be practiced together. Some advanced ones also need external force as an introduction. This ruby ​​palm belongs to the second-rate secret martial arts that is one level higher than the giant elephant secret martial arts. It is also one of the few secret martial arts that Xilin picked out after racking her brains and does not require external assistance.

Although this kind of secret martial arts generally does not require external force, they all have one thing in common, that is, it is difficult!

This is the secret martial art of ascetic monks.

Garen slowly began to breathe according to the breathing method, and his huge lung capacity kept sucking out the air, and a subtle hissing sound was faintly heard in the room, like the hissing of a snake.

It's morning now. In the afternoon, we will go to Xinjuluo and cooperate with the assassination team to hunt down Anshaluo. The lineup this time is luxurious. Even if Yoda is absent, the strength is much stronger than last time. Although Garen has never seen Biou take action, he is definitely not comparable to ordinary fighters. There are two other masters who can be compared with him, at least D-level, plus the Interpol. There are also special forces members working with thermal weapons.

Garen thought that against this kind of lineup, all he needed was a Bion to entangle him and a powerful thermal weapon, and even he would be miserable.

Now that I have acquired a new secret weapon, which is more advanced than the giant elephant secret weapon, I can gain some strength by quickly getting started.

"As long as you get the Golden Sword Seat." Garen's eyes flashed with heat. The Golden Sword Seat has become a large number of attribute points in his eyes. Once obtained, he can quickly increase his physical fitness and skill level. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!


new jura

In the coniferous pine forest park, there are mirror-like lakes and winding rivers among a large sea of ​​green trees.

It's like a large green handkerchief with various patterns tattooed on it.

In the park forest, a white path runs through the entire sea of ​​trees. A road sign is erected at the entrance with Jueluo characters on it: Road around the lake.

In the middle section of Huanhu Road, three hundred meters from the entrance——

The bright sunshine formed golden beams of light, hanging down from the forest, illuminating a large, uneven open space between the pine forests.

Around the open space were parked in twos and threes, black and white plaid police cars with flashing lights. Some of the police officers in black were pulling up a yellow cordon, while others were surrounding a deep pit in the middle of the open space. Someone was taking pictures with a big camera, and from time to time white smoke came out of the camera's flash amidst the banging sound. Some people were checking the details of the scene, while others were holding notebooks and recording something.

The sound of a humming engine came from not far away, and another police car with a black and white plaid pattern drove over and stopped outside the cordon.

There was a banging sound on the car door, and three young policemen, two men and one woman, got out. They were all wearing civilian clothes. They held their police officer ID cards in their hands and flashed them at the police officers on duty.

"Police Constable Joseph from the Emergency Management Bureau. Let me go over and have a look. These two are my colleagues."

The police officer on duty frowned and looked at his police ID card. He immediately snapped his attention and saluted, and quickly moved out of the way.

The man who calls himself Joseph is wearing a black leather coat, has light yellow skin, thick eyebrows, big eyes, and sunken eye sockets. He is similar to those company employees who work hard all day long in the company. He looks very serious.

He led two colleagues to the edge of the pit, squatted down and looked inside.

In the pit was a bloody male corpse. Half of the body had completely disappeared, as if something had torn it off. From the right shoulder to the right leg, everything had disappeared, leaving only soil stained red with blood.

"The identity of the deceased?" Joseph stood up and asked.

"It's still under investigation. It can be found from the specific time and route, matching clothing and other places, but it will take time." The black police officer beside the pit stood up and answered.

"Are there any witnesses?"

"No, it looks like some wild beasts have been moving around in some places. We initially suspect that they were attacked by wild beasts."

Joseph rubbed his temples.

"Can the ranger be found nearby?"

"Thomson has already gone to look for him. It may take a while." The woman who came with him came closer and replied in a low voice.

"This is the third murder in three days!" Joseph murmured in a low voice.

"Are you okay Joseph?" The woman beside him hugged him gently and kissed the side of his face.

"It's okay, Annie." Joseph responded by kissing the woman and letting go of her.

"Sir! Something has been discovered!"

Joseph hurried to the location where the police officer shouted, which was the green grassland under a big pine tree.

On the green grass, a white ID card fell quietly.

Joseph knelt down, put on plastic gloves and gently picked it up.

"Take it back and check for fingerprints."


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