Mysterious journey

Chapter 136 Following 1

Garen stood in the bedroom, slowly drawing two circles with his hands, and kept drawing them in the air in front of him, as if he was stirring something.

Slowly, he pushed forward slightly and stopped his movement. A trace of red suddenly appeared on both palms, and it disappeared in an instant.

"It's done, Ruby Palm. Such a powerful method. The basic secret martial arts effect is achieved, but the fighting skills still need to be gradually honed and familiarized. Now I can only be considered proficient."

Although he has entered the level of a fighter and his understanding of fighting skills is far beyond ordinary people, he must practice fighting skills to an almost instinctive level in order to achieve the strongest effect of fighting.

Slowly closing his momentum, Garen was also looking forward to the power of the Ruby Palm.

Then he looked at the skill bar in his field of vision. The Chi Yin Kung skill disappeared again and merged into the Ruby Palm.

‘Carnelian Palm: Beginner (Known Level 1), Burning Strength Level One (Red Yin Skill), Physical Strengthening Level One (Red Yin Skill)’

"I don't know how powerful the Ruby Palm is when used. This is the Ruby Palm that has been strengthened by the Red Yin Kung Fu." Garen slowly adjusted his energy and blood and got out of the state of practicing the Ruby Palm.

He has never had the opportunity to use the enhanced Ruby Palm in actual combat. However, I feel that once the Ruby Palm is used, the lethality of confronting him will definitely become much stronger. After all, he knew the power of Chi Yin Kung. Now the power has been strengthened, and there is a set of powerful palm techniques specially used together, which is even higher than Baiyun's fighting skills.

There is also a 0.3 agility enhancement.

Garen can feel the improvement in his strength. At the level of a fighter, his physical fitness has often reached its limit and it is difficult to improve further. Generally, at this level, the distinction between strength and weakness is based on the power of the technique, the level of fighting, and experience. , skills, etc. to determine. Because a fighter's physical fitness is always maintained at the extreme level for a certain quality, he must spend a lot of time every day to maintain his physical condition. Otherwise, physical adaptability is the so-called sailing against the current. If he does not advance, he will retreat.

Only Garen has a terrifying innate ability that always solidifies his physical condition, and he can also rely on attribute points to forcibly improve attributes that have reached their peak.

This improvement is terrifying.

In the eyes of a fighter, any slight advantage will continue to amplify and become a chasm-like gap. Sometimes the difference is just a little bit, which is the difference between life and death.

Not to mention an agility of 0.3!

After arranging his clothes, Garen collected his thoughts, opened the door and went out.

Not far away, Su Lin was leaning against the corridor wall, chatting with Yoda.

Celine, on the other hand, was beating and guiding Iludas with a stick. She seemed to be very attached to Iludas for some unknown reason.

"Are you ready?" Celine looked back at Garen.

"No problem." Garen nodded. "But you plan to go too?"

"Of course, if I didn't go, how could you possibly catch that guy Ansha Luo? He is not as simple as you think." Celine curled her lips and said.

"When will we leave?"

"The person who is waiting for the assassination will leave first." Xilin glanced at Sulin who was not far away.

Several people were doing their own thing in the spacious open space on the side of the small building. This was a gap between the two buildings. Only a larger space was left to build a small training ground.

Not long after, the sound of soldiers mobilizing and cars starting came from the manor.

Several people looked at each other in unison, quickly dropped what they were doing, walked to the entrance and exit of the gap, and looked at the grass in the center of the manor.

The brigade of soldiers was mobilized, and military vehicles drove out of the manor one by one. A white car was surrounded by a large number of heavily armed soldiers.

At this time, four people in different attires were getting on the bus. Some of the four were dressed as martial artists, and some were officers. The most eye-catching one was a young man with blue hair, eyebrows, and eyes.

This man was wearing blue clothes, with a blue sword hanging from his waist, and he had an unusually cold temperament.

Garen recognized him at a glance.

"That's Bio! He really broke through! The last time I saw him, he was still one step behind Andrela, and now he has broken through. How long has it taken!" Garon said with emotion.

"No matter how fast you are, it's not as fast as you!" Su Lin shook his head speechlessly, "Bio must have been stimulated by the battle between you and Andrela. It is said that after your battle, Biou said that he would wait until the time is right to formally challenge You. Now he clearly knows that you are here, but still doesn't come over. He obviously thinks that he is not strong enough."

"In other words, when he challenged me, he must have thought that he was better than Andrela." Garron said softly.

"This new generation of masters in the South is not easy to wear. You have to be careful about other challengers in the future." Sulin glanced at Garen.

"Celine, since you said you can find Ansara, then you can lead the way." Garen looked at Celine beside him.

Celine frowned and stared at the assassination team leaving, seeming to be thinking about something.

"No hurry, let's follow them, don't get too close, just follow. Since we have separated from the team, what is happening now is our private action. Although the two generals must know, they both acquiesce It’s obvious that we want to add a layer of insurance. After all, we won’t make such a big show of things like them. With Galleons here, it can be regarded as a second layer of insurance.”

"That's fine, you can arrange everything anyway." Garen shrugged.

"But what will happen if we encounter Ansara again?" Su Lin was a little worried.

"I'll do it then." Garen said solemnly, "I just had some insights from the last battle. As long as you don't get hit by his Seven Dragon Gates continuously, you'll be fine."

"Indeed." Celine nodded affirmatively. Everyone watched the motorcade slowly drive away from the manor until they could no longer see the shadows, and then they walked out of the building.

"Okay, let's set off. If you encounter Ansara, please pay attention to your own safety. We are here to watch the fun, not to fight with him."

"Of course I know that. I'll arrange the carriage. Go directly to the military airport."

Sulin walked out first, Garen followed, and Celine jumped on Garen's shoulders.

Yoda and Irisi were left watching the three people leave, with Irisi still looking a little worried in her eyes.

"Brother is the weakest among them, why do you have to join in the fun this time?"

Yoda grinned: "Don't worry, although Sulin is not strong, compared to a fighter, he is already a very strong master for ordinary people. Besides, he also has a trump card. No. So simple."

"True card?" Irisi looked at Yoda in confusion.

"In some people's language, he is also a talented person." Yoda's eyes were full of meaning.


May 13, 2987

Shinjura Matsuyama City

one day later


In the Songshan City Police Station office, Joseph slapped the conference table with an angry face. He stared hard at the police officers sitting around him.

"Everyone here, I guarantee with my personality!" Joseph said word for word, "Something big will definitely happen tonight!!"

"Calm down Joseph." The middle-aged police officer sitting in the main seat frowned and said, "Without any evidence or any clues, you want us to approve your deployment of special police to blockade the building in the city center? You must understand that it belongs to our Songshan City. In the core area, once something happens, it can instantly amplify and affect the whole city! This is not child's play!"

"Sir Jayne, I."

"Okay, needless to say, Joseph, you are indeed very capable, but you were really too reckless in this matter. Those three cases made you lose your cool. You'd better go down and rest first." Officer En stood up and said calmly, and left directly.


A fat white police officer opposite Joseph stood up and glanced at Joseph mockingly. "Don't be too impulsive, Officer Joseph."

Several people around also smiled and shook their heads.

"There will be a murder in the central building? Ha! This is the most ridiculous thing I have heard this year." Another lanky male police officer walked past Joseph and laughed unabashedly.

Soon, only Joseph was left in the entire conference room.

He clenched his fists and stood in his position without saying a word.

"Joseph, you have to remember. You are different from others. The world you can see is much wider than them. That is your talent. It is the innate talent of our Hilaryta family. .”

His grandfather's last words echoed in his mind again.

"Listen carefully. Close your eyes and listen to the whispers of the night." His grandfather's weak but firm words came to his ears again.

Joseph slowly closed his eyes without realizing it and listened carefully to the sounds that his ears could hear.

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.

It was the sound of a record player coming from an office outside. There was also the sound of the whistling wind, the rustling of leaves in the distance outside, the sound of the car's engine, and the footsteps of police officers passing by in the corridor. He could even hear his breathing, heartbeat, and the thin sound of blood flowing in his pulse.

Joseph listened attentively. Gradually, all the sounds quieted down one by one, leaving only a faint sound of music.

The somewhat hoarse music gradually became more layered, and the hissing sound of the electric current inside became louder and louder unknowingly.

Hiss. Hiss, hiss. Hiss.

"This is..." Joseph frowned.

The music gradually changed again. Someone seemed to be whispering amid the hiss of electricity.

Hiss! Ah! ! .Hiss. My dearest baby. Hiss. Come to my arms! ! .my dearest sis.

The sweet whispers that changed the tone seemed to be mixed with screams of fear, which seemed strange and inexplicable.

Joseph felt a chill all over his body, and when he opened his eyes, a pale woman's face was facing his.

call! !

He took two steps back in horror. Blinking his eyes, there was nothing in front of him, and the conference room was empty and quiet.

He almost fell down on his seat, put his hands in his hair, panted heavily, and after a while, he shook his head hard.

"She will always appear when you close your eyes. This is the price of listening." He murmured unknown words in a low voice.

Standing up suddenly, he grabbed a document on the table and strode out of the conference room.

He couldn't just watch the tragedy happen!

Even if no one supports him, he still has two companions!

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