Mysterious journey

Chapter 137 Following 2


With a solemn expression, Joseph loaded the shotgun and flushed it into the barrel.

"We must stop them! At zero o'clock tonight, they will hold a grand hunting ceremony. It must be before zero o'clock! Otherwise, the entire Songshan City will be in danger!"

In a small basement, under the dim light, there were two other people, a man and a woman, also looking at Joseph with guns in hand.

"Joseph, are you crazy?!" Thomson's eyes were filled with confusion, surprise, and deep worry. "Nothing will happen to the central building. Are you going too far? The police station has sent people to be on guard in case anything happens."

"Hey man! Listen!" Joseph pressed his shoulder, "Do you believe me?" He looked into Johnson's eyes.

"Of course! We grew up together and are best brothers!" Johnson answered affirmatively.

"No one believes me, no one!" Joseph took a deep breath, "I know this reason is ridiculous, but I still have to ask you, Johnson, my brother. And Anne, my baby! Tonight, Only tonight, we have to go somewhere to stop them!"

"Stop what?" Annie interjected and asked, "I believe you Joseph, but what can we do for you!?" Her eyes were full of worry and love. "You are not alone, you have us!"

Joseph took several deep breaths and quickly removed three small brown leather bags from his waist. Keep one for yourself and give the other two to the two of them.

"Bring this with you! Remember! Don't let this skin leave your side! Any time, anywhere! Don't leave the skin behind! This time we are not facing ordinary characters! Without this, no one can confront them head-on! "

"What is this?" Annie shook the skin bag gently, and there was a faint sound of water inside.

"This is pure water. It is something that can restrain them. As long as there is this aura, they will be weakened within ten meters of the surrounding area. Remember, never let this leave you! Never!"

"Are we going to enter some mysterious horror novel?" Johnson joked with a dry smile. "How about I find a few more people? My cousin is a boxing expert! Amateur sixth-dan! The vice president of the local boxing association."

"It's no use. I've also asked for help, but it's no use." Joseph shook his head. "They are not human beings." He felt chills all over as he recalled the scene at that time.

Anne and Johnson looked at each other, and both heard a hint of pain in Joseph's words.



In the afternoon, the sky turned a bit gray and pale.

The green hills all over the mountains and plains are like green blankets. Between the ups and downs, there is a yellow river meandering, like a yellow ribbon, stretching into the distance.

A four-winged white plane was gliding slowly over the hills, its engine making a subtle buzzing sound.

The plane flew over a large waterfall in the river, and the sound of rushing water came from below. The yellow-white waterfall splashed a large amount of white water vapor, which almost rushed to the bottom of the fuselage.

The side door of the plane was wide open, and Garron, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, sat by the door and looked down.

"Where is this?" he asked loudly.

The person piloting the plane was actually Su Lin. His red hair was styled with normal bangs, he wore a gold earring in one ear, and he was humming some off-key songs.

"We are about to enter Xinjueluo. We will fly for another half hour. There is a private landing pad in front where we can refuel and rest."

"So beautiful." Celine looked down at the huge waterfall from the other side of the hatch. "Is this the Julia Falls on the border between New Jueluo and the Federation?"

"Yes, if we go here, according to our speed, we will reach the location where Ansara last appeared, Black Rock City, in three hours." Su Lin replied casually.

"Actually, there is no need for you to come. This operation may be very dangerous." Garen whispered, looking at Su Lin in front of him.

"It's okay, don't underestimate me. Although I'm not as perverted as you, I'm still safe if I escape!" Su Lin grinned, showing his white teeth.

"Sure enough, I have already smelled the scent of the assassination team." Celine suddenly sniffed and said, "The scent of the assassination team will not last more than half an hour. At such an altitude, they should have taken off again. According to the time Calculating the route, they should take off again from the apron Sulin mentioned, and the direction is about 30 degrees northeast of where we are now."

Su Lin whistled. "So accurate? Even a dog would be ashamed of himself compared to you."

"Go to hell!!" Celine was furious, and she rushed over, grabbed Sulin's neck and shook her violently.

The plane suddenly shook.

Garen sat firmly in the back and shook his head speechlessly.

From the moment they set out from the manor, he and Sulin had truly seen Celine's super talent. An almost perverted sense of smell.

Celine memorized the auras of the Slashing Team and Ansara, and could hang firmly behind them without following closely. The interval in between cannot exceed one hour and a certain distance. In addition, they knew the route of the assassination team, and they didn't even lose a single step.

Looking at the scenery below in boredom, Garen simply closed his eyes and began to slowly practice secret martial arts according to the breathing method of Ruby Palm.

The Ruby Palm that I started with yesterday can be quickly upgraded to a terrifyingly powerful effect as long as I get more attribute points. This is the only thing Garen is looking forward to the most.

These days, he has noticed a problem. The superposition of low-level secret weapons is not necessarily a completely good change.

He just got another very common lowest-level secret weapon from Xilin, which was about practicing leg techniques. But unfortunately, this secret martial art requires physical flexibility. Although Garen was introduced to it, it was directly integrated with the original giant elephant secret martial arts, and then remained unchanged without any change.

He guessed that this might be because the characteristics of Miwu were completely opposite, or most of them overlapped, which was not helpful to the Giant Elephant Miwu.

Later, when I asked Celine about the secret weapon to strengthen her body, she was at a loss. There are very few secret weapons that do not require external force, so being able to find so many of them is a sign of her extraordinary memory. Garen had no choice but to wait and go to the Nantian Holy Fist Sect headquarters to inquire later.

"But before that, we must first get the Golden Sword Seat!" Garen's eyes flashed with enthusiasm. "The Golden Sword Seat is of no use to others. As long as it is used in the ruins, it will always lose its main role. Then when the slashing and stabbing team deals with Ansara, they may be able to get it. But before that"

He rubbed his palms together, and a bright red flashed across the back of his hands.

"I have completely mastered the Ruby Palm. With the powerful physical hard Qigong of the Giant Elephant Secret Martial Arts, plus the secret martial arts effect of the Ruby Palm itself, after a head-on confrontation, I want to see if it is your Seven Dragon Gate that is stronger, or My giant elephant secret martial arts combined with the power of red jade palms!" Being able to compete with the top masters of the previous generation at the peak level is undoubtedly an absolute temptation for warriors.

What warriors pursue is their own sublimation and evolution, and they constantly challenge their own limits. This is the true warrior!

The same is true for Garen. There have always been too few people who can truly confront him head-on, and Ansara allowed him to experience the mysterious and unpredictable ancient martial arts like the Seven Dragons Gate.

Both are at the pinnacle of hard qigong, and An Shaluo has mastered a deeper level of soft energy than him. The Seven Dragon Gate is not very powerful, but its terrifying effect that can make people freeze is definitely a killer weapon.

Garen is determined to go head-to-head with Ansara this time. Look at the combination of the three sets of secret martial arts based on the peak hard qigong of the mutant giant elephant secret martial arts, the superimposed ruby ​​palm, and the strengthening of the red yin martial arts. How strong are the mutated ruby ​​palms together. And with the key agility attribute added by a full 0.3 points, Garen can clearly feel that he should be able to keep up with Ansara's shooting speed.

Ansara's speed is not very fast among fighters, his strength is not very strong, and his defensive Qigong is not very strong. But the integration of all these things actually turned into a quasi-perfect form, without any loopholes.

He is faster than a strength-type warrior, and more powerful than a speed-type warrior, and his moves are as coherent as mercury flowing down the ground, seamless.

But no matter how strong he is, he is still too old after all. It is impossible to explode for a long time. Even so, Garen was not sure of defeating him. If Xilin hadn't told him a trick to deal with the Seven Dragon Gate to save his life, he would not have dared to pursue Ansara head-on this time.

half an hour later

The white plane descended slowly, drew a diagonal line and landed on a brown muddy apron below. It rushed forward for hundreds of meters before finally stopping.

The rotating propeller on the nose of the plane whirled a few times before finally stopping.

The tarmac was a huge reddish-brown circle. Several soldiers in dark green military uniforms rode over on horseback. Each of them held a small book in his hand, which seemed to be recording the aircraft's information and numbering time.

The other man got off his horse and waved to the other soldiers who were coming from a short distance away.

"Sir, how can I add it?" He looked at Garen who jumped off the plane.

"Ask me about the one at the back, I don't know these things." Garen shrugged.

Su Lin jumped down.

"Grenz's No. 7 is fully loaded. We'll be leaving in a moment. Is there anything to eat here?"

"Absolutely, but they are all specialties here." The soldier rubbed his hands and laughed, "How about we find two indigenous women."

"Indigenous people? Are there any indigenous people here?" Celine jumped down from the cabin and kept combing her long hair.

"Well, this Surian forest is very big, and there are many primitive tribes in it. We just caught some indigenous women." When he saw the little girl, the soldier shut up and did not dare to say more.

"I'll go greet them first and get ready." He smiled sheepishly and turned to leave.

Su Lin nodded and watched the soldiers gradually walk away.

"This apron was purchased and built by Xin Jue Luo's Sharp Blade Security Company. Doesn't it actually look decent?"

Garen looked to Celine aside.

"What happened? What did you find?"

Celine suddenly sniffed and looked a little confused.

"The directions are divided."

"What direction?" Garen asked.

"The directions of Zhan Xi and An Sha Luo were separated. They went in two different directions." Xilin raised her face and looked at Garen. "Where are we going?"

At this time, it is natural that the most powerful Garen takes the lead.

Su Lin also looked at Garen, as if letting him decide.

"Follow Ansara." Garen didn't expect this to happen and took a deep breath. "It's only a matter of time before the Assassination Team will find out. As long as we keep up with Ansara, we can get together sooner or later."

Su Lin and Celine both nodded in agreement.

"Fill up the gas and leave after eating." Su Lin made arrangements immediately. "Try to catch up with Ansara before dark."

"Is it possible?" Garen looked at him doubtfully.

"No problem! This is my most cherished Daphne Collection Limited Edition No. 1043!" Su Lin grinned, showing his white teeth.

"How many limited editions do you have?" Garen was speechless.

"This is a secret, just like a woman's age." Su Lin patted him on the shoulder and walked towards a row of small buildings on the edge of the tarmac.

"Do you want any women later?" Celine asked Garen with her face raised.


"Order two for me."

Garen watched speechlessly as Celine jumped up and down to catch up with Sulin.

"I'm kidding you, haha." Celine ran away before laughing.

Garen followed helplessly.

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