Mysterious journey

Chapter 1350 Release 2

But these spells are not as practical as the previous four passive abilities.

Cold immunity: Galleon is immune to all cold damage, including some divine damage.

Breath enhancement: The breath that originally had only the highest level nine power was strengthened to level thirteen due to divine transformation.

Elemental Resistance: Increases resistance to damage from the four elements of earth, water, wind, and fire by 10%, plus its own dragon resistance of 10%, and the galleon suddenly reaches 20%, which is very impressive.

The final defense enhancement is the core.

Defense enhancement: Divine creatures increase their defense by 20 (now 50) and offset 10% of divine damage.

This is a terrifying effect, which means that normal attack physical damage with a power lower than fifty points is completely ineffective against Garen. Originally, he was close to being immune to low-level weapon damage because of his strong physique, but now this ability has gone further.

A warrior with fifty points of strength is already equivalent to a high-level knight among humans. In other words, without special attribute weapons, no matter how sharp the weapon is, it is not powerful enough to hurt Galleon's scales, let alone the scales. The dragon body underneath.

To put it simply, the human sea tactic is no longer effective against Gallon.

The latter offset of 10% of divine damage means that any further divine damage to Galleons will be weakened by 10%.

These are the rights and characteristics of being a divine creature.

From this moment on, he officially entered the true demigod level.

The most important difference between demigods and ordinary creatures lies in the differences in various immunity resistances and defense levels.

Overall, for the same human warrior, in the semi-god state, he will have a bunch of more spells. At the same time, he will be more resistant to various types of damage, and his attacks will also receive special accessory enhancements.

However, there is not much improvement in terms of vitality and other attributes. It's just that lifespan has been greatly extended.

Garen stood in the snow and stretched out his hand, feeling as if he could control the movement of the heavy snow at any time. This was the effect of spell-like celestial control.

This kind of spell does not consume his spell slots. Although he doesn't use many spell slots originally, most of them rely on hand-to-hand combat to kill enemies.

This kind of saving of spell slots is very important for weak creatures, but for powerful dragons like Garen, it doesn't matter.

A spider web spell might be enough for him to break free with just a twitch of his toes. The mid- to low-level spell slots are meaningless except to make life more convenient.

"We must recover our physical condition as soon as possible." Garen frowned. In this chaotic era, it is very dangerous for a dragon to have no ability to protect itself. And Tiamat may find him at any time through prophecy.

As for why he devoured divinity so quickly, Garen guessed that he was not analyzing divinity this time, but directly relying on his devouring ability to devour it. Naturally, the efficiency was much higher. It was like holding a mobile phone and dissecting it. Let's study the principle thoroughly, the gap in the middle is different.

Most creatures use the former directly, but Garen wants to do the latter, because as long as the analysis is thorough, more divinities of the same nature can be analyzed through a trace of divinity extension, as long as there is a powerful enough calculation With the power and information database, sooner or later, a complete godhead that can develop this trace of divinity can be constructed. This is the key.

In other words, as long as Garen thoroughly studies the divinity of corrosion, he can use this thread to combine and extend the corrosive death godhead, or the decayed godhead after corrosion. If a trace of time divinity is analyzed, he can combine it into the aging godhead, etc. wait.

The essence of divinity is ultimately the understanding of the laws of the universe by the biological ontology's instinct, and it is the natural understanding and evolution of the laws by the will of the physical cells.

"The fastest way to recover the body is naturally to devour it." Garen glanced around. Theoretically, the phagocytosis ability of the Cold Hell Peacock Mother can devour everything and turn it into energy, but things like snow, water, ordinary stone and soil, can't be swallowed. Hundreds of millions of tons may not be enough for him to restore one percent of his body. After all, their properties are different, and a lot of loss is required during transformation. Moreover, these substances contain less energy.

To replenish vitality, the best thing is to devour something that also has vitality.

Garen's eyes fell on a cedar not far away.

He strode toward the cedar.

Soon he walked into the pine forest. As if frightened by his breath, several snow wolves ran away in the distance.

Garen ignored them and stretched out his hand to press on a big tree.

The bark covered with white snow and frost suddenly dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and a large amount of snow powder fell. The whole thick tree was surrounded by one person, and soon it bent down like an old human being, becoming rickety and old. It was a young and moisture-rich tree. The bark quickly becomes hard and dries up, turning into black old bark.

And Garen's complexion seemed to be slightly rosy.

"Unfortunately, what I swallowed was only a little bit of pure divinity. If there were divinity with incidental properties, the effect might be much better."

After Garen absorbed a big tree, he quickly moved to another one.

As time passed slowly, he quickly absorbed the entire cedar forest, and the skin and muscles on his body gradually became plumper, at least not as dry as they looked.

Garen moved his hands.

"It's too slow to go on like this!"

Behind him, it slowly twisted, and a strange man covered in darkness appeared, holding a violin in his hand.

The man's face was cold and handsome, and his eyes had a faint golden luster.

"Master. What are your orders?"

He bowed gracefully.

"If I want to recover as soon as possible, I need to at least swallow a large number of living organisms. Now that I am not strong enough, everything depends on you." Garen said sternly.

"Of course, no problem." Magic Code smiled slightly, gently set up the violin in his hand, and slowly placed the bow on the strings.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if immersed in the artistic conception.


Suddenly, a huge, harsh sound wave centered on him resounded through all the surrounding snow.

A violent and seductive piano music spread along with the cold wind, and twisted human faces seemed to emerge from the cold wind, flying in all directions.

What the Holy Phoenix Grimoire is best at is not killing, but extremely domineering hypnosis and charm.

Soon, all the creatures in the surrounding snow who heard the music slowly turned red with blood in their eyes. They all walked towards the center where the music came from, and their consciousness seemed to have completely sunk.

As he walked slowly, Garen gradually felt hundreds of silk-mesh-like life force threads connected to his body, including more than a dozen life threads of humans and elves and dwarves.

This feeling was wonderful. He seemed to be the center of all life threads, and countless life forces were flowing towards him.

Garen couldn't help but make a sound of pleasure.


The distant east of the main plane.

Above a series of mountains covered with yellow rocks.

Two golden doors slowly emerged. The doors opened, and two majestic gods shining with golden light walked out. Each of them had wings on his back, and he was wearing armor and holding a long sword. Another wears a crystal crown, with white flames burning at his feet.

In the evening, the blood-red sunset slowly set, and the yellow mountains below slowly shook.

"Elf fire? I couldn't eat you last time, but you dare to come this time?" A huge snake head slowly arched out from the middle of the mountain range. He spit out rock cores and stared evilly at the white flames at his feet. Gods.

"Leaving the Kingdom of God rashly will be your greatest regret." The giant rock snake smiled evilly.

"Remorse?" Elf Fire touched a crack on the crystal crown on his head, with deep murderous intent in his eyes.

"King of Iwasa, today will be your death!"

A platinum wavy dagger suddenly appeared in his hand. Gently throwing the dagger forward, the sky suddenly darkened, the setting sun actually twisted, and a bit of golden flame was released from the center, flying towards this direction at high speed.

"Sun God's Light!!" The face of the giant rock snake changed drastically, and it burrowed down into the ground, trying to escape. But it was too late.

A thin layer of golden light completely blocked him from burrowing into the ground. This is the special divine power barrier of the superior god, the powerful Sun God. The Elf Fire actually lent the Sun God's artifacts. He is obviously just a middle god! ! ! ?

"True Spirit of Chaos, today is the day when the war between gods officially begins!!" Elf Fire showed a hint of ferocity on his face, nodded towards the other god, and the two of them pounced downwards.

For a time, countless golden lights collided with the rock, and the rock shattered into ashes, flying up and spreading to the entire area of ​​dozens of kilometers in radius.


Temple of the Void

"The King of Iwasa actually fell?!"

The Temple of the Void is a huge metal vortex, entrenched in the center of the galaxy. Countless metal rings form a metallic galaxy shape, slowly rotating. There are hundreds of billions of metal planets rotating slowly, forming galaxies of different sizes.

At the very center of the Metal Galaxy, in a huge planet-like pool, the sound came from here.

There is a silvery white liquid in the pool, which is thick and spontaneously making small ripples.

"The other side started to fight back. It was the Sun God who took action, but it doesn't matter." Another woman's voice sounded. "It was bound to happen sooner or later."

"Although the existence that enters first will improve much faster, it will also bear the greatest risk. There must be a balance between gains and losses." Another old man's voice sounded.

"Since they have expressed their opinions, we can't just watch." The first man to speak said coldly.

"The Mother River Alliance has let the Eye of Slaughter go. Then let's officially start the plan."

A man with a silvery metallic texture slowly rose from the silver pool. Dozens of various weapons were inserted into his body. Some of these weapons were rotten and rusty, and some were shining with silvery-gold light. The man A skewed white bone dagger was pierced into the Tianling Cap of his head. The sharp edge of the dagger pierced out from his forehead, and the white brain was solidified on the sharp edge.

This being who was basically dead actually flew out of the pool slowly and calmly.

He spread his hands, and a shrunken solar system slowly emerged in his palm and started to rotate.

"Lost, do you want to release that?!" A female voice beside her seemed a little uneasy.

"In this kind of war of destruction without right or wrong, without compromise, is there anything more terrifying than that?" Lost True Spirit smiled.

The other true spirits and demon lords remained silent.

"The god Fira is nothing, but the real trouble now is the abyss, hell." The Lost True Spirit said in a low voice, "The son of hell has appeared, and in a very short time, a terrifying incarnation that can destroy all existence will appear. , I tried to contact the will of the abyss, but was rejected, which made me feel uneasy."

"The abyss is trying to swallow our souls. He is trying to figure out the secret rules of our world. I can't stop it, but no one can tease me like this and not pay the price!" The eyes of the Lost True Spirit turned into incomparable darkness. , he slowly looked at the solar system in his hand. .

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