Mysterious journey

Chapter 1351 Massacre and Divinity 1

Northland Dirada Empire, Colora City


The red carriage jingled and jingled, advancing slowly on the central street of the city. The driver on the carriage was an old man with a white beard wearing a black captain's hat. He pretended to be a pirate and looked at both sides with a smile. Children joining in the fun.

After hearing the excitement and joy on both sides, the cries of snacks and sundries, the cheers of people, and the playing of minstrels, the bustling crowds crowded on the streets, and the carriages could only slow down to prevent bump into other people.

Bang bang bang!

Groups of colorful streamers exploded in the sky, some containing colored powder exploded, scattering large swathes of colored light spots.

Women and children gathered around the clown selling candy.

Magicians and acrobatic dwarfs stood on high street performance stages on both sides, performing various gorgeous skills. Most of the young people came out for shopping.

The early morning sun shines down, coating the entire city with a layer of pale gold.

From time to time, groups of patrolling guards passed by on the side of the street, among which a Northland mage wearing a cloak could be faintly seen. These people were wearing gray robes, and most of them were silent, with their heads lowered, or chatting quietly with other companions. Seems quiet and mysterious.

When people around them look past them, there is always a sense of awe.

"There have been more and more void creatures recently," the mage in the patrol sighed softly.

"Isn't it? I received three reports yesterday and the day before yesterday. They were all crimes committed by void creatures. They haven't been solved yet. Some uneasy factors have spread in the city." The guard captain looked helpless, "The captain received the order from above. , we are asked to strengthen our defense, but how can we alone be enough? Now is the Usha Festival, an annual carnival, and we are already short of manpower."

"After all, we do not belong to the orthodox Dilada. We are directly under the White Dragon Mountain. The problem of void creatures has been reported, but we have not received a response so far. It is obviously due to lack of manpower." The mage replied in a low voice.

"Hey, someone is performing a violin solo over there." A female guard walked toward a high platform not far away with interest.

The other patrol members followed helplessly in that direction.

On the high platform in the distance, a bard wearing a black cloak could be vaguely seen holding a violin, with the bow on the strings, as if he was just about to start playing.

"Colola has been a border city directly under the White Dragon Mountains for thousands of years. It has all the history of the development of White Dragon and is the cultural and artistic capital of Dirada." The man in the black cloak spoke softly in a magnetic voice. .

"I'm lucky enough to come here and see the prosperity and peace here. I sincerely hope that I can contribute a piece of music to everything here, a music composed by myself."

"Dream. This is the name of the music." The black cloak slowly played the strings.

The beautiful and slender sound of the piano, like silk, filled the noisy streets. It was not covered by other noises at all and was extremely clear.

There were not many people watching around the stage, but as the black cloak started, they all stopped to listen and appreciate.

Time passed slowly, and as the sound of the piano became clearer and louder, more and more people gathered. Several people in the patrol team were faintly indulged in this beautiful and peaceful music.

The mage suddenly trembled and came back to his senses with some vigilance.

"What's going on? I was completely immersed in it just now?" He didn't like music at all, but he actually felt that the sound of the piano was like the most beautiful moonlight, shining evenly on himself, cold and quiet. It was as if the whole person's heart had calmed down.

He looked around and suddenly realized that something was wrong. Not only him, but also the captain of the team, Aswang, who had reached level three, fell into complete silence. He was a rough man who hated music, but he could be attracted by the sound of the piano. stick it in.

"No! There's something wrong with the sound of the piano!" The mage suddenly became alarmed. He squeezed the team member next to him hard, but the other party actually didn't react at all. The movement that usually made people scream in pain actually showed no reaction at this time. No, not even a frown could be seen.

The sound of the piano floats farther and farther and becomes wider and wider.

The black cloak on the stage slowly floated up at some point. He flew higher and higher, landing gently on the top of the tallest bell tower nearby.

He still played the violin quietly, as if nothing could stop him from playing.

The mage opened his mouth to shout, to interrupt the sound of the piano, but was shocked to find that he could not make any sound at all.

He clamped his throat hard, trying to heal his throat. But to no avail.

Still no sound could be made, and he even found that all other noises around him, any sounds that could interfere with the sound of the piano, gradually dimmed until they were inaudible.

Faintly, the eyes of the performer under the black cloak lit up with a faint blood light, and the speed of his playing gradually increased and became faster.

But there was no spell fluctuation at all.

Some are just the most ordinary piano sounds, pure music.


Suddenly, there was a slight sound from the dense crowd below, and a decadent middle-aged man with a beard stabbed his throat with a cake-cutting knife. He looked up at the sky, with a sad look on his face.

Blood dripped down his palms and forearms, but no one around him noticed at all. In other words, no one even noticed it.

The sound of the piano slowly becomes sad and desolate with the rhythm.


There were two more soft sounds, and the two listeners stabbed their own throats with fruit knives. They lay down in a pool of blood with tears, but no one cared at all.

The number of people committing suicide gradually began to increase. They picked up various sharp objects and stabbed their own throats fiercely. They fell silently on the street without letting out a single scream or cry of pain before dying.

Ten, twenty, fifty, one hundred

More and more people are splashing blood with the smell of rust. The city streets seemed to be enveloped in blood.

The mage stood in the crowd. He tried hard to control himself not to listen to the weird sound of the piano. He was born with a very high mental defect, that is, it was difficult for him to concentrate on doing one thing, which is why he has not been able to do anything to this day. It's just the key to level two mages. But at this moment, his inability to concentrate became his biggest savior.

His scalp was numb as he watched his captain Aswang draw out his sword and cut his throat and trachea with the sword. He was still smiling with tears in his eyes before falling to the ground.

He wanted to stop him, but his body was completely unable to move, as if he was not under his control at all.

"What the hell is going on!??" He shouted with fear in his heart, but it did not change the stiffness of his body at all.

More and more people are committing suicide, and the blood on the ground is gathering into a river. Groups of pigeons and other unknown birds and insects are mixed together, spinning and flying wildly around the black cloak of the performer. From time to time, they hit the surrounding walls hard. and on the building, but the dead similar ones couldn't wake them up at all, and they were still flying around the performer at high speed.

"This is the sound of death." Such a thought sadly appeared in the mage's mind. This was also his last and only thought. His vision went dark, and he suddenly fell to the ground, unconscious.

In just half an hour, the entire prosperous city of Colora has completely turned into a dead city. Blood filled every corner of the city. All living things, whether human or animals, committed suicide amidst the strange sound of the piano.

Even some void creatures hidden in the crowd could not escape this catastrophe.


As the city lord finally entered the palace, the seventh-level city lord raised his sword and committed suicide.

The music of the black cloak finally slowly came to an end.

He gently played the last note and put down the violin. Looking at this huge city with a population of more than 100,000, it has completely turned into a city of blood without any human life.

"What a wonderful piece of music." A young man, whose skin was as clear as crystal gems and full of life, slowly emerged from behind the performer.

He was wearing a white robe, and his eyes had strange black and white pupils. There was also a white pupil in the black pupils, which looked extremely strange.

"Master, are you satisfied with your meal?" Magician turned around gracefully and saluted.

"The body has recovered completely." Garen nodded with satisfaction, "The vitality of 150,000 people and the desperate skull of 150,000 souls have reached the point of saturation."

He raised his left hand, and several colorful diamonds appeared on the surface of the black bracelet on his wrist. It is an alternating red and golden diamond. There are five in total.

"Sure enough, the slaughter is more efficient." Garen couldn't be more satisfied. A broken diamond represents a soul seed condensed by the death bracelet. There are five of these broken diamonds, which means that these more than ten The fragments of tens of thousands of souls provided him with at least five soul seeds. This is different from sneaking around in the abyss and the will of the abyss.

He opened his mouth slightly and inhaled, and suddenly the five diamonds on the bracelet suddenly turned into five rays of light and penetrated into his mouth.

Closing his mouth in satisfaction, Garen closed his eyes as if enjoying this rare gain.

In the dark soul space, the eighth soul ring was finally completed instantly. After the five soul seeds were integrated, this soul ring was directly upgraded to a light red soul ring. As long as it is upgraded to orange, it will eventually reach the yellow level and enter the upper demon king level.

The peak of the upper demon king is the point where he can resist the power of the lower gods. He is not an incarnation, but a real god descending to earth.

Another dense invisible energy also condensed in Garen's body and quickly converged into the nine-sided body on his chest. The massacre of more than 100,000 lives also caused Garen to form a gray-black nine-sided body.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, a huge angry dragon roar came from the distant sky.

"Oh, it's Tiamat's power." Garen looked up and smiled, "It's a pity that he came a little late."


Garen and the two disappeared instantly at the top of the clock tower.


The city of Korola and the ancient city directly under the White Dragon Mountain were massacred, and the lives and souls of 150,000 people disappeared. They did not enter the abyss or hell, nor did they return to the River Styx and the Kingdom of Tiamat. Everything they had mysteriously disappeared.

Since Tiamat has no church, only scattered believers and some evil priests, few can get more clues from him.

Only a few survivors described to everyone what happened that day.

An evil and strange performer hypnotized the entire city. Those people were not killed by him at all, but all committed suicide! Corpses were scattered all over the streets and alleys of the city, and even the powerful city lord, who was as high as level seven, committed suicide in his bedroom.

But this was just news that deserved attention. Bailongshan was furious and sent a large number of members to capture a genius Bailong named Garen. However, in every encounter, he was directly defeated and massacred by Garen.

In just half a month, more than thirty adult white dragons, old dragons, and ancient dragons died in Garen's hands.

In the second half of the month, not only Colora City, but also Rosen City, 700 kilometers away, suffered the same fate.

This city is not directly affiliated with Bailong Mountain. It is a border city affiliated with the Black Pattern Empire, also known as the Black Elf Empire. Most of the people stationed in it are army soldiers. The number of people massacred this time directly reached 250,000.

The terrifying legend of the Dead Man's Song spread throughout the north.

Two major cities were massacred in a row, and a large number of pastors and church personnel gathered there to try to find out the situation. But all the evidence without exception points to the new dragon of disaster, the white dragon Garen.

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