Mysterious journey

Chapter 1364 Decisive Battle 2

The divine body actually only has stronger average attributes than ordinary creatures, higher spell resistance, sharper vision, and a bunch of powerful regular divine spells.

But now facing Garen's pure and extreme power of rules, all their abilities have become a joke. Garen's power rules have reached the level of a high-ranking god. Moreover, it does not consume divine power and can be squandered at will. Even if a superior god faces him, he can only be consumed to death.

The control of magic spells was shaken away by the huge power shock before they got close, and the time and space spells and negative spell status were directly immune to Garen's powerful physique and agility.

All attack spells have become useless jokes.

The only thing that works is to fight head-on with him in hand-to-hand combat! !

"Damn it! This monster!!" The God of Death dodged another punch and vibration attack, and the divine shield on his body almost collapsed after just grazing the side.

"He is a lot stronger than last time!"

Tiamat was even more miserable. She was rubbed twice in a row. Half of her body was covered in blood and she was almost seriously injured.

"We must buy time for Lord Fila!" The two gods looked at each other, and they both saw determination in each other's eyes.

Roar! !

Tiamat directly transformed into a dragon body, and the five-headed dragon body, which was over 100 meters in size, rushed towards Garen.

The God of Death also transformed into his original form, a huge black monster that looked like a rhinoceros. What was strange was that he had rhinoceros heads at the front and back, and it was impossible to tell which side was in front and which was in the back.

The rhinoceros was thousands of meters long and rushed directly towards Garen.

"Useless struggle." Garen looked calmly, looking at the two huge creatures rushing toward him. Charge forward brazenly.

Boom! !

At this moment, an unparalleled huge lightning storm exploded from behind the three of them.

The largest blood cocoon exploded directly in the sky.

Two figures, one golden and one black, flew out of it.

Countless lightning storms detonated other blood cocoons around them, and explosions sounded one after another.

Boom boom boom!

Amidst countless explosions, various bloody dream powers mixed with a large number of divine storms swept across, and a huge hole was directly blown out of the sea of ​​clouds.

Garen suddenly stopped his hand in the colorful energy storm and raised his arm to cover his face. Try to stabilize your body as much as possible. But it was still slightly shaken and tilted by the blow.

Tiamat and the God of Death were blown away and flew to nowhere.

In just a blink of an eye, a huge explosion exploded again in the sea of ​​clouds in the distant sky.

Boom! !

It was a golden mushroom cloud, rising slowly like a nuclear bomb, with a bloody halo around the cloud.

"Fela, mother of nature, everything is over. This world is destined to die and become the nourishment of our void." A manic voice roared.

The explosive impact of the mushroom cloud hit Garen hard in mid-air.

call! ! !

A large amount of energy wind like knives tore at Garen's clothes and skin. But he has a faint twisted force field all over his body, which is a special defense naturally derived after his physique and strength reach too high a level.

"That is the battlefield of the upper gods, and it is also the top battlefield of true spirits and demons." Garen carefully measured his current strength, and calculated backwards from the previous energy storm. The combat energy level there should not exceed He expected too much.

"Fela and Mother Nature fight against the Lost True Spirit and the Twisted Demon Lord. From this point of view, I should be able to participate in the battle at this level, but at most I can only protect myself. And this will do me no good. I should Look for where the benefits are maximized.”

After thinking for a moment, he looked down at the sea of ​​clouds where a big hole had been blown out.

Below is a huge battlefield. Countless abyssal hell demons and other elemental creatures, combined with warriors from all major planes, are fighting fiercely with endless void creatures.

Fragments of blood and souls kept flying.

Looking down from a high place, the battlefield looks like a messy burning garbage dump, colorful, red, white and black mixed together, making it impossible to distinguish any camp.

On the continuous white mountains, the fierce battle between the demon kings and the lower gods directly interrupted the mountain peaks, and created deep ravines and pits in the earth.

Occasionally, you can see a large white explosion spreading, or an infinite fire cloud condensing into a ball of light and exploding. Or a lightning storm in big chunks.

It was an energy collapse naturally caused by the mixture of various divine powers, spells and extraordinary abilities of the void.

"The magic net is broken." Garen felt that the magic net that was originally everywhere in the space, under the impact of this huge and terrifying energy, was like a fishing net torn apart by prey, and larger and larger holes appeared directly.

Even time and space have collapsed, let alone the magic network established in space.

ah! ! !

Suddenly, a sharp female scream came from very far away.

Countless purple electric current-like energy burst out crazily, flying in waves in all directions, spreading rapidly like a snake.

"Another high-ranking god has fallen." Garen did not look at the situation over there, but flew straight towards the battlefield below.

Every world has the key to every world.

Galen has discovered this pattern. So what he is looking for is the key point of this world.

The legendary son of hell.

Flying into the air below, he suddenly felt a faint loneliness rising from his heart.

After traveling through so many worlds and looking down upon countless experiences, traveling again and again is actually a tired repetition.

"Perhaps I should find a place to take a good rest." Garen suddenly recalled the earth he left.

When he was an ordinary person, he only worked hard to survive a little life, old age, illness and death. It seemed like I was much more satisfied then than I am now.

The battlefield in front of him was getting closer and clearer, and a thought suddenly came to Garen's mind.

After everything is over, it may be time to find what you want.

At his level, the eternal life he once pursued has been achieved in the realm of the Demon Lord's True Spirit, and his lifespan is almost as endless as the mother river.

But what about after eternity?

A large number of soul fragments continued to rise on the battlefield, and they were continuously swallowed and absorbed by Garen. Many demon kings around him could not compete with him.

He flew over the sky like a huge black hole, and any strong native creature shrouded in his shadow stood still for an instant like a wax statue, and then melted.

The power of the natural poison domain has reached an incredible level, and it can spread thousands of meters away.

A large number of souls are converted into potential points by the artifact, which continuously improves Gallon's attributes.


In a remote valley on the edge of the battlefield.

The white valley is full of pits and uneven ground, rocks are scattered everywhere, corpses, burning poisonous fires, and residual blue phosphorescence make the entire valley dimly illuminated.

This is an area after energy collapse. Both void creatures and native creatures are dead or injured.

Only a few of the most powerful survivors are still hiding in the corner and lingering. Those are a few weak divine powers and demon kings. Each of them has no strength to fight anymore. But the strange thing is that the two groups that were originally supposed to be hostile camps are actually standing at this moment. They were together, facing a dark shadow in front of them side by side.

"Son of hell! You actually want to devour us too!!" A god with weak divine power angrily scolded the shadow.

Just the moment of the explosion, this shadow appeared instantly. After swallowing two identical groups of Hell's Sons at the same time, it began to hunt down their survivors everywhere.

There were originally more than a dozen survivors from both camps, but now there were only five or six left.

The rest was swallowed up by this guy.

"For this world, we are the only hope. Since you wastes are of no use, why not contribute some nourishment to me? Wouldn't it be great?" The shadow slowly shaped into a pure black dragon.


Suddenly, two phantoms shot up from the sky. One was a woman with long blue hair and shining blue light.

The other one was wearing white armor, with gloves on his hands, exuding a terrifying cold air. He is clearly a man.

"Elpheus!!" A woman with long black hair among the survivors below suddenly shouted loudly.

The blue-haired woman in the sky paused for a moment, then looked down and saw the black-haired woman in the crowd.


She immediately flew downwards, and the man also hurriedly flew down.

"Didn't you leave the Tower of Winter to travel alone?" Elphes asked in surprise.

After Nadia thought about it, she still didn't want to succumb to others. When she had the opportunity to improve herself again, she chose to take the risk and travel alone to hunt the creatures in this world to improve herself.

Now Nadia seems to have reached the thirteenth level of power. Clearly these ten years were not wasted.

But after Elphes landed, Nadia suddenly felt slightly dazzled.

Rosta and Elphes, who were still below her at the beginning, have now reached the level of a high-level demon king, and their bodies naturally exude a force field field as powerful as a low-level god.

Thinking of how hard she had been living for the past ten years and how hard she had gone through to reach level thirteen, Nadia's heart was complicated beyond words.

When asked why he appeared on the battlefield of this decisive battle, there is no need to ask. After the decisive battle, the opportunity to quickly improve again will completely disappear, and the local world will suffer a devastating blow. and then decline rapidly.

If you miss this opportunity, it will be almost impossible to improve and move forward. Perhaps even if it is possible it will take a lot of time and effort.

"Be careful!" Suddenly Nadia's heart trembled, and the shadow black dragon suddenly pounced on the falling Elphes from behind.

"Child of Hell!?!" Elphes also noticed the seriousness. The enemy was actually a well-known Son of Hell!

This group is extremely difficult to deal with and is almost impossible to kill. They can divide their bodies into many individuals and choose to resurrect as one individual across space at will. In other words, if all of his individuals cannot be found, it will never be possible to kill them. .

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