Mysterious journey

Chapter 1365 Thank you everyone......... recorded at the end of this book

Chapter 1365 Thank you everyone for writing this down at the end of this book

Thank you all for supporting Mystery for so long.

In fact, this book has entrusted me with a lot of willfulness and irresponsibility, but even so, everyone has still been with me through the nearly two-year journey.

Two years, for a junior high school book friend, is to graduate to high school. For high school book lovers, many have already passed the college entrance examination.

For college book lovers, many already have to face work, society, and gods and families.

For book lovers who already have a family and work, it is also a long journey.

I don't like to write nonsense. I have been trying hard to persevere. Even though the passion is no longer there, and even though I have faced a lot of things in the past two years, I still insist on trying to write well, but I have no choice but to have the shortcomings of outlines and details. I finally fell into the same old hole of a lackluster ending.

This is irresponsible to everyone. It is irresponsible to everyone who works hard to support me and still helps me find excuses even if I encounter rumors.

Some book friends left in disappointment, and some new book friends joined in to support me.

Regardless of whether they are friends who have left or are new friends who have entered my pit, I would like to say to you, I am sorry.

I ultimately didn’t get to the point where I wanted to. My heart is too big and my ability is too small. Sorry.

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