Mysterious journey

Chapter 1366 Collapse 1


Suddenly, a transparent buckler appeared behind Elphes, firmly blocking He-Man's attack.

But it only took a second. The buckler shattered instantly, and with a crash, the black dragon rushed towards Elphes.

"The breath of a lower god. Die!!" Seaman's black claws suddenly melted and turned into black shadows, as if his body had no fixed shape at all.

Shield wind!

Elphes stepped back, and his divine power spurred the priesthood to explode.

A huge crystal shield appeared in front of her, more than ten meters high.

Her priesthood is defense and peace, and her divine power is a weak divine power. Like Garen, she did not establish a divine kingdom, but only used her priesthood for explosive one-time use. In this way, although the ability to continue fighting is much weaker, it still avoids being pulled by the thread of faith and falling.


The shadow claws hit the crystal shield, sputtering out a large number of black light spots. Strangely, these black light spots condensed into black claws behind the shield and continued to grab Elpheus.


Elphes was caught off guard and was hit hard on the arm by a claw. His body instantly disappeared and flashed to Rosta, who was more than ten meters away.


Rasta just unleashed his divine powers.

The white cold air swept over like mist, covering all surrounding areas. There was a dead silence and absolute silence in the mist. A snake-like hissing could be heard faintly.


Seaman suddenly opened his mouth and spat out the same black air. Facing the front and the incoming white mist.

The two mists suddenly stirred up, and Rosta's face turned cold as he rushed in alone.

Seaman also smiled and turned into black smoke and got in.

A violent vibration spread directly from the mist.

With a muffled groan, Rosta flew out upside down, with a faint trace of platinum divine blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth.

He was best at close combat, and he never expected that the winner would be decided in a very short period of time. The opponent's strength was almost unbelievable.

Not long ago, he was only a son of hell at the demigod level, but now he has reached such a high level! ?

Countless black smoke emerged from the mist and quickly transformed into a huge dark dragon tens of meters long. With a roar, the dragon's roar directly shook away all the white mist around it.

The huge sound waves even shook the valley to the point of shaking.

The expressions of Rosta and Elphes changed, and they rushed towards Nadia at the same time, grabbed her and left!

"I want to leave!!" Seaman laughed ferociously and flew towards him. Countless tentacles like black smoke suddenly shot out from the wings and penetrated into the space. They came out directly from the space beside the three people and tied them up.


Suddenly a white figure appeared in the space between the black dragon and the three people.

Seaman's face suddenly darkened, his eyebrows flickered, and all movements quickly stopped.

Over there, Rosta and the others took the opportunity to break away from their bindings and fly away. However, they did not fly away directly. Instead, they hovered behind the visitor with a look of respect on their faces.


Although He-Man has swallowed many children of hell, and although his consciousness has been controlled by the will of hell, He-Man still has his original memory.

"You should call me, Dragon King." Garen looked at the once most powerful genius of the White Dragon Clan in front of him, who had changed beyond recognition. Transformed from a white dragon into an invisible dragon whose body is possessed by the will of hell. There was a lot of pain, resentment, unwillingness, and anger lingering in his body. It was obvious that he had experienced a lot of unimaginable pain and suffering before being possessed.

"What do you mean you're coming out now?" Seaman asked with a gloomy look.

"It's not interesting. I came here to see you because I hope you can return to our White Dragon Clan." Garen's tone was calm. His double-eyed dragon eyes stared at the other person's eyes lightly. An invisible huge pressure slowly gathered around them. It circled and turned into gusts of wind that became increasingly fierce.

"Return?" Seaman suspected that he heard wrongly. "As a child of hell, you are asking me to return now? Garen, are you kidding or something? You wouldn't have been so naive when you were a young dragon."

"You are from the White Dragon Clan. No one can deny this, right?" Garen asked in return.

"So what?" Heman dismissed it. As the strongest White Dragon King in history, Garen's reputation has reached its peak. Even the Abyss Demonic Dragon Clan has retreated under his majesty. Other colorful Dragons and metal dragons all recognize his supreme white dragon ruling authority. Even in recent years, some evil dragon clans who have taken refuge in the void have proposed that he become the evil dragon king and lead the entire evil colored dragon clan to glory.

The Red Dragon Queen and the other major dragon clans remained silent, which showed that the influence of the Double-Eyed White Dragon King had reached an immeasurable level.

"It is precisely because of this that I hope you return to the clan." Garen said in a low voice, "No matter what you become, the clan is your home after all. The place where you were born is also the place you can rely on."

"Have you forgotten the nature of our white dragon? It's really ridiculous, Garen. This is the first time I've seen a white dragon king like you. You actually want to use the emotional card to impress the son of hell. Should I call you stupid or naive?" He-Man scoffed.

Garen stared at him for a moment and sighed slowly.

"So, you don't want to do it anymore?"

"You want me to surrender to the void? Go ahead and dream!" Heman sneered.

"No room for negotiation at all?" Garen tried to redeem himself.

"You've talked enough nonsense!" Seaman sneered.

Garen's expression gradually turned cold.


"What are you regretting?!"

"What a pity. You didn't have to die!"

Boom! !

A huge white dragon claw suddenly fell from the sky, pressing Seaman down.

The speed of the dragon's claw was almost faster than lightning. At the moment when everyone had no reaction at all, it crashed down with a roar, and the white shadow flashed.

The survivors present only felt their eyes blur, and a huge white dragon claw that connected the sky and the ground appeared in front of them.


The dragon's claws picked up the large piece of soil underneath and held it in his hands together with He-Man.

The entire dragon claw is over a thousand meters wide, and its length extends all the way to the sky.

A huge dragon-headed mouth over a thousand meters suddenly appeared behind Garen's body. The dragon's claws directly stuffed He-Man and the soil into the mouth, and started chewing violently.


Just like biting a balloon, a large amount of fine black air flew out from the dragon's mouth, converging into a greatly reduced black dragon body in mid-air in the distance.

It's He-Man!

He ran away directly into the distance without looking back.

He didn't expect that Garen would do it as soon as he said it, and the power that exploded in an instant almost completely suffocated him, almost! He was almost completely swallowed by the dragon's mouth. He had an intuition that once he was swallowed by that big mouth, even if he was the son of hell, he would completely lose all the energy of this incarnation. You must know that in order to enter this battlefield to maximize the results, he Bringing almost all the power. Once it is destroyed, all his years of accumulation will be in vain! !

Garen did not chase him, but quietly watched as He-Man fled quickly. Although the opponent's incarnation was not destroyed, it also caused him severe damage.

The other party is the protagonist of this world, and the general trend determines that any existence that wants to kill him will encounter many obstacles and troubles.

Garen actually had no intention of killing the opponent completely.

Turning around, a group of survivors below behind them looked at each other, not knowing how to face Garen.

Several void creatures reacted immediately and directly took action to restrain the strong men from the local world around them.

Those few people did not dare to resist, and could only smile bitterly as they were caught and imprisoned.

Only then did Garen's eyes fall on Nadia.

"This is not the place you should come." He frowned.

The opponent's level 13 aura wave came here alone to seek death.

Even demigods like Andrew didn't let him in. This war brought together almost the top powers of the two worlds.

If something goes wrong with this kind of layout, it will cause an overwhelming and terrifying disaster that will cover everything.

"Why shouldn't I come?" Nadia said unwillingly. Breaking away from Elphes' protection, he was suspended in the air alone.

"You could rise from the bottom back then, so can I!!"

She tried her best to look at Garen equally, but the invisible pressure and the poisonous eye poison unconsciously filled her heart with waves of panic and fear.

Garen, who still needed her protection back then, has now reached an unimaginable level.

'Actually, I'm just unwilling to give in.' There were waves of bitterness in her heart. For Garen, from the first time she looked down to now, she was still very happy to meet him in this strange world. It’s just that I can’t let go of my original dignity.

In fact, she also wanted to take a good rest, and seeking refuge with her former friend Garen was a good choice, but for some reason, she couldn't open her mouth to beg him every time they met.

"I will never give in to anyone! Just give up!" She emphasized again.

"I understand your determination." Garen nodded slightly.


Elphes suddenly punched Nadia hard in the abdomen. The huge pain and the cold air emitted by Rosta beside her instantly knocked her unconscious.

Garen appeared directly next to Nadia and picked her up.

"Let's go."

Rosta smiled helplessly.

"Doesn't she know that if the gap is too big, any mental activity will be directly captured by the other party in front of the superior god?"

Elphes saw that his old enemy was now acting awkwardly like a child, and he didn't know what he was feeling. It was always a little weird.

"Maybe she really doesn't know," she added in a low voice.

The three people teleported directly and disappeared in place.


Prime Material Plane

Large areas of the earth are dry and cracked. Countless cracks and cracks spread along the ground, gradually getting longer and wider, and finally turned into abyss cracks.

A burning aura of destruction rose from the cracks.

The sky was a bloody color, and large areas of corpses of true spirit gods were floating in the sky. Some had been corrupted, some had turned into pieces of empty islands, and some had turned into evil beings like gods.

All the cities on the main plane have collapsed.

At the same time as the decisive battle began, the Star Demon Lord and the Eye of Slaughter each led countless legions and began to massacre the entire main material plane.

All living creatures, including animals, plants, and sea fish, were also killed.

The entire plane was filled with deathly silence, and even the undead could not be produced, because the souls were also swallowed by the void creatures.

Black spaceships with a golden halo in front of them flew through the sky from time to time. They were void battleships. These beetle-like battleships could use golden halo pliers to cut off any solid object or divine body. They are responsible for dealing with various derivative dangerous creatures after the war.

This world is on the verge of collapse.

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