Mysterious journey

Chapter 141 Coincidence 2

In the dense forest at night

Garen stopped suddenly, frowned slightly, and looked around.

"What's wrong?" Su Lin asked confused.

"It seems like someone is spying on me." Garen was a little uncertain. After scanning the surroundings carefully, he said, "Forget it, let's go and catch up with Ansara as soon as possible. Celine, please continue to lead the way."

Celine nodded and walked forward quickly.

None of the three is weak. Even Su Lin, the weakest, can't beat a fighter, but he can still deal with ordinary people and average masters. Celine has many secrets. Even the galleons of the trump card are not clear.

The three of them let Celine lead the way. Garen took the flashlight given by Su Lin and looked at the map from time to time, correcting the route to prevent them from reaching a dead end and wasting time.

After leaving the manor, the three of them almost took the shortest route, heading straight to the vast sea of ​​mangroves on the outskirts of Songshan City.

In the dense forest they had just left, several giant brown wolves slowly walked out of the forest, lowered their heads and sniffed the grass.

"They are coming out, coming out of the demon hunter's area." A wolf whispered in a standard Matsuyama accent.

"You ran away pretty fast. Keep chasing. If anyone dares to kill our Tuk tribe's coming-of-age ceremony, the Great Elder has given an order. No matter who he is, he will be killed!" The other larger wolf said coldly.

Several giant wolves ran in a different direction from where Garen and others left, and soon disappeared.

After the giant wolf left, a man in a black cloak quickly stood up in the bushes and hurriedly left. He was still holding a small medicine bottle that had been filled with empty medicine powder. It was obviously helping Garen and his party to distract the pursuing giant wolf.


Garen held the bundle in one hand and kept taking things out of it with the other.

White wolf fang necklace, werewolf claws, wolf leather gloves, giant wolf wood carving, half human half wolf beautiful girl nude

Garen threw the nude statue away with a speechless expression.

"The taste is so strong." Su Lin was also speechless.

Garen reached in and touched it again. This time it was a wolf whip.

"Well, I had some expectations for them and it turns out I was blind." Su Lin covered his forehead and walked away, out of sight. He still recognized the wolf whip.

Garen threw away the wolf whip again and reached out to touch it again. The thing I pulled out this time looked normal. It was a stone painting with a giant wolf on it. He took it directly in his hand and looked through it carefully.

All parts of the giant wolf pattern are marked with straight lines, and there are markings on the other end of the straight lines.

"It tastes better when steamed. It would be better if there is pepper." Garen read the above words softly and was completely speechless. I threw away the recipe stone painting again and shook the black baggage. There was not much in it.

"No wonder they packed you with a black baggage instead of a plastic bag. It would be too embarrassing if it was transparent and someone could see it." Su Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"It's just free time anyway, so let's just flip it over and play with it." Garen shook his head and continued to reach out to explore. Suddenly, his fingertips touched something cold. A huge stream of air suddenly poured into his index finger.

Garen perked up and his eyes widened.

It’s an antique of doom! It's potential!

This potential airflow only lasted for a few seconds, then slowly weakened, and then disappeared directly.

His fingers also grasped the thing that brought potential, which seemed to be a box, and he took it out directly. At the same time, we looked at the potential points at the bottom of our field of vision.

‘Potential 105%’

"I actually have some attributes again!!" Garen was delighted. He finally got some attributes before, but he didn't expect that he would get some more attributes not long after. "Sure enough, you still have to go out and walk more to gain something!" He sighed with emotion, suppressing the joy in his heart. Without hesitation, he directly added attributes to agility.

In an instant, he gained 0.3 points of agility, and his body suddenly became lighter again. Garen could clearly feel the changes in his body, and some heavy and turbid things seemed to become lighter all of a sudden. A large amount of cool air flows out of the brain at the same time, spreading to every corner of the body.

He raised his hand, feeling much lighter than usual.

Agility increased by 0.3 at this time, reaching 1.82, and only 5% of the potential was left.

"Before, the speed was a bit slower than Ansara, but now it should be no worse than him!" Garen felt the changes in his body with satisfaction. The clear current in his brain was quickly exhausted, and his body felt light and unusually comfortable, as if It was like suddenly putting down the weight bag after carrying the weight for a long time, and a heavy burden was suddenly lifted off the body.

Putting the small box that provided potential into his trouser pocket, Garen continued to touch the remaining two items. There was no response, so he simply threw them away.

"What is this?" Sulin also saw the box in Garen's hand just now.

"I don't know. It seems to be a jewelry box."

Garen took it out again and looked at the small brown-red box.

Shining a flashlight on it, I saw many patterns on the surface that looked like children's graffiti.

"The workmanship is poor, but it should be a good thing."

"It's better than nothing."

"That's right." Garen smiled and threw the jewelry box to Su Lin, "I'll give it to you. This thing is interesting."

"Okay." Su Lin caught it steadily, opened the box and looked at it. No sound came from inside. "This doesn't seem to be a jewelry box." Su Lin asked doubtfully, "Why is there nothing in it?"

"The original value is this box, it doesn't matter what's inside." Garen said nonchalantly.

Both of them stopped talking and quickly followed Celine.

Little Celine sniffed and walked forward quickly, turning east and west from time to time. The surrounding woods became shorter and shorter, denser and deeper.

The three of them kept walking through the forest. Soon the surrounding trees gradually turned red, and the leaves on the trees and ground were either yellow or light red.

After moving forward for a while, almost all the leaves on the trees were red, and only occasionally deep yellow could be seen in the fallen leaves on the ground. The clouds in the east have gradually risen with red light, and the sun is about to come out.


The place where Garon dropped his black baggage.

Several brown-haired werewolves jumped out of the forest and landed next to the bundle.

A werewolf grabbed the black bundle and smelled it.

"Let them escape again! They are indeed cunning humans."

"I don't believe we can't catch them! These damn animals dare to interrupt the Tuk tribe's coming-of-age ceremony!!" Another werewolf cursed in a low voice. "According to the previous discovery point, the directions from the first and second teams that discovered them, plus the current point. They should be heading towards Dal Falls!"

"It should be that these outsiders dare to enter the hunting territory of the great elder! They are looking for death. What's the use of being strong alone? No matter how strong I am, I can surround you to death!! Assemble all the nearby wolf tribes! All go to Dal Falls ! Let me see how they run this time!"


Red leaves in the forest

The three Gallons were quickly heading off the route away from Dal Falls.

"Celine, are you sure this is the way to Dal Falls?" Garon held the map with some doubts.

"Trust me, no problem!" Celine looked calm.

"But why do I feel something is wrong?"

"Although the smell here is too complex and my nose is a bit dysfunctional, my sense of direction is absolutely fine!" Celine said proudly.

"Okay." Garen decided to believe Celine. After all, she was the one who led them to track down Ansara. He trusted Celine's sense of smell more than the map.

Su Lin shrugged and said he had no objection.

The three of them quickly disappeared into the dense forest one after the other.


two hours later

The wooded area surrounding Dal Falls.

"Brother, why haven't you come yet?"

"I don't know, wait a minute. According to our previous route, they should be coming here."

In the bushes, two brown werewolves were talking quietly.

"Let the other brothers wait patiently. They will come here sooner or later. This is their destination."


two hours later

The three Garen men looked at each other in confusion as they looked at the dark swamp in front of them.

"Where is this?"

"We seem to be lost."

Su Lin looked at Celine in front with a pained face.

"It's none of my business! It's Ansara!! It must be him. He was afraid that the werewolf would catch up with him, so he deliberately used medicinal powder to lure the werewolf away!! I didn't expect that I would be tricked too!" Celine jumped up to defend. When she found herself lost, she immediately guessed the possible truth.

"What should we do now?" Garen looked at Sulin speechlessly.

"Let's look at the map first and find our location." Su Lin shrugged.


three hours later

Area near Dal Falls

"Brother, why haven't you come yet?"

The giant brown werewolf who led the team frowned and thought. Suddenly his expression changed and he slapped his knee hard.


"What's wrong, brother!?" the werewolf next to him asked hurriedly.

"We fell into a trap! Those three cunning humans must have deliberately made us think they were coming to Dal Falls!! That must be the case! Now they must be running in the opposite direction away from here!!"

"What about us now??"

"Let everyone set out and chase!! We must catch those three cunning guys!" The leading werewolf suddenly stood up.

Not long after, a large group of giant werewolves rushed out from their ambush and ran wildly in the opposite direction of the path of Dal Falls.

Not long after the werewolf left, the three figures of Garen soon appeared in a hidden dense forest beside the waterfall.

"We're finally here. I can hear the sound of the waterfall," Celine said weakly. "Ansara is very calculating. He actually calculated our route so accurately."

"It's not just us." Garen looked at the footprints left by a large number of giant wolves on the ground, "What a coincidence, these wolves actually left just when we arrived."

"This is not a coincidence." Su Lin frowned. "He has already discovered Celine's tracking method. This is a plan set up in advance. He just transferred the wolves away and let us go in alone. He doesn't want to expose the secrets here!"

"How do you know?" Garen asked doubtfully.

"Because this journey is too coincidental. I don't know what method Anshaluo used to get rid of these wolves." Su Lin looked solemn.

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