Mysterious journey

Chapter 142 Change 1

Garen frowned and glanced around.

"It seems that Ansara deliberately set up a trap to let us in. What exactly does he want to do?"

"Who knows?" Su Lin shrugged, "Let's go, there is a waterfall in front of us. Let's see how Ansara guides us. He must have made arrangements."

Garen nodded, and the three of them walked slowly towards the small waterfall in front.

In the large green grassland and pine forest, the white waterfall is like a square piece of white gauze inlaid in the middle, and on the right is an oval ruin of white stone.

The ruins are full of the remains of gray and white stone houses, broken walls, overgrown weeds, gray and green mixed together.

The three of them walked slowly from the edge of the waterfall into the ruins. Garen took Sulin's place and walked forward to explore the way.

He looked up at the incomplete three-story buildings on both sides. The windows on the floors were all black holes. Silent and lifeless.

"Looking at the time, this used to be a small village. It should have been a village decades ago." Garon whispered, "You can tell from the weathering of these buildings and the high density of weeds and trees around it."

"It is indeed like this. To be sure, it should have been like fifty or sixty years ago." Su Lin was more precise.

Garen glanced at him. "Do you even understand this?"

"Don't underestimate me, I'm a genius with five professional university diplomas!" Su Lin said with a smile.

"Now that we are here, where is Ansara's guidance? Since he has brought us here, he will never let us wander around." Celine interjected. "Let's split up and look for signs or something?"

"No need." Garen suddenly raised his head and looked at an alley between the buildings on the left. The alley was a bit deep and unusually quiet inside, and he didn't know where it led. All you can see from a distance is that the ground at the other end's exit is full of raised brown rocks and green weeds.

"Can you smell it?" Garen glanced at Celine.

"No, I'm still being disturbed." Celine shook her head.

"This kind of building layout is very similar to the ancient Yinduo pattern in the past. It is obviously a ruined building from decades ago, but it actually uses the design pattern of the ancient Yinduo civilization. This place is a bit weird." Garon said in confusion.

"Ansara led us here, he must have a purpose." Celine guessed, "Could it be that the secret of the Golden Sword Seat is hidden here?"

"Who knows." Garen said noncommittally, "What does the Golden Sword Throne from the Nabudas Empire from the Five Star Continent have to do with our ancient Yinduo civilization in Shiyan Continent?"

"Let's look for it." Su Lin suggested.

"It's exactly what you said. The layout here is very similar to the ancient Guyinduo building complex. If it is really related to Guyinduo, then let's take a look at the overall layout of the entire village separately." Garon frowned and said, "I need more information We need more information to determine the key areas here. Could you please help us count how many buildings there are here, as well as the distribution shape."

"Okay, let's split up." Sulin nodded, "Celine, safety is no problem."

Celine curled her lips: "It's okay to hit both of you. You are the weakest here."

Su Lin silently discussed the direction with Xilin, then divided into left and right groups and spread out to understand the terrain.

Gallon is responsible for checking the details here.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the wall on the right. It was covered with strange gray moss, which felt moist and greasy, and a little cool.

Walking in the ruins, Sulin and Xilin had gone far away, and the surroundings returned to silence again.

Garen walked forward slowly.

"If it's an ancient Yinduo layout," he recalled the ancient architectural knowledge he had learned from the old man and narrowed his eyes slightly. "Maybe it will be there!"

He slowly walked out of the ruins along the road between the houses, walked half a circle around the ruins, and finally came to an open space surrounded by broken metal railings.

This open space is filled with crooked and broken gray-white stones, and green weeds protrude from between the stones, making it appear desolate and peaceful.

Garen walked in through a gap in the guardrail and walked slowly in the open space with one foot higher and one foot lower.

He looked down at the stones on the ground. These stones were extremely smooth, but some were broken and some were tilted.

Garen took a few steps, seemingly calculating something in his eyes, and slowly stood beside a gray-white stone stuck diagonally in the ground.

Just as he was about to squat down, he suddenly hesitated and turned back to look in the direction of the ruins of the village buildings.

Celine and Sulin are walking quickly towards this side. Celine was the first to speak as she approached.

"There should be a total of twelve buildings here."

"The shape is a triangle. It's actually a standard triangle. It's really weird." Su Lin said with a strange look on his face.

Garen nodded, narrowed his eyes slightly, and stood motionless.

It took several minutes for him to come back to his senses.

"I understand the situation." He left his original position and lowered his head to look for something in the open space. Soon, he stood on the weeds between a piece of gravel.

He squatted down, groped on the grass, seemed to grab something, and pulled it up.


A black metal ring appeared on Garen's hand. It seemed to be connected to something, but he pulled it off.

"According to Gu Yinduo's style." Garen recalled the knowledge he had learned at the time. It was not until the old man died that he realized that all the old man gave him was secret knowledge that could not be found in books on the market. They were all other appraisals. The precious knowledge that everyone can never seek in their lifetime.

He carefully observed the fine writing on the ring, stood up, walked ten steps forward quickly, and then stood still.

"This used to be a cemetery." Garen turned back and whispered to Su Lin and Celine. "follow me."

Sulin and Xilin both saw what Garen seemed to have discovered and quickly followed.

The three of them walked to the shade of a tree at the edge of the cemetery.

Garen groped on the ground and dug up some yellow soil. A rectangular gray-white stone slab was soon revealed on the grass. There are vague words carved on the stone slab.

‘Aiham Fenduo, may you sleep peacefully underground. 2867.3.1’

"This is the tomb of someone who lived here in 2867. It's now 2987, 120 years have passed!" Sulin frowned, "What do you want to do, Gallon?"

"This is the key." Garen stretched out his hands to clasp both sides of the stone slab, "I want to open it and take a look."

With a strong force, the stone slab was lifted up and pushed aside.

Garen turned his face and looked inside.

There was actually a dark hollow underneath the tomb. The rectangular black hole was constantly letting out cold air and stench. The smell of rotten eggs kept coming out of the cave.

Looking inside the black hole, you can't see the bottom at all.

"As expected of an appraisal expert!" Su Lin whistled, "You actually discovered the remains of an ancient civilization!"

"Forget it, this is a traditional tomb from long ago, a tomb cellar used to store corpses." Garen said angrily, "This kind of tomb was very popular in Shiyanzhou a long time ago. Because people believed that after death, The soul also needs life and daily life, so the tomb will be built into an underground cellar similar to that of a living person, and there will even be rooms such as living rooms, bedrooms, storage rooms, etc.”

"Tch, I thought it was some big discovery." Su Lin looked disappointed and took out the flashlight and turned it on, "I'll take care of it."

He stood at the entrance of the cave and shined his flashlight down, and some of the soil debris from his leather boots fell into the black hole.

Su Lin carefully looked down with the flashlight.

laugh! !

Suddenly, a black line shot out from the hole and stabbed hard at Su Lin's face.

"Be careful!!" Garen didn't have time to stop him. The black line was too fast. It was a black Mitsubishi spike that rotated at high speed and shot toward Su Lin's eyebrows with very little sound.

He suddenly stretched out his hand to block Su Lin's face, but it was still too late.

ah! !

Su Lin stumbled, sat back and fell to the ground. He covered his face tightly with his hands, breathing heavily from his chest.

"What...what!!" His words were a little incoherent. At that moment, he clearly felt that he was on the verge of death.

Seeing him dodge, Garen and Celine also breathed a sigh of relief.

Letting go of his hand, Su Lin now had a red eyeshadow-like scar under his right eye, adding a touch of charm and sharpness to his already extremely handsome face.

"Fortunately, I felt it in advance and got out of the way, otherwise I would have been in trouble." He was a little frightened now. The red scars under the eyes gradually faded.

"It's okay. What's that under your eyes?" Garen asked in confusion.

"I practice a secret martial art that has some side effects, so I can't use it often." Su Lin smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that I would be forced to show my trump card right after I started."

"Secret Techniques of Secret Martial Arts? Secret techniques that simplify some of the application techniques in Secret Martial Arts for use by ordinary warriors. Many powerful non-Secret Martial Arts warriors know some of them." Seemingly sensing Garen's confusion, Celine explained directly. "Of course, this kind of secret method is much worse than the authentic secret martial arts method, and it also has side effects."

Garen understood and nodded: "Well, if my guess is correct, this tomb should contain the secrets of the ancient Yinduo civilization. Anshaluo asked us to come here. His purpose should be to unlock the secrets of the ancient Yinduo civilization here. Where.”

He stretched out his hand to explore the edge of the black hole, feeling the moving cool wind blowing out of the hole.

"This should not only be the tomb of the deceased, but should also be connected to other exits. The tomb of the deceased should only have one entrance and exit."

"In other words, this is an underground passage?" Celine's eyes began to light up.

"It's indeed very possible." Garen threw a stone in and waved his hand over the hole to make sure there was no danger. "Okay, you can go down now. The poisonous gas inside has almost dissipated."

"Are you going in?"

"You have to go in. If my guess is right, there should be a certificate of the deceased at the entrance to enter the ancient Yinduo ruins." Garen replied in a low voice, "This is the rule of Guyinduo."

The three of them carefully shined their flashlights into the cave entrance again, and sure enough they saw the gray steps extending down from the cave entrance.

There is a white stone column on the right side of the steps, and an exquisite stone bowl above contains an oval red stone. It was only the size of a fist, and it was covered with extremely finely carved patterns and symbols.

"That's it, I'll get it." Garen carefully stepped on the stone steps, took two steps inside, and reached out to touch the stone bowl.

Ding ding! !

Two crisp sounds flashed on the back of his hand, and Garen's hand was knocked down. Two Mitsubishi thorns that were exactly the same as before were shot down from above and accurately hit the back of Garen's hand. Lights up with subtle golden sparks.

"What a power!"

Garen's eyes narrowed slightly and he continued to reach out to grab it.


Garen suddenly retracted his hand, and white smoke actually came out from his fingers, filling the air with the smell of burnt skin.

He looked at his index finger. It was suddenly burnt, and the entire skin on his fingertip seemed to have been burned by high temperature.

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