Mysterious journey

Chapter 143 Change 2

"What is it? How are your hands?" Sulin looked over immediately, focusing on Garen's fingers like Celine.

"A strong acid..." Garen shook his head, indicating that he was fine. Exiting the entrance to the tomb, "It seems that this certificate of the deceased is not so easy to obtain."

Suddenly Jia Long frowned and looked up not far to the west of the village. At the same time, Celine Sulin also stood up and looked in the same direction.

"Here it comes. It's Ansara." Celine sniffed and whispered.

"You don't need to tell them, they have already come out on their own." Garen said calmly. "Be careful yourself."

In the dark pine forest to the west, two tall figures wearing black cloaks were slowly walking out.

The two of them walked to the outside of the cemetery and stood there, quietly looking at Garen and the others.

"Ansara?" Garen took a step forward and asked in a deep voice. "Can you tell me what your real purpose is? What secret does the Golden Sword Seat hold?"

He could feel the huge momentum surging in these two people. Ansara was naturally powerful, but the other one could not give in too much. This made Garen feel a little unsure.

Now that his speed has greatly increased, he can protect himself without any problem, but Celine and Sulin are in danger if the other party really intends to harm them.

Ansara and the other black cloak lifted their hoods at the same time, revealing their faces.

An Shaluo still looked as old as before, but the other person turned out to be extremely cool and beautiful.

"Is she a woman?" Su Lin whispered in confusion, "No, she just looks feminine."

Garen looked at the other person intently. This person has the temperament of an iceberg beauty, but the slightly raised Adam's apple in his throat and his flat chest show that he is a man. He wears a slender long sword on his waist, has short white hair, and his eyes are golden-red like lava.

"You can call me Fire Bird Mother." The man said to Garen calmly.

"Fire Sparrow Mother?" There was something strange on the faces of Su and Lin. It was more like a nickname than a name.

"Ansara said that you are qualified to enter the entrance to the ruins, so I will tell you the specific location." The fire sparrow mother said calmly, "It's just that I need to test whether you really have the qualifications."

"Oh? What do you want to try?" Garen narrowed his eyes.

"Take my sword."

The fire sparrow mother slowly drew her sword.

The black line flashed. clang! ! !

The words were not spoken. He suddenly appeared in front of Garen, and the black thin sword had already slashed at Garen's raised arms.

The blade of the sword rubbed against Garen's arm violently, as if a chainsaw was cutting metal, and it actually made a clanking sound!

The two faced each other face to face, with a hint of surprise in their eyes. Surprise at the opponent's strength.

A sneer suddenly appeared on the corner of the fire sparrow mother's mouth.

Zheng! !

The long sword bent and suddenly bounced away.


Black light flashed.

Bang! !

Garen stood with his feet on the ground and drew two deep grooves. He put his right arm in front of his chest and pushed Su Lin away with his left hand. He was actually pushed two meters away by the sword.

Garen could see clearly that in just a split second, the black sword struck his arm five times, all at the same point. This was already the level of effect of Andrela's secret sword, and the opponent's power was so amazing that it was even more powerful than him.

"It's my turn!" Garen's face darkened, and he was about to punch when his eyes suddenly blurred.

"Not a bad reaction." The fire sparrow mother jumped back slightly and landed back beside Ansha Luo. The black sword did not know when to retract the scabbard silently. "You are indeed qualified to join this competition."

Ansara glanced at Garen.

"I'm sorry to trouble you this time. After all, you are the only one free."

"It doesn't matter." Fire Bird Mother said calmly. "I owe you everything."

The fire sparrow mother suddenly rushed forward, rushing towards Garen again, the golden red in her eyes becoming brighter and more translucent.

His speed is neither fast nor slow, but it contains a certain weird rhythm. It beat like a heart, and every time it beat, his body would blur.

"Step aside!!"

Garen growled lowly, realizing his purpose, and quickly stepped aside to get out of the tomb passage. Su Lin and Xilin also followed to avoid further.

Sure enough, the fire sparrow mother ignored the three people, jumped directly, disappeared into the tomb like a flying bird.

As the black shadow flashed past, Ansha Luo followed closely behind and also got into the tomb passage.

Watching the two people quickly disappear into the tomb, the certificate of the deceased beside the entrance also disappeared. Garen only felt an indescribable feeling of depression in his heart.

"Fire Bird Mother. Another master named Xilin who is on the same level as Ansara has appeared. Do you know who he is?"

Celine's face was extremely solemn and she nodded seriously.

"I recognize him. He is one of the pinnacle figures of the past era. He was from the same era as Ansara. He, Ansara, and White Bird Holy Fist were the strongest masters in the entire federation at that time. No one could surpass them. . But the strange thing is that he is obviously close to seventy years old, why is he still so young now? Even the essence locking technique cannot have such an exaggerated effect!"

"An old guy again." Su Lin was speechless. "I heard that Ansha Luo joined a mysterious organization called Xiangong. He couldn't be from there, right?"

"It's possible." Celine nodded, "I've also heard of Asgard. There are a total of five members in it, and each one is an extremely powerful pervert."

"Garen, how do you feel? Are you sure?" Sulin looked at Garen, who was somewhat silent.

"What he just used was not just martial arts." Garen looked solemn. "And his courage is as terrifying as Ansara."

"It's not just about martial arts?! Then we're going in?" Su Lin's face changed slightly. They were able to decisively track them down. They didn't want to confront Ansha Luo head-on. They just planned to come over to see the excitement. They didn't expect that they were facing each other head-on just now. I had an Ansara.

What was even more unexpected was that Ansara actually had helpers.

"Don't rush in." Garen shook his head. "Let's wait until the people from the stabbing team arrive! Ansara will definitely have to pay a price if he kills me, but if there is a helper of the same level, there is nothing I can do. We are not here to die this time."

"Then wait. Find a place to hide." Celine whispered, "This generation is a werewolf area. I have a way to avoid the wolves' tracking, but I have to find a better hiding place."

"Let's just spend the night in those houses in the village." Su Lin suggested. "It won't take long for the assassins to arrive."

"That's fine."

Garen nodded. If there was only Ansara, he really wouldn't be afraid, but adding the Fire Bird Mother would be very troublesome.

"They just don't know what they really want? What secrets does the Golden Sword Seat hide? That Fire Bird Mother just now definitely used more than just martial arts!"

"Celine, do you have any records related to the Sea King Fist?" Su Lin looked at Celine. When encountering such problems, Celine, as the last descendant of a powerful fighting sect, naturally has the most say.

"I seem to have some impressions, but I can't remember them at the moment. I don't have any ideas yet." Celine frowned and said, "Let's find a place to rest first. I may have a rough guess about what they are looking for."

"Oh?" Garen also turned his attention to Celine.

With the help of the Fire Sparrow Mother, Ansara's hope of getting the Golden Sword Seat became even slimmer. He could only hope to find an opportunity in the chaos after the assassins arrived.

Now two pervertedly strong guys went in. Although he guessed that there might be good things like bad luck antiques down there, he really didn't dare to go down alone.

The three of them quickly left the place, leaving the tomb open, and went directly to a three-story building in the village.

The inside was covered with thick white dust. There was so much dust on the floor, walls, and stair railings that it looked like a layer of gray blanket, which looked fluffy.

The three of them quickly cleaned an empty room on the third floor with relatively little damage, took out the flints they brought, found firewood, made a living, baked the oil cakes brought by the heat, and cooked a pot of dried meat and mushrooms in waterfall water. Soup.

Eating fried cakes and drinking fresh soup, the three of them sat around the fire and started discussing the tomb again.

Garen just listened to the speculations and judgments of Sulin and Xilin, without saying anything, and just allowed the two to discuss countermeasures.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, looking at the blazing bonfire in a daze.

"Celine, tell me the truth, how many top experts like Ansara Firebird Mother do have in the Federation!?" Sulin seemed to be arguing with Celine about something.

"I have calculated carefully. Including the people from Asgard, excluding the users of thermal weapons, there will not be more than four." Celine replied in a low voice.

"No more than four, but this time there are only two from the Golden Sword Seat."

"Fire Bird Mother, Ansha Luo, and Palo Sha, the three of them are figures of the same era. They must know some secrets about each other, about the secrets of the Golden Sword. That's why they came together. I suspect that they are all from the Immortal Palace. People." Celine seemed unusually calm.

"Not necessarily, maybe even a good friend can't tell. This time my father's case has shocked the entire federation. This matter has probably spread to most of the top federations. It's very easy to find out. That fire sparrow mother must also have gotten it. What news has come here? So I still advocate leaving here immediately, we will only be in danger if we stay here." Su Lin frowned and said.

"You don't understand. Once fighters at the level of Ansara Fire Bird Mother recognize Garen's qualifications, it means that they will not exclude Garen from entering. And strong men like them who pursue the ultimate have their own Pride, you will never besiege a person!" Celine said helplessly. "So we're actually safe."

"I really don't understand their pride. I only know that once they join forces, we will be finished." Su Lin shook his head, "I can't bet my fate on other people's pride."

Celine bit her lower lip, it was obvious that she didn't want to leave, but she couldn't find a better reason to convince Sulin.

After more than ten minutes of silence, she finally spoke slowly.

"In my Sea King Fist, there was once an ancient book that recorded clues about the secret treasures of the ancient Yinduo civilization."

"Have you remembered it, or are you finally willing to say it?" Su Lin crossed his arms and had no appetite for the fresh soup and pancakes in front of him. His expression was very ugly, and Celine's constant concealment made him feel very uncomfortable.

"Gu Yinduo's secret treasure?" Garen raised his head and looked at Celine intently.

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