Mysterious journey

Chapter 144 Weird 1

Celine nodded.

"Yes." She bit her lower lip, still seeming hesitant.

However, he still made up his mind and his expression slowly calmed down.

"Here, I hope you won't spread the word about what I'm telling you, even to friends and relatives. Can you do it?" Celine asked seriously.

Garen and Sulin were a little stunned at each other.

"Is it that serious?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"Of course." Celine nodded, her eyes still extremely serious.

"Okay, that's no problem." Su Lin immediately nodded in agreement.

"It's okay with me, okay, let's talk about it. What is it that worries you so much?" Garen also sensed something unusual from Celine's attitude.

"Actually, Ansara and the others probably came here in such a hurry because of this. The Golden Sword Seat should basically be a key, a key that contains opportunities and dangers."

Celine gradually fell into memories.

"Our world is so big and huge beyond everyone's imagination. Even today's airplanes, with a large number of fuel tanks that are constantly replaced, still can't fly to the end of the ocean. However, occasionally there are some strange things in the world. These places appear randomly, and some have existed for a long time. Some of them are products left over from ancient times. Some are strange phenomena with unknown origins."

"A product left over from ancient times? Just tell me what the Golden Sword Seat is about." Garen frowned.

Celine nodded: "Okay, I won't explain it from the beginning. The Golden Sword Seat comes from a mobile ruin that was explored by the ancient Yinduo civilization and the Nabudas Empire. This is what they took out from inside the ruins. A token key.”

"What's in the ruins?" Garen asked directly.

"The legendary mysterious blood, some say it is the blood of ancient immortality, and some say it is a powerful blood that can give people evolution. There are different opinions, but what is certain is that this thing is definitely of great value. "Xeline explained, "The location of these ruins is generally difficult to predict, and the time of their appearance varies. If it weren't for the Golden Sword Seat, it would be impossible to open the entrance to the ruins."

"you mean"

Celine nodded: "Yes, there are many kinds of ruins, and the styles inside are all kinds of strange, and they seem to have traces of different civilization legends. But it is undeniable that the emergence of every ruin is accompanied by crises and opportunities, and there will always be things inside. There are things of varying sizes, and we call these things secret treasures. The ruins where the Golden Sword Seat is located were explored by the ancient Yinduo civilization before, and then the Napodas Empire also explored it, but it still exists now. Maybe the two major civilizations left something behind in it. Anyway, I don’t know when, the rumor that the Golden Sword Seat is related to the blood of immortality spread around the world. So much so that the ancient Yinduo ruins and the Golden Sword The seat has almost become synonymous with the blood of immortality."

The three of them stopped talking for a while. Sulin and Garen just sat quietly, digesting what Xilin said.

The bonfire continued to burn, and the flames gradually became smaller. The red light in the small room gradually dimmed, and the silver stars in the sky outside the window suddenly stood out, extremely eye-catching.

Celine glanced at the two of them.

"How's it going? Are you still planning to leave?"

Neither of them spoke, just silence.

"There may be dangers in the ruins, but there may also be opportunities. It is said that some ruins still contain strange weapons and armor. Others can also find mysterious and strange creatures. Some people even suspect that these ruins may be the last secrets of lost civilizations. wreckage."

Celine added.

Garen stood up and looked out the window.

"Let's wait until the people who slash and stab us arrive first. I suspect Ansara may not have any good intentions when he led us here. The people who slash and stab us will definitely be able to find this place, and maybe even the werewolves can find it."

"Calculating the time, those werewolves should have discovered our whereabouts by now." Su Lin nodded in agreement. "They should be here soon."

The three of them stopped talking. After eating, they started to pile up some broken furniture in the house to block the firelight from leaking out of the windows. Then they each rested slowly around the fire.

I don’t know how long it took.


Garen opened his eyes drowsily and looked at the fire in front of him. He seemed to hear something.


The fire exploded again, spattering tiny sparks. The bonfire had been extinguished long ago, and only the red charcoal gave off a faint red light.

One of Sulin and Xilin was half-lying against the wall, sleeping soundly, while the other found some clothes and spread them on the ground, curling up in a ball next to the bonfire. They were also sleeping comfortably, with their little faces blushing slightly from the light of the fire.

He was the only one awake.

Garen stood up gently, walked around the furniture to the window, and looked down.

The cold night wind blew in from over the forest outside, and the sound came intermittently from the sea of ​​trees far away.

Garen looked far away and followed the direction of the sound.

In the distance of the black sea of ​​trees, several small yellow lights were moving slowly, and from time to time, banging gunshots and wolf howls could be heard, very faintly.

"Someone is coming." Garen frowned and quickly returned to the fire to wake up Su Lin and Celine.

"Everyone wake up, someone is coming. Don't sleep!"

Su Lin and Xilin were already prepared. Without saying a word, they each cleared their heads, found a water bottle, drank some water, and also came to the window.

Celine sniffed and smelled carefully.

"There's the smell of werewolves, there's the smell of humans, there's also the smell of blood and gunpowder. It seems like there's a fight."

"Can you tell what kind of blood it is?" Garen asked in a low voice.

"What do you think my nose is? Who else can tell the smell of blood?" Celine rolled her eyes at him.

"I'll do this." Su Lin took out a monocular telescope from his bag, stretched it and looked at the fire.

Immediately his expression became a little solemn.

"They're from the Slashing Team! They had a conflict with the wolves here! It was so intense!"

"Let me take a look." Garen took off the telescope and looked into the distance.

Inside the circular lens tube, the area illuminated by the fire was littered with wolf corpses, no less than dozens of them, large and small. The stabbing people were moving quickly following the fire. It was obvious that many of them were injured. They were obviously injured. The siege resulted. The team also saw Bio, the always cold blue-haired genius, who was now in a state of disarray, struggling to cope with the sudden attack of the wolves from around him.

"They are from the Slashing Team. They were too arrogant. They rushed directly to the wolf hunting area without using any means. They were too confident in their own strength." Garen shook his head and said, "This is a conflict with the wolf clan. certain."

"Are you going to help them?" Su Lin asked.

"What do you think?" Garen shook his head, "If the wolves were just as powerful as we encountered before, we wouldn't need them at all, but the speed of these wolves I saw should be much stronger than before."

"It means they might be entangled? Are you sure you don't want to help?" Su Lin took the telescope and looked at it again.

"It's not necessary. They will enter the ruins sooner or later. The people of the Slashing Team were just careless for a moment. When they recover, the wolves may not be able to hold them back," Garen said decisively. "We will go in behind them."

"Decided to go in?" Celine was slightly surprised.

"Yes. It's decided. With the slasher blocking the front, we will be much safer." Garen nodded affirmatively.

"I'd better not go." Su Lin thought for a while, but shook his head, "I can only drag you down if I go. I might as well wait here for you to come out, and then meet up with the assassins."

"Okay, there may indeed be danger inside. We may not be able to take care of you." Garen also nodded in agreement.

"Then just wait," Celine whispered.

Garen and the other three stood by the window, watching the yellow flames moving towards this side from a distance.

Ten minutes later, the fire had reached the outskirts of this small village. Everyone in the team was in a panic, with only three people left, and one who had gone somewhere unknown. Two of the four-person team held torches and seemed to have temporarily killed the wolves.

One of the three was cursing the wolves loudly, while the other was wiping the blood off the machete with the tree trunk next to him.

Under the gazes of the three Garen men, the man who slashed and stabbed walked straight towards the entrance of the tomb.

Soon they discovered the opened tomb. After hesitating for a moment, the three of them walked in one after another. The fire gradually dimmed and disappeared at the entrance.

Obviously, they knew that this location was the entrance, and they didn't hesitate at all.


Garen took the lead and turned around and walked downstairs. Celine jumped up and landed next to him, following closely.

"Help look at the entrance of the tomb and find something to cover it up."

"No problem." Su Lin agreed readily.

Garen took Celine back to the entrance of the tomb and walked down the steps without hesitation.

The stone steps are very long and deep. The bottom is not a tomb at all, but a long, narrow and dark stone corridor. There are symmetrical torch sockets on the dark walls on both sides from time to time.

Garen turned on his flashlight and shined it forward. The black stone corridor goes all the way down, leading to an unknown depth underground.

"Celine, pay attention to the smell of the stabbing people in front. We keep our distance so that they don't notice." Garen warned.

"No problem, leave it to me." Celine nodded. "But why not join them?"

"In a ruin like this that may contain secret treasures, any cooperation is untrustworthy." Garen shook his head in denial.

"I thought you were planning to catch up and join them." Celine glanced at him more without surprise.

The two of them walked and walked, but never encountered any mechanism again. Occasionally, some metal flying needles that penetrated deeply into the ground would appear on the ground. It was obviously the mechanism triggered by the two groups in front.

The most famous symbol of the ancient Yinduo civilization is the endless staircase that is said to be able to connect to the world of the dead. After walking up the steps of this stone corridor for more than half an hour, a brown wooden door finally appeared in front of it. The door was open, and a series of footprints were clearly printed on the dust on the ground.

What's weird is that there are two lines of writing carved on the walls on both sides of the wooden door.

Garen leaned over and carefully looked at it with his flashlight.

"Watch out for the elf."

He read softly, and there were many ancient sounds on the wall that he barely recognized.

"What's the meaning?"

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