Mysterious journey

Chapter 161 Starry Sky in the Dark Night 2

"Xianflan is a madman. If you can survive in his hands, it will definitely allow us to obtain more information about him. This will be beneficial to both of us who want to kill him." Clark said with a smile, "If possible , I don’t want to ruin a top fighter just like that. There are fewer and fewer people in this world who are worthy of my attention.”

Garen remained silent.

"You haven't thought about it yet?" Clark's sword tip fell to the ground, and white smoke suddenly erupted. "Moreover, I accidentally mastered a piece of information." He paused and lowered his voice.

"You seem to have joined a secret organization. Are you looking for something?" He said slightly doubtfully.

Garen's face darkened.

"You know too much"

boom! ! !

He disappeared instantly, and there was a rumble in the whole yard. A large pit exploded in the ground, and countless gravels flew away.

Bang! ! !

Clark's expression changed wildly, and countless red sand-like light spots suddenly lit up in front of him, which were the afterimages of countless sword tips drawn with a red sword.

The red dot and a black shadow collided violently, making a terrifying bombardment sound.

Clark blocked the bombardment with his whole body, but he only felt his arms numb, and he was actually shocked to the point of numbness.

A rumble and a loud noise came from the front.

"Shoot!!!" Clark roared in horror.

"He's too fast!!" The gunners of the two hunting teams also panicked, "Didn't I say he was very slow! How could he be so fast?!? Damn it!"

They only saw a black and gray shadow crashing into Clark continuously, and the terrifying crashes made everyone's feet numb, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

Clark's body was covered with red dots of light, and he was desperately trying to defend himself. He had no time to make any other moves. From the first time he was knocked out, he seemed to be the only one in the yard.

A black and gray figure kept surrounding him and bombarded him wildly. Hong Sha, the strongest defensive sword secretly taught by the Red Sand Sword, was actually completely defeated.

"Shoot! Shoot!!" Clark was about to collapse. He swung his sword with both arms again and again, with less force every time.

He is a top fighter who has perfected his speed and strength. Garen is not faster than him, but he can actually hit the tip of the sword with his fist! Every time he was hit, the opponent acted as if nothing had happened, but he was itching all over, and it was getting harder and harder to maintain his strength.

If he fails to catch it once, he will die!

There seemed to be an inexplicable fear growing in my heart. Clark used all his strength like never before. With his powerful dynamic vision, he could clearly see Garen rushing over again and again, punching, charging, and punching.

With only two movements, Garen's expression was indifferent, and he looked at himself as if he were looking at a dead person. It seems that nothing in the world can move him.

Every time he stepped on the ground, a large crater would explode, like a cannonball exploding, with countless gravel and soil flying everywhere.

Losita and Angela, another member of the Demon Elephant Gate, could only push away in shock. If they were even slightly closer, they would be injured by the gravel.

At this time, a huge piece of land was vacated in the center of the courtyard.

Clark stood alone in the middle, swinging his sword desperately, like a red cocoon. A gray and black ribbon was constantly fluttering around him, which was the link left by the afterimage of Garen's rapid movement.

Bang! !

Finally, Clark was hit by a palm on the waist, and his whole body flew away.

It crashed into the rockery of the pool in the yard. The entire gray stone rockery was smashed open, and a cloud of dust rose up.

Clark was lying on a pile of rocks holding his sword, coughing loudly, and blood was slowly flowing out of his eyes, ears and nose.

Bang bang! !

Two small gunshots finally sounded at the same time.


Two sparks exploded from Garen's chest, and there were two big holes in his suit.

He casually tore off his suit, and there were actually two blood holes in the skin on his chest, and a long purple-black bullet was inserted halfway into the skin.

"Injured." His chest muscles twisted, and the two bullets were automatically squeezed out of his body, falling to the ground and rolling away.

"It's worthy of a reward for being able to actually hurt me." A sinister smile slowly appeared on Garen's face.

Step down.

With a bang, a large piece of gravel jumped up on the ground, and a whip leg swept across it.

A large amount of gravel flew out like cannonballs, and a large number of subordinates of the Black Label Society of the Demon Elephant Gate fell down with a muffled sound.

The two hunting team gunners nimbly avoided the gravel, raised their guns and were about to shoot.

Roar! ! !

A huge elephant roar burst out from Garen's mouth, causing the gravel on the ground in the entire courtyard to jump.

The huge and terrifying sound waves rushed towards the two of them. The muscles of the two gunmen were numb, their hands suddenly shook, and the muzzles of their guns were raised. Bang bang! !

Two bullets missed directly.

Both of them had a look of fear on their faces.


There were two small popping sounds, and the two hunters rolled on the spot, avoiding the two pieces of gravel flying behind them, and fired two blind shots with their backhands.

The slap made Garen's wrist flicker and tilt slightly.

"Fuck me!!"

Clark shouted.

The two hunters immediately separated, each aiming at Garen from different directions.

At the same time, Clark and boxing champion Leo jumped towards Garen. Angela gritted her teeth and shook out two cold stars in her hand, shooting directly at Garen's vest.


The two rockets were fired at an unknown moment, trailing long white smoke from diagonally upward toward Garonne.

In an instant, enemies were attacking from all directions.

Somehow, surrounded by enemies, Garen suddenly recalled what Ansara said at the cliff.

"You are just like him back then." An Shaluo seemed to be recalling the past memories. "Back when Palosha had not yet become a boxing saint, he was just like you. He was invincible among the younger generation. Even compared with the older generation of fighters, he was not far behind. It's a pity."

"What's a pity?" Garen stared at him calmly.

"It's a pity that you don't have his grandeur."

"Grand and majestic?" Garen seemed to recall something. He raised his head and looked at the sky.

The starry sky at night is dotted with stars, and a majestic and vast feeling rushes towards you.

"Invincible, invincible." He murmured.

Boom! !

The rocket shells exploded loudly, and a large number of bullets hit Garon's position from all directions. The dense dust, soil and gravel were blown up. For a moment no one could see anything clearly.

Clark and boxing champion Leo stood there. They were originally just trying to prevent Garen from dodging, but the strange thing was that Garen didn't dodge.

Dust slowly fell.

Rosita stood far behind Angela, suddenly covering her mouth with her hands, looking at the scene in the center in disbelief.

Clark and Leo stood on the left and right, more than ten meters away from the explosion point, and the pupils in their eyes suddenly shrank.

The smoke dispersed, and a large pit with a diameter of several meters appeared on the ground where Garen was standing. However, Garen stood strangely on the edge of the pit, without any damage on his body.

He actually avoided the core explosion range at that moment, and the remaining explosion power did no harm to him at all.

"After this battle, I will challenge Palosha." Garon finished his words and disappeared from the spot.

At the same time, a black shadow flashed in front of Clark, and with a click, the sword in his hand was broken directly.

"Shamanra!!" Clark looked ferocious, and the remaining sword shattered like glass with a crash, turning into countless red fragments and exploding forward.

With a snap, a big blue and black hand reached over against the fragment and pressed hard on his forehead.

"No!!! I don't want to die! I don't want to die!!!" Clark looked crazy, and red scars suddenly appeared all over his body. Countless scars that were originally flesh-colored were instantly filled with blood, like countless blood-colored tattoos on his body. .

At this moment, when Clark's skull was almost crushed, a terrifying counter-shock force seemed to erupt from his whole body, and he struggled to break away from Garen's big hand, and a small piece of skin on his forehead was scratched by his nails.

Holding back the sharp pain in his head, Clark jumped upside down and turned over.

boom! !

He was hit hard by a slap on the body, and blood surged out of his throat. He used the force to fly up the wall, and his heart was filled with the shadow of fear of Garen. Without daring to look back, he ran into the darkness and quickly disappeared.

He was dead.

Garen calmly retracted his right palm, but was stopped by the hunter and boxing champion Leo, and two heavy machine guns fired at him wildly.

A large number of bullets splashed golden sparks on his body, and everyone felt a chill in their hearts. They watched Garen holding a machine gun and casually dealing with the long-range attacks of the hunter and the boxing champion Leo.

Seeing Clark escaping, it wasn't that Leo and the Hunter didn't want to leave, but they were completely locked into Garen's spirit and didn't dare to stop attacking. They could feel that the moment they stopped attacking, they were killed. .

They are not top fighters like Clark, and they do not have such terrifying vitality and explosive power.

All the people who attacked were panicked. The people from the Demon Elephant Sect were still holding back their fear and continued to attack because of the strict rules and disciplines. However, most of the people from the Black Label Society were martial artists who had committed crimes and simply could not withstand this kind of situation. Under the pressure of fear, someone suddenly retreated quietly from the yard.

The two heavy machine guns were controlled by four people, and the hands of those responsible for loading the ammunition chains were trembling. The shooter could barely hold down the muzzle of the gun, and a large number of bullets began to deflect and hit the wall behind Garen.

Boxing champion Leo and Hunter looked at the approaching Garen, with cold sweat breaking out on their faces, foreheads, and bodies. Some of the bullets that were deflected left streaks of blood on Leo's face.

The gun in his hand stopped unknowingly, and the two hunters were about to get close to each other. There were two booms and explosions, and the two men suddenly turned into two fireballs.

They carried a large amount of explosives with them and detonated the bombs themselves.

At this time, Galleon was still several meters away from the explosion range.

"They couldn't bear the pressure and chose to commit suicide."

Kobela, the general of the Nantian Holy Fist Sect, said in a harsh voice.

The flames ignited the houses on the side of the yard, and the red fire reflected on Garen's face, reflecting a strange red shadow.

He stood in front of the fire with his hands behind his hands, and suddenly looked at the boxing champion Leo on the side.

I don't know when the gunfire stopped.

Leo stared blankly at the figure in front of the fire, his whole body shaking uncontrollably, and with a plop, he suddenly fell to his knees.

The flames were burning right beside the two men, making the sound of crackling wood exploding.

"it's over"

Kebela looked at the figure in front of the fire, and his heart suddenly surged with excitement, and a rush of blood surged up.

"After this battle, I will be invincible!" He recalled the deeds of Palosha back then.

Suddenly he had the illusion of witnessing history! ! !

"He will become a new generation of Holy Fist!" Seeing the boxing champion Leo kneeling in front of Garen, an extremely exciting thought came to Kobera's heart.

Garen raised his head and looked at the dark night sky, as if he realized something for a moment.

Behind the fire, policeman Ganing stared blankly at the figure standing quietly in the field, and an unprecedented longing suddenly rose from the bottom of his heart.

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